A Journal of Prayer | Author
A Journal of Prayer
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25.01.2022 A prayer for 2017...
25.01.2022 Make prayer a priority in your life and leadership.
25.01.2022 To say, I must sin is to deny my Saviour. To say, I cannot sin is to deceive myself. To say, I need not sin is to declare my faith in divine power. (Commissioner Bramwell Tripp, quoted in That Contentious Doctrine, Melvyn Jones, 2015)
24.01.2022 God is in the business of strategically positioning us in the RIGHT PLACE at the the RIGHT TIME with the RIGHT PEOPLE, and PRAYER is our GPS. (Mark Batterson) #40DayPrayerChallenge
24.01.2022 In prayer have we learned the wonderful power of that phrase boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus? It means that we can talk to God as Jesus Christ did, but only through the right of His Atonement. We must never allow the idea that because we have been obedient, because our need is great, because we long for it, therefore God will hear us. There is only one way into the holiest, and that is by the blood of Jesus. (Oswald Chambers)
23.01.2022 We are not beggars on the one hand or spiritual customers on the other; we are Gods children, and we just stay before Him with our broken treasures or our pain and watch Him mend or heal in such a way that we understand Him better. (Oswald Chambers)
22.01.2022 One of the most important things any couple can do is to pray together. Prayer unifies you and touches the heart of God. Unfortunately, this is often one of the... biggest missed opportunities in marriage. Truthfully (and its embarrassing to admit as a pastor), Amy and I didnt pray together regularly in our early years of marriage. I always joked around that it was because it took Amy way too long to pray. Yes, she does pray some pretty long prayers (haha), but honestly this was just an excuse. Its easy for couples to come up with reasons not to pray together. One of the biggest reasons Ive heard is that many couples just dont know how to do it. Id suggest three tips to start praying together. First, keep it short. You dont have to pray a long time to move the heart of God and connect spiritually with your spouse. If you want to pray longer, please do. But by taking the pressure off, youre more likely to actually do it. Secondly, keep it consistent. I suggest you pray together at a similar time each day. It might be before a meal or before bed. For us, its generally right before I leave for work and right before I preach. Keep it short. Keep it consistent. And finally, if you miss one day, dont miss two. Dont beat yourself up if you dont have a perfect prayer record. If you miss a day, pick it back up the next day. I promise you, praying together will draw you closer to God and to each other. See more
21.01.2022 Sometimes people will say, All we can do now is pray. We need to remember, prayer should never be our last resort. It should always be our first line of offen...se. Our. God. Hears. Our. Prayers.
21.01.2022 The devil knows he cannot stop God from answering prayer. So he works hard to keep prayers from being prayed in the first place.
18.01.2022 "I do believe that the reason the prophets and apostles heard so much from God was that they listened so well." Bramwell Booth
17.01.2022 When we come into the presence of God, the human side of our praying makes us realize that if we are ever going to approach God and pray acceptably, it must be by the piece of God in us which He has given us. (Oswald Chambers)
16.01.2022 Long before you woke up this morning and long after you go to sleep tonight, the Holy Spirit was, is, and will be interceding for you. (Mark Batterson) #40DayPrayerChallenge
15.01.2022 "Dont pray polite prayers. Dont pray formal prayers. Pray honest prayers." Andy Stanley
15.01.2022 Martin Luther preached often on faith and prayer. He said, Faith prays in such a manner that it commits everything to the gracious will of God; it lets [God] determine whether it is conducive to his honor and to our benefit. Through My Father's Eyes - @Franklin_Graham
13.01.2022 So many of us limit our praying because we are not reckless in our confidence in God. (Oswald Chambers)
10.01.2022 Hudson Taylor wrote, Shall we not, each of us, determine to labor more in prayer; to cultivate more intimate communion with God by His help; thinking less of o...ur working and more of His working, that He may in every deed be glorified in and through us? Through My Father's Eyes - @Franklin_Graham See more
10.01.2022 Calling all prayer intercessors and warriors in EVD...
10.01.2022 Quit praying ASAP prayers, as soon as possible. start praying ALAT prayers, as long as it takes. (Mark Batterson) #40DayPrayerChallenge
10.01.2022 Prayer is the vital breath of Christians; not the thing that makes us alive, but the evidence that we are alive. (Oswald Chambers)
08.01.2022 Order your own shirt here. But be prepared to offer prayer! People will ask!
07.01.2022 Silence is anything but passive waiting. Its proactive listening. (Mark Batterson)
04.01.2022 "Paul relies for the 'success' of his missionary work not on the powers of rhetorical strategies and techniques, and certainly not on social or psychological fa...ctors. He relies on the power of God, which is present in the preaching of the gospel of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ. The 'proof' for the validity of the gospel of Jesus Christ is not to be found through the application of logical inference or deduction, or in mere rhetorical brilliance. The 'proof' for the truth of the gospel is to be found in the power of the Holy Spirit. When Paul proclaims the gospel, he speaks 'not with plausible words of wisdom,' but he relies on the 'demonstration of the Spirit and of power' (1 Cor 2:4). The preaching of the gospel is a demonstration effected by the Spirit and by the power of the presence of God. The powerful Spirit of God 'proves' the truth of the proclamation of God's redemptive revelation in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection in the hearts and minds of Jews and Gentiles, free and slaves, men and women...Since Paul does not rely on a 'method' understood in terms of 'a defined, and regular plan' for the success of his missionary preaching but, rather, on the power of God, he regularly asks for prayer (1 Thess 5:25, 2 Cor 1:11, Eph 6:19-20, Col 4:3-4, 2 Thess 3:1)." - Eckhard J. Schnabel See more
03.01.2022 Amen & Good Morning!
03.01.2022 The Almighty could intimidate us with His outside voice, but He woos us with a whisper. And His whisper is the very breath of life. (Mark Batterson)
02.01.2022 The Lord generously supplies wisdom to those who seek Him! Join us as we pray to Him today: ihopkc.org/prayerroom