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Divine Guidance & Usui Reiki Healing by Renae

Phone: +61 412 155 340


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24.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries - Water Signs Reading (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

21.01.2022 Pick a card Reveal 1. Angels of the Four Directions The light of an angel reaches out in every direction. upright or reversed, this indicates a powerful connection taking place at this time. The upright position reveals a dynamic presence of archangel Uriel and Raphael....Continue reading

21.01.2022 Collective Reading Donations are gratefully received to

20.01.2022 Weekly Water Sign Reading

20.01.2022 Super Full Moon in Aries 2nd October 2020 WST (Australia) It's the perfect time to contemplate our true purpose or mission in life. Are we aligning with our true purpose or are we left feeling unfulfilled with our current trajectory? ... What traumas from childhood are wounding us today? How can we help heal this wounding and how is it holding us back in our life? Aries, being the first of the zodiac, likes to take the lead, to take risks and are courageous in taking action. Where do you need to take the lead in your life? What is it you need to do that requires courage and take a risk? Are there situations in your life or patterns you stick to that are stopping you from forward movement? Now is a powerful time to contemplate what you really need to have around you, what needs to be released? Recent manifestations will happen quicker than expected. Everyone has shadow traits or aspects, can you face yours with courage and acceptance? If it harms others, can we consciously make a change in our interactions and actions towards others? This Super Full Moon in Aries is a powerful time to bring your subconscious actions/thoughts/feelings to the surface and courageously face them. Blessings of Love to you Lovely Souls Namaste, Rena'e

19.01.2022 Do you have any signs of blockages in your Chakras? I can help you work on and through these with Reiki healing. I help provide healing to clear the Chakras, aura and removing any attachments that are not for your highest good I offer both in person and distance healing. If you're curious about Reiki Healing, please check my reviews and make a booking with me

17.01.2022 Everything that has serves it’s purpose is leaving, let it go.

14.01.2022 What kind of rest do you need? For me number 9 today

14.01.2022 Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified of my newest uploads

14.01.2022 The "Secret" to Manifestation

14.01.2022 Absolutely agree

12.01.2022 Full Moon in Leo

12.01.2022 Healing Energy Tools

11.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries - Air Signs Reading (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

10.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries - Earth Signs Reading (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

08.01.2022 Weekly Reading Earth Signs

07.01.2022 I and other Psychic Mediums will be working to connect you with your loved ones - book in to this event to secure your place

06.01.2022 Weekly Reading Air Signs

06.01.2022 Thank you for visiting my page. I am humbled to share this journey with you. I am an experienced intuitive tarot reader and medium with over 15 years experience in reading cards. I am also a qualified Usui Reiki Master Practitioner and offer energy and chakra healing. I inherited my spiritual gifts and knowledge of tarot from my family lineage, who have passed down their wisdom and abilities through generations.... I have also gone through my own personal journey of healing which has helped me to refine and further develop my knowledge and skills. I am honoured to be of service to you and hope to share divine guidance, healing and light with you.

06.01.2022 I come off as Showy and Charismatic my character is Assertive and my inner soul is Peace Loving and Optimistic

04.01.2022 Hello Anthea, I am trying to find your request for an appointment, but FB is not showing it. Can you please message me so I can assist you?

04.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries - Fire Signs Reading (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

02.01.2022 Weekly Reading for Fire Signs

02.01.2022 Bookings for your 2021 Overview are now available from December Please contact me to book in, to avoid disappointment, as spots are limited

02.01.2022 Stormy Coast in WA

01.01.2022 October 2020- One In A Blue Moon Opportunities, Twists of Fate + Fortune, Finding the Balance + Grace Through the Madness Welcome to October 2020! You have now ...made it to the 10th month of this cray year of 2020! Pat yourself on the back. You are a survivor. October 2020 promises to be another wild month indeed. Rare occurrences of many kinds are on the table. We begin the month with a full moon and end with a full moon. Once in a Blue Moon events are in store! This is one of the most magical months of 2020! Prepare yourself as life is about to get even more wild and wacky( if you can imagine)! We begin the month of October, with a Full Moon at 9 degrees of Aries. Full Moons are always highly emotional and signify: manifestations, endings and completions. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is all about: passion, purpose, courage and aggression. The Aries Full Moon will bring sudden and explosive emotions to the surface. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, being the 1st sign. There will be a declaration of feelings that could be rather erratic and full on. The Aries Full Moon will also be conjunct retrograde Chrion, who is also in the sign of Aries. Retrograde Chrion in Aries conjunct the Full Moon will bring up our most repressed desires and instincts related to our past wounding. This could happen very quickly and without much warning. The lesson with these two together is around our ability to recognize that whatever caused this wound, could also be healed by our persistence and fortitude. We all have this inner warrior. This Full Moon will be the catalyst for us to recognize our brilliance within struggle. Instead of it defeating us, we can now recognize its presence to make us stronger and more resilient. On October 4th, Pluto, the planet of: death/rebirth, intensity, power and transformation, turns direct at 22 degrees of Capricorn. For the past 6 months that Pluto has been retrograde, there have been issues coming up around our sense of power and control. As the most powerful dwarf planet turns direct, the skeletons we dug up to analyze and probe within our psyches during his retrograde phase, could begin to make sense and be sorted. A cathartic release of structures could happen. Pluto direct in Capricorn wants to teach us how to honor this intense transformation of our purpose. It hasn't been easy but now as he moves direct, there will be some kind of reward and forward movement connected especially to our sense of order and power. On October 13th, Mercury, the planet of: the mind, communication and travel, turns retrograde at 11 degrees of Scorpio till November 3rd. The planet of the mind will retrograde back all the way to 26 degrees of Libra before turning direct. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will bring up the deepest and most profound opportunities for healing major issues deep within our core. Of course, people and situations from the past could show back up. There could also be issues with electronics and biz plans, so make sure to triple check things before responding to others. Mercury in Scorpio will demand we get real about what mental blocks sabotage our ability to go full out and be successful. Painful but truthful realizations could come to the surface to be purged. This is a great time to go within and heal past conversations connected to our: vulnerabilities, dependency on others and money issues. Moving to mid- month, on October 16th, we have the New Moon at 23 degrees of Libra. New Moons herald fresh energy and are known to produce: beginnings, initiations and fresh perspectives. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign, is all about: relationships, contracts and balance. The New Moon in Libra will be a time to begin new cycles around our partnerships and associations. Being ruled by Venus, the planet of: love, pleasure and joy, will make this a very promising and auspicious new moon. This is a great lunar cycle to beautify and bring peace back to our lives. La Luna in Libra is asking us to find our sacred sense of balance. Major new partnerships could form at this time. The sweetness of compromise and unity will be felt. On October 22nd, the Sun, which rules our: ego, life force and vitality, shifts from the air sign of Libra, over to the water sign of Scorpio. The Sun in Scorpio will bring our passions and deep sense of purpose to the surface. No other sign is as deep and committed as a Scorpio. Traumas that we have repressed for a long time will come to the surface to be healed. There is no running away... this time is about facing our demons and fears. The Sun in Scorpio will demand we get real and authentic. Finally,( know this is a long one, lol) on October 31st, we have the fated and rare, Blue Full Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. Blue Moons only happen every couple/few years. It's 2020 after all, so of course this year we will have one. Full Moons, as mentioned before, deal with: endings, manifestations and completions. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign, is all about: resources, self worth and values. The Blue Full Moon in Taurus will be extra special, because not only is it rare, but La Luna is exalted in the sign of Taurus. Exalted planets feel extra comfy and powerful. The Full Moon in Taurus will bring up our emotions connected to our money and what and whom we value most in life. If someone or something isn't bringing us a sense of security and stability, then they will likely end at this lunation. Retrograde Uranus, the planet of: surprises, shocks and enlightenment, also in the sign of Taurus, will conjunct the Full Moon. Retrograde Uranus conjunct the Full Moon in Taurus, could lead to wacky and wild occurrences with our: money, resources and energy. A sudden epiphany around who we are and what we stand for could come out of the blue. Be aware of any sudden electrical or mechanical issues at the time of this Full Moon since Uranus rules such things. October 2020 will be a month of many twists and turns, yet there is an air of brilliance and the miraculous present as well. Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any wilder( wait for November + December) this month will test your ability to keep going no matter what life throws at you. Many sudden realizations are in store this month, so instead of resisting them, practice allowing and receiving. This is one of my most powerful messages. When you can truly allow and receive without any previous attachments or preconceived notions, the universe shows you magic + miracles . All of that magical + miraculous energy was within you the whole time. It isn't dependent on outside circumstances. This is the lesson of October 2020. October 2020 is here to bring: fiery emotions to the surface to be transformed, the acknowledgement of your own sense of power, and the continued ability to be able to deal with the unknowns of life with grace and resilience. If you are interested in how October 2020 and beyond will personally affect you, please check out my site for a list of my personal astrology and tarot readings: Your support and love of Astromomma means so much to me, especially as I know it's a tough time for many at the moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued love and trust! Astromomma, 2020 Image: "Cerebral Dysfunction" Callie Fink Art #astrologyupdates #astrologyposts #october #onceinabluemoon #wewillgetthroughthis

01.01.2022 Need some healing? Comment below to be added to my list for a Group Reiki Healing in the next 24 hours #healing #reiki #chakras #align #aura #spirit #Spirituality #usui #love #cleanse #clear

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