Disabled and Neurodiverse Workers' Alliance | Community organisation
Disabled and Neurodiverse Workers' Alliance
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25.01.2022 DNWA expresses solidarity with HACSU members and supports workers at Mambourin Enterprise, an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE), against the application to Fair Work to terminate the current EBA. Mambourin is hiding behind the NDIS - claiming there is not enough money to fairly pay their workers.
25.01.2022 REMINDER: DO NOT donate to, seek information from, or associate with Autism Speaks. They subscribe to the medical model and believe autism is something to be fixed. They have recently teamed up with Google on what is essentially a eugenics program. [Image description: screenshot from the website of a company called "MSSNG" that details their goal of using Google Cloud to store the DNA sequences of 10,000 families in order to find treatments and cures for autism.]
24.01.2022 Solidarity with AUWU and unemployed workers! Scott Morrison has refused to suspend mutual obligations for Newstart recipients while we are under a state of emergency and a public health crisis. AUWU have asked us to help put the pressure on Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Michaela Cash, by phoning her office and telling her that we need to suspend mutual obligations to save lives and keep the risk of a dangerous outbreak to a minimum.... Michaela Cash Contact Info: Electorate Office (Principal Office) 44 Outram Street West Perth, WA, 6005 Postal address PO Box 1966 West Perth, WA, 6872 Telephone: (08) 9226 2000 Fax: (08) 9226 2211 Parliament Office PO Box 6100 Senate Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6277 7610 https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian
24.01.2022 Yes, suspend deliveries and choose 7-8am for Vulnerable Hour. Obviously because 7-8am is when literally nobody chooses to do shopping. This helps noone especially when we are self-isolating due to fear that COVID-19 will exacerbate our preexisting conditions. Try speaking to disabled people before you decide whats best for us.
23.01.2022 Jobseekers on Newstart!! You can get a 14 day exemption from your requirements if you call your service provider
23.01.2022 If you haven’t signed this petition to #RaiseTheDSP please sign it now and share it with people you know. Disabled people should not be left behind during COVID-19. https://www.megaphone.org.au//raisethedsp-now-equality-for
22.01.2022 ACTU statement on disabled workers from their 2018 conference: https://www.actu.org.au//103/workers-with-a-disability.pdf It covers supported wage system, NDIS, disability leave (as opposed to sick leave and flexible work arrangements), superannuation, injured workers and ACTU's guiedline for organising disabled workers.
21.01.2022 People are asking about evacuation of people with disability and health conditions. Some details in SMH about evacuation of vulnerable people from Mallacoota here: https://www.smh.com.au//naval-ship-to-arrive-at-mallacoota
19.01.2022 Here's our statement on COVID-19, how it especially affects our community who are some of the most vulnerable to the virus, and our demands in protecting worldwide public health. In the comments we will link some community led fundraisers and support groups. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any concerns or require any assistance during this time. Our direct messages are open to any who needs support whether it be advice, a person to talk to or practical help such...Continue reading
19.01.2022 The "Bigots Bill" being pushed by the Federal Government will provide bigots with exemptions from Disability Discrimination laws. It's outrageous and dangerous.... Don't let the Federal Government give free rein to bigots. Actions are being planned in many communities. A Melbourne rally is planned for 9 February: https://www.facebook.com/events/2575128075939238/ A Sydney rally is planned for 8 February: https://www.facebook.com/events/2451532181621788/ The Perth rally is planned for 8 February: https://facebook.com/events/s/no-right-to-discriminate-2/980432325668197/ The Adelaide rally is planned for 25 January: https://facebook.com/events/s/protest-against-the-religious-/2512457325501732/ #fightbackwithRAFFWU #blockthebigotsbill
18.01.2022 #PayTheRent https://www.invasionday.org/pay-the-rent-campaigns [Image Description: list of groups you can pay the rent to.... Account name: Pay the rent (Victoria) BSB: 313-140 Account number: 12236481 Account name: Victorian Aboriginal Funeral Fund BSB: 313-140 Account number: 12237641 Account name: Grandmothers against Removals BSB: 313-140 Account number: 12236481 STOP ADANI Account name: wangan Jagalingou Trad. Owners Aboriginal Corporation BSB: 034-003 Account number: 278038 Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance (VIC) Account name: RISE WAR BSB: 013-128 Account Number: 220584933 South Coast Bush Fire Relief & Recovery Service https://au.gofundme.com/f/south-coast-bush-fire-relief-amp- Justice for Yuendumu: Inquiry on Police Shooting https://ie.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-yuendumu-inquiry-on-p ]
18.01.2022 3CR has 12 hours of Power from the Margins planned for this Tuesday the international day of disabled persons. Check it out!
17.01.2022 Our next online meeting is next Tuesday 17th at 7pm, so if you want to get involved make sure you fill out the contact form by then so we can send you the details https://dnworkersalliance.wordpress.com/contact-us/
17.01.2022 our Very Cool government is getting rid of the following centrelink benefits in March 2020: Newstart Allowance Sickness Allowance Wife Pension... Bereavement Allowance and turning it into: JobSeeker allowance Very Cool that this has been snuck past us and now we only have 3 months to campaign against this - over our holidays as well! They have planned for us to miss this, but we won't let it slip by unnoticed. https://www.humanservices.gov.au//centre/jobseeker-payment
16.01.2022 PSA You can join DNWA here: https://dnworkersalliance.wordpress.com/contact-us/
16.01.2022 If you are wondering what your work rights are during COVID-19, then head to the link below. We have put together a document in Plain English that explains what your rights are. Please contact us if you have any questions http://dnwa.org.au/work-rights-during-covid-19/
16.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL DNWA MEMBERS AND ALLIES We've set up a GoFundMe to help us get off the ground. Our organisation is only a few months old so we need to drum up support and increase our reach so we can fight for disabled and neurodiverse workers' rights!... As we are working in a purely voluntary capacity (membership is free), we are raising funds to help us get off the ground. These funds will cover our basic operational and marketing costs such as: -website and domain hosting ($130 per year) -email hosting (~$45/month) -PO box (~$200/year) -printing business cards, flyers, stickers and other promotional materials -internet advertising to raise awareness for our campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Please share with your networks to increase our reach! Especially since the Facebook algorithm isn't very fond of these kinds of posts...
15.01.2022 There are some handy resources here for anybody you know living with a disability during bushfire season.
15.01.2022 Next weekend - Sunday 1st December at 9:15am, tune into the Alternative News on 3CR where we will be discussing the social model of disability and the DNWA's goals & priorities. Tune to 855 AM (if in Victoria) or listen online here: https://www.3cr.org.au/streaming A post-broadcast recording will also be available here: https://www.3cr.org.au/alternativenews
14.01.2022 Attached is DNWA's statement on Invasion Day. We have also drafted an email for our members and other members of our community to send to the team behind International Day of People with a Disability (IDPwD) that explains why they should not be promoting the celebration of "Australia Day". This is a good opportunity to make our voices heard in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - especially for those of us in our community who are unable to attend rallies..., etc! Instructions on emailing IDPwD, our email template and a PDF of DNWA's statement can be found here: https://dnworkersalliance.wordpress.com/invasion-day-2020/ #AbolishAustraliaDay #InvasionDay2020 #PayTheRent [Image Description: DNWA's statement on Invasion Day 2020 condemning the celebration of colonisation and genocide.]
14.01.2022 What is the social model of disabilities? The social model acknowledges that disability is a social category, not a medical category. It frames disability as something that exists based on social organisation and interactions. Rather than disability being something that should be fixed or cured, it focuses on what barriers stop a person from accessing the spaces they need. DNWA subscribes to the social model and aims to improve accessibility in the communities it engages with. DNWA also acknowledges that since capitalism has caused the standardisation of our bodies and commodification of labour, capitalism and disablism are inseparable and that disability rights are vital for the movement against capitalism and for better working conditions. https://dnworkersalliance.wordpress.com/about-us/
13.01.2022 For anyone who listened to the radio show today, you would've heard Lia talking about the "Supported Wage System". This is essentially legalised wage theft where employers can hire "independent assessors" to evaluate a worker's productivity. This is only legal because disabled workers are seen as less than ableds. Inaccessible working conditions are the ONLY reason for less productivity of disabled workers. ... Australia's true minimum wage is less than newstart, its $87 per week. https://www.fairwork.gov.au//employees-with-disability-pay
13.01.2022 Dont forget!! Tomorow at 9.15am on 3CR. You can always stream it later on if 9.15am on Sunday morning is too early for you and thanks to CICD - Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament for hosting us!
12.01.2022 Come along to an organising meeting hosted with the Victoria Division of the Australian Unemployed Workers Union to plan united action against the introduction of independent assessments to the NDIS. All are welcome! For more info, you can DM us, or send us an email at [email protected]
11.01.2022 The Payment Integrity Bill cuts income support payments to pensioners and some people accessing Newstart, Austudy, Youth Allowance, and Sickness Allowance. These cuts would be realised via three measures: 1. Extending the residency requirements to access the Age and Disability Support pensions;... 2. Cutting the GST Supplement paid to pensioners who have leave Australia for six weeks or more; and 3. Doubling the Liquid Assets Waiting Period from 13 to 26 weeks. These measures are expected to cut $291.5 million from income support over the forwards. https://www.acoss.org.au/media-releases/
11.01.2022 CALL OUT : We are looking for people who are on the NDIS or are concerned about the introduction of NDIS independent assessments next year. If you feel comfortable sharing your personal experiences, or want to help us better understand the problems facing disabled people accessing the NDIS please contact us at [email protected] or send us a DM. After a slight hiatus due to COVID-19, DNWA is back in action and looking to hold a forum between different organisations, activists and allies to swap ideas for possible action against these changes in Melbourne/Victoria. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in getting involved!
11.01.2022 [IMAGE DESCRIPTION: DNWA's logo. It is a red circle with an image in the centre of an outline of the side of a wheelchair. Underneath this is the text "Disabled and Neurodiverse Workers' Alliance"]
10.01.2022 Join DNWA now - https://dnworkersalliance.wordpress.com/contact-us/ [IMAGE DESCRIPTION: White background with yellow border on the sides with the words DISABILITY RIGHTS ARE WORKERS' RIGHTS in the centre in yellow. At the bottom is the tagline Disabled and Neurodiverse Workers' Alliance, our twitter hand @dnw_alliance and our email [email protected]
08.01.2022 Shame. https://www.theguardian.com//ndis-minister-claims-no-one-h
08.01.2022 3CR runs a 12 hour program dedicated to disability justice every year on International Day of People with a Disability. Make sure you set aside some time to tune in https://fb.me/e/3v2mWCxKK
07.01.2022 Saying again, because it bears repeating. Next time some tool tries to claim that people are living the high life, bludging on the dole.. Show them this! Liste...n mate, I'm sure you hate your fuckin job, like most people do. Maybe even your boss, and would rather not go to work ever again. But life on Newstart for any length of time is totally debilitating and to lump shame on people who are unemployed is just fucking cruel! #WelfareIsNotADirtyWord #RaiseWelfarePaymentsNow https://www.theguardian.com//senseless-cruelty-peak-welfar
06.01.2022 The definition of what is and isnt impairment shrink or expand depending on how the government wishes to manipulate unemployment rates. What is disability is constantly being redefined. It is beneficial for the government to move DSP recipients onto Newstart (soon to be Jobseeker) for a whole lot of reasons: 1) cheaper fortnightly benefits... 2) less demand on NDIS and other support services you can access through DSP 3) turns us into jobseekers. That means we have to find employment through Disability Employment Services (DES) that do not provide supportive and accessible environments. Essentially just another job service provider. 4) More potential workers for Work for the Dole which is essentially free labour. Although employment through supportive services may end up being just as exploitative through the wage assessment clause in the Supportive Employment Services Award, Work for the Dole fills roles that could be permanent paid positions without having to provide supportive, accessible work conditions. 5) the more people you have that are unemployed, the smaller the inflation rate - so there is always an incentive to keep unemployed people out of work
06.01.2022 DNWA endorses the national day of action on climate change. The climate crisis affects our health through rising temperatures and bushfire smoke, it puts our lives in danger when we have inaccessible emergency information, and we are one of the first groups to have support cut from us. We are targeted by "overpopulation" rhetoric that is just eugenics in disguise. We are also demonised by "waste-free" lifestylers since we cannot choose to live the way they do. DNWA supports t...he following demands from Climate Justice Alliance: 1. 100% renewable energy No new fossil fuel or nuclear projects. End subsidies to these industries. Zero emissions by 2030. Build a 100% publicly owned renewable energy system by 2030. Phase out fossil fuel industries by 2030. 2. A just transition for communities and guaranteed jobs for affected fossil fuel workers. Fund good low emissions jobs in transport, manufacturing, disaster relief, health, education, energy and climate adaptation 3. Fund our firies support communities and affected animals. Increase funding and resources to cope with longer and more intense fire seasons. Pay rural firefighters and reverse cuts to parks and fire services. Guaranteed homes and jobs for fire-affected communities. Guaranteed funding and support for all animals affected by the fires. 4. First nations justice. Funding for Indigenous-led land management with jobs on country to repair ecosystems, reduce emissions and reduce fire risk. Land and water rights for Indigenous peoples. 5. Make the Climate Criminals pay - Put a levy on fossil fuel companies. They should pay for the crisis they created.
05.01.2022 Anyone with any experience with job service providers for disabled people? Please comment below or DM the page with your storiesAnyone with any experience with job service providers for disabled people? Please comment below or DM the page with your stories
05.01.2022 Dolly Parton is hard at work this International Day of Disabled Persons #idpwd19. She wants everyone to know that accessible work conditions will be fought by the workers, so join your union! Dolly knows exactly what it takes to keep up with 9-5 work hours and we're not gonna stand for that! Image descriptions: First image is of Dolly Parton using a typewriter in a red office. She is looking up at the camera and smiling and a piece of paper is hanging out of the typewriter with the words 'THE FUTURE IS ACCESSIBLE' printed on it. Second image is of Dolly Parton sitting at a desk in an office. She is on the phone and has a pen in her hand as if she is taking notes from an important call. Behind her is a framed posted with the words 'JOIN YOUR UNION' printed on it.
04.01.2022 "The re-channelling of the $3.9 billion of NDIS funding was revealed when Mr Morrison announced a $5 billion Drought Future Fund this week, aimed at trying to d...rought-proof the farming sector." This isn't relief, this isn't "drought-proofing". This is stealing out of the pockets of disabled Australians to subsidize unsustainable private agribusiness. Shame.
02.01.2022 We have an online meeting tonight at 7pm! Send us a message for the details if you haven't already received an email from us.
02.01.2022 Until March 2020, if you become too sick to work or study (but can return to work or study when you recover) you can receive a Sickness Allowance to tide you ov...er. After March 2020, you will have to go on Newstart (but it won't be Newstart: it will be called a "jobseeker payment"). If this concerns you as someone who has previously received/is currently receiving a Sickness Allowance, please comment below and/or message this page and we will be in contact with you! We need to get the word out and into the media as soon as possible. At the very least, we need to force the Department to give us all more information about these significant changes.
02.01.2022 We now have a twitter too if you would prefer to follow us there instead of on Facebook! https://twitter.com/dnw_alliance
02.01.2022 We encourage all disabled people looking for work to join AUWU
01.01.2022 11,000 climate "scientists" are now advocating for eugenics. capitalists would rather choose who deserves to live, die or have children than cut back on consumption. I'm sure a lot of us saw this coming, but we need to fight back against these narratives - stronger, harder and united! https://www.bloomberg.com//scientists-call-for-population-
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