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Dr Paul Robinson

Phone: +61 3 9439 3562


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25.01.2022 And here we go again... Swab request forms to be signed for the local fever clinic. #fml

24.01.2022 That’s a wrap! ...well, maybe for the working week. Back again tomorrow to do it all again.... Thanks for having us back, Eltham. Like we never left. Xx

23.01.2022 Don’t give up, Melbourne! We were lulled in to a false sense during our first lockdown, because it seemed to ‘work’ very fast. Also, when we do something particularly difficult, such as a tough lockdown, we feel we should be able to expect fast results. It’s natural.... Community spread is far greater now, so we are forced to herd cats more in trying to change a diverse population’s behavior. It’s so incredibly tough to do, especially when total whack jobs still insist on saying this is a hoax. We must push on, numbers are stabilizing, things are looking positive. Don’t pay much attention to single daily numbers, the devil is always in the detail. It all depends how many tests were done, and what the proportion of those tests are positive, not a single number of 530, or 460 etc etc. This is a really trying time, let’s dig in. We really have no option at this point. I keep thinking back to the memes going around about people born in 1900, at age 18 they went through a horrendous world war, then the flu pandemic, then within 7 yrs the Great Depression, then world war II. I’ve lived a pretty peaceful untroubled life, so I take strength knowing I can push through this wretched pandemic.

21.01.2022 Good to be back! We had a full day today, and unfortunately Friday and Saturday are booked solid too. Next week still has a few gaps, so if you would like to have a treatment, you’re very welcome to visit us in the new location!... #normallife

20.01.2022 Look I don’t want to get political. But I am going to get political. 1. Masks stop your spit and breath aerosols spreading to others. Masks do protect the wearer, but they protect people around the wearer more. So if we all wear one, we will protect each other. It’s a nice thing to do, so just humour us. ... 2. Can you imagine a micro surgeon or plastic surgeon performing surgeries for 6+ hours in a mask, if that mask affected their blood oxygen levels significantly? Dangerously low blood oxygen causes confusion and agitation - would this be a great combination during critical surgery? I don’t think so. To all those people holding random probes up to their mouths while wearing a mask, supposedly showing reductions in air oxygen concentration: the only value that matters is your blood oxygen concentration. I saw a plumber on you tube trying to tell us masks are bad, by shoving some probe behind his mask that he uses in his job to measure gas levels in sewerage pipes (hope he washed it), in order to show oxygen levels behind his mask were dangerously low!! People need to stick to their lanes. I don’t know anything about plumbing, so I’m guessing you don’t know much about medicine. 3. It’s getting tiresome hearing individuals blaming the government. But.... If you are a security guard charged with the job of keeping quarantined individuals in a hotel from leaving, and then think it’s appropriate to have sex with one of them, then the problem doesn’t lie with the government. If you go to a country town after you’ve had your test for COVID-19 (which then returns a positive result), or if you go to the shops after you’ve been tested for coronavirus, the problem is YOU, not the government. Our government has made mistakes, but I tell you what, from what I am hearing from doctors overseas? You’d be in no other country, but Australia. To everyone who is trying to help and do their part. You are doing such an important thing. It cannot be overstated and the medical community owe you a big thank you. We appreciate it very much.

20.01.2022 I’d like a second opinion, thanks! You’d think they’d vet these people better before they stand them up in front of an audience to obliterate what modicum of a reputation they once had. This doctor is an embarrassment. She needs her registration rescinded. ...

19.01.2022 That’s a wrap, folks. One of the busiest days of my injecting life draws to a close yesterday! 1ml of perfect lip in a syringe for this lovely client of mine today. She was nervous, but handled it like a boss!!... Please stay healthy and do whatever you need to do to look after your well-being. I will let you all know in due course when we can see each other again. On the other side of the lockdown, Phenotype will have had her own face lift and will be freshly located. But you never heard that from me. #juliehornelips #juliehornetechnique Xx

18.01.2022 Gosh this second lock down has been tough, hasn’t it. I find myself looking to nature for encouragement. With the weather being so beautiful today, and our fruit tree beginning to bloom, spring, warmer weather and hopefully happier times for our Melbourne are just around the corner. #fool?... #hopeful #spring See more

18.01.2022 Could we get a little excited?

17.01.2022 Remembering simpler times. This was a full face rejuvenation I performed. She appears refreshed and natural. ... This is the kind of treatment people would tell you: ‘You look great, what have you been doing?’ ...and all you need say is, ‘just a restful holiday’.

16.01.2022 We need a puppy picture, now, to balance the books. Alby is a dainty little eater. He eats a bit then goes away and comes back and eats some more. Versus Miss Molly, who (I can’t imagine who she may have learnt this from) inhales her food. ... They are little people with fur, these puppies. And they are just perfect.

13.01.2022 We have been toiling, touching up, and icing metaphorical cakes to make our new clinic feel intimate but professional. No one knows what they’re doing at the moment with shut down. We are no different. Perhaps we may be allowed to open sooner, but whatever happens, this new clinic comes pretty close to our forever home. And you’re all very welcome.

12.01.2022 More hope, everyone.

12.01.2022 Melbourne - thank you!! They are hot, bad breath catchers and just plain awful to wear for long periods, but as a city, you’ve just done what needs to be done. Thank you so very much for making this annoying change. ... As my dear old Dad used to say, the good times never last forever, but neither do the bad times. We take one day at a time, and eventually we will look back and laugh at all the stories from these stupid bloody masks. Please stay safe and well, and I am hoping and praying we can see fruits of our labors soon! Xx

12.01.2022 Happiest of birthdays, Tim. My partner in crime, if crime were watching Escape to the Country on a Saturday night, and then heading to bed by 9pm. Thank you for being you. For all the help you give me when the seemingly small things in life cause me to lose the will to live.... I love you very much. T is for Tim, indeed. Xx

11.01.2022 I was 30 once, and I couldn’t imagine that a member of the common cold family of viruses would land me in intensive care at that age. And in calling it a member of the common cold family, I don’t wish to diminish the SARS-COV-2 virus. Indeed, it is partly what makes this virus so wildly perplexing. But make no mistake, it is a common cold virus which has clearly acquired some new skills; always a possibility with any virus. ... That 30 yr old will probably get out of ICU and recover, especially with our remarkable doctors and nurses taking care of them... ...but if you’ve needed life support for any reason, you’re not just hopping off your ventilator and on to a train to work the next day. You’ve got a long recovery ahead of you. Just listen and follow the rules. Please. #gettingdespertae

11.01.2022 Lip treatment for this truly delightful young lady. Subtle, enhanced, youthful but certainly not gaudy or distracting. Yes, these are swollen to some extent. ... I am in Eltham one last time, Wednesday 23rd next week, with only a couple of appointments available in the afternoon. Then, I am taking a slightly longer break from Christmas to January 20th. So, if you’re keen, i look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for the year’s support. Merriest of Christmases to you. I sincerely hope it’s a peaceful one for you. Xx

08.01.2022 If you have an appointment at Phenotype this week, we can see you! Beauty is open and I am seeing injectable clients and we can also see our fat freezing clients too. We are thrilled and can not wait to see you all.... Reminder texts will come out, please reply if you could! 9439 3562

08.01.2022 We’ve landed in a beautiful part of the world. We don’t want to leave. We will plan for a Christmas break back here in paradise. ... Thank you for having us. Xx

07.01.2022 We all know them, with their puerile conspiracy theories. Enough, already!! I’m almost certain that Bill Gates isn’t trying to control you via a vaccine. ... I recently had someone decry the ingredients of vaccines, while not seeing the irony in having Botox in their face!! While another said Covid is a money making exercise! I mean I’ve just sent out a bloody email to our client list thanking them for their support and telling them about our specials, and not 48hrs later we are closed for 6 weeks. Who’s making the money, lol, cause it ain’t me Your arguments exhaust me, and your ignorance is breathtaking. We are all tired and we need to try adulting. Just follow the bloody rules. Just do it. For once, listen and know you’re not an expert. Suit up, Melbourne, and if you have friends or family who refuse to adult, then give them a mouthful. They deserve it.

05.01.2022 Oh Lordy. He’s gonna catch something other than coronavirus. Big old tinea spot on the top of his nose!!

05.01.2022 Well, almost!! Fingers crossed, from the week beginning October 26th, I am able to see clients again. I am only able to perform treatments where clients can continue to wear a mask through the treatment. ... Essentially, this means filler for lower face is not an option, but anti wrinkle for forehead, crows feet and frowns is perfectly fine! DM me if you’d like an appointment, I can see you in my clinic in Eltham on Wednesday 28th October Friday 30th October Saturday 31st October 9439 3562.

05.01.2022 Why? What would be the point? Well, because we will then become immune and move on with our lives.... If only it were that simple, young grasshopper. There is some preliminary evidence that immunity to this virus doesn’t last very long. So what happens if you get it a second, third or fourth time? We actually don’t know. We know very little, other than the past 6-8 months we’ve just been through. What I do know is, there are young people with strokes from this virus, or those who remain breathless and exhausted weeks after ‘recovering’. If we let this thing rip, our doctors and nurses - years of medical training that will take more years to replace - will get sick too and may die. Can we afford to risk that intellectual capital in order to save, oh I don’t know, perhaps a millennial who felt it was their birth rite to go to a rave party? Or a middle aged white woman at Bunnings who as a ‘living woman’ feels it’s her right to behave like a petulant child? Truth is, we don’t know why one 18 year old nearly dies of this, while others barely know they’ve got it, and yet some suggest popping all our eggs in the herd immunity basket? Let ‘er rip, they shout! Anyone who saw 60minutes tonight may have seen the economist, Assoc. Prof Gigi Foster suggesting we let the virus rip. Everything I’ve said above should tell her she should stick to economics and leave the health decisions to the health experts. I don’t think I can imagine a more complex medical and socio-political predicament than the one in which we find ourselves currently. It’s truly mind boggling. Letting it rip is a little too obtuse for my liking. Next!

05.01.2022 Cause Most of what I do relates to beauty and I’ve been told to close. Cause I can’t guarantee our safety. While numbers of sick people are rising, and while what we know about numbers today is already a week old, I can’t be sure that you and I won’t get this virus from each other.... I keep hearing the tired argument that Covid19 is such a mild illness. There are two things this argument forgets: 1. This is a new virus. We hardly know anything about it; particularly why it makes some people so sick, while others barely know they’ve got it. We are learning on the hop about how the virus works. 2. When the virus started spreading, NO-ONE on earth had had it before, so none of us were immune. There are 25million people in Australia. Even if the kill rate of this virus is 1%, that is 250,000 Australians that will die if everyone catches it. More will die if we all get sick at the same time. Look, I have a medical degree and a PhD in biochemistry. I know a fair bit about the human body. But I am not a specialist in viruses or epidemics. So, I trust the experts in these fields who know far more than I do. Let’s commit to listening. Be humble enough to know what we don’t know, and rely on those who actually do know it. Stay home, wear masks wherever you can and just heed medical advice. That’s why I’m closed.

04.01.2022 I’m currently reading an article from a reputable intensive care website called ‘Life in the fast lane’. The article focuses on current treatments - good and bad - for COVID-19 patients. The extraordinary claims that certain medications ‘cure’ COVID-19 are to be treated with the skepticism they deserve. It’s about as fanciful as saying ‘eventually the virus will just disappear and everything will go back to normal’. So many have an agenda to push. For some it’s political ex...pediency - ‘I’ve got an election to win’. For others, they supplant the seemingly evil intentions of ‘big pharma’ with their own money-making intent, by directing followers to buy so called natural products from their online stores - Hey, these snake oil merchants have mortgages too! Turmeric is a perfect example. There is hardly a malady that turmeric can’t fix - or so I’m told. Is turmeric good for you? Probably. Is vitamin C good for you? Undoubtedly. But if you believe that a single vitamin, mineral or supplement will protect you from a virus that your immune system has never seen before, then you are dangerously mistaken. No supplement can make your immune system do what it was never designed to do. And so, with all our mod cons and technological innovations, our best protection from this virus has frustratingly come down to a simple principle first put by Louis Pasteur in the 19th century - germ theory. So, stay home, wash your hands and wear a mask.

04.01.2022 We are having Entrecote at home! You get all the ingredients delivered to your door, cooked to varying degrees. Quite easy and that green sauce. I’d hook it up to an IV but I wouldn’t be able to taste it!!... This is life in lockdown, it’s Friday night and we are home. Tim and I wish you a nice weekend doing not much at all, gardening, reading, and of course my favourite pass time - eating!!! Ps. Wear your bloody masks, not least because of the obvious, but as a stroke of serendipity, they provide adequate cover for furtive greasy looks at whomever you like.

03.01.2022 Tim received a ‘thank you’ food hamper in the mail from a recruitment company. I’m mowing through it. You’re welcome, recruitment company. You’re welcome.

03.01.2022 We are looking like we will be able to open, potentially this coming week (week beginning Monday 26th), but if not then, we will almost certainly be able to open the week after (week beginning Monday 2nd November). Tomorrow’s announcement will shed some light, we hope. I am almost booked out this coming week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) with clients who booked weeks ago, when it was first suggested we’d re open 26th October. I will stay back later if I need to, in order to... fit people in, and of course there will always be the following weeks, too. If you’d like to cancel or re book your appointment this week, please PM me, just so I can get other clients in who are wanting to see me. I’m really sorry we’ve been closed so long. I just can’t afford a hefty fine for re opening, when we have been told we can’t. We can’t wait to see you all again. Xx

02.01.2022 And Christmas is upon us once again. This year, like every other, has gone by so fast, notwithstanding the difficulties. My sincerest hope is that you get a break. Not just from doing stuff, but a break from thinking, over thinking and all of your anxieties.... Letting go and rolling with it is not something that has arrived at my door step on a silver platter, but sometimes the choice is taken out of your hands. So, roll with it. Stick to your task and if all you can do is breathe, just do that. We are all in that moment at some point, where all the energy we can muster is for the passive, rhythmic mechanics of breathing. Merry Christmas. Xx

02.01.2022 1/2ml hydration for these lips. Lip filler starting at $350. Merry Christmas.

01.01.2022 1ml filler for these lips. We injectors can just tell when a set of lips are going to look amazing, and these gorgeous lips were always going to pop, because the underlying shape is already there, they just needing hydration and enhancement.

01.01.2022 Merry Christmas! We are at our local wine bar, getting sufficiently lubricated for Santa. Summer Skins Rose in the slowest of sips, I promise.... God, I wish you all a better next few weeks than our most recent ones. Xx

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