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Dog Communicator in Mandurah, Western Australia | Pet service

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Dog Communicator

Locality: Mandurah, Western Australia

Phone: +61 418 945 404


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25.01.2022 Just thought I’d show you all this good looking young man named shadow , super social just pulled like a train and bounced around when he saw another dog , nice easy fix for the pack and there helper BREED , long haired or woolly malamute .

25.01.2022 Managed to capture the first moment that tonka decided Jazz was ok to join the pack , mind you took him a week to acknowledge her presence

24.01.2022 The big girl with the pink collar is our latest edition to the pack , came out of pound on Friday , her new name is jasmine or jazzy , so day three and as you can see she is gaining her confidence around the other hooligans, over the years I’ve found the most amazing dogs in pound , grand champion show ring dogs , highly pedigree four thousand dollar dogs , and of course all the usual back yard puppies who are just as important, I gave up wondering why years ago or it would drive you crazy . Turns out after some detective work I do know her breeder and I have worked with her big brother Angus who is enormous , Jazz is only a dainty sixty six kilos .

24.01.2022 First day at work for jazz , the little English Staffy is Hugo and he was on leash in this park and was attacked by a of leash GSD with his owner three hundred metres away shouting those usual words , ( don’t worry my dog’s friendly) anyway that one attack was enough to give Hugo fear aggression with any dog running up to him , so the pack worked him for two hours building his confidence and keeping him below threshold level, so at least now his humans can introduce him to other dogs in there family.

24.01.2022 Every day I love working with Human and dog Aggressive dogs just the most rewarding time , but still very happy when people bring me a cute puppy to play with , this is six month old Dakota who is pushing the boundaries with her human slaves .

24.01.2022 Ok last e collar video , my aim here was to try and show people obedience training with e collar has nothing to do with causing pain , in obedience I wouldn’t even dream of using the vibration button because working level stem is so much more sensitive , obviously I don’t need a e collar to train a dog , in this park I have eight of leash dogs completely under voice control , as you know seven of these dogs would now be dead or living in a kennel if I hadn’t taken them , the ...collar is my safety net just in case a off leash dog appears and runs at us it’s keeping us safe and other dogs safe , and I only ever go to a of leash park if it’s empty and I stay close to the van , every day people message me about being attacked by of leash dogs in parks and I never want to be in that position or put other people’s dogs in that position , final words never buy a cheap e collar , only ever buy dogtra product or Ecollar technology mini educator . Stay away from all sport dog collars they are not sensitive enough for family pet dog training and always do your research or find someone who has a working knowledge of how two use them properly. Available on line from edog Perth . See more

23.01.2022 Today in pound only three dumped dogs , in cage this big guy sounded like he wanted to eat me but he was just scared his name is tiger and I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard his story , husband goes fifo , dog gets to big , dog gets dumped .

23.01.2022 This was pretty special today , this eighty kilo monster was attacked badly in Queensland three years ago by a rotty in a dog Park and since then he’s lunged at every dog that gets anywhere near him , so the magic happened after two hours of him working with the pack , his mum was very happy and I never get tired of seeing the pack work there magic , I wasn’t game to let tonka in , two eighty kilos monsters might just have stretched the friendship

23.01.2022 Today in pound six dog assessments, this was my favourite, some people were asking how I know that the dog is not going to attack my dogs ,the main reason is I’ve done it probably a hundred thousand times , I’m watching the dog from the second I go into the pound I watch how they walk past other dogs behind the bars , looking for body language and energy , but not the tail that’s where most people make the mistake , in most cases the tail wag is arousal and makes it hard to r...ead , today you would look at this video and you would think this big entire male bull dog was not interested in interaction , but this is a avoidance phase which means he’s not ready for dog interaction and we should slow down the intro in normal circumstances , unfortunately in this environment it all has to happen very quickly , lovely big dog filthy and nasty flea infestation untreated above his tail . See more

22.01.2022 Puppy training this is five month old Austin Labrador retriever he came to us yesterday for naughty puppy mouthing his humans , no one thing to fix this just lots of different protocols to get him on track

22.01.2022 This is Izzy , and she is seven month old bull Arab dane mix she was a very sick puppy and missed her socialisation period and was kicked out of day care for being two rough , today when introduced properly to the pack she was the perfect dog

21.01.2022 Sorry dad our overwhelming desire for food has overridden our ability to remember which treadmills are ours and new boy Boris is confusing the situation !!!

21.01.2022 This little girl was found wandering on a rural property in baldivis she had done her time and is due out with DFL rescue , she is very sweet always hard putting them back in the cage but even harder when they are this sweet .

20.01.2022 I Forgot to mention I was on holiday in Exmouth , well mostly holiday , just some basic training with the good people of the town

20.01.2022 Only two dumped dogs today so I shall show you them both , this is rusty and he is a serial escape artist if he can’t get over it he goes through it my boy Spock is very tolerant he’s just not a fan of excited young dogs with testicles .

19.01.2022 Just thought I would show you this cute little guy his name is chub and yes he is fully grown English staff learning recall today for the first time , did really well that’s the benefit of dogs with high food drive .

18.01.2022 So now the dogs have been conditioned with first clicker and food the e collar and food , now if done properly it should just look like a invisible mobile phone conversation , this is not formal obedience just two damaged dogs who will stay next to me know matter what the distraction is . Tomorrow the leave it command .

18.01.2022 DOG REACTIVITY VIDEO Missy is not vicious but due to her genetics and her horrible past her lead aggression is in that one percent of dogs that have no control when they see a dog in the street if she makes eye contact she will attack and there are just no training tools that will fix this , so by going right back to basics and teaching her the focussed heel with food and ecollar she is able to walk past dogs while maintaining eye contact with me . Missy could never live in the real world she is just to damaged but because of good obedience training and proper e collar training she has a quality of life she couldn’t have anywhere else .

16.01.2022 This was another pound pup yesterday , so to explain what’s going on here , from the start he looks like he has no interest in Georgia , of course he knows shes there , so all the sniffing the ground is displacement behaviour trying to avoid the situation , he’s a sweet boy just needs time with good dogs to take away that little bit of fear

15.01.2022 To fans of the pack around the world this is town beach Exmouth west Australia , no we are not in lockdown this is peak hour the locals come here to exercise there dogs with a difference , they have four wheel drives and they let the dogs out then they race down to the golf club and pick them up again , probably won’t try that at Cottesloe beach

15.01.2022 This shelter girl is Sabrina and came in in terrible condition she was starved looked like she had given her puppies every drop of nourishment before she was dumped , which is very normal at around this age , anyway three months on she is doing much better , even this simple act of getting on a place board is way to much for some dogs but it’s a great place to start building confidence. (Shona hope you watch this video )

14.01.2022 Ok so now that tayla has stopped pulling on the lead the goal now is to get that nice tight heel position on the left with the straight automatic sit , so I’m using the treats to line her up straight and with the Flexi lead behind my back I can control how tight she is to my left hand side just by having my thumb on the brake , the lady who was asking why the Flexi lead ? It’s just like any other dog training tool it can be a disaster in the wrong hands but used properly it’s fantastic , and the reason I went with a flat collar was she wasn’t pulling me hard so it was no big deal , but if she was choking herself I would have went to something else .

13.01.2022 Only one dumped dog in pound today this is cocoa surrendered due to owners having no time for her and fence jumping as you can she is on heat hence Georgia got the temp testing job today .

13.01.2022 White boy Boris is back for his holidays first day you can see he’s a bit nervous with this rough lot but he soon comes , round such a happy boy . I just want to apologise to everyone who is looking for my help I just can’t answer phone or call anyone back , am turning away about twelve people a day which is very frustrating as I know I can help them but you can only fit so many in a day , and have stopped taking bookings until November, but I’m still giving out free advice every night via email , and secondly thanks to everyone who has been referring me hopefully I get on top of the back log .

11.01.2022 This little puppies name is Theo and he was dumped because he had ringworm ,,which is quite contagious , and unfortunately because of this he’s missed the most important part of his life the critical period of development, so now he’s out of quarantine this is the first time he’s ever been near a of leash dog , he’s a bit scared and doing some avoidance behaviour but you will see him use his nose a bit which means his scenting is over riding the fear so it’s my job to give him as many positive doggy experiences as possible

08.01.2022 Bit tough twelve weeks old and find yourself in the pound , but life I’m sure will only getter better for little Ralph nice puppy very stable good genetics

07.01.2022 Having a break tonight from ecollar not sure anyone is understanding the concept . So all obedience training should be started with luring your dog with food or toys , here wee man is learning all his basic commands through engagement games , would be much easier to do with food as he’s a little piggy , but I’ve decided to do this with tug and ball , he does look smart but inside he’s a very scared dog and environmentally he is easily distracted ,so only after the dog has a good knowledge of these commands would you start to layer the e collar training over it and the reason you do that because it makes the dog a hundred percent reliable in all situations .

06.01.2022 On last weeks pound video there was comments about wagging tails , I definitely never assess a dog by looking at its tail , tails are all arousal I’m much more likely to be looking for a open relaxed mouth and a minimum of lip licking , and a calm posture before I do any intros , but as you can see with this little guy it’s pretty easy to see it’s a very happy tail , I can’t tell you his story but let’s just say he needs a calm well fenced house in suburbia

06.01.2022 This little pound girl was due for the green dream this week left to die by the usual suspects because she was biting her wire cage , thanks to ranger x for making the call , as you can see didn’t take much to stop the fence biting

05.01.2022 The problem with me going on holiday people don’t stop dumping there dogs , twelve assessments this morning , this pup was surrendered as good with all dogs and people but as you can see environment changes everything, watch the switch when he goes from scared to curious , his head goes down and he starts to scent Georgia that’s a good sign that he is relaxing

04.01.2022 Long time followers of the pack will remember Georgia and wee man completely destroyed my car by playing chasey on the bonnet and tap dancing on the roof , so here we are many many later new sun roof new vinyl roof and because they were so naughty I decided to cover all the scratches with pictures of them all so hopefully they won’t jump on there own images Thanks to Sadie from impact signs Mandurah and Michelle Morgan for as always taking great pics .

03.01.2022 Second socialisation session with little theo as you can see he’s way more comfortable here , the rotty cross boy is another shelter dog called Gavin , and he has a few fear based issues with people but today super gentle with the puppy Also just wanted to say I’m sorry I have to stop taking bookings for dog behaviour am currently booked up until mid November so just need to put it on hold for now advice is still free via email .

02.01.2022 When we found missy in pound she was emaciated starved with no hair on her body , when she went to foster care she grew big and strong and became completely uncontrollable and would bite anyone or any dog who she saw , a lot of rescues would have put her to sleep , but she came to me , instead of medication , I gave her strong leadership pack structure and taught her to bite properly then put the bite under control, train the leave it , train the place command , the focussed heel , perfect recall , crate train , that’s how I fix aggression in dogs like this because with the best will in the world counter conditioning chicken and cheese would never work for dogs this damaged .

01.01.2022 Back to work today this sweet little boy has done his time and will be available for rehoming through desperate for love pound dog rescue ,

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