Dogs & Deadlifts- Building Better Dogs in Toowoomba, Queensland | Blogger
Dogs & Deadlifts- Building Better Dogs
Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 448 877 520
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22.01.2022 ** New Podcast** A huge thank you current world #bikejor champion @viktor.sinding.larsen for taking the time to chat on the podcast about his training, life and dogs. Link in bio ... Also available on #applepodcasts & #spotify #bikejoringdog #bikejoringtraining #bikejoring #bikejoring #canicross @nonstopdogwear
22.01.2022 Friends if your interested in Coffee + Dogs + Fitness or just want to check out what I’m working on.. I’d like to invite you over to my Free Facebook Group: See you there!
19.01.2022 Wyjaniam. Tu po zakoczeniu treningu dostaj ma porcj wody, jak s bardzo zmczone to si napij dopiero po kilku minutach, pies wie kiedy tego potrzebuje.... Czekam a ochon, jak spadnie im ttno, jak uspokoji si oddech i wtedy okoo 30 minut po treningu dostaj peny posiek (Jeden z dwóch lub trzech w cigu dnia, bo jak jest zimno i duo trenuj dostaj czciej). Zaraz po zjedzeniu id spa i odpoczywa do swoich boksów w busie i przyczepie i tam spdzaj 30-60min zanim wypuszcze je na wybieg. Karmi je po wysiku zawsze dolin noteci energy 800-1200 gram na psa z dodatkiem wody i supli z gamedoga. Ta karma stanowi 80% posików reszt uzupeniam surow sparzonym, surowym lub gotowanym misem (wieprzowin, czasem woowin, czasem drobiem) such karm oraz gotowanymi jajami i tranem. Karmienie w tych 30min po zakoczonej pracy ma wpyw na szybk absorbcj i regeneracj, nazwijmy to roboczo takim oknem glikogenowym, ale równie istotny jest ich instynkt , który jak po polowaniu tak tu po biegu zostaje zaspokojony. Psy s spenione i spokojne. Czuj, e harmonia zostaa zachowana. traczerdogs Szachimat #dolinanoteci #iamspecialized
16.01.2022 ** Bonus Episode this Week** Brittany Young and I have been talking about jumping on the podcast for like forever, we finally both had some time to chat all about Fresh Food Feeding for dogs. So instead of waiting another few weeks, I decided to drop it today, just in time for the weekend. ... Awesome chat and looking forward to doing it again. Available on #applepodcasts #spotify #anchorpodcasts #rawfeddog #rawdogfooddiet #freshfoodfordogs #dogtrainerslife
14.01.2022 Slow is smooth, Smooth is fast! #fitdogsofig #fitdogs #dogtrainerslife #performancedog #canineconditioning #caninefitness #canineenrichment #strengthtraining #canineresistancetraining
14.01.2022 Are you looking to take your dog's conditioning to the next level? Has your progress slowed or completely stopped all together? Here is something to consider?... The Dog Runner! I am super excited to partner with Dog Runner USA: Use our Affiliate code: dogs&deadlifts, and you receive a $50 gift card/ coupon to use at Maximum K9. Want to listen to our episode with Nick?
11.01.2022 Super excited to start including @cen_dog into our daily nutrition. Today is Day 1 and I’m looking forward to giving my honest review and having the guys from CEN on the Podcast next month to discuss how the company started and the things they are doing in 2021. As always full disclosure- The products you see from CEN where provided at no cost to me to trial and provide my thoughts in which I appreciate, the are also have come on board this year as a sponsor for @sdrq_inc ... #nutrition #fitdog #performancedog #rawfeedingcommunity #rawdogfood #naturalnutritionfordogs #prime100 #canicross #bikejoring
07.01.2022 Remember... Spend time with your dog and have fun, Drink the Best coffee And... Don't forget to pick up your dog sh*t
05.01.2022 Thank you Nick from Dog Runner International for taking the time to chat today about Canine Conditioning and your company. Link here:
01.01.2022 Part of our Unconventional Canine Athlete program here @doganddeadlifts.podcast is strength training. We have #dragwork which provides both mental and physical stimulation for the dog. We prescribed exact weight and distance for each dog based on a number of factors. Remember this is just one piece of the conditioning puzzle. ... Find out how we can customise you dog a program #fitdogsofinstagram #dogfitness #dogtrainerslife #fitdogs #fitnessmotivation #gspofinstagram #gspcommunity
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