Doing Justice | Community group
Doing Justice
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23.01.2022 ABM invites you to celebrate and support the vibrant ministry and mission of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Church. Funds donated to this project will be used to: support the establishment of the Melanesian Brothers’ ministry in the Torres Strait, provide for the work of the Ministry Development Officer for the Cape York Peninsula, and assist with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ministry formation in the Diocese of North Queensland.
22.01.2022 Last week local people of Faith including Anglicans like Father Peter Moore, Mark & Oscar Delaney are standing with Creation by praying, singing and faithfully getting in the way of activities that currently worsen our changing climate. They do so in solidarity with the traditional owners, as good stewards of God's Earth, and out of a sense of responsibility to future generations.
20.01.2022 Possibly 2020's best kept secret... "The Million Jobs Plan will give a major boost to diverse business sectors and provide jobs throughout Australia over 70% in regional areas. The plan delivers results almost immediately and its benefits persist for many years The Million Jobs Plan is the framework to restore our economy. We’ve mapped out how we can rebuild our nation through practical projects that can restore our economy, modernise our industries, re-skill our workforce ...and deliver a bright and secure economic future. We’ve identified seven key sectors across our economy where strategic investment over the next five years would have the most impact and create the most jobs, including Energy, Building, Manufacturing, Transport, Recycling, Land Use and Training. Jobs will be distributed around Australia, including in cities and regions already under pressure from the closure of traditional heavy industry and manufacturing, historical droughts and fires, and high unemployment.
18.01.2022 Hi, During the Covid-lockdown the number of rough sleepers on the Cathedral precinct reduced to almost zero. This was from a previous high of 13-20 people per n...ight. During the lockdown a large number of homeless people were housed in hotel accommodation. This was seen as a public health measure and was intended to minimise spread of Covid-19 through a vulnerable section of the community. The Rev’d Dr Ann Solari, Cathedral Deacon and GP, works in the homeless sector. She reports that the provision of housing to the previously homeless not only worked as a public health measure but also had positive health benefits for the individuals concerned. There was a massive reduction in skin and lung infections and in the amount of trauma associated with street violence amongst those who were housed. Once the lockdown was over a good number of the rough sleepers were found permanent housing. This was a good outcome. However, many others have had to return to the streets. This movement to the streets has been exacerbated by the fact that a number of places that previously housed homeless people on a short- to medium-term basis have had their certification withdrawn. All such accommodation is now required to offer ensuite bathrooms. Most existing facilities have dormitory-style accommodation and have been deemed unfit for purpose. This reduction in short- to medium-term housing and the lack of sufficient stocks of social housing has resulted in the number of people sleeping rough on the Cathedral precinct and alsewhere returning to pre-Covid levels. One night this past week there were over a dozen people sleeping here. At its most recent meeting the Cathedral Council noted this development with dismay. They also noted that various groups, including community housing associations, The Master Builders Association and private developers, have called on the State and Federal Governments to fund a social-housing led recovery. The Cathedral Council resolved to write to both the State and Federal Governments to bring to their attention the plight of the increasing number of rough sleepers and to advocate for the social-housing led recovery. You might like to write/call your local members to advocate for this too. Peace, Peter+
18.01.2022 Add your name to the Uluru Statement Canvas and share a sticker on social media to show your support! Help spread the word so that more people can join our jour...ney from the Heart and walk with us for a better future for all Australians. Sign your support here:
16.01.2022 As people of faith and in the tradition of other Christians who have engaged nonviolent approaches, we know that positive change is possible and we seek out th...e most measured, strategic and effective ways to communicate our message, says St Andrew’s, South Brisbane parishioner Oscar Delaney. #nonviolence #ClimateActionNow #anglicanchurch
11.01.2022 Aunty Rose Elu (2020 Senior Australian of the Year for Qld), Larissa Baldwin and Aunty Rev Alex Gater spoke passionately on Country, Creation and Climate recently at St John's Cathedral with over 100 Christians joining in via Zoom. If we are serious about safeguarding the integrity of Creation then surely it is time we hear their cry for Christians to journey with them to stop the destruction of their country and culture. Please watch and share with your faith community.
05.01.2022 The Christmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA. The 2020 Advent resource contains Bible readings from the Lectionary, Prayer points and information about each of the areas that Act for Peace are working in and the projects that will be funded by your Christmas Bowl donations. Starting from Christ The King Sunday right through to Christmas Day. "For each week of advent you can access worship resources, PowerPoint presentat...ions, clip art and videos to use with your congregation, either in person or online. You can also download additional resources to use at any time, including tree decorations, colouring sheets for children, posters and hymns." Download the 2020 Advent Study Guide (3.01 MB) here: Take a look at the resources available for the 2020 Christmas Bowl.
05.01.2022 "The exploitation of Australian garment workers has been an ongoing concern for not-for-profit group Ethical Clothing Australia (ECA). "The ECA accreditation was first created because of high levels of exploitation of homeworkers," said Angela Bell, national manager of ECA. "Underpayments and other forms of exploitation are issues that we have been uncovering and addressing for two decades."... ECA said outworkers like Ms Ky were a particularly vulnerable workforce in the Australian garment industry, and part of the problem was that the true number of such garment workers remains unknown. The Fair Work Ombudsman suggests there are 35,000 outworkers, but the Textiles Clothing and Footwear (TCF) union says it is closer to 45,000" "...some of them didn't really want to share their stories, while others would disclose only a few details out of fear of losing their jobs... Because if the company knew, they might stop giving them work"
02.01.2022 So wonderful to hear Gaja Kerry Charlton share about Culture and Protocol yesterday for NAIDOC week. This is a song she introduced to us. Many state schools in SE Qld have been teaching kids to sing this beautiful tune. Many thanks to Aunty Sandra King OAM, ACSQ RAP Co-ordinator for prgansiibg all the workshops this week!