POUNDwithpower | Sport & recreation
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25.01.2022 Who's up for a challenge!? Yes... #beattheheat is for summer but why not warm your self up during Aussie winter and GO FOR IT! It's short and sweet and there's little tasks each day too. You can get access to @poundfit BACKSTAGE to keep you motivated or sign up for a virtual class!!... #MAKENOISE #staywarmthiswinter #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #socialtasks #wholovesachallenge
25.01.2022 OMG the atmosphere was ELEEECCTRRIIICCC!!! Thanks to these gorgeous ladies for coming and ROCKING OUT tonight!! . Also a MASSIVE thanks to @v_azzopardi for joining me... you were brill!.... I LOVE team teaching!! She also helped sort the music out when it was quite as LOUD as we like in @poundfit!... BRING ON NEXT WEEK! Excited already!! #crunchau #teamteach #lovewhatyoudo #spreadthelove #rockstars # legends #poundposse #community #MAKENOISE #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock
25.01.2022 OMGEEEE!!!! WHAT A DEADLY last virtual @poundfit class!!! I just knew it was gonna happen.... I could feel it as we were ROCKING together!!..... ..... I broke another RIPSTIIIIIIIICK!... and @katie_jane3 broke a wooden spoon.... On Tuesday Tricia and @cliodhnadepaor had broken spoons at the end of class... what a GREAT way to finish a SPECIAL and FUN three months!... Oh yes... and my LEGEND and CRAZY Dad joined in with my AMAZING and supportive sisters @cliodhnadepaor and @caoimhedepaor!!! (See photo) The time has come for me to head back to Sydney.... don't worry I'll be teaching @poundfit again soon... FOR SUUUURRREEEE!!! The buzz is ELECTRIC!!!... not quite sure when or where right now but the plan is to keep spreading the POUND PASSION!!! #POUNDPOSSE #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #fitnessrebelsunite #funfitness #community #humanconnection #passion #releaseyourinnerrockstar #dowhatyoulove @ Eurimbla, New South Wales, Australia
24.01.2022 Day 7 of #beaththeheat... take a rest day... something I find VERY HARD to do but starting to get better at doing it GUILT FREE! Rest is SO IMPORTANT for the body and overall wellbeing... having the energy to GIVE MY ALL in hockey, POUND and everything else is AMAZING! Knowing that it's OKAY TO REST allows me BE MY BEST for EVERYONE I connect with. It also allows MUSCLES TO RECOVER so that they're ready to up again when we need them to! As much as I hate not being active I...'m currently resting for the week (can't remember the last time I took more than 2 days off exercise!)... as I'm minding an injury... ...this is what happens when you combine @poundfit and hockey in one weekend and don't do the recovery you intended in between! RAGING but doing what I can so that I can be BACK IN ACTION ASAP!! (Hopefully it'll be this weekend @unswhockeyclub). What does my recovery look like!? RICE... rest, ice, compression, elevation TV time (while doing RICE) FOAM ROLL... I like to do 20 minutes but this doesn't always happen STRETCH... 10 or 15 minutes holding each one for 3O seconds A WALK in the fresh air listening to some chill music or a fun podcast. #restisbest #restandrecover #beattheheat #15daychallenge #POUNDpro #taketime #chillout #itsok #doitforyourself
24.01.2022 Week 1 of #tourtosummer.... "Tune into the little things that mean so much!" What goals do you have? What are your hopes and dreams!? Take the time this week to think about this and write it down... #lovepassionhope #hopesanddreams #littlethings
23.01.2022 One of my favourite @poundfit positions... the T&A!! ... for you thighs and assets Strengthen your leg, glut and core muscles while completing this position... it BURRRRNS but it's soooo worth it!!!! You also get to develop your coordination and balance.... who's in!?? TONIGHT... 6.15PM.... 45 MINUTES OF SWEAT, LOVE, and ROCK & ROLL!... #MAKENOISE #sweatsculptrock #Poundposse #POUNDpro #growingcommunity #humanconnection #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #crucnchau
20.01.2022 Come and ROCKOUT to this @poundfit track @6pm this evening in @crunchalexandria!!! . This is the T&A position for our THIGHS and ASSETS... it only appears once during the @poundfit workout but when it does you definitely FEEL THE BURN!! .... This is one of my favourite tracks to date... it's SOOO FUN!... even better when you get to team teach it... thanks for letting me crash your class @krissssten86 . How do you do the T&A technique? Lie flat on your back Look towards the ceiling Bend knees with feet flat on the floor and hip distance apart Relax shoulders down away from the ears Engage your core by squeezing your belly button in towards your spine... this will keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position and will make it easier to perform the moves! If you want to CHALLENGE yourself you can perform the track in an ACTIVATED position.... Engage core and glutes (squeeze your assets) Exhale and press through the heels to lift hips up off the mat Keep hips, knees, and ankles in line with each other Can't wait for later!!! #POUNDpro #T&A #glutes #core #strength #MAKENOISE #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock #community #differentlevels #anyageanystage
20.01.2022 Day two of the @poundfit #beattheheat challenge... 45 minute workout with these lovely ladies... they absolutely ROCKED!!!! Task was "Take a Selfie"... I took advantage of the mirror and took a MIRROR SELFIIIEEE!... #day2 #beattheheat #Aussiewinter #iloveachallenge #stickingwithit #channelyourinnerrockstar #coverclass #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo #worththecommute
19.01.2022 Love this quote! It's so true... to see the love of @poundfit spreading is AMAZING!!! When people first come to POUND they don't know what to expect and instantly they fall on love with this deadly #ROCKOUTWORKOUT! The gorgeous @movewithcarla introduced it to my school kids at home and I absolutely fell in love with it and knew I wanted it in my life!!! I now get to do what Carla did for me... bring something joyful and different to people's lives! One of my girls, Sam, has ...trained as a POUNDpro and it's SOOOO EXCITING to see her journey unfold... can't wait to see what "ripples" she creates! Join me this Tuesday and Thursday for some CONTAGIOUS FUN!!!! 7pm AEST and 10am . DM To register. #fitnessrebels #MAKENOISE #inittogehter #growingcommunity #sweatsculptrock #spreadthelove
18.01.2022 Day 12 of @@poundfit #beattheheat challenge... "Share your POUND schedule" Getting back into the swing of things slowly in Sydney... DELIGHTED and SOOOOO EXCITED to be starting @crunchalexandria TOMORROW!!! I'll definitely be learning some new tracks during the week as well!... Looking forward to ROCKING OUT with all the ROCKSTARS @popstarliss has been teaching over the last while! Thanks so much for trusting with your posse!!! #POUNDpro #beaththeheat #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #newposse #bringiton #dowhatyoulove
17.01.2022 OMG... the energy was ELECTRIC in @poundfit class tonight @crunchalexandria. Great to see new faces and the SMILES from the ladies who were trying it for the first time just made ME smile. You all ROCKED!! "POSTIVE MIND, POSITIVE VIBES, POSITIVE LIFE!"- The POWER of POUND! #crucnchau #humanconnection #sweatsculptrock #ROCKOUT #MAKENOISE #POUNDpro #poundposse #po
17.01.2022 How UNBELEIEVABLE it was to have 18 gorgeous ladies to ROCKOUT with last night! The more the absolute merrier I am for sure!!! You guys give me sooooo much energy!! RECORD NUMBER!!!! We were SO LOUD at one stage I couldn't hear the music!!! #MAKENOISE #sweatsculptrock #POUNDpro #poundposseaustralia #oneband #humnconnection #community #welovePOUND
17.01.2022 Looking forward to ROCKING OUT with these ladies... and more tonight! Always keeps me going on a Thursday evening... perfect start to the (almost) weekend!!!! #POUNDposse #keepsgrowing #Ireland #Australia #virtualclass
15.01.2022 O.M.G. I am ECSTATIC!!! I took on this @poundfit class about 3 months ago with very low numbers in @crunchalexandria... There was even one class where it was me and one other lady! My vision was to have a big class that were LOUD and PROUD to be part of the @poundposseaustralia! . With the help of @crunchalexandria and @v_azzopardi we did a promotion class and WOW.... it has taken off!!! Numbers are growing every week and last night we had 21 ABSOLUTE ROCKSTARS!!!!... . To be able to lead so many people in group fitness is soooo fun and brings so much JOY! To see smiles and laughs from participants, as well as people pushing and challenging themselves is an honour and pleasure... I can't tell you the JOY I felt leading so many legends last night!!!! . Please don't be shy. Come and join the WORLD'S BIGGEST ROCKBAND... Monday 6.15pm. #humanconnection #MAKENOISE #POUNDpro #poundposseaustralia #sweatsculptrock #community
15.01.2022 Last night we had our first live class back and our farewell @poundfit PARRRRTTTTYYYY!!! It was AMAAAAAZING!! How UNBELIEVABLE it was to be back in front of people!!! I only wish all my gorgeous Irish virtual posse could have been there too!! To have brought such JOY and FUN to people over the last 6 months in Cumnock has been a true gift that I will be forever grateful. Knowing that @poundfit is here to stay with POUND PRO Sam is even better... I promise her enthusiasm an...d passion will not let you down!!! It was DEADLY to have her teach with me last night... there's something SPECIAL about team teaching... it gives you even more of a buzz! She is also extremely talented. Check out the UNREAL cake she made for us!! It tasted delish too!! The energy from our smile but ROCKING group of girls was AMAAAZING and made me want to keep going!!! How great they all looked ROCKING OUT together in front of me!!! It genuinely brought THE BIGGEST smile to my face!!! #POUNDposse #POUNDPRO #fitnessrebels #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #MAKENOISE #makeadifference #humanconnection #community #joy #passion #dowhatmakesyousmile
15.01.2022 Amazing to be able to spread my passion for @poundfit to newbies each week... even now! Great to have @aoifegalvin88 join us from London for her debut... even through Zoom the energy and enthusiasm from my lovely ladies was fab!!! I can't express how grateful I am to have you guys ROCKOUT with me... it really does release THE MOST AMAZING FEELING!!! Thank you!!! #yourock #AustraliaLondonLimerick #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsulptrock #whatafeeling #passion #grateful
14.01.2022 2 days and COUNTING!!! The POWER OF @poundfit has brought some AMAZING and INSPIRATIONAL people into my life!! Sooo worth all the public transport travel after work to ROCKOUT and teach with @krissssten86! I knew I'd feel so ENERGISED after class. .... It really is MORE THAN A WORKOUT! POUND puts MINDS before BODIES in this RIDICULOUSLY fun workout based on the sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums!! . It is for ANY AGE ANY STAGE. Moves can be complete at various levels CATERING FOR ALL ABILITIES! Your strength, balance, and coordination are challenged and developed while you get COMPLETELY LOST IN THE MUSIC!! . Come and JOIN ME and @vanessaazopardi on Monday at 6.15pm in @crunchalexandria for 45 minutes of CRAAAZZZYYY FUN, SWEAT... and hopefully no tears! #crunchau #MAKENOISE #poundpro #poundposse #sweatsculptrock #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #teamteach #fun #newfriends
14.01.2022 How FUUUUNNN!!! Celebrating the fantastic Sam tonight on her 30th birthday!!! Thanks to my @poundfit POSSE for joining im the sing song and celebrations... pity my internet cut out before proper chats! See ye all Thursday!!! #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #birthdaycelebrations #MAKENOISE #celebrate #dowhatyoulove #feelinghappy #fitnessrebels @ Eurimbla, New South Wales, Australia
13.01.2022 "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do!" - Kobe Bryant The absolute PRIDE I'm feeling for Sam after seeing pics and videos of her teaching her first @poundfit class last night!!! To be able to inspire is such a JOY! Well done Sam!!! Cannot wait to see your journey unfold! #poundfit #POUNDpro #POUNDposse #community #humanconnection #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock #inspire #pride #regionalnewsouthwales #spreadingthelove
13.01.2022 WHO WANTS TO ROCKOUT THIS WEEK!!?? Zoom classes are still running as normal... for the NEXT 3 WEEKS ONLY!!! .... After almost a year on the farm with the chance to bring @poundfit to the gorgeous people of Cumnock and it's surrounding areas and Generation @poundfit to the local pre school... I am moving back to Sydney. . I will be taking a short break from teaching so that I can settle back into life in the city and to figure out when I'll be able to teach POUND!!! Hoping to get back into the gym I was teaching in before I left and hopefully some schools . Coaching and playing hockey, as well as finding some teaching opportunities, are also on the cards!! . Send me a DM if you'd like to MAKE SOME NOISE with us tonight!!! Zoom link will be sent before class. Thanks to EVERYONE for allowing me rock into your world!! Doireann #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #MAKENOISE #doit #virtualfun #fitnessrebels #onebeataroundtheworld #POUNDpro #growingposse
13.01.2022 Come and MAKE SOME NOOISSSEEE with me @crunchalexandria TONIGHT! Come and become part of the WORLD'S BIGGEST ROCKBAND! Improve your coordination, balance, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.... all while ROCKING OUT and having FUN!!! #crunchau #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock #MAKENOISE #physicalactivity #community #humanconnection
12.01.2022 Come and ROCKOUT to this track tonight @primofit at 6pm where I'll be covering @purpledancesha.... it's gonna be a DEEEAAADDDLY @poundfit WORKOUT!! This is definitely my FAVOURITE LUNGE track so far and WILL feature in this evening's playlist! What does this positon do for you!?? The elongated and singe leg technique:... Improves strength Improves agility Improves coordination Improves balance How do you keep your balance? Keep your core tight(suck in that belly button but don't forget to breath) Push your weight into the heel of your front leg Look straight ahead at one spot Shoulders back and down Proud chest Even with all this I still have a few wobbles! Thanks to @krisssten86 for this deadly video!! #lungetrack #sofun #windmills #MAKENOISE #ROCKOUT #POUNDpro #coverclass #fitnessrebels #sweatsulptrock
12.01.2022 Who's ROCKING with me THISSS WEEEEKKK!!!??? Getting cabin fever? Need something to take your mind off things? Need to talk to people outside your family?.... if you're answer is YEEESSS then tune in to RELEASE YOUR INNER ROCKSTAR and have some FUUUN!!! DM me to register and I'll send you the Zoom before class!... Oh and did I mention... IT'S FRREEEE!!! #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #fitnessrebels #getactive #nothinglikeit #sweatsculptrock #chatsandfitness
11.01.2022 When ROCKSTARS ROCK so hard they break their wooden spoons!!Livvie, @maddyhogan_ 's sister gave it socks last night! Great to see sisters and Mum, Narelle ROCKING OUT together!! So grateful to be able to bring fun, enjoyment, motivation and energy to all my lovely posse!!! Best thing is.... WE GET TO DO IT ALLLLL AGAIN TOMORROW NIGHT!!! 7pm AEST/10am ... DM me to register and the Zoom link will be sent before class!... #fitnessrebels #POUNDposse #firstbreak #woodenspoons #virtualreality #sweatsculptrock #fun&enjoyment
10.01.2022 WORKOUT while you ROCKOUT!!!Do you want to UNLEASH YOUR INNER ROCKSTAR!? Do you love MUSIC? Are you looking for something NEW and DIFFERENT!? YES!?? Then this is the workout FOR YOU! @poundfit class moving to 45 minutes and 6.15pm START @crunchalexandria on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH!!Come and join me and the lovely @v_azzopardi while we become ROCKSTARS during one of the world's BEST and FUN WORKOUTS EVEEEERRRR!!! ... I promise.... YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!! #crunchau #POUNDpro #Poundposse #sweatsculptrock #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #MAKENOISE #releaseyourinneerockstar #jointheband #onebeatheardaroundtheworld
10.01.2022 On route to #ROCKOUTWORKOUT with the AMAZING @krissssten86!! Who's joining us at 6PM @crunchfitnessbankstown?? CANNOT WAIT to let lose and GO CRAAAZZZZYYY after a mental day at work!! #POUNDPROS #POUNDposse #sweatsculptrock #releaseyourinnerrockstar #stressrelieverlikenoother #MAKENOISE #crunchfitness #supportingeachother
10.01.2022 Crashed another one of @krissssten86 @poundfit classes.... soooo fun last night! Check out this Set position track... another one of my favourites!! The SET POSITION is a STANDING position that offers you a stable and wide base of support. ... How to complete this position: Feet slightly wider than hip distance apart with toes externally rotated Knees bent Push majority of weight into the heels Roll shoulders back and down Long spine Proud chest Engage core Eyes looking forward For ANY AGE ANY STAGE!! You can perform it at home base (hip level), thigh, knee, shin, or ACTIVATED at ground level... something for EVERYONE! Why not COME ALONG and see for yourself on Monday @crunchfitnessalexandria at 6pm!! #POUNDpro #growingtheposse #inspiring #motivating #setposition #movementspectrum #sweatsculptrock #anyageanystage #crunchfitness #alexandria
09.01.2022 Come and MAKE SOME NOOOOISSSE tonight @crunchfitnessau in Bankstown ... it's my last chance to ROCKOUT with you all so please come and join me while we TAKE THE ROOF OOOOOOFFF!!! #crunchfitnessau #poundposseaustralia #sweatsculptrock #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #MAKENOISE #community #humanconnection
06.01.2022 Forgot the post class pic last night but got one with these FAB @poundfit PROS....@krissssten86 in Sydney and @poundwithais in Ireland... thanks for joining in the fun girls!! . The support that this community offers each other is AMAZING!!! LOVE how.... no matter what you do in life and no matter when you do it... you will ALWAYS find people with a similar interest and ABSOLUTE PASSION for what they do. @poundfit thank you for bringing beautiful people into my life!!! . Fi...nd something you love and DOOOOO IIIITTTT!! #POUNDpros #Australia #Ireland #postpoundchats #onebeataroundtheworld #lovelife See more
06.01.2022 So delighted... this morning I completed one of my goals for the @poundfit 15 day challenge... CONNECT with another PRO and their posse... someone I didn't know! DAY 10 GO ABROAD... I went all the way to North Dakota... so amazing how we can connect with anyone anywhere through a screen... ome of the beauties of POUND... Another beauty.... how you can adapt the workout depending on ability or injury... I did an upper body arm workout and kept the legs still (still resting!)... Thanks Annette @fargopoundpros for a really fun class and you even had some of my favourite tracks in there!! #beattheheat #15daychallenge #goabroad #day10 #goalcomplete #POUNDPOSSE #community #onebeatheardaroundtheworld #humanconnection #noxcuses
04.01.2022 Day 7 of @poundfit #tourtosummer... one thing I've really enjoyed prioritising in Week 1 is time for MEDITATION... a new SELF-CARE habit I'm trying to build into every day. Whether it's 3 minutes or 15 minutes I always feel soooo relaxed during and after. #tourtosummer #POUND #takingtime #relaxation #selfcare #stillness #mentalhealth
04.01.2022 So today's @poundfit #beattheheat task is to ROCKOUT//SING OUT! I would have filmed during class earlier but I got lost in the music, FUUUUUNN and chats that I forgot to take videos and pics! Here's one of my FAVOURITE set position tracks.... my twin sis @caoimhe_depaor loves this one too!!! #ROCKOUTSINGOUT #day4 #taskandexercisedone #MAKENOISE #sweatsculptrock #beattheheat #warmyourselfupinOz #15daychallenge
03.01.2022 No comment needed! What @crunchfitnessau and @poundfit is all about!! . Gonna be ROCKING @krissssten86 's BANKSTOWN class later. Come and MAKE SOME NOISE and release all the craziness of your day and/or week! #crunchau #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock #releaseyourinnerrockstar #nojudgements #nolimits #anyageanystage
03.01.2022 I was sooo enjoying our post POUND chat on Tuesday that I forgot to get a pic with everyone! Even @cliodhnadepaor had her new little Louis join us!!! Do you wanna let off some steam, meet like minded people, have the chats and have LOTS OF FUUUN!!!?? YES!? Then come and ROCKOUT and MAKE NOISE with me and my gorgeous #POUNDPOSSE at 7pm AEST or 10am time!!... Oh ya .... did I mention it's FREEEE!!!! DM me to register and Zoom link will be sent to you asap! #POUNDpro #dowhatyoulove #fun fitness #fitnessrebels #onebeatheardaroundtheworld #community #passion #feelgood @ Eurimbla, New South Wales, Australia
02.01.2022 Exercise and FOOOOOD!... Two loves of my life!! I always LOVE trying out new receipes and spending time in the kitchen... healthy, colourful and flavoursome foods do wonders for the body... especially when you're doing @poundfit or any other type of exercise!! You'll find your BODY and MIND feel great after a delicious meal... you'll feel good, energetic and ready to go!... Try out some #mixtapemeals from @poundfit #tourtosummer... I tried the GINGER DRESSING TODAY... DELISH!!!!! #food #love #tourtosummer #POUNDpro #fitnessrebel #yum
02.01.2022 Amazing to have a full screen and some new posse joining me!!! Thank you for taking the time to ROCKOUT with me!!!! It means more than you'll ever know! Virtual class TONIGHT at 7pm ... 10am ... DM me if you'd like too take part... we even stay on and have a little chat afterwards... so cool to see everyone connecting virtually... LOVE IT!!! #MAKENOISE #postpoundchats #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #sweatsculptrock #humanconnection #passion #fullheart #fitnessrebelsunite
01.01.2022 WEEK 3 of @poundfit #tourtosummer! This week's message... ARE YOU TAKING TIME TO REST? It has taken me YEARS to realise that a day off is JUST as important as a day of activity.... I now enjoy my rest day as I know it's giving my muscles the CHANCE TO REST AND RECOVER so that they're ready to go again for the next run, POUND session or workout. Do you just rest on rest day!?... Mmmm yes you could but I like to go for a little walk, do a stretch and foam roll... as well as ki...cking back and relaxing on the couch!!! If you've enjoyed a rest and some relaxation and are READY TO #ROCKOUTWORKOUT then shoot me a message to register for Tuesday 7pm Zoom session or 10am time. Last week I ABSOLUTELY LOVED how my little posse hung around after class for a POST POUND chat!! Zoom link will be sent a half hour before class. #fitnessrebelsunite #Ireland #Australia #togetherbutapart #sweatsculptrock #MAKENOISE #ripstix #woodenspoons #newfriends
01.01.2022 Another RICDICULIUSLY LOUD class last night @crunchfitnessau .... The energy was phenomenal!!! @poundfit allows people #releaseyourinnerrockstar and become part of one HUGE KICKASS band!! Come and join the PAAARRTTTYYY!! 6.15pm on Mondays!... #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #MAKENOISE #poundposseaustralia #sweatsculptrock #beatasone #beatthetarget #crunchau #humanconnection #community
01.01.2022 4 DAYS until @crunchalexandria members get to experience 45 MINUTES of @poundfit!!! CANNOT WAIT to BRING THE HEAT and give you the workout that truly will UNLEASH YOUR INNER ROCKSTAR!! My inner ROCKSTAR is CRAZY and STRONG! . Do you know what yours is!?? .... Why not come along and SEE WHAT HAPPENS when you STRIKE those ripstix together!? I promise you the FEELING IS LIKE NO OTHER! #POUNDpro #poundposse #crunchau #sweatsculptrock #MAKENOISE #ROCKOUTWORKOUT #releaseyouinnerrockstar
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