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The Doll House Waxing


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25.01.2022 PSA: GETTING A BRAZILIAN WHILST YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD IS TOTALLY FINE!!! Just in case you were wondering... My girls will just wear a disposable G to hold the string in place or hold it for me No biggie, I do it alllll the time and NO, it doesn’t hurt more, I promise!!

25.01.2022 Ahhh, beach ready with the flip flops but socks ‘cause it’s still kinda chilly Gooood Morning and happy humpday/MyFriday ladies Quick reminder that I’m off for school holidays from now (*Edit...End of today) until Sunday week. To the mummas, let’s all enjoy this time as much as possible (), single, childless, carefree ladies, whatever () Just kidding! Love you and see you all again soon

24.01.2022 My favourite Frida Kahlo told her husband, "I'm not asking you to kiss me, nor apologize to me when I think you're wrong. I won't even ask you to hug me when I need it most. I don't ask you to tell me how beautiful I am, even if it's a lie, nor write me anything beautiful. I won't even ask you to call me to tell me how your day went, nor tell me you miss me. I won't ask you to thank me for everything I do for you, nor to care about me when my soul is down, and of course, I won't ask you to support me in my decisions. I won't even ask you to listen to me when I have a thousand stories to tell you. I won't ask you to do anything, not even be by my side forever. Because if I have to ask you, I don't want it anymore.

24.01.2022 Hey there ladies, Christmas appointments were made 2 & 3 months in advance, there is absolutely no way I can reschedule any appointments from now on. If you can no longer make your appointment, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible as I have A LOT of other clients on a waiting for a spot Thanks girls

24.01.2022 *Edit: If you have my number, you’re a regular- even if it’s only every 2-3 months, don’t stress, I know some of you only have 10 hairs! OR, if you are a regular and don’t have my number, comment below xx Hello gorgeous girls Wow! Thank you all so much for your amazing support over these past 2 years here in Orange. It’s now my time to support you back! I’ve spoken with nearly all of you over the past 6 weeks in regards to this, so it shouldn’t come as any great but, my books are now ONLY OPEN TO REGULAR CLIENTS You’ll notice that there’s no longer a Book Now button on any of my pages so rebooking at the time of your appointment or text message will be your only form of booking in - I know that’s not as convenient for some of you but, at least you’ll be able to get an appointment when you want! Days and hours will be remaining the same (Sunday - Wednesday) for now until at least next year when my new adventure begins Love you all and look forward to booking you in whenever you want - and not in 3 weeks time See more

23.01.2022 If You Know, You Know... Actually, I reverse my talk, if you DON’T know, you should know, that you’re more than welcome to bring your puppers along - in fact, it’s preferred... I was lucky enough to have another cuddle with @chase_the_dog_no.1 on my last day of trade for 2020, definitely a good luck charm for sure!! : @tellerazz

23.01.2022 O!M!G! If you haven’t already ladies, make sure you use your Creative Kids voucher before the 31st!! I’m sure you’ve all heard of Lil Blue Bird Art & LBB Resin (their new shop on Anson St is AhhhhMazing!!) I just got the kids their first ever resin kit and can’t wait for them to make me something nice for once...


21.01.2022 Heyyyyyy Two little changes ladies: In accordance with NSW Health recommendations in regards to wearing a mask when unable to socially distance, this will now be MY norm. If you wish to wear a mask, you’re more than welcome to wear one of your own. Secondly, my splitty died, hence that sexy looking Instant Heater in the background ... #iCanFinallyHideMyHormonalAcneLegitimately #iMayBeColdButYourVagWontBe #DollHouseWaxing #OrangeNSW

20.01.2022 FYI for the rest of this week’s clients Please be honest for the sake of other clients, their families, my family and I. I give you permission to tweeze those strays, but please, for the love of God, don’t Veet your minge We’ll work something out!

19.01.2022 Seriously the loveliest people EVER!!! As important as brows and smooth fannies are, physical fitness is the number one contributor to increasing your mental well-being ladies!

18.01.2022 Just like your heart, your va-jay-jay is a work of art... Sighh, I’m so poetic... Anywho, the Number 1 reason for women to hold out on getting a Brazilian wax? What if my bits don’t look normal??... *Spoiler Alert.... Barbie’s vag isn’t realistic! Seeing vagina’s is part of my job and I’m yet to see two that look identical!! In fact, all I’m thinking about is how excited I am to see you and have a chat whilst being slightly paranoid that I don’t miss any furs #dollhousewaxing #OrangeNSW #BrazilianWaxing #YoureFannytastic

17.01.2022 Just like your heart, your va-jay-jay is a work of art... Sighh, I’m so poetic... Anywho, the Number 1 reason for women to hold out on getting a Brazilian wax? What if my bits don’t look normal??... *Spoiler Alert.... Barbie’s vag isn’t realistic! Seeing vagina’s is part of my job and I’m yet to see two that look identical!! In fact, all I’m thinking about is how excited I am to see you and have a chat whilst being slightly paranoid that I don’t miss any furs #dollhousewaxing #OrangeNSW #BrazilianWaxing #YoureFannytastic

14.01.2022 Ahhh, beach ready with the flip flops but socks ‘cause it’s still kinda chilly Gooood Morning and happy humpday/MyFriday ladies Quick reminder that I’m off for school holidays from now (*Edit...End of today) until Sunday week. To the mummas, let’s all enjoy this time as much as possible (), single, childless, carefree ladies, whatever () Just kidding! Love you and see you all again soon

13.01.2022 My favourite Frida Kahlo told her husband, "I'm not asking you to kiss me, nor apologize to me when I think you're wrong. I won't even ask you to hug me when I need it most. I don't ask you to tell me how beautiful I am, even if it's a lie, nor write me anything beautiful. I won't even ask you to call me to tell me how your day went, nor tell me you miss me. I won't ask you to thank me for everything I do for you, nor to care about me when my soul is down, and of course, I won't ask you to support me in my decisions. I won't even ask you to listen to me when I have a thousand stories to tell you. I won't ask you to do anything, not even be by my side forever. Because if I have to ask you, I don't want it anymore.

13.01.2022 Me... Walking around, randomly fluttering and pointing at my lashes to see if anyone notices... HUGE shoutout to @elitebeautyroom1 and my gorgeous little beauty-bestie @roselillyx_elite I seriously cannot get over how super, duper comfortable they are! And it’s not just lashes they’re smashing, it’s their brows, lash lifts, facials, everything Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu for my pampering session

12.01.2022 Do I look hungover in this...? Apologies in advance to all of today’s clients! Jason’s work and then the One Strength Christmas parties had me thinking that berocca & pizza would make me feel Totally fine for work today... Anywho, I’m working my way through the messages ladies, unfortunately there are no appointments now until next year and rescheduling your appointment is not at all possible Sorry again girls and PLEEEEEASE try to give me as much notice as possible if you can’t make your appointment so that I can fill the spot

12.01.2022 Heyyyyyy Two little changes ladies: In accordance with NSW Health recommendations in regards to wearing a mask when unable to socially distance, this will now be MY norm. If you wish to wear a mask, you’re more than welcome to wear one of your own. Secondly, my splitty died, hence that sexy looking Instant Heater in the background ... #iCanFinallyHideMyHormonalAcneLegitimately #iMayBeColdButYourVagWontBe #DollHouseWaxing #OrangeNSW

09.01.2022 ....And another handy tip: PLEASE only text or call my PHONE If you send me a message on Messenger, Instagram (Personal or Business) or WhatsApp, I may see that message today, or I may see that message in a months time Notifications aren’t on and I will literally only look at it if someone texts me to say Hey, I sent you something.

07.01.2022 Yewww It’s actually happening girls You know what I love? YOU! Every. Single. One of you!! Whether you know it or not, you’ve all played a huge role in encouraging me to grow Through your actions, through your words, through your fearless attitudes when it comes to throwing caution to the wind and just giving it a damn go!! At this point, the next 3 years will be similar to what it is now, there may just be a few day changes depending on my Uni schedule & ...eventual placements etc. #DollHouseWaxing #ThoseBoysInHighSchoolWereRight #IreallyAmGoingToBeaNurse #GettingInBeforeAnyoneElseWithTheNurseNancyJokes #OrangeNSW

06.01.2022 #EndOfWeekSelfie #SupportAusMusic Quick, non-minge related post Don’t forget, we can all still support our favourite Aussie musicians by downloading their music and purchasing their Merch! Here’s my bestie’s brothers band Check them out on Apple Music, Spotify and whatever other music thing kids use nowadays I’m not quiet sure what they’re saying, but I’m pretty sure it’s f**king cool and I felt super cool wearing this shirt today #RaRaMusic

06.01.2022 ....And another handy tip: PLEASE only text or call my PHONE If you send me a message on Messenger, Instagram (Personal or Business) or WhatsApp, I may see that message today, or I may see that message in a months time Notifications aren’t on and I will literally only look at it if someone texts me to say Hey, I sent you something.

05.01.2022 #EndOfWeekSelfie #SupportAusMusic Quick, non-minge related post Don’t forget, we can all still support our favourite Aussie musicians by downloading their music and purchasing their Merch! Here’s my bestie’s brothers band Check them out on Apple Music, Spotify and whatever other music thing kids use nowadays I’m not quiet sure what they’re saying, but I’m pretty sure it’s f**king cool and I felt super cool wearing this shirt today #RaRaMusic

05.01.2022 Seriously! How talented is my big sis Lavonne Fremlin Naulumatua, owner of Ethnic Shed in Carlton I am so proud of you! Your talent is sensational With Christmas coming up, there are so many beautiful pieces to choose from!

04.01.2022 Tad bit rubbish that I have to share this again, but on behalf of all small businesses....At the busiest time of year, when we’d much rather be prepping for Christmas and spending time with our families, we work extra days and hours to make YOUR life easier. If you can’t make your appointment for whatever reason, WE UNDERSTAND! But what’s not cool, is just not bothering to show up. Even if you think, Oh well, it’s just an eyebrow wax...! We could easily fill that spot with another brow wax or Brazilian, or leg wax Anywho, just a reminder, if you’re marked as a ‘No Show’, all future appointments you’ve made will be cancelled, no questions asked.

03.01.2022 Hi ladies I apologise in advance for anyone that is yet to book their Christmas appointments! Don’t forget, there are many local salons on the Fresha App that will still have availabilities... But not for long!!

03.01.2022 Me... Walking around, randomly fluttering and pointing at my lashes to see if anyone notices... HUGE shoutout to @elitebeautyroom1 and my gorgeous little beauty-bestie @roselillyx_elite I seriously cannot get over how super, duper comfortable they are! And it’s not just lashes they’re smashing, it’s their brows, lash lifts, facials, everything Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu for my pampering session

02.01.2022 Yewww It’s actually happening girls You know what I love? YOU! Every. Single. One of you!! Whether you know it or not, you’ve all played a huge role in encouraging me to grow Through your actions, through your words, through your fearless attitudes when it comes to throwing caution to the wind and just giving it a damn go!! At this point, the next 3 years will be similar to what it is now, there may just be a few day changes depending on my Uni schedule & ...eventual placements etc. #DollHouseWaxing #ThoseBoysInHighSchoolWereRight #IreallyAmGoingToBeaNurse #GettingInBeforeAnyoneElseWithTheNurseNancyJokes #OrangeNSW

01.01.2022 Seriously the loveliest people EVER!!! As important as brows and smooth fannies are, physical fitness is the number one contributor to increasing your mental well-being ladies!

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