Don't Frack Katherine | Community
Don't Frack Katherine
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25.01.2022 NT Traditional Owners tell Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor to frack off after he visits frack site Traditional Owners for the Beetaloo Basin area where Fe...deral Energy Minister Angus Taylor is visiting to inspect a gas site today say they strongly oppose fracking on their land and fear it will destroy a sacred site. Mr Taylor is this morning visiting Empire Energy’s test drilling program at its Carpentaria-1 site, about 85km from Borrooloola, as part of the Morrison Government’s decision to waste taxpayer funds propping up the dirty and dying fracking industry. The company currently has plans to frack the site during next year's dry season. Peggy Mawson is a Traditional Owner for the area where Empire Energy has drilled and plans to frack. She said, "We call that site where the company is drilling Paradise Pool or Karranjini. It is a mermaid dreaming. "I got a shock when I drove past the site recently and saw all the trucks lined up carrying chemicals and drilling equipment waiting to destroy our country. "I'm the Mihirringi for that dreaming, the boss lady for that site. Nobody from the government or the company came and asked me for permission to do the fracking there. "We want the minister and the whole country to know that the Traditional Owners and the community here do not agree for fracking to go ahead in the McArthur Basin. We all share the water here and we are so worried about what will happen if fracking poisons our water and kills our dreaming."
23.01.2022 This is an article from Fracking Nightmare about the issue of Radioactive Waste generated in the Development of Fracking Wells. Why would you risk it?
22.01.2022 Terrible news. When will they learn? No means no! Call your Member of Parliament and tell them you want fracking banned. Their contact details are here: https:/.../
15.01.2022 Send Morrison and Frydenberg an email today!
15.01.2022 Fantastic news! Beetaloo Basin gas fracking wells to be challenged by new Aboriginal corporation in a bid to protect the environment.
12.01.2022 This is a link to an article from Lock The Gate about leaking wells near Chinchilla in QLD. Although there are no wells on the property itself Fracking now vertically drills for kilometres and can drill under anyone's property. Whether you give consent or not. Do you want this to happen here in Katherine? Or for that matter anywhere in the Territory? Part of their process now requires them to dewater the wells before they develop them. Or in other words extract the gas. ... So how much ground water will be wasted in this process? This is unknown as they will not divulge that will they? Read the article and then ring your local members both state and federal in all 3 houses of Parliament and let them know that you do not consent to this blatant ecological madness before it is truly too late. See more
11.01.2022 Now it seems we will actually pay them for cleaning up their own pollution? How corrupt is the Morrison Government? It seems they see us as a never ending cash cow. But are we prepared to accept this level of corruption?
10.01.2022 Well this may well be a fairly common sight here in the Territory and very very soon. Scary but an all too common issue with Fracking Wells apparently. Plus we are actually going to pay them to expose us to this risk?? Madness.
09.01.2022 This is how the oil and gas industry treats Traditional Owners Alawa elder, Ms Wilfred, said she felt dismissed by Origin's Chairman, Gordon Cairns, at the Or...igin AGM. "I felt really embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated when I heard the chairman's response." "All of us TOs, we have a connection to that land. And we are being dismissed. The NLC and Origin should apologise," she said.
07.01.2022 THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND We here have a government who has raped, sold and purely fucked our land. The ways they have orchestrated this is for... some beyond belief but it’s all very insidiously real. With fracking wells nationwide and each well needing millions of gallons of water per well. When all our water catchments are being littered with frack wells and we wonder why we are in drought and why there is climate change issues in the first place? They say the industry is running out of water, that means all of us are running out of water. With another fracking well proposed worth 79 billion dollars in the Kimberleys Northern Territory we need to start standing with the ORIGINALS OF THIS LAND and stop this! Concentrating just on climate over these causes is like a double edge sword because these things are the reason we have a changing climate in the first place. Through water harvesting these companies are keeping water from entering back into our once flowing spring fed rivers. Through water harvesting they have been caught literally pumping pure water out into the ocean because the catchment was to full instead of into our dry bone rivers and towns that have run out of drinking water. To put into context the Murry Darling is actually in flood, but they are keeping the water from entering it for ‘flood planning’ by building containment walls that are spilling over and actually spilling into surrounding Forrests, making the Forrest die where the water is being contained as they are not used to that amount of water and the areas south where it’s in ‘drought’ are not getting any water at all because it is being pumped into mega damns for mega agriculture and mining companies that are using this water for private uses. Illegally. Through the extreme illegal overuse of springs for bottled water and private companies like nestle, Mount franklin, Mount warning water and coco cola we are finding our creeks and natural springs been run completely DRY. The NSW government is considering evacuating up to 90 towns because there is no water! In some they don’t even have bottled water to compensate in the shops, when they are harvesting water illegally, completely against the Constitution, then not even selling back to the people who have run out through the harvesting but instead considering to evacuate them is just completely mind blowing. When we look at trees, established trees are not just looking for water from the sky to feed them life, they get their water from bellow the ground, they are spring fed. Spring fed from the Great Artisan Basin and Northern Territory. All water is recycled from the ground to the sky and back again. We have no rain because we have no water. The water that comes from the Northern Territory and the Artisan Basin that has now been blocked off, sold off and illegally kept from us to go to their mega mines, fracking and bottled water companies or they are just flat out hoarding it to plummet Australia into extreme drought. The oceans and the atmosphere is heating, I for one believe in climate change as most would know I’ve fought for it for over 5 years now along with the law reforms that have allowed all these things to happen and suppress us like anti protesting laws, the dual citizenships laws and the countless others that have put strain and stripped everyday citizens of their rights. Ironically they have put all these laws through, illegally. But when we talk climate, we have to understand that some things are being manufactured for the climate to be this way. Fact of the matter is they are hoarding water and our drought could be over within a week if the water was released back into the places it belongs sensibly. They are actually now planning to flood those places, not without telling the farmers first but it will completely ruin it once again; first drought then flood. Fact of the matter is they are complicit in lighting these fires and letting them rage longer and harder than they should of not JUST through climate or the manufactured drought but through not having the recources on purpose, delaying, cutting funding to RFS, overshadowing the event with politics and games. The list goes on with this one and it’s so plainly obvious that it was all very premeditated. Not to mention they are going through and cutting trees down through burnt land the ones that remain leaving no way of seeding to happen for regeneration. Seen this with my own eyes. They have been spraying Chaff to accelerate these fires and good old 7news weather man told us that point blank in October. Fact of the matter is The sustainability laws that they want to bring in 2021 have nothing to do with stopping fracking but more so giving up land ownership rights, control of our food and water and natural seeds to grow our food, it will be like the TPP for law changes that are littered with things that do not serve any citizens but more so the government and private companies that own governments giving them more power under the guise of sustained living. Like the trade deal, it’s point blank dangerous and researching yourself the official government website will show little spurts of the control they will have and the stripping of land ownership. It’s all there, offical government plans for everyone to be read and understood without all the conspiracy and left/right wing debate and looked into further of what the truth of these laws will do to everyday citizens that have just been effected by these fires. You can bet they won’t be allowed in those zones anymore as they will be deemed hazardous from 2021 to 2030 it will be a slow plan but one that will see us with not much right to change it between those times. In such an awful time where there is so many things happening all at once it’s hard to read between the lines. I for one want a greener future, in every sense, it is not hard for Australia to go renewable, we have more recources to do so than any other nation in the world. We could power ourselves and other places in the world easily. Looking at places like Denmark who some days reach 110% energy and actually sell it abroad. Our country has far more land space, wind, tide, sun. It’s a no brainer. We do not have to go nuclear and we do not have to keep doing what we are doing. Yes we will need material from fossil fuels to make materials for renewables but we have more than enough if we stopped selling our land to foreign entities. But first things first and that’s to understand what is climate change and what is private companies manufacturing climate change. Because the second can be fixed VERY quickly and the first has all the battles, the debates, the skeptics, the policies, the paperwork and the corrupt governments. All needs to be done. But I know which one needs to be done first to relieve the pressure on us, the animals, the land, the economy, the flora and fauna. Without fixing this one very important very crucial thing, how can we possibly even think to fix the climate. In the greener policies of Australia and the sustainability programme they will be entering us into next year that has been planned from 1992, after we are completely ravaged and stressed and not thinking straight, it aims to lower our emissions..... nowhere in that policy does it aim to stop foreign companies and private companies from hoarding water if anything it will give them more power to do so and regulate our water usage as citizens instead of the big companies that waste millions of litres more. If everybody jumps on board with it without questioning that we are going to have major problems. They have illegally bought this water, water rights will stay the same even with the lowering of emissions and the jobs and transport/ lifestyle differences. They will still claim to have all these issues with climate when they can be half fixed simply by stopping the hoarding of water. If we really care about our country and the world, we will raise our voice on the first and most important thing. The thing we all can’t live without, Get it back to where it needs to be, release it back to its natural state. In doing this it will solve half of the large problems facing us and then move onto and very quickly demanding Royal commissions into political corruption to stop the mining and mega private companies from doing what they do to cause climate change. We have to go to the root of the problem not mask it with more laws. Remember they do all of this illegally anyway so don’t think a new law will change what these private and foreign companies do it will just effect us the everyday citizens. It is illegal for them to have this land without buying from Australia’s original land owners in the first place anyway and here they are buying it from politicians and farmers, it’s not their land to sell and that’s a true fact. It’s all completely illegal what’s happening here and has been since day one. We have had in the past foreign countries coming in and buying land straight from Terras Australis originals and then not being able to be taken to court as they have done it legally by the crown. With the current laws and then imposing new ones ontop that regulate freedom of speech, take away land rights because it will not be deemed suitable areas to live and hoarding people into smart cities I truely do not think this is the answer. It took me a LONG time to change my mind and a few massive wake up calls driving through the fires the whole east coast through to south Australia and Western Australia and seeing things with my own eyes to start challenging my own very set view on climate change, so I expect a lot of people to be the same but it’s important not to dismiss or accept these official government plans without knowing the official ins and outs of it. The answer is shutting down fracking The answer is going renewable without imposing laws to do so, Hemp batteries are better than lithium how about we start there? The answer is completely overhauling parliament corruption The answer is talking, understanding and standing next to our Indigenous Australians who are in court fighting their fight of the land being taken by foreign entities up in the norther territory that is putting the south in drought. They want this for all of us to survive and they need every Australians help. The answer is understanding the laws they plan to bring with climate policies and what impacts it has, they are just as sinister as all the other laws changed the past five years, why would you think they would be any different when we have had such a steady line trend of suppression? Know all sides, don’t get caught up in the right wing left wing devisive debate. That’s exactly what they want. Anybody who dosnt believe in climate change is right wing pig and anyone who does is a loony lefty. It’s all so ridiculous how well we have been played. Common sense will show that the most dangerous thing to our once open democracy that has since been announced as a ‘narrowed’ democracy is privatisation, harsher freedom of speech and movement laws, ILLEGALLY selling off land and water which in turn is CAUSING climate change. Rest In Peace to all the species who have died through these acts of Treason.