Don't Go Gently | Non-profit organisation
Don't Go Gently
Phone: +61 418 269 901
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25.01.2022 Celebrating Holi in Thulu Syabru
24.01.2022 At the airport, about to fly back to Nepal. Looking forward to seeing friends and our Nepali family community. Will be working with the community to see what their plans/wishes are, and seeing how we can work together. Poor Nepal has suffered so much this year, and their powerful southern neighbour is making daily life more difficult....shame! More news will follow soon.
22.01.2022 This is the area where we are helping...beautiful.
22.01.2022 Happy New Year. In 2016 we have 366 days...bonus. If everyone spent just one day helping someone who was doing it tough this year, you would still have your usual 365, and the world would be a kinder and better place. Take care...
21.01.2022 Apart from seeing our wonderful friends and all the people of Thulu Syabru, one of the most rewarding things of our visit to the village in October/November was to see how well the heath clinic is doing. Badra and Bhim are doing an amazing job. In the past year they have had 610 patient visits, delivered 4 healthy new babies, and arranged 2 helicopter evacuations for serious cases. Mandy brought over a lot of new equipment and worked with them while we were in the village, showing them some different techniques and helping with a brief patient "rush" after the mothers group meeting. She was really happy with the level of care our nurses provide to the village, and also the way they care for all the patients.
21.01.2022 **********Garage Sale today at Stanwell Park.************ 46 Stanwell Avenue. 9am-3pm. Lots of treasures to be found. ALL MONEY will be used to rebuild Nepal.... Our director, Bernard, is heading to Nepal TONIGHT for the first assessment and distribution of money!! Come have a browse, have a sausage sandwich and make a donation. **If you have anything worthwhile that you are wanting to get rid of, bring it along!** See more
21.01.2022 Just sharing this link so we dont forget how difficult life if for these people. Its a pretty detailed acticle. Just so you know, we work in the Rasuwa district, and the stats for that area are featured.
20.01.2022 Where has the money raised been spent so far? None of the donated money or money raised from our fundraising has been used for Bernard's trip, either for airfares, spending money, accommodation or ground transport in Nepal. He undertook this trip, as he has always done, at his own cost. Prior to the trip, Dont Go Gently had $17,536.61 in the bank account, plus $1,130 raised from the big garage sale. Thanks to everyone involved for that. It is wonderful to feel that spirit of... sharing or a worthwhile cause. Bernard took over $6,000, which is only being used for: - purchasing additional clinic stock and paying nurse salaries - subsidising 50% of the kindergarten teachers salary for the next 12 months. - purchase of roof sheets to build temporary structures as interim classrooms for both Thulu Syabru and Gatlang schools. - constructing temporary school latrines. All of the above will be paid for by Kancha, our representative in Nepal. No other person will receive or have access to any cash, and there will be no under-the-table or bribe payments made! The remainder of the money will stay in our Australian bank account until after the monsoon season finishes, around the start of October, when we will re-evaluate the needs in the villages. We are committed to being transparent with all money raised, and welcome any enquiries, at any time. See more
18.01.2022 It has been a week of mixed emotions. The fundraiser managed to raise about $15,000, which is PHENOMENAL and we thank you on behalf of those who will benefit from the community spirit that made it happen. Sadly, Nepal was rocked by another earthquake a couple of days back, which continues to scar the country and its people. The video below (which was not created by Don't Go Gently) was filmed by five trekkers who were caught up in the area. It has a message from the area most... devastated by the earthquakes, which is also the area that holds our schools and health clinic. This is the region that the money raised will be assisting. The rebuilding and reinstating of homes, health and education is a big one. The director of Don't Go Gently will be headed over to Nepal in a few weeks to provide help and the money raised. Anyone who wants to help the cause, please get in touch. This is not a cause for one, but for all. I will be posting some excerpts from emails and communications received from the area over the next few days.
16.01.2022 Our garage sale raised over $1000 yesterday for Nepal!!! Thanks to all those who came out in the cool weather and bought things, those who donated and those who helped. We are truly grateful!!! Bernard flew out last night to Nepal, so we will be keeping you all updated with photos and a firsthand account of what is happening just as soon as we can. We hope he has a safe, productive and positive trip, and continued thoughts go to those who are living daily amongst the rubble. ... Our next event is listed below. More music and magic!! Come on down to Coalcliff on Sunday June 14. All ages, all welcome. Again, we have to thank YOU. It has been humbling to see open hearts helping those in need. It is a beautiful thing to witness.
16.01.2022 A big thank you to Rachel Scerri and her friends. They did "Curry for a Cause" last weekend which raised money for Nepal. We were able to provide them with some gear we had purchased, which they sold on the night on our behalf. I was told that all up they made around $4000 for Nepal, so again it shows what a grass roots event can do with energy and commitment. Congratulations to you and thanks.
16.01.2022 One of the first things that the villagers in Thulu Syabru wanted repaired after the earthquake was the top stupa fixed. Dont Go Gently paid for that to be done, and the mothers group celebrated their full moon festival while we were there in late October. We were camped close by, so it was great to see their celebration.
14.01.2022 As the school we had been helping for the past 5 years had been badly damaged by the earthquake, we had to do something. While this may not look to much, these makeshift classrooms we had built were able to keep the kids of Thulu Syabru at school and dry during the monsoon season thanks to one of our kind donors. With winter approaching they will have to be upgraded to deal with the cold, as it can get down to zero.
13.01.2022 A huge thank you to Medicines sans Frontiers and Save the Children, who both flew in shortly after the earthquake and provided emergency stocks of the medicines in our clinic. Also, Mandy did a really great job in putting together some medicine and equipment for me to take over, which would be hard to get over there. All on short notice! Our 2 amazing nurses, Badra and Bhim, have done a great job, both in treating peoples injuries and illnesses, and also in providing comfort... and reassurance to some of the village people who have lost everything. They work unsupported by any doctors in this rural village of about 350-400 people, delivering babies, dispensing medicines, stitching and dressing wounds, palliative care and doing home visits. Watching their caring ways made me feel very grateful to have them with us. We happily signed an employment contract with them for the next 2 years. See more
13.01.2022 This is hard to watch, but it helps to see what we are all helping to re-build. To everyone that has helped so far, and continues to do so, we are so grateful and humbled. Remember ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE CENT raised will go to the people here who need it.
12.01.2022 Amazing event today at Coalcliff Beach raising some more money for the Nepal Earthquake Relief. If you missed it, you missed the best Sunday afternoon of music in a truly magical place that you could hope for. Thanks to everyone involved....particularly our family, friends and our community! We feel very privileged to have had the hospitality and great support of the Coalcliff Bombie Bar, especially Rob, Barry, Damien and Peter. We raised nearly $4000, from the opportunity t...hey provided. And a huge thank you to the other Damien, for organising and doing the sound for 10 incredibly generous and talented bands, who gave their time and music for free. And also thank you to our two sweet clowns, with face painting and balloons for the kids. They are now planning a clown trip to Nepal, so I am looking forward to them making village kids laugh out loud. It is such a wonderful feeling when people gather for a common good, particularly in support of fellow human beings who are going through a very tragic time. We are humbled by the kindness of spirit, and the generosity of deed that we felt today. Thank you... See more
12.01.2022 The backdrop and backstage area of our next fundraiser!! June 14 from 12midday!! The Bombie Bar at Coalcliff.
10.01.2022 When we were in Nepal in June, we saw the work of our great nurses. Here Badra stitches up up a bad gash in a local mans face. ...and then check out the fantastic result. Great work, and it wouldnt have been available without our health clinic! And its free to locals!
10.01.2022 Here is a great grass roots approach that has worked in indigenous housing in Australia, and they show it can work in 3rd world countries too. Great effort, and is inspiring us in our efforts. Have a may be inspired too!
09.01.2022 Please let's remember that on this day one year ago, April 25 2015, the small Himalayan country of Nepal suffered a major earthquake that killed more than 8,900 of its people, and injured nearly 22,000 more. Most of those killed and injured were the poorer rural communities that had survived by subsistence farming. There was great worldwide generosity that donated about 40% of the entire country's earthquake rebuilding cost, but unfortunately, of that, only a tiny trickle has... reached the poor people who need it most. The government has clearly let its people down, and Nepal's powerful southern neighbour, India, enforced an "unofficial" border blockade that brought an insulting degree of additional hardship to those already homeless and suffering, and to the entire population. I have been to Nepal three times since the earthquake, and witnessed these amazing and beautiful people patiently waiting, and desperately hoping that the international aid money will reach those in need. It hasn't arrived, and a corrupt and inept bureaucracy, along with squabbling and incompetent politicians, are the major obstacles. Nepal needs tourism to help its economy recover, and most of the trekking areas are safe to visit. They are also uncrowded. So if you want to meet some of the genuinely nicest people in this world, see some amazing natural wonders, along with some fascinating architecture, then please plan to visit Nepal soon, and tell your family and friends too. By doing so you will be helping the local people at a grass roots level, and probably having a life changing trip at the same time. See more
09.01.2022 Not sure if the news got to the wider world, but the day after we drove out of the Rasuwa district, which is north of Kathmandu and near the border with Tibet, a fully laden local bus went over the edge, killing 35 people on board and injuring a further 50. If any of you have travelled this road they would understand that there are places where is is very dangerous. Local police say that the bus was overloaded with people even more than normally occurs due to the bus shortage that relates to the fuel and LPG gas blockade at the border by India. As if the poor Nepali people dont have enough to deal with! Our friends in the Langtang area had fellow villagers they knew on the bus. Our thoughts are with them, and the familes of those who suffered in this sad incident.
08.01.2022 Where will the money we have raised go to? You need to know how your money will be used! The basis of our organisation for the last 5+ years has always been directed towards the benefit of rural areas of Nepal, specifically regarding their education and primary health care. We believe that only education can help these struggling people to break out of the subsistence/poverty cycle, and move their country beyond having a 3rd world status. They also need access to primary hea...lth care, with qualified practitioners, and also sound health education, from the young children, through to the old people. What we take for granted, they think is a luxury. So we have decided that we will give the first $5000 raised for the immediate needs of shelter, sanitation and health to the villages of Thulu Syabru (where our clinic operates, and the school has been damaged), and also to Gatlang, where we have been supporting their school. Prior to this earthquake we had purchased new roofing for Gatlang school, but unfortunately the entire building collapsed before it could be installed. Bernard is going over there for 10 days (at his own cost) from 31 May. The treacherous road is just barely open to the Langtang area, so, with our trusted local organiser Kancha, we will be inspecting these two villages to meet with the village development committees, and to assess the degree of damage to the main infrastructure. Bernard has more than 30 years of inspecting badly damaged buildings, so his reporting will give us a good basis for planning our future works. If time permits, we will also visit Grey village, which is a really poor place we have been giving some aid to for the past 2 years. As this village has virtually no infrastructure, we have not heard any news of how it fared in the earthquake. It is important for us to find this out, so that we can continue to help them. A full report of the situation in this area will be posted upon Bernard's return. We will also outline where the rest of the money raised will be used. We are having more fundraising events, so we will let you know, so that the difference we collectively make will be even greater. Thank you.
05.01.2022 Just got back from a 10-day visit to Nepal, mainly to Thulu Syabru where we have been helping for the past 6 years. It was a very sad return there. Of 170 buildings in the village, 158 are either completely destroyed or too dangerous to live in. This included the 2 monasteries. By sheer luck, our health clinic building was not affected, except for some damaged medicines/equipment. Unfortunately the school building is badly cracked though, and the ground is now unstable on either side. I think that it will need to be demolished. Thankfully most equipment can be salvaged. After seeing this village first hand, I cant believe that there weren't even more fatalities.
05.01.2022 A beautiful sunny winter day with our stall for Nepal at the always friendly Coledale Coledale markets. Thank you to Lara and Jenny for their generosity and support. We made another $325.00 from selling Nepali handicrafts, all of which will go to health and education in Nepal. We also made some wonderfully generous people who have offered to help deliver further benefits. Thanks all.
05.01.2022 Before we left for our recent visit to rural Nepal, we were asked by one of our supporters what was the "one big thing" that the villagers wanted after the earthquake. We didnt know we asked them. Almost unanimously they said they wanted their village monastery repaired. The outer walls, and some of the beautifully decorated inner walls were very badly cracked, bowed, and in some cases had fallen down. Some of the older villagers were quite emotional, as they ...felt their time on this earth did not have long to run, and for their spiritual beliefs, they desperately want their funerals in their monastery. Unlike the school building, which is owned by the government, the monastery is owned and maintained by the villagers, for the use in ceremonies by the Lamas, personal prayers and also for important gatherings. We have decided to work with a village committee on getting the remaining structure stabilsed, and the surrounding areas cleared for safety and rebuilding. We are then going to get professional engineering andvice and work out a budget. Once we know the costs, we will then be fundraising to get this project moving. See more
05.01.2022 We were asked to give a short talk this afternoon at a great fundraiser at Woonona Bulli School of Arts. Their goal is to help build shelters for locals in a struggling Nepali village. It was a wonderful event for a very worthy cause with lots of energy and some diverse music and entertainment from very talented locals. Great drinks, food and laid back atmosphere. It was inspiring to see a younger generation putting their time and energy into helping others at a grass roots level. Thanks to Carina for the generous invite and to Natalie for the very kind introduction. Wishing you every success with this and to keep on helping others.
04.01.2022 Where it all begins for all of us...birth. In poor rural villages, a lack of trained help contributes to higher infant mortality rates. Having an experienced and caring nurse on hand for the delivery not only helps the mother relax more, but also works to minimise the risks of infection, and identify if a transfer to hospital is required. We were so happy to receive these photos of recent deliveries by the wonderful nurses that work at our clinics. It encourages us to keep on working to develop what we have already started, and to try and make a bigger difference in the areas where we are working. All help or ideas are gratefully appreciated.
04.01.2022 There have been more major landslides in Nepal, again testing the resolve and resources of the country. We have some more fundraising efforts coming together, and our community is on board. Sunday 31 MAY we are having a MONSTER garage sale in Stanwell Avenue (@ number 46) and there will be trash to turn into treasure, as well as treasure that is already treasure. There will be a sausage sizzle available too!... Sunday 14 JUNE: Coalcliff Magic for Nepal. See the link below.come on down for more beautiful music, food, prizes and community FUN-draising. TBA: We have a very exciting art show in the works. The cogs are turning and it is working its way into being something truly extraordinary. Stay tuned ****As with our last fundraiser, every cent is going directly to the people of Nepal. The director of DGG is headed over next week. He is travelling at his own expense, Again, we would like to acknowledge each of the entertainers, cooks, helpers, donators, and behind-the-sceners who have offered up their time and talents to make a differenceand what a difference we are all making. Thank you!!
04.01.2022 If you can't make it down to our event, but have an urge to make a donation, we would LOVE IT!!!. We have an account set up exactly for this purpose and are already blown away by the generosity of people. Details below: The account is being professionally managed and every cent will be hand delivered to the people of Nepal, in particular the Langtang Region, where our schools and health clinic are located. You can follow your donations journey through our regular Facebook upd...ates, and watch change happen before your eyes!! We are so grateful and can not wait to celebrate kindness with you all at this event!! Account Name: Don't Go Gently BSB: 082566 Account #: 126786117 If you have ANY QUESTIONS at all, please feel free to contact us!!! See more
04.01.2022 $15,781 raised so far!!!! Thank you so much to everyone that has helped so far. Through your involvement and contributions we have made a great start. Our fundraising evening on 9 May brought in $6,693, which was a fantastic result. Again we must thank all the people that were involved on the organising of the evening (and the clean up), as well as all those who gave their talents freely to entertain everyone so magnificently on the night. We also received $9,088 in donations from generous people that couldn't make it on the night. That was so wonderful to receive such kindness for the people of rural Nepal.
03.01.2022 We are truly humbled by the community effort that has gone into tomorrows event. There are so many people volunteering their time and talents, be they behind a microphone singing up a storm, skyward on stilts, satisfying the taste buds or letting us borrow their muscles for a while. Companies, small and large, have donated phenomenal prizes for the raffles.LOTS of chances to go home with a warm heart from giving, a full belly, new friends, musically enhanced ears, and the knowledge that you have made a difference, all while celebrating resilience and assisting those who have lost everything. We have received over $6000.00 in donations SO FAR!! That is amazing. Lets do this!
03.01.2022 Another terrible tragedy for this poor country. Keep Nepal in your hearts.
01.01.2022 What a fantastic night! Thank you to everyone who attended and every volunteer who helped make the night such a success. The night raised $6,100 in addition to the $7,000 raised through online donations, the response has been overwhelming and such a wonderful show of support to this cause.
01.01.2022 Just back from another wonderful trip to Nepal. Old friends, older friends, new friends...a very humbling time. We cant let these people down, as they are still struggling from the earthquake and blockade. Travelled with Elle, Astrid and Saul, and they were truly wonderful companions on this journey. We met with the committees in Thulu Syabru for the rebuilding of the monastery and also for assisting with the building of houses for the poorest people in the village. We are hoping to get the monastery started very soon, and we will be back later this year to see the changes. You are most welcome to join us...
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