Doonside Anglican Church in Doonside, New South Wales, Australia | Evangelical church
Doonside Anglican Church
Locality: Doonside, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9621 8101
Address: 17A Cameron Street 2767 Doonside, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he might raise up a fresh generation of labourers for his harvest.
25.01.2022 Persevering in the Gospel: Prophecy in the midst of Plagues We can sometimes be a bit discouraged, if we only see what we can see with our own eyes. But Revelation encourages Christians by showing us a dimension of reality that we cannot see with our own eyes, where Jesus rules, and uncountable multitudes of people worship him, enjoying his presence, his love, his protection. How did these vast multitudes come to follow Jesus? The answer is found in chapters 8 to 11 of Revela...tion, and that answer is through prophecy, in the sense of witnessing to Jesus. As God allows many plagues to afflict humankind as a foretaste of the greater judgment on the last day, he also empowers his witnesses to persevere even to the point of death, before vindicating them by raising them back to life. This is video no.5 in the series on the book of Revelation (available at 10am today) and a shorter version of the sermon preached at Doonside Anglican Church 10am service.
25.01.2022 Fatherhood is shaped by the love and model of God. Happy Fathers Day.
25.01.2022 The Mosaic covenant for the new generation. Plus: What is the covenant with the Levitical priests? The whole generation of Israelites who were delivered from slavery in Egypt never made it to the Promised Land. What happened with the covenant between God and Israel in Mount Sinai during the forty years that the Israelites spent in the wilderness? In order to answer that, this video will take a closer look at the book of Deuteronomy, which invited the next generation of Israel...ites to renew the covenant in Moab before they entered the promised land. Moreover, several passages in the Bible seem to assume that there was a special covenant between God and the Levitical priests of the Mosaic covenant. What was that about? This video will help us better understand the glorious purpose of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ, who accomplished what Gods people under the previous covenants failed to do. This is video no.6 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
24.01.2022 Two Covenants with Abraham and Why They Matter to Us Gods response to the rebellion of human beings was not confined to keeping them alive after the covenant with Noah. In his deep love, God revealed his plan to bring fallen human beings back into fellowship with himself, beginning with Abraham. It is in Abrahams story that we find the beginning of important concepts such as faith, circumcision, and eternal life, that would be foundational for everything that followed in of the Bible. Moreover, we often think that there is only one covenant between God and Abraham. But there are good reasons to believe that there are actually two distinct, but related covenants between God and Abraham, separated by a gap of some thirteen years between them. One covenant is temporal, the other eternal. One is national, the other international. One is unconditional, the other conditional. This is video no.3 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
23.01.2022 Exciting news! Freedom for Faith is just days away from launching a brand new podcast: Talking Freely. We have a number of exciting guests lined up over the weeks including politicians, academics, theologians, and religious leaders. Tune in to our first episode coming this Friday (available wherever you listen to podcasts)! See more
23.01.2022 This video explains the priesthood of all believers, one of the most significant teachings of the Bible that were recovered during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. It's the understanding that everyone who trust in Jesus are priests. Using quotes from Martin Luther himself, the video explains what it means to be priest in the new covenant with Christ. What are Christians called to do as priests? What about women ordination to the role of presbyter/elder? This video is a shorter version of the sermon to be preached at Doonside Anglican Church at its 10am service today.
21.01.2022 The covenant with Israel through Moses (part 2): Tabernacle, Sabbath, Golden Calf and Sacrifices Why are Gods instructions about the tabernacle (representing Gods presence amidst his people) found next to instructions about the Sabbath (representing participation in Gods rest) in the covenant with Israel? What if the building of the tabernacle and the observance of the sabbath are simply two sides of the same reality, anticipating the tabernacle that the Word made among us... in Jesus Christ (John 1:14) and his famous invitation "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28)? This video shows that God has planted the seed for the gospel of Jesus Christ long before Jesus was born into the world, even in the covenant with Israel. This is video no.5 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
20.01.2022 Love this. Via
20.01.2022 Does Wrongdoing Bring Any Good (2 Samuel no.2) We usually do wrong things because we believe that we would somehow benefit from doing it. What do you think it would take to persuade us to think differently? How different would our lives be if we really did believe there is nothing to be gained by doing wrong? We may learn an important lesson in this regard from 2 Samuel 1, about an unknown man who believed that he would somehow benefit from wrongdoing. But he was wrong. He a terrible miscalculation because he completely overlooked the decisive factor. This is video no.2 in our series on 2 Samuel
20.01.2022 We are thrilled to announce the new name and the renewed vision for our theological journal: THE GLOBAL ANGLICAN is committed to publishing international schola...rship that speaks to the pastoral needs of the contemporary church. Full announcement here and FREE pdf download of the first issue:
18.01.2022 The November letter from the Gafcon Chairman, Archbishop Foley Beach, is available via the link below. This month he discusses the cost that faithful, orthodox ...Anglican Christians often have to pay because of remaining faithful to God's word. The letter is available to read in English, Français, Português & Español. We hope his letter is an encouragement to you as you seek to stand firm for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. #gafcon #globalanglicans #anglicancommunion #anglican #proclaimingchristfaithfully
17.01.2022 Thou changest not.
16.01.2022 We often think that there is only one covenant between God and Abraham. But there are good reasons to believe that there are actually two distinct, but related covenants between God and Abraham, separated by a gap of some thirteen years between them. One covenant is temporal, the other eternal. One is national, the other international. One is unconditional, the other conditional. This is video no.3 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
15.01.2022 97% of NSW is now drought free. Our harvest this year will be 4x what it was last year. Join us in praising God for answering our prayers and sending rain!
15.01.2022 The Covenant with Israel: Understanding the Exodus, the Law, Israel, and the Sabbath in Its Context Gods covenant with Israel through Moses needs to be understood in the context of Gods covenants with Abraham (see video no.3 in this series). It is too easy to get bogged down in the details and to ignore the big picture. What difference do Gods covenants with Abraham make in the way we interpret the Mosaic covenant, the purpose of Israel as a nation, the ten commandments, o...r the Sabbath rest? How do these things contribute to Gods unfolding purpose to bless all peoples on earth through Jesus Christ? This is video no.4 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
15.01.2022 Those of us who are at church need to be very careful not to make assumptions about the brothers and sisters who arent with us, as there are many other reasons why they might not be in their usual pew.
14.01.2022 Jerusalem old and new: whats the difference? Bonus: what to make of polygamy in the Bible. The extraordinary Christian vision of the future involves a city, the new Jerusalem. Jerusalem means many things to different people. But what is the biblical view of Jerusalem? What is this new Jerusalem like according to Gods promise? The key to understanding Jerusalem in Gods promises is the significance of Jerusalem for Davids kingdom. As we hear the beginning of the main story ...of Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 4-5, we will understand more clearly what it means to look forward to the new Jerusalem. Where does Jesus Christ fit in all this vision of the future? In addition, the video considers why King David was allowed to practise polygamy. What are we to make of him having so many wives? This is video no.5 in our series on 2 Samuel
14.01.2022 The ark of the covenant & the dangers of taking God for granted and preoccupation with our own glory Christians often make the mistake of becoming too comfortable with God that they become casual in the way they relate to him. When we mistake comfort for casual, we end up taking God for granted and disrespecting him. In the story of Gods kingdom in 2 Samuel 6, King David had to learn this valuable lesson, as he arranged for the ark of the covenant to be brought to Jerusalem.... The ark was the most important symbol of the covenant relationship between God and his people Israel. We will see that Davids first attempt to do this failed in most distressing and tragic circumstances. What went wrong? What happened shook David to the core but taught him the terrifying yet wonderful truth that God can only be approached on his terms, not on our own terms. We will also see that when David did joyfully bring the ark into Jerusalem in his second attempt, the rejoicing led to a bitter opposition from within his own household. What was that about? Through these valuable lessons, we again learn how David helps us to see Jesus Christ better. This is video no.6 in our series on 2 Samuel
14.01.2022 The house God promised to build Even the best of human beings with the highest motives often still get things wrong. This is especially true in our response to God. Often it is because we do not properly understand the situation in which we find ourselves. We are unable to see as God sees and are therefore often incapable by our own abilities to discern the right way. This video shows the errors that king David made, as well as the valuable lessons (and the surprising promise...s from God) that king David received, when he suggested in 2 Samuel 7 to build a house for God. He thought that God was done fulfilling his ancient promises to Abraham, when in reality in many ways, God was just getting started and gave David one of the most important promises in the whole Bible, one that taught the people who believed it to expect a Messiah (or Christ) who is "the Son of God". This is video no.7 in our series on 2 Samuel
14.01.2022 God has gifted us abundance. He, and He alone, enables us to walk with Him. Whatever our circumstances, God is with us. His promises enable us to endure.
13.01.2022 Yet, while we cannot do everything, there is more than we can do when we gather in a COVID safe expression of church, than if we were not meeting. So, if we choose to gather, we will need to be okay with deficiency. We will need to be okay with what we can’t achieve, embrace what we can, and thank God for the wins.
13.01.2022 Were kick-starting our prayer campaign for Term 3. Today, let us pray for our SRE teachers as they prepare to return to schools - for wisdom and creativity in lesson planning, and for smooth re-entry into classes.
12.01.2022 The covenant with David: servant king, Abraham, and God as Father You might be surprised to hear that in 2 Samuel 7 God made a covenant with David. After all, the word covenant is never used in the whole chapter, no sacrifices were made and nobody swore an oath or performed a covenant ratification ceremony. Why do we speak of a covenant between God and David? In answering this question, this video has some overlap with video no.7 in 2 Samuel series, but it spends more time on... the bigger picture of how the covenant with David is the next major development in the outworking of Gods purpose and how it relates to other covenants, especially to the one with Abraham and the most important one with Jesus Christ, the One who unites both human and divine kingship in one individual, and the only One who can reveal Gods fatherly character to us. This is video no.7 in our series on Covenant in Gods Unfolding Purpose.
11.01.2022 The free audiobook of the month is now updated for September! Download Parenting By Gods Promise today.
11.01.2022 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. -2 Corinthians 5:21
10.01.2022 Surprised by Gods kindness (2 Samuel no.8) Often many of us ask ourselves, "Is God really kind? Does God really love me, despite of what our circumstances or our feelings seem to tell us?" In 2 Samuel 9-10, we can see a glimpse of what God is like in the surprising kindness that his chosen king David showed to someone who had no reason to expect such kindness and with reason to be his enemy. Moreover, we will also see his response to those who accept his kindness and his res...ponse to those who reject it. We learn a great example of a promise given (and kept) for the sake of something greater than (or something beyond) the one who receives the promised kindness. All this gives us more opportunities to reflect on Gods amazing grace shown to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is video no.8 in our series on 2 Samuel
09.01.2022 When Gods Ways Are Not Our Ways (2 Samuel no.4) When God appears weak or slow, we are tempted to take matters into our own hands to advance Gods kingdom without any regard for his ways nor his wisdom. In chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Second Samuel, we learn much of the wisdom of God and Gods king as he deals with people who attempted to have an influence on the coming kingdom of David by their own efforts. Some tried to hasten it. Some tried to defeat it. Some tried to t...urn the kingdom to their own advantage. But none of them was good enough, wise enough, or powerful enough to accomplish what they intended. This video hopes to show that our only realistic hope is the kingdom of God, a kingdom of peace and harmony, justice and righteousness, and that only Gods chosen king can bring it about. This is video no.4 in our series on 2 Samuel
09.01.2022 Overcoming Satan's Attacks: the Beasts, 666 and the People of God * edit: the previous link was wrong. We apologise for any inconvenience. The apocalyptic book of Revelation shows us that a major cause of the difficulties and sufferings of the church is the attack of Satan. But at the same time it claims that Satan has been defeated and how Christians can overcome his attacks. Focussing on Revelation 12-14, this video aims to make these apocalyptic visions accessible and a s...ource of great encouragement in the midst of difficulties and suffering to all who trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is video no.6 in the series on the book of Revelation (and a shorter version of the sermon preached at Doonside Anglican Church). Correct link:
08.01.2022 "Even though we have been able to achieve social distancing in our congregational gatherings, the recent outbreaks in churches in NSW have added an extra layer of risk mitigation to the Governments advice, which we should not ignore, Archbishop Davies to church leaders in a letter.
08.01.2022 Reformation hymn. We reflected on it at church this morning. We will trust God’s Word alone, where His perfect will is known; Our traditions shift like sand while His Truth forever stands.... We will live by faith alone, clothed in merit not our own; All we claim is Jesus Christ and His finished sacrifice. Glory be, glory be to God alone Through the church He redeemed and made His own. He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home Glory be, glory be to God alone! We are saved by grace alone undeserved, yet freely shown; No accomplishment on earth can achieve the second birth. We will stand on Christ alone, the unyielding Cornerstone; Nations rage and devils roar, still he reigns forevermore!
08.01.2022 A life well lived does not view youth as something to be hoarded nor age as something to be evaded.
07.01.2022 The Second Coming. The end of evil When we go through difficult time, it makes a huge difference to know that the difficulty will be resolved. When we face a great enemy, it’s good news to know that the enemy will be defeated. That is part of the good news of Revelation. This video focuses on Revelation 19 to 20, which gives us apocalyptic visions of the wedding of the Lamb, the return of Jesus Christ to destroy Satan and the end of evil. What do they all mean today for both ...Christians and unbelievers? This is video no.8 in the series on the book of Revelation (and a shorter version of the sermon preached at Doonside Anglican Church). Link to video (available from 10am):
07.01.2022 We asked some kids to reflect on their Dads for Fathers Day! We are praising God for the love, care and learning our Dads can give.
06.01.2022 Hear from CMS missionaries Mike and Katie Taylor, serving in Tanzania, at Mission Up Close this Friday! They will be speaking on the topic, Mission and weaknes...s. Mission Up Close is an online event streaming live on Facebook from 12pm on Friday. Dont miss this great opportunity to use your lunch break or time off to grow your heart for Gods mission! RSVP today at #MissionUpClose
06.01.2022 It is good to want to be like Jesus. But it is also very important that we let the Bible guide us as to which ways God wants us like Jesus. Andrew Moody
05.01.2022 A 7-minute version of the Remembrance Sunday service at St Andrew’s Cathedral last Sunday. If you want to see the full service (54 minutes), here is the link:
05.01.2022 Praise God that SRE is back and running again, even in the midst of the uncertainty that the pandemic has brought upon us.
05.01.2022 The Archbishop made it clear he was not seeking to bind anyones conscience on the matter nor was he suggesting that there would be no choice. He said "I will honour people for what decision they make, but I dont want them to make a decision ill-informed and unaware of the genesis of this [Oxford] vaccine."
04.01.2022 Dear partners and supporters in Christ, sadly our old computer is running out of working space for sermon videos. This doesn’t affect the live sermon nor the church service tomorrow but it simply means that we won’t be able to finish the latest sermon video until we figure out how to deal with the storage problem first. We hope it would only take a few days. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. See you at church tomorrow.
04.01.2022 Something new happening at 8am: Indonesian service GBI Blacktown Immanuel
04.01.2022 Great-grandmother Jean Steele was 101 when she contracted the virus. Born in Cowra in 1918, she has lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, and now, two pandemics. She is now celebrating her 102nd birthday!
02.01.2022 The Good News of God's Judgment The greatest news of all is that all who trust in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins are saved from God's judgment. But even Christians must also understand something of what God's judgment is like. The more Christians understand about God's judgment, the more we understand his love and his grace in saving us from that judgment. This video gives an overview of chapters 15 to 18 of Revelation and invites you to reflect in various ways ...on how God's judgment against his enemies is really good news. This is video no.7 in the series on the book of Revelation (and a shorter version of the sermon preached at Doonside Anglican Church at 10am service today). The video is available to view at the following link:
02.01.2022 It is important that we keep a clear view of what the Bible means by church so that we dont confuse this emergency online provision with that settled reality.
01.01.2022 The one who seeks the kingdom of God without pursuing his righteousness (2 Samuel no.3) Whether you are Christian or not, believing that wrongdoing brings any good is ultimately foolish. The decisive factor is the character of Gods chosen king, "the Lords anointed", who takes no pleasure in the death of anyone, but does not reward evil and unrighteousness. For people in the time of the book of 2 Samuel, that king was David. But for us today, we have to deal with the king of... kings, Jesus Christ. This video reflects on 2 Samuel 1 and helps us appreciate the character of Gods king and the God who has chosen him and what will happen to those who seek the kingdom of God without pursuing his righteousness. This is video no.3 in our series on 2 Samuel
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