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24.01.2022 Going through the Fast-Paced Gospel MARK Mark reads like the script for an action movie. About 90% of Mark’s content appears in the other three Gospels, but the book makes an ideal starting place for someone who knows little about Jesus. Its stylesimple sentences, without complicated transitions or long speechesmakes understanding easier. In fact, Mark was probably written as a missionary book to people who knew next to nothing about the new Christian faith.... Except where he cites Jesus’ own quotations, Mark quotes the Old Testament directly in only one place (1:23). In addition, Mark doesn’t refer to the Old Testament law, a striking difference from the other Gospels. Such facts indicate that his book was written to a non-Jewish audience, probably the Romans. You’ll need no special instructions to read Mark. This book’s breezy style makes it as understandable as a newspaper. Because it loosely follows the chronology of Jesus’ life, Mark offers an excellent introduction to the life of Jesus. As you read, stop and ponder the events Mark records. Why did the author select these facts? What meaning did they have for the people in Jesus’ day? What meaning do they have for you? Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 888
23.01.2022 [The last Parables before entering Jerusalem] Then he said to those standing by, ‘Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.’ ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘he already has ten!’... He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over thembring them here and kill them in front of me.’ Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King LUKE 19:24-31 After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’
22.01.2022 {How to read} Nahum- God’s Answer to Injustice A power above the powers Nahum stands out from the other short prophetic books in two ways: He addressed a foreign cityNinevehinstead of his own home nation, and he used unusually vivid language.... You can read more background on Judah and its relationship to Nineveh in the following historical accounts: 2 Kings 1719 and 2 Chronicles 32:133:13. The background will help you understand why God was so angry at Nineveh. As you read Nahum, pay special attention to the vivid imagery. Some of the best examples are the following: Descriptions of warfare: 2:37; 3:13. Nineveh like a pool with its water draining out: 2:8. Nineveh like a lions’ den, full of bones: 2:1112. Nineveh like a prostitute shamed in the streets: 3:56. Nineveh’s fortresses like fig trees, with fruit shaken into the mouth of their attacker: 3:12. Nineveh’s numerous citizens like grasshoppersprolific, voracious and quickly disappearing: 3:1517. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p822
21.01.2022 {How to read} Zechariah- Starting Over How could they rebuild with broken pieces? Most people find Zechariah difficult to understand. Throughout the book you will find references to people and events that are hard to interpret. A commentary can be a great help, clarifying the meaning of these details. For historical background on Zechariah’s times, read Ezra 16. Zechariah is mentioned by name in Ezra 5:1.... The book of Zechariah breaks into three parts. The first 6 chapters offer 8 symbolic visions, which were meant to encourage the builders of the temple. They are not too difficult to understand if you take them one at a time and don’t rush through them. Their main emphasis: God is at work again. He plans to live with his people in Jerusalem. He will protect them from their enemies, cleanse them from their sins, banish evil. He is making a new beginning for them. Chapters 78 address the quality of life God wants his renewed people to enjoy. These words contain many encouraging promises to Israel. The last 6 chapters are packed with puzzling references to the struggles Israel must endure in becoming what God wants. You will find predictions of terrible suffering and absolute victory. These chapters, as complex as they are, helped the Gospel writers understand Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. The writers quoted these chapters as they wrote of Jesus’ final days. The book of Revelation, telling of the final goal of history, also drew on Zechariah’s predictions. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p837
21.01.2022 Reading {Hosea}- Tearing God’s Heart, Why would he love such a woman? Hosea is one of the most emotional books in the Bible, an outpouring of suffering love from God’s heart. Passion shows in the writing, which jumps impulsively from one thought to the next. Read a chapter dramatically aloud, and you will get this sense. It is almost like listening in on a husband-and-wife quarrel. The book divides into two parts. In the first three chapters, the prophet Hosea briefly his marriage to an adulterous woman and makes the connection to Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. From chapter 4 onward this dramatic, personal beginning is not mentioned again. But it has set the stage. God’s deep love, his disappointment and anger and his determination to persevere with his unfaithful wife pour out in a series of vivid speeches. For a historical perspective on Hosea’s time, read 2 Kings 14:2317:41, noting that some sections describe Judah, the southern nation, while the rest relate to the deteriorating Israel that Hosea knew. The prophet Amos spoke to the north at about the same time as Hosea, but from a noticeably different point of view. Amos concentrated on law and justice, with special concern for the poor, while Hosea concentrated on the broken relationship with God that had led to this injustice. Together, these two prophets provide a three-dimensional view of Israel’s problems. Because Hosea is so emotional, he doesn’t stop to explain a large number of images or Biblical references. A Bible dictionary will help us understand the names and places we aren’t familiar with. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p787
20.01.2022 2 Corinthians- {browsing} a Book of Joy and Sadness Why isn’t Paul celebrating his victory? Of all Paul’s letters, 2 Corinthians reads most like a personal letter and least like a public document. He wrote it when an intense struggle with the Corinthian church was coming to a head. As a result, it reveals much about Paul’s troubled state. He half apologizes for speaking so freely, for appearing to be boasting and for spending time on foolishness.... Read 2 Corinthians as you would read any personal letter. Try to visualize the mood of the apostle Paul as he was writing, and look between the lines for clues that would help explain his relationship with the church at Corinth. What were his enemies accusing him of? Watch especially for Paul’s spirited reply to criticism, especially in the last four chapters. He tells about certain events in his life that are recorded nowhere else. You will likely notice that Paul is tying up loose ends in this letter: For example, he is preparing for a third visit to Corinth and asking the Corinthians to get a collection ready. Yet amid these practical matters he pauses to write profound words on such topics as suffering, giving and personal ministry. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1034
19.01.2022 {sewing up} 2 Thessalonians- a Patient Who Didn’t Follow Orders When good advice goes ignored. Second Thessalonians has many parallels to its companion letter. The Christians in Thessalonica were still struggling with major problems, and each of the three chapters of this book concerns one of them.... Chapter 1 encourages Christians who were undergoing persecution for their faith. Chapter 2 attacks head-on the false teaching about the day of the Lord. Rumors about the day of the Lord had caused great excitement and speculation, leading to the practical errors Paul addresses in chapter 3. Paul’s specific words about what must happen before the day of the Lord make this letter a key part of New Testament prophecy. The prophecy passages aren’t self-explanatory and may require a Bible reference book for understanding. Although 2 Thessalonians is Paul’s shortest letter to a church, it contains four of his prayers. Note especially his concern for the Thessalonians as expressed in the prayers. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1069
19.01.2022 Gospel of John as God Breaks the Silence He spoke in the only way we could truly understand. New Christians often turn to the book of John because it spells out so clearly the basics of the faith. Jesus proves who he is, diagnoses humanity’s problems and bluntly describes what is necessary for conversion. You will likely recognize familiar verses and phrases in this remarkable book (such as Jesus’ I am sayings [6:35, 41, 48, 51; 10:10, 11; 11:25; 14:6]).... John selected seven signs or miracles (five of which aren’t reported elsewhere) and built a story around them. As you read John, note how the author weaves together his story and its meaning. It’s best to read John in units. Don’t just read a paragraph or a chapter. Follow the sectional headings and read a complete section, both the action and the commentary on it. John does not primarily relate events; he interprets those events. Look carefully for the audiences Jesus addresses. Is he talking to his disciples? To his opponents? To the large crowds? He treats each audience differently. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 944
18.01.2022 (car crash} Philemon- Letter to a Slave Owner A slave’s life hangs in the balance Obviously, Paul had close relationships with both the slave, Onesimus, and his owner, Philemon. Some scholars believe that Onesimus first heard about Christ when he shared a jail cell with the apostle (verse 10). As you read Philemon, look for clues into Paul’s relationship with each person.... The book of Philemon gives us a model of Christian diplomacy. As you read it, think of awkward social situations you know about: estranged friends or a parent-child conflict, for example. Notice the kind of persuasion used by Paul and try to apply it to your own circumstances. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1085
17.01.2022 {How to read} Malachi- When Faith Grows Weary Malachi spoke to people going through the motions God’s voice dominates Malachi, the voice of a loving father pleading with his children. The people respond in the form of seven questions or complaints. The result is a kind of dialoguealmost an argumentthat lets you see into the personal attitudes of God and the people he is speaking to.... As in most arguments, various issues are raised, but they are all rooted in a few basic attitudes. As you read through Malachi, try to see what attitudes are behind the questions, complaints and problems of God’s people. Also note what attitudes are behind God’s words and promises to them. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p847
16.01.2022 (Weeding} James- Words Are Not Enough You can believe all the right things, yet still be dead wrong Few New Testament writers achieve the clarity or the punch that James does. He doesn’t spend time expanding subtopics or worrying about literary structure. As a result, the book of James reads like a collection of pithy proverbs. (It’s sometimes called the Proverbs of the New Testament.) In your study, it may help to group the material by subject; James tends to return to theme...s repeatedly. As leader of the headquarters church in Jerusalem, James knew how to speak with authority. You don’t have to look for hidden meanings in this book. James tells you clearly how you should act, in 54 direct commands. Note that many of these have parallels to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. As you read, keep in mind the diverse audience he was addressing, which included the rich and the poor. Note his address to other specific groups. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1100
16.01.2022 {rendering} Revelation- a Book Full of Mysteries Why Revelation is hard to understand? Revelation is probably the most intimidating book in the Bible. It packs in so many symbols and obscure details that most readers find themselves plagued by the sensation that they are missing something.... All unfamiliar forms of writing seem intimidating at first: For example, consider your very first science fiction book, filled with weird names and unearthly creatures and governed by its own rules of writing. Science fiction seems very strange until you learn the techniques used by virtually all science-fiction writers. Once you understand the form, it makes more sense. The same applies to Revelation. It will likely seem strange at first because it uses techniques of symbolism and visions not commonly used elsewhere in the New Testament. It is best to read Revelation one vision at a time, rather than all at once. The seven main visions give a view of similar events from different angles: 1. The church on earth (13). 2. The Lamb and the seven seals (47). 3. Seven angels with trumpets (811). 4. The church persecuted by Satan and the beast (1214). 5. The seven bowls of God’s wrath (1516). 6. Judgment of Babylon (17:119:10). 7. Final judgment and final victory (19:11 to end). Try to read completely through a vision, following the sectional headings marked in the Bible text. As you read, look behind the visual symbols for the meaning they point to. Ask yourself: What does this tell me about Christ, about God, about the real meaning of history? Don’t try to analyze details at first; just follow the main flow of thought. Keep in mind also the condition of the persecuted Christians who first received this book. They needed not a precise calendar of future events, but rather a word of encouragement and hope. They needed faith that, no matter how things looked, God was in charge of history, and good would ultimately triumph. Revelation provides this hopefor them and for us. Finally, a good Bible dictionary or commentary will clear up much of the confusion about Revelation. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1125
15.01.2022 {gloving} 2 Timothy- Passing the Torch The apostle Paul’s last known words Second Timothy has proved encouraging to Christian workers throughout history. Paul, facing death, did not wallow in self-pity but instead used this last communication to inspire and challenge his associate Timothy.... This letter reveals much about Paul’s emotional state and physical circumstances. As you read it, look for glimpses into Paul’s loneliness and suffering. The apostle tells where he turned for strength when he faced personal trials. In addition, 2 Timothy gives much valuable counsel to those of us who, like Timothy, have inherited the task of representing Christ on earth. Paul stresses the importance of relying on Scripture and of living a life of discipline. As you read this letter, put yourself in Timothy’s place; imagine receiving one last personal letter from your great mentor. What final words of advice does he give? Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1078
13.01.2022 Special reserved parking spot for our ride on mower. In My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? Jn14:2
13.01.2022 {snake} 2 Peter-a Threat from Within The worst dangers aren’t always well marked Although 1 and 2 Peter claim the same author, they reflect notable differences in style and approach. Second Peter is unrefined in its writing style, shriller and less gentle than the first letter. (Some scholars question whether the apostle Peter actually wrote the whole letter, but the epistle does claim his authorship and shows some signs of his influence.)... Perhaps the difference in audiences explains the two approaches. The Bible views sufferingpersecution from outsideas a purifying influence that often results in an even stronger church. Thus 1 Peter has an encouraging and devotional tone. But the real danger to a church comes from the inside, from immoral behavior and false teaching. Second Peter, in strong words, addresses those inside dangers. As you read it, try to put yourself in the place of the original audience. What dangers does the author warn against? Are there parallels today? Chapters 1 and 3 can be universally applied. Chapter 2 concerns itself directly with the false teachers plaguing this particular first-century church. In tone and content, 2 Peter resembles the tiny book of Jude. Both deal with the same problems and propose the same solutions. When reading 2 Peter, look for the key word knowledge and related words like thinking, reminders, remind and remember. The author appeals to true knowledge that can correct many of the young church’s errors. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1111
07.01.2022 {gerni} 2 John- Undesirable Guests When a welcome sign is inappropriate {How to Read} 2 and 3 John These two books are best read together, since each gives one side of a problem facing a young church. Try to imagine the setting back then, when Christianity was still new and many teachers were coming along claiming special insights. Do you see any parallels among Christians today? Look for the specific advice John gives for those circumstances.... 3 John- Guidelines for Hospitality The same questions crop up in every age, in every place Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1120, 1122
07.01.2022 {How to read} Amos- Justice! A simple farmer takes on a materialistic nation Perhaps because he was a farmer, Amos used a plain writing style, filled with strong country language. The organization of his book is clear too: Chapters 12 line up the Middle Eastern nations for trial, chapters 36 give a series of messages from God (usually beginning with Hear this word) and the last three chapters convey God’s judgment through five graphic visions.... Throughout, Amos sticks close to his main concern: cruelty and inhumanity between people. The injustices Amos condemns often sound familiar today. As you read, ask yourself: What would Amos say about me and about my people? It is a good idea to read Amos and Hosea together, for they give two views of the same situation. A visitor from the south, Amos was shocked by the injustices he saw in every marketplace. Hosea emphasized the inner dimension, an abused relationship to a loving God. Amos predicted that Israel would be punished, and his prediction proved right. After King Jeroboam, the government deteriorated. Five kings took the throne during the next 13 years; three were assassinated. In 30 years Israel was permanently dismantled by Assyrian armies. For historical background, read 2 Kings 14:2317:41, noting that the kings of Israel and Judah are interspersed. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 802
07.01.2022 {reading} Romans -A Most Demanding Audience If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want along? Romans is a book to savor slowly and carefully. Paul is developing an argument, and his logic unfolds thought by thought from the very first chapter. You may recognize many well-known verses in Romans; note these in their context as a part of Paul’s overall presentation.... Romans divides into clear sections. Chapters 13 introduce the book and present the need for the Good News of the gospel. The end of chapter 3, called the central theological passage in the Bible, compresses the core message in a brief paragraph. Chapters 4 and 5 expand on that message. Chapters 68 discuss the working out of the gospel in a Christian’s life. Paul then pauses for three chapters (911) to link his argument to the Old Testament history of the Jews. From there, he proceeds to give practical advice on specific problems (1216). It will require time and concentration to grasp fully the teachings of Romans; few people would claim to have mastered this book. But it has no equal as a concise, reasonable statement of the Christian faith. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1004
06.01.2022 {panting over} Ephesians- For the Discouraged Good news for those who feel abandoned and unloved. In many ways, Ephesians is Paul’s summing-up book. The same subjects appear in greater detail in books like Romans, 1 Corinthians and 1 Thessalonians. But in Ephesians, Paul gives an overall view of the grand scheme of the gospel. Only now, Paul says, has God’s hidden plan for all of history come to light.... Because it compresses such large thoughts into such a short space, Ephesians deserves careful study. Read the first three chapters slowly, digesting one paragraph at a time. Such study will prove rewarding: Ephesians gives exuberant good news about the nature of the universe and God’s plan for believers. Like other letters from Paul, Ephesians divides fairly neatly between doctrine (chapters 13) and practical advice (46). The last half details how our lives should change as a result of the great things described in the first part. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1050
05.01.2022 {How to read} Jonah- Good News for the Enemy? Jonah balked at loving the cruel Assyrians Like Esther and Ruth, Jonah is a delightful, short narrative by a master writer. Its spiritual implications are powerful and obvious. You can easily read it at one sitting.... As you read Jonah, notice the changes that the city of Nineveh goes through. Try also to trace the changes that occur in Jonah and observe how God pushes him to make these changes. Then ask yourself: What did this book say to its original Jewish readers? What does it say to me? You may also be interested in following Nineveh’s entire history. Though the Ninevites repented in Jonah’s time, they later returned to old patterns. Later prophets (Nahum and Zephaniah) predicted Nineveh’s downfall for endless cruelty (see Nahum 3:19), and in 612 BC that city was destroyed, never to be inhabited again. A Bible dictionary can summarize Nineveh’s long history as a world power; look under Assyria. Is Jonah a fish story? Interpreters differ over whether it should be read as a parable (not necessarily factual) or as historical fact. At least one reliable account exists of a man swallowed by a sperm whale and later found, alive, in the whale’s stomach. Jonah’s historical basis cannot be dismissed simply because of the great fish. More to the point, Jesus compared himself to Jonah, and the people of his time to the Ninevites (see Matthew 12:3941; Luke 11:2932). He predicted that the men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here (Matthew 12:41). It is hard to see how fictional characters could stand up at an event Jesus evidently believed to be historical. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p812
03.01.2022 {Weeding through} Colossians- Battling the Cults For everything worthwhile, there exists a counterfeit Although this letter was written to counter specific problems in the church at Colossae, it includes some of Paul’s most eloquent writing about Jesus Christ. ... Chapter 1 contains a soaring paragraph (verses 1520) that may have been used as a hymn by the early church. Note in this book how Paul concludes all his arguments by referring to Christ. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with dangerous tendencies in Colossae. Paul argues against a mystery religion by firmly asserting that Christ is the complete expression of the mystery of God. As you read these two chapters, try to imagine what kind of behavior at Colossae troubled Paul. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p 1061
02.01.2022 {How to read} Zephaniah- Beyond Darkness A worldwide catastrophe and a shining light Zephaniah will seem more interesting if you grasp the historical situation in which he wrote. For a record of the decadence that led to King Josiah’s reforms, read 2 Kings 21. Josiah’s history is told in chapters 22 and 23. Second Chronicles 3335 tells the same story with slightly different details. ... Zephaniah is easily understood. It has a clear and symmetrical structure, opening (after a brief introduction) with a warning of judgment for Judah and its capital of Jerusalem, then extending the judgment to Judah’s neighbors and closing in chapter 3 with good news about Jerusalem. Condensed from Zondervan 'The Student Bible' 1st ed, 1992, p830
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