Dorset Council in Scottsdale, Tasmania | Government organisation
Dorset Council
Locality: Scottsdale, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6352 6500
Address: 3 Ellenor Street 7260 Scottsdale, TAS, Australia
Likes: 2605
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25.01.2022 With spring weather here and daylight savings just around the corner, all dog owners are reminded that while walking with their dog/s in any public place, they must be on a lead, unless otherwise signposted. Also, please remember to pick up after your dog on your outings it is a dog owner’s legal responsibility to clean up after any dog they own and dispose of their droppings. Green Dog Tidy Bins are provided in various locations around Dorset with free bags available for Why not grab a few extra bags next time and tie them to your dog lead, then you won't be caught out on your next walk. #LetsKeepDorsetTidy
24.01.2022 Youth Action Project Grant Scheme | NOW OPEN The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) and the Australian Government Department of Health have an initiative - The Youth Action Project Grant Scheme (YAPGS) - which is now open for applications to both individuals and organisations. The YAPGS is open to support the following:... new project that recognise and uniquely respond to the hardship young people are facing now and will face in the future existing projects that provide a valuable ongoing service to young people, which require additional funding to adapt or continue that work given the impact of the current environment Applications close on 7 October and more information including criteria and how to apply can be found on the website below
24.01.2022 2021 Barry Jarvis Education Scholarships | NOW OPEN
23.01.2022 Farewell Turtle Some of you may have heard on the local grapevine, that our favourite Animal Management Officer and jack of all trades Wayne 'Turtle' Churchill is hanging up the hat after 25+ years with Dorset Council. Today is his last day in the Animal Ute and all of us at Dorset and in the community will be sad to see him go (some of the escapee pooches may not be :-) ) On a positive, we will still see him around the place, most likely strolling the streets or perhaps ...perfecting his lawn bowls game! The Mayor, Councillors, General Manager, Directors and staff wish Turtle all the best with whatever he has planned 'post Council' life.
23.01.2022 Last Saturday, Council's Construction Crew were hard at work replacing a large culvert pipe along Carisbrook Lane, Legerwood as part of the reconstruction works. As you can see, the Crew successfully completed the task, with minimal interruption to traffic and a culvert that won't need replacing again for at least 100 years. #DoingItInDorset #LocalCrews #SupportLocalBusiness
23.01.2022 The Tasmanian Government has introduced a real time fuel price app that is free to download and allows all Tasmanians to find cheaper fuel with FuelCheck TAS. Download available for Apple and Android Find out how at
22.01.2022 At the Council Meeting held at the Winnaleah Community Centre on Monday evening, with a near maximum number of attendees allowable, Aunty Patsy Cameron AO presented the Welcome to Country. It is provided below in full: Yah Pulingina, meena yah pulingina neena melythina Pinterrairer. Greetings, I welcome you to the Country of the Pinterrairer clan who belonged to the area where Winnaleah is located. The Pinterrairer clan Country was situated between the Leengteener or Tomaha...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Getting Ready for Grants - Workshops We thought you might be interested to hear about a new series of workshops being delivered state wide by Business Tasmania Getting Grant Ready. This 1.5 hour workshop is an introduction to grant writing and covers: ... the Tasmanian Government’s business grants writing handbook how to find grants you're eligible for what's involved in putting together an application how to make your application stand out Bookings are essential, please click on the link to register your preferred location: 28 October, Launceston, 5:45pm (Tailrace Centre) 29 October, George Town, 5:45pm (George Town Memorial Hall) 11 November, Scottsdale, 5:30pm (Scottsdale Library) 12 November, St Helens, 12 noon (Panorama St Helens - formally Tidal Waters) For further information contact Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026, or email [email protected]
22.01.2022 National Road Safety Week 2020 #NRSW20 #DriveSoS
22.01.2022 Tasmania Virtual Job Fair | 14 October The Tasmania Virtual Job Fair is being held on Wednesday 14 October 2020 between 9.30 am and 1.30 pm AEDT online: All businesses at the Tasmania Virtual Job Fair have vacancies they are looking to fill.... Not only are there jobs on offer, but strategies to improve your job search. There are information sessions on writing resumes and how to find jobs. If you are struggling to find work, you can speak to local employment support services that can help you to gain skills to increase your ability to find employment more quickly. For more information including who is exhibiting, and to get some tips on making your visit a success visit the Regional Development Australia Tasmania website below
22.01.2022 Get Into Golf | Scottsdale Golf Club Seniors Session - Thursday 29 October Ever wanted to take up golf? Here is your chance! ... Register below - session is free and everyone is welcome to attend: More information available on the flyer
20.01.2022 Council Meeting | 21 September 2020 - Audio Recording Tonight, Council held their monthly Council Meeting. To listen to the Meeting, please click on the link below:
20.01.2022 Did you know buying in bulk actually saves you money? Especially if you buy in bulk while it's on sale. For items you use consistently and that aren't going to go off why not buy them in bulk? You can decant a smaller amount into a container to make day to day use easier and you'll be saving money and packaging over the long run. ... #DontWasteDorset
20.01.2022 Join the Dorset Council as we recognise the outstanding contributions of our community members with the announcement of the 2021 Australia Day Awards Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Sports Award and Event of the Year presented by Mayor Greg Howard and Australia Day Ambassador Don Marsh. Gates open at 6.00pm with a free sausage sizzle and kids entertainment. Following the awards ceremony join us for a live performance by Gypsy Rose. is a free event however numbers are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Secure your spot and book now by clicking on the link. Monday 25 January 2021 Bridport Village Green, Main Street, Bridport Proudly presented by the Dorset Council with assistance from the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council.
20.01.2022 Dorset Australia Day Awards | Now Open Dorset Council is once again seeking nominations for the Dorset Australia Day Awards. Now is your chance to say thank you and congratulations to those that go above and beyond in our community!... Nomination forms and guidelines are available via the below link, or from Dorset Council at 3 Ellenor Street, Scottsdale.
19.01.2022 Merry Christmas! #DontWasteDorset
18.01.2022 Just a reminder that Compostable does not mean Recyclable. We have had instances of compostable takeaway cartons in our kerbside recycling service (Sometimes complete with food). Compostable cartons are designed to break down so they cannot be recycled into new products. If you are confused by what should go into your kerbside recycling then aim for the big 4: Plastic bottles;... Aluminium cans; Glass bottles and jars; and Cardboard boxes Once you have the big 4 down pat then you can start to branch out and add in a couple of other items each week as you learn what goes where. For assistance check out our Recyclopaedia A-Z of Waste in Dorset on our website for some helpful tips and remember if in doubt, throw it out! #DontWasteDorset #IfInDoubtChuckItOut
18.01.2022 Waste Minimisation Grants 2020 | CLOSING SOON Are you an environmentally-aware individual, school, business or organisation in Northern Tasmanian with a desire to reduce your waste footprint? The Northern Tasmanian Waste Management Group would love to hear your ideas.... The NTWMG's resource recovery and waste minimisation grants program is closing soon. Up to $70,000 in funding is available to eligible Northern Tasmanian organisations working towards decreasing the amount of waste they send to landfill from core activities and/or increasing the recovery of resources from waste that would otherwise be lost to landfill. Don't miss out - funding applications are open until 5pm, December 1. For more information, including guidelines and to apply, visit the website: #DontWasteDorset #ThinkOutsideTheBox #ReduceWaste #NTWMG
18.01.2022 Tourism Industry Market Support Grants | NOW OPEN The Tasmanian Government has allocated $750,000 of the COVID-19 Small Business Sustainability and Recovery Assistance Package to the Tourism Industry Market Support Program. This grant program is designed to support tourism operators to re-engage with the interstate visitor market as Tasmania’s borders re-open.... The Tourism Industry Market Support Program will offer grants to commercial tourism businesses that service interstate visitors to Tasmania and encourage visitors to travel into regional areas. The grant program runs until 30th October 2020 or until funds are exhausted. The Program will offer two grants with more information including eligibility, guidelines and how to apply on the Regional Development Australia Tasmania website below
18.01.2022 Council held its monthly Council Meeting last night at the Winnaleah Community Centre below is a briefing of decisions made: Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Aunty Patsy Cameron conducted a Welcome to Country. Received and noted a petition with respect to the North East Rail Line removal. Approved a planning application for the Rail Trail comprising of the 26km portion of the North East Corridor from Wyena to Scottsdale, subject to conditions.... Approved a planning application for the demolition of a garage and construction of a carport and attached decks at 25 Henry Street, Bridport, subject to conditions. Council, acting as the Planning Authority, agreed to initiate an amendment to the Dorset Interim Planning Scheme 2013 to rezone all land identified as General Residential Zone upon CT 159544/1 to Open Space Zone and submit this directly to the Minister for Planning for consideration as an urgent amendment. Received the financial report for the period ended 31 December 2020. Resolved to name the proposed new streets associated with the Northbourne Park Expansion in Scottsdale Propsting Circle and Kookaburra Court in accordance with the requirements of Placenames Tasmania. The recording of the Council Meeting can be downloaded from Council’s website. For further information on any of these items, please contact the Mayor, Cr Greg Howard (0409 546 247) or the General Manager, Mr Tim Watson (03 6352 6500).
17.01.2022 Ellesmere Lawn Cemetery Capital Works October 2020 Council has closed 7 rows of the Lawn Cemetery from Row X (AA) to AD (GG), removed all plinths/plaques and has stored them at the Scottsdale Depot. These plinths/plaques will be cleaned whilst works are undertaken at the Cemetery. Works to install a new continuous concrete base area have commenced. This is the final stage of the capital upgrade of the lawn section of the Ellesmere Cemetery.... Once the new continuous concrete base has been completed, each plinth/plaque will then be placed in its original position. Council understands the importance of such a delicate operation and respect to all loved ones within the Cemetery will be shown whilst undertaking these works. If you have any questions or queries with regards to the above please do not hesitate to contact Tracey Brown on 03 6352 6500 or call into the Council Office.
15.01.2022 Want something fun to do this school holidays?? Why not bundle the family up and head to the Drive-In Movie Nights being held in Winnaleah and Bridport next week! Tickets are essential and more information can be found in the event below, including how to book. Brought to you by Dorset Community House in conjunction with the Mental Health Council of Tasmania with support from Dorset Council.... #CommunitySpirit #DorsetDriveIn #MoviesUnderTheStars
14.01.2022 Your shopping choices can make a big difference. Choose products in glass (100% recyclable) over plastic (54% recyclable) to help reduce waste heading to landfill. #DontWasteDorset
14.01.2022 Dorset Council Community Grants | Round 2 Now Open If you are a Community Group and have a project in mind that is in need of assistance or equipment, please contact Council to discuss your eligibility.
14.01.2022 Don't forget - the 2020 Waste NoT Awards are closing soon..... Don't miss out, enter by 5pm on Friday 29 September to be in the running to win $2,500. For more information, including how to enter, visit the Rethink Waste Tasmania website The Waste NoT Awards are presented by the Northern Tasmanian Waste Management Group (which Dorset are a member) and proudly supported by Veolia. #DontWasteDorset #NTWMG #Veolia #LandfillReduction #WasteNoTAwards
13.01.2022 Nabowla, Legerwood, Ringarooma and Branxholm residents that receive kerbside collection are reminded that your GENERAL WASTE will be collected TOMORROW Thursday 31 December, not Friday as normal due to New Year’s Day. Make sure your bin is out by 5:45 am to ensure that it is picked up.
13.01.2022 Northern Tasmania Circular Economy Grants Northern Tasmanian businesses that want to explore circular economy initiatives are being encouraged to apply to a new grants program. The circular economy is about moving away from a take it, make it, break it and bin it lifecycle to one that reuses, repairs, repurposes and recycles and creates new value and business opportunities from waste and underutilised resources. Grants of up to $30,000 will be available for businesses wit...h circular economy initiatives that can show a benefit to the region. Businesses wishing to apply for a circular economy grant are encouraged to express an interest via the City of Launceston Council website before October 2. Download a copy of the Grants Program Guidelines, including eligibility and assessment details below: #NTWMG #NTDC #DoItForDorset #DontWasteDorset #CircularEconomy
13.01.2022 The first layer of sorting at recycling facilities is done by hand. That means actual real life humans are having to sort through the contents of recycling bins. Be a gem and don't surprise them with smelly containers of mouldy food or bags of dirty nappies. Keep your recyclables clean, dry and loose and spare a thought for those working in the recycling centres. #DontWasteDorset
12.01.2022 Asbestos is a nasty little bugger and unfortunately turns up in a whole array of products used in old houses and buildings. Asbestosis is a really nasty little bugger so please don't put the health of our staff or the rest of the community at risk by sneaking it into your waste bin or under your tip load. Get a qualified removalist to dispose of it properly for you and avoid the risks. ... #DontWasteDorset
12.01.2022 Schools Recycle Right Challenge | ON NOW The Schools Recycle Right Challenge runs from 5 October to 13 November 2020 and offers a wide range of recycling themed activities, lesson plans and events ideas that have been developed specifically for Australian schools. The aim of this guide is to assist you in planning your school's National Recycling Week activities. For more information and to download the 'getting started guide' visit the website link below ... Planet Ark MobileMuster #DontWasteDorset
12.01.2022 Thanks to Nic Betts Media for this video capturing the upgrade of Ringarooma Road during 2019/2020 #RingaroomaRoadUpgrade #StunningCountrySide
11.01.2022 Kids like those squeezable yoghurt pouches? Get yourself some reusable ones and a bulk tub of yoghurt for a quick and easy budget smash and waste reduction session all rolled into one. A weeks worth of single use pouches will cost you around $20 for 2 kids. Reusable pouches x 2 + 1kg tub of yoghurt will cost you around $15. Best thing is you can customize your yoghurt with different flavours plus the pouches come in a range of funky colours and designs and can be used and over again so your shopping bill will reduce down to around $5 a week for the same result. Win Win. #DontWasteDorset
10.01.2022 2021 Education Scholarship Recipients Announced Dorset Council are excited to announce the recipients of the 2021 Barry Jarvis Education Scholarships. All scholarships in this program have been named in honour of the late Mayor Barry Jarvis, who was a strong advocate of education in Dorset. A very high standard of applications were received, and members of the Dorset Council Education Scholarship Selection Panel (the Panel) had a difficult task selecting the worthy recipient...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Looking for something to do next weekend? Look no further, head to the Scottsdale Rotary Country Showcase at the Scottsdale Recreation Ground on Saturday 21 November. Heaps on offer as you can see by the flyer - great family day out!... #DoItForDorset #CountryLiving
10.01.2022 Council held its monthly Council Meeting last night at Ringarooma below is a briefing of decisions made: Approved a variation to the 2020/21 Budget Estimates of $150,000 for the upgrade of the Bridport Football Ground lighting to AFL Tasmania standards. The $150,000 is grant funding successfully organised by the Bridport Football Club through the Australian Government Community Development Program. Received and noted the Financial Report for the period ended 30 Septe...mber 2020. Received and noted the Annual Plan 2020/21 September Quarterly Report. Adopted a Schedule of Ordinary Council Meetings and Council Briefing Workshops for 2021. Appointed Councillor representatives to serve on various Committees until the end of their elected term in 2022. Formalised the General Manager’s annual performance review and remuneration package in Closed Session. The recording of the Council Meeting can be downloaded from Council’s website. For further information on any of these items, please contact the Mayor, Cr Greg Howard (0409 546 247) or the General Manager, Mr Tim Watson (03 6352 6500).
09.01.2022 Weeds Action Fund | NOW OPEN Applications are now open for the next round of the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund. Grants of up to $10,000 are available to farmers, community organisations, land managers, industry and other entities to undertake best practice, long-term and effective actions on priority weeds. ... This is a competitive small grants round with a total of $200,000 available for distribution. Another grant round for larger, more complex weed projects will be released later in the 2020/21 financial year. Eligible activities include on-ground management of weeds, weed education and extension activities, and critical weed management planning to underpin the effective management of priority weeds. Priority will be given to applications that propose a strategic and targeted approach to tackling priority weeds and demonstrate co-investment through funds or in-kind support. Please visit the website to read more, download the guidelines, application form and priority weed list. Applications close 11 pm, Sunday, 1 November 2020. For any questions, please contact the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund Coordinator, Dr Raelene Mibus at NRM North on 1300 109 676 or [email protected]. NRM North
09.01.2022 October #DontWasteDorset challenge is to go bare. (Keep your kit on - we're talking packaging.) Ever wondered why a banana needs to come wrapped in a layer of plastic and sitting on a tray? Well it really doesn't. Suppliers listen to customers so vote with your dollars and start choosing non/low packaged options for your groceries and orders.
09.01.2022 Are you fascinated with giant freshwater crayfish? Would you like to learn more about the threatened species and get up close and personal? Want to learn how to undertake assessments of their habitat and become a citizen scientist? Here is your opportunity. NRM North are holding a Citizen Science Training Day at Lilydale next Friday, 4 December.... Click on the event to view more details, which include how to register your interest.
08.01.2022 Recycling Bin Reminder Just a reminder that your Recycling Bin is not a compost bin. Food waste and garden waste (lawn clippings) do not belong in your recycling bin - and neither do dirty nappies while we are on the subject. Officers have found these items (and more) in recycling bins audited this week. Recycling collected in Dorset is hand sorted, and no one wants this stuff on their hands while sorting through cardboard, bottles, etc. Recycling centres will accept tru...cks with a certain level of contamination, but once it reaches that level, the whole load then goes to landfill. There are only certain types of products that can be recycled through the kerbside stream. If you are unsure of what they are then check with our Friendly Customer Service Team on 03 6352 6500. We have stickers, resources, information and staff who can assist you with what goes in and what doesn’t. You can also have a look at the 'Recyclopaedia' - Council's A-Z Guide to Recycling and Waste on our website if you are unsure. Always always remember If in doubt, chuck it out! #DontWasteDorset #IfInDoubtChuckItOut
08.01.2022 Daylight Saving 2020 Don't forget - daylight saving begins at 2am tomorrow morning (Sunday 4 October) pop those clocks forward 1 hour!
07.01.2022 Council held its monthly Council Meeting last night - below is a briefing of decisions made: Admitted a late agenda item for discussion during Closed Session relating to a proposal to purchase land at Derby. Received the Financial Report for the period ended 30 June 2020. Approved funding contributions under the Small Grants Stream of the Community Grants Program to the Bridport Community Mens Shed ($1,818), Dorset Community House ($1,723), Bridport Playgroup ($1,913...), Northbourne Residents Society ($747), Scottsdale Tennis Club ($266) and Seaview Village Association ($908). Approved funding contributions under the Community Matching Fund Stream of the Community Grants Program to the Bridport Golf Club Inc. ($13,454), James Scott Decorative Arts Society ($5,757), North Scottsdale Hall Committee ($4,495) subject to conditions and the Ringarooma Golf Club ($3,500). Approved funding contributions under the Councillors Discretionary Grants Stream of the Community Grants Program to the Bridport Football Club ($5,496), Dorset Community Mens Shed ($3,000) subject to conditions, North Eastern Pacing Club ($11,050) subject to conditions, Ringarooma Hub ($5,991) and the Scottsdale Squash Club ($11,355). Received and noted the Waste Management Strategy Final Report. Authorised the borrowing of $3.2 million from Tascorp over 10 years with principle and interest payable every 6 months under the State Government’s Local Government Loans Program. Discussed a proposal for Council to purchase land in Derby in Closed Session. The recording of the Council Meeting can be downloaded from Council's website. For further information on any of these items, please contact the Mayor, Cr Greg Howard (0409 546 247) or the General Manager, Mr Tim Watson (03 6352 6500).
07.01.2022 Plastic Bottles are one of the "Big 4" when it comes to recyclable products. When it comes to plastic bottles there are plenty of examples that spring to mind - soft drink bottles, juice bottles, milk bottles, cream bottles, custard bottles, water bottles, even some wine bottles. Don't forget to give them a quick rinse to stop the rot and prevent a funky bin! ... If you don't have a collection service don't forget you can recycle your plastic bottles for free down at the Waste Transfer Stations. #DontWasteDorset
07.01.2022 Happy New Year! With a fresh new year it’s a good time to get cracking on cementing all those good habits you've been resolving to begin. The "become a recycling king/queen" is an easy one to start with. In order to assist may we present to you (drum roll please) the Big 4: ... 1. Plastic Bottles 2. Glass Bottles/Jars 3. Cardboard 4. Aluminium cans If you can remember the Big 4 and ensure they alone get in your recycling bin every single time then you can work on the other slightly trickier items and soon you'll be well on your way to becoming a recycling king/queen! #DontWasteDorset #StartFreshIn2021
07.01.2022 Kerbside recycling is mostly geared towards packaging so if it's not packaging, paper or cardboard then it's highly likely it probably shouldn't be going in your kerbside collection bin. Know before you throw and check out Dorset Council's handy Recyclopaedia A-Z Guide to Waste on our website #DontWasteDorset
07.01.2022 Feel like testing your general knowledge? Why not enter a team in the DSPN and Rotary Trivia Night on Friday 9 October. More details on the flyer, including how to register your team!
07.01.2022 Event Ready Grant Program | NOW OPEN Grants of up to $5,000 are available to organisers of new or upcoming events for the remainder of 2020 through to the end of 2021 and to organisers who are in the process of developing or have developed their COVID-19 Safety Plan(s). The Event Ready Grant program responds to the goals and priorities outlined in the T21 Visitor Economy Recovery Action Plan 2020-2022 released in August and will be an important tool to help Tasmanian events i...mplement COVID-19 safe practices as well as increase their marketing and promotion capability, such as online ticketing and digital marketing options, within the COVID-19 environment. For more information about the Event Ready Grant program, including eligibility criteria, full guidelines and application details, please visit the Events Tasmania website below or call (03) 6165 5022. Applications close at 11:59pm on Sunday 15 November 2020.
06.01.2022 Council Meeting | 19 October 2020 - Audio Recording Tonight, Council held their monthly Council Meeting at Ringarooma. ***Please note that the audio may be difficult to hear in places due to the acoustics of the Hall.... To listen to the Meeting, please click on the link below:
06.01.2022 Certificate II in Hospitality | Dorset Trade Training Centre The Dorset Trade Training Centre is offering this course schedule though Work & Training, commencing on 31 March 2021 with the course FREE for eligible participants. "This qualification reflects the role of individuals who have a defined and limited range of hospitality operational skills and basic industry knowledge. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under direct supervision. This qu...alification provides a pathway to work in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. Possible job titles include: bar attendant, café attendant, catering assistant, food and beverage attendant, front office assistant, porter and room attendant." For more information, including how to register your interest, please see the flyer attached.
06.01.2022 Changes | Derby to Launceston Bus Service The Department of State Growth have advised Council that from 29 November 2020, the timetable is changing for services from Derby to Launceston - route 777 to better reflect actual travel times. Timings at Branxholm, Legerwood and Ringarooma have been adjusted. The changes may affect your current travel arrangements.... Visit or contact Sainty’s North East Bus Service on 0400 791 076 for more information.
05.01.2022 Remembrance Day On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and close to collapse, German leaders signed an Armistice, bringing to an end the First World War. From the summer of 1918, the five divisions of the Australian Corps had been at the forefront of the allied advance to victory. Beginning with their stunning success at the battle of Hamel in July, they helped to turn the tide of t...he war at Amiens in August, followed by the capture of Mont St Quentin and Pèronne, and the breaching of German defences at the Hindenburg Line in September. By early October the exhausted Australians were withdrawn from battle. They had achieved a fighting reputation out of proportion to their numbers, but victory had come at a heavy cost. They suffered almost 48,000 casualties during 1918, including more than 12,000 dead. In the four years of the war more than 330,000 Australians had served overseas, and more than 60,000 of them had died. The social effects of these losses cast a long shadow over the postwar decades. Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. #WeRememberThem
04.01.2022 NRM North | Weeds Action Fund The next round of the Weeds Action Fund is on its way. A small grants round is set to open in spring, and another funding round to support larger-scale, more complex projects will be released later this financial year. The timing of the rounds acknowledges that landholders tackling complex weeds issues need time to build partnerships, access sound research, and commence strategic project planning.... To register your interest in the fund, visit the NRM North website below
04.01.2022 Advancing Organic Agribusiness Grants | NOW OPEN Are you involved in organic production, processing or wanting to transition into organics? The Organics Small Grants have been developed to support and enhance the Tasmanian Organics Industry.... Applicants are free to apply for funding for activities that enhances the Tasmanian Organic Production Industry. Activities will be required to be completed within 12 months from funding agreement. Round One applications close at 5pm Wednesday 30 September 2020. For more information including guidelines and how to apply, visit the Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association website below
03.01.2022 The Mayor, Councillors, General Manager, Directors and all staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please stay safe on our roads over this busy festive period and we look forward to a prosperous 2021.
02.01.2022 Woolworths Organic Growth Fund | NOW OPEN The Fund with offer Interest-free loans to existing organic operations for land acquisition, new varieties, new facilities and equipment. These loans are also available for eligible Australian farmers who are ready to convert their conventional operations to organic production. The Fund will also award financial grants for proposed projects with a higher risk profile or with longer payback. This may include research and development (R...&D) or innovative organic fruit and vegetable production methods designed to boost supply in the medium to long term. For more information, visit the Regional Development Australia Tasmania website below
01.01.2022 Road Closure | Carisbrook Lane, Legerwood Motorists are advised that Carisbrook Lane, Legerwood will be closed from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday 14 November 2020 to allow for replacement of culvert pipe. This replacement is required as part of the reconstruction of Carisbrook Lane (from Tasman Highway to McDougalls Road) and will be conducted on a Saturday to minimise the impact on traffic, in particular school buses. Detours will be available through the Snake Track (25 t...onne load limit) and Legerwood Lane. Any inconvenience is regretted.
01.01.2022 National Road Safety Week 2020 #NRSW20 and #DriveSoS
01.01.2022 October Council Meeting | Ringarooma Don't forget, tonight's Council Meeting will be held at the Ringarooma Memorial Hall, commencing at 6pm. Members of the public are invited to attend in person, however, physical distancing and density limits on the Hall still apply. Any member of the public who wishes to attend the meeting is encouraged to register their details with Executive Assistant, Sarah Forsyth by 3pm TODAY (Monday 19 October) via email [email protected] or by c...alling 03 6352 6500. Prior to admission to the Meeting, persons will be asked a series of questions and for their contact details (name and phone number), and access to the meeting will close at 6:00pm sharp. If any member of the public is feeling unwell, please do not attend. The audio recording of the Council Meeting, except for any part held in Closed Session, will be made available to the public as soon as practicable after the meeting via Council’s website and social media. You can view the Agenda, including attachments, for the Meeting via the link:
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