Tina Daisley People Partner | Coach
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25.01.2022 Looking for some weekly inspiration to be your best self? Jump on here and subscribe for my Friday 1-2-3 newsletter 1 topic from me each week... 2 ideas to apply to your life 3 quotes to light your fire https://lifeinbalanceonline.com/enterprise/about_us/index
24.01.2022 Have you untapped your full potential? Are you living as the best version of yourself? Do you support others around you to be their full self, their best self? If you were able to fully unleash your talents without limitation, what would that look like? ... What would you do differently? #purpose #connections #boundaries #bestself #courage #confidence #unapologeticallyyou #beyou #selfleadership #values #leadership
23.01.2022 Ahhhh enjoying the holidays? Start of a new year approaching and many of us are thinking about what we want to achieve, get done or do in 2021. If you're only goal for 2021 is to create a life you don't need to take a holiday from - what would you need to change? ... What would you need to stop? What would you need to start? Make a plan, make it happen!
23.01.2022 Last Christmas our niece gave me a set of inspiration cards. Every day I give them a shuffle and pick one for the day. . Today this one fell out as soon as I picked them up, so guessing this is my card for today! But it’s too good to keep to myself. As you make your way through today, listen out for that little internal whisper. And do that! ... I hereby (and with no authority whatsoever!) declare today Universal Day to Do What Feels Right For You HINT: You won’t hear the whisper if your head is busy busy and full of to do lists etc....find five minutes to find your quiet... . I’m off to make a coffee and enjoy it outside before I get together with my Sunday coaching group. Awesome Sunday morning! . #makegoodchoices #bestself #bestlife #listentoyou #justbe #purpose #connections #boundaries #balance #trueself #instincts #intuition
23.01.2022 We have waited a very long time for this weekend to get here! Not this weekend specifically, by date, but this weekend of fun, freedom and friendship! At the start of this year I made a plan with one of my very best friends to go on a mums retreat weekend. 2 nights away, yoga, relaxing, bit of life planning, completely 'me-time' to recharge and reset with other mums.... Then covid. Postponed. Postponed. Unknown. All of us unsure about plans, all of us unsure 'when' we could do stuff.... So here we are. A month ago when the whisper started that the ring of steel around melbourne would be lifted on Nov 8, we launched to action! Of course we couldn't find a retreat at that short notice, so we've created our own! Possibly not as healthy (think more sitting at Yarra Valley indulging, talking, indulging, sleeping and just being) but absolutely will be 100% therapeutic, 100% soul filling, 100% recharging and refreshing, 100% exactly what I need! Do something you need this weekend. Create your own 'retreat' even if its only for a couple hours. Meanwhile we are docked and charging!! #bestself #balancedsuccess #connections #values #selfcare #selfleadership
21.01.2022 Brene Brown has taught us so much about vulnerability. For me vulnerability is all about authenticity and living a life that is our truth. What does it feel like though? ... For me vulnerability feels like...... .....fear of rejection What's it feel like for you? #balancedsuccess #vulnerability #melbourne #coaching #mindset #courage #purpose #trueself #bestself
21.01.2022 I've got a theme going on here this week.... Take a step back and make sure you're looking at the whole picture, all the parts that make up the wheel of your life, where you're going and where you are, not just where you've been (although celebrate that!) Can you see your big picture or do you need to create it? ... This is the PERFECT time to do one of my favourite self-reflection activities to set you up for success. Time travel! Find a quiet place where you feel completely at peace, won't be interrupted, and have a bit of time up your sleeve. Jump through that portal of time and be you in 12 months time. Think of all the things you want to achieve in 2021 and now BE there having done it. ALL of it! What are you feeling? Who are you with? What's happening around you? What was the best thing you did in 2021? What was the biggest change you made? What are the conversations you're having? What are you doing with your time day to day, week to week, month to month? Reeeeeeally transport yourself a year in the future. Now write yourself a letter. From that day. From the future you. Describe it all. Feel it. Write it. If you've really nailed this, what you've written will be so magnetic it will almost feel non-negotiable - you MUST make this happen!! NOW BE IT. Seal up the letter. Date it. Now commit to taking the actions you need to take to make that happen. (now put the letter away and you're going to open it again this time next year!) Will your letter have become an accurate prediction or a dream? Chose prediction. Make it happen! Get an accountability partner to help you along the way and keep you on track. Write down your goals and daily/weekly actions. Remove all the self-doubt and those pesky limiting beliefs. If you can see it, you can be it!!
20.01.2022 Is this a fact though or is it a belief? I feel like its more a belief - there's lots of people now that do intermittent fasting and not eating breakfast. I don't eat breakfast. Do you?
18.01.2022 This was a turning point for me. Recognising that I didn't have to make huge changes, that focusing on the end goal wasn't what set me up best for success. Every day take one action. Every day do one thing that takes you towards your big goal. ... Today's been a little all over the place for me, so my one thing is this post. My big goal is to inspire other people to be the best version of themselves. So this post sharing one of the things I've learned about being our best, is my one action. Have you taken one step, done one thing today that takes you closer to your big goal? There's still time. Even the smallest of action is better than inaction! Remember to teach your brain you are someone that takes action, you are someone that makes plans and sees them through. Train your brain to recognise every single day the steps you take towards and aligned to being the version of you you really want to be #balancedsuccess #boundaries #purpose #connections #bestself
16.01.2022 So often we set ourselves really important goals, we really think through what we need to do to make it happen, we make solid plans. Like a new job. We think about what that new job might be.... How we can get in the running. Who's in our network that can help us connect. What skills we need to strengthen What gaps we need to close What things we can focus on achieving to position us well. But often we do all that fantastically well but forget to think about what that means for the rest of our life. Because we aren't a set of boxes, we're one box. One person. One whole person with a whole life. And now more than ever that whole life is very blended and relying heavily on working in harmony. So when we set goals we have to reset our expectations around the other parts of our life. If I'm putting everything into my career for the next 6 months, what does that mean for how I'm going to be as a parent? What becomes my new measure of success as a mum? How will I adjust my own expectations of myself. This really critical step is really important to avoiding loss of confidence, losing belief in ourself, increasing the inner critical voice, increasing the judgement we make of ourselves not being 'enough'. We make plans, but we keep the same high expectations that we'll be able to give the same 100% priority to all the things in our life, all at the same time. We can't. There's only 100%. So we have to prioritise and make conscious compromises. We have to intentionally make choices. We have to stand tall in those choices and keep to our boundaries. So what are you more likely to prioritise - career or family? Do your actions and choices support that priority? Sunday 3pm AEDT I'm running a free session where I'll show you how to get the 'anchor' for those decisions, how to be clear on your priorities and have the confidence and skills to navigate the challenges that get in the way. #purpose #connections #boundaries #values #balancedsuccess #bestself #bestlife #selfleadership #makegoodchoices #ceoofme #courage #confidence #unapologeticallyyou
15.01.2022 WOW! How many accounts do you have? I'm not a complete social media devout but I've still got accounts on 4 platforms (although I'm not sure my very random use of pinterest rates counting!)... #focusedmind #healthyhabits #letstalk #beyourbestself #emotionalresilience #wellbeing #goals #procrastination #purpose #connections #balance #resilience #bestlife #bestself #redefinesuccess #redefineyou #prioritise #mindset #mindmastery
14.01.2022 Think about this for a sec. Really think about it. Are you living your life or are you doing life? ... For so long I was doing life, ticking the boxes, in hindsight, living on autopilot. It's only when I stopped (because I had to when I got sick) that it slowly dawned on me.... I had all the signs of success, and yet, I wasn't enjoying it on a daily basis. I was doing life, planning to live it 'later'. When we had paid off the mortgage.... when we retired....after the kids had finished schoool.....when I got the next promotion..... Don't plan to live later. Plan to live right now. What is one thing you could do today to be living more than doing?? #balancedsuccess #bestlife #bestself #yourtruth #purpose #connections #boundaries #focusedmind #healthyhabits https://www.tinadaisley.com.au/my-philosophy
13.01.2022 Our brain is such a tricky bugger. It wants to keep us safe, protect us, stay with what we know. But on the other hand, it doesn't know if the change we are trying to make would actually be BETTER for us than what we are living and doing now. ... Its got great intent, but doesn't necessarily automatically do what's entirely in our best interest. On the other hand, we can retrain the brain! Upload a system update! Upgrade the operating system! Reprogram the hard drive. As with any other system upgrade, there might be teething problems. A couple parts of the legacy system that are harder to transfer. Glitches where old processes slip back into the new system. But we know that and we are alert for it. Be the same with your habits and change. Be alert to your brain 'glitching' back to old habits, old beliefs, and reboot. Quickly stick yourself on the charger and upload the bug fix and stay on track. Change is uncomfortable. Embrace the discomfort. Be excited by the discomfort. The discomfort and the moments of doubt is evidence you ARE making real change, change that is going to stick. So stick at it! You've totally got this!!!
13.01.2022 Imagine if everyone that sees this post put a GIF that makes you laugh in the comments?! Let's do it! Hit me with your GIF laugh, I'm ready!!
12.01.2022 The four principles I live my life by... 1. Let people down, but don't let down the people that matter 2. Make conscious compromises... 3. Be comfortable with discomfort 4. Don't be the elephant in the room #boundariesgivebalance #knowyourboundaries #purpose #yourwhy #connections #balancedsuccess #makegoodchoices #yourtimecounts
12.01.2022 I've been lucky enough to work with people that use braille and it amazes me - both in terms of braille itself, but also the skill of the people that use it. Today I feel grateful for all the ways we have to communicate, to include others. And today I'm reminding myself, and anyone reading this, to think about one thing I can do each day to be more inclusive, more diverse, open up more of the world to everyone.
10.01.2022 It's more than OK, its critical! Don't ignore your feelings. Feel the feels, acknowledge them, acknowledge where they come from, and then decide if there's something you need to do. Then just let the feeling be.
09.01.2022 I feel like this is a day that can't go without notice! If January 21st is international sweatpants day, I feel like 2020 was international sweatpants year!! Here's to a comfy day for you all, doing things that you love
08.01.2022 That's a whole-lotta wasted worry. A whole-lotta wasted energy. A few years ago I learned a great little trick when I find myself worrying about something. I simply ask myself... "Is there anything I can do or say right now that will change what I'm worrying about?" If the answer is no, I'm then ok to move on, to let it go. And if the answer is yes, I've got some action to take and so rather than something being a distracting worrying thought and concern that absorbs me, I'm doing something to make a difference. I feel a tiny bit of control, a tiny bit of influence, and for me at least, thats often what worry comes from. A feeling of concern about something I feel is out of my control or influence. Give it a go. I'd love to know if it works for you too :) #boundariesgivebalance #knowyourboundaries #purpose #yourwhy #connections #balancedsuccess #makegoodchoices #yourtimecounts
07.01.2022 Excited to be launching my emotional resilience program for families on Tuesday! A 12 week program designed to build the mind focus and healthy habits to make 2021 a great year no matter what’s happening with the pandemic! We start with thinking about your reason why and setting your big goal for the year. ... Then over the coming weeks we build the skills we need to navigate life beating procrastination understanding commitment v intention handling stress managing emotions conformity thoughts and words thinking creatively.... Amazing!!! Although this program is for anyone that wants to live life to their potential, I’ve got a special offer for families with teenagers. To support teens coming out of year 12 in the craziest year, for any adult joining (just $45 per week) then you get a free program spot for your teen! And if you’ve got two teens then I’m doing a family rate for $75. So many of us talk about the need to help our kids grow their skills around resilience and emotional intelligence etc, what a great opportunity to spend an hour a week together and do exactly that! If you want more insight to the program at 4pm this afternoon I’m running a free 45minute masterclass with all the key concepts and tools for action. Register for this afternoons obligation free session and of course if the program sounds like something for you, let me know and I’ll give you some more details! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/126685382389
05.01.2022 Some of the greatest wisdom comes from the people closest to us Shout out for my talented niece Ella and her graphic design work on my quote images....her future is bright!
05.01.2022 Good luck to anyone out in the Boxing Day Sales today with a male in tow :)
05.01.2022 This is gold for two reasons. 1. Breath is everything. The power of taking a deep breath to settle ourselves is phenomenal. Don't underestimate the superpower we all have within us. 2. Our mindset is a HUGE part of who we are and what our days look like. Have a focused, intentional mind, let go of the self-doubt. Self-doubt is your brain trying to keep you in your comfort zone, in the known, same-same. ... "Inhale the intention, exhale the self-doubt" Give it a go! Back yourself! #balancedsuccess #bestself #bestlife #purpose #intentional #beyou #makegoodchoices
05.01.2022 How do you manage your stress? One of the best tools I've ever been taught has been to feel my feelings without letting them takeover my thoughts. To see the feeling, recognise it, then see it on a cloud, floating above me, not part of me. ... Not simple, and only one thing in a whole toolkit of stuff I've had to learn, but this one has really helped. I'd love to know what strategies, tips and tricks you use to keep your stress under control
05.01.2022 Wherever you are, whatever you're doing and whoever you are with, I hope you are enjoying the moment, proud of the year you've gotten through and all you've achieved, and celebrating all the good things in your life xx
03.01.2022 We can spend alot of time thinking about how great life would be 'if', or 'when x happens'....but actually we've all heard plenty of stories of people who found happiness WASN'T on the other side of winning tattslotto, getting that new job, paying off the mortgage, retiring.... When I stopped planning for later, and a secure, happy, stressfree future, and instead put my effort and energy into planning for that to be my life today, it worked! I didn't need a big financial wi...ndfall. I didn't have to wait til I retired. What I did have to do was work out what I wanted my life to be and even more importantly, who I wanted to be. And then every day, in every way, be that person. We've got a mortgage. We don't have new cars every year. Our kids go to public school. And we are HAPPY! Every day I get to chose who I spend time with and how I spend my time. I'm able to help other people if they want me to. I can say no when I want to. And most importantly, I get to say yes to the things I do really want to do. So find the green in this side. Stop waiting til later and decide to start being the person you want to be today, make decisions and choices that align with that, and live life the way you really want to be. #balancedsuccess #purpose #connections #boundaries #balance #coaching #bestself #thechangeyouwanttosee
03.01.2022 Want to join me for lunch today? 45 minute fact paced online session reminding us all the importance of not just setting goals, but setting the RIGHT goals, overcome procrastination and have a focused mindset to get things moving. Nothing fancy. Nothing prerecorded. Hopefully just the spark of energy and motivation you could do with today ... Why wouldn’t you come? It’ll be better than a midday movie or eating your lunch at your desk reading even mooooore emails! Just register below https://lnkd.in/gnp58hZ #lunchandlearn #remoteworking #purpose #goals #mindset #wellbeing
02.01.2022 The kids did a bit of a clean out this morning of the games room. . Feels like it might be a ‘moment’....out with the teddies and so many books they’ve loved over the years... . Izzy said ‘wow we bought so many things just because we liked the look of them’ ... . Better believe I’ll be using those words against her, I mean to remind her, in the future . #family #springclean #toysfordays #kidsmilestone See more
01.01.2022 Hey go-getters!!! If you're not sure what to focus on this week, feeling a bit stuck, or just need a bit of clarity on your goals, then join our community and jump into the live coaching room today at 12:30pm! https://fb.me/e/1fzK4Tcgc... #focusedmind #healthyhabits #letstalk #beyourbestself #emotionalresilience #wellbeing #goals #procrastination #purpose #connections #balance #resilience #bestlife #bestself #redefinesuccess #redefineyou #prioritise #mindset #mindmastery
01.01.2022 This is a quote from someone that came to one of my workshops when I asked what the biggest takeaway was. How nice was that! And how lucky am I to be a person where people can see my joy?!?! ... Have a super day everyone :)
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