DSMSA Mossman in Mossman, Queensland | Local business
DSMSA Mossman
Locality: Mossman, Queensland
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24.01.2022 What a great weekend racing in Herberton at the Interclub Challenge. Thanks to the FNQ Motor Sport Club for the weekend, it was good to be back up there again. Our club performed well and currently leads the Challenge 13 points to 7 with one round to go. The result could have been even better if mechanical issues on the second last run didn't drop Northy out of the top five. We are now on track to retain the trophy for the third year in a row when the final round is held in M...ossman in early October. Club meeting this Wednesday night at the Mossman Bowls Club at 7 pm. All welcome to attend. Our next event is on 13th September. Entries are on line via the MA website and are now open.
22.01.2022 Round two of the 2021 Club Championship is on 21st February, (just over a week away) weather permitting of course. Nominations will be at the track on the day (not on line). Supp regs are available on the club website, www.dsmsa.com.au Also a reminder that club memberships are now due. Forms are on the website. Nominations are now open for the 2021 NQ Khanacross Series. Forms are on the NQ series website at https://nqkhanacross.webs.com/ The FNQMSC are holding their first bitumen khanacross this weekend at Springmount, again weather permitting. Details are on their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fnqmotorsports
22.01.2022 Regrettably we have been forced to cancel this Sunday's khanacross and junior Motorkhana. The track is a quagmire and with more rain forecast over the next couple of days there is no way of running the event. Our next round is scheduled for March 21st.
21.01.2022 The 2021 calendar is now up on the website at https://www.dsmsa.com.au/calendar.htm Our first event is scheduled for 17th Jan weather permitting.
20.01.2022 Results from the weekend. Well done to all the winners. Congrats to the FNQ Club for winning the Interclub Challenge. Photos will be up on the website in the coming days.
20.01.2022 The results are in and the points have been tallied (thanks Kara). Who is going to be crowned the 2020 Club Champion? We will find out on Sunday. The weather looks like it should be OK, but we do have a back up venue planned if we get too much rain. Check the website on Sunday morning for any last minute changes. Thanks to all the people who have offered to bring a salad/desert... It is going to be hot so bring bathers if you want to go down to the river for a swim. We will also have a sprinkler set up for people to cool down under. Also if you can bring along your shade tents as well. See you Sunday
19.01.2022 Hi All. First the good news. Motorsport Australia has given us provisional approval to run our next scheduled event on 12th July. This is subject to their approval of our COVID-19 Event and Venue plan (hopefully just a formality) and the easing of QLD's COVID-19 restrictions on 10th July. Now the bad news. To comply with Government and MA conditions and to minimise the risk of transmission of the virus this event is going to be run differently to normal.... Under no circumstances should anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 attend the event. This includes any fever, respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, fatigue, or lack of sense of smell. Under no circumstances should anyone attend the event if they have been: overseas in the previous 14 days: or in contact with someone who has been overseas in the previous 14 days: or in contact with a known COVID-19 positive case in the previous 14 days To reduce the risk as much as possible paper work for this event will be done on line. Entry will be via Motorsport Australia's member portal, https://motorsport.org.au/login For those new to this you will need to register using your MA license number. Once you have registered you can complete the on line entry form. Scrutiny for this event will be via MA's self scrutiny.These forms are available when you enter the event on line. The forms are to be handed in before the start of the event. No passenger rides will be permitted, although an instructor for a junior is permitted providing that they are from the same household. A Dual Occupant Vehicle Declaration form must be filled in; https://www.motorsport.org.au//motorsport-australia_covid- as well as the normal Passenger In Vehicle Disclaimer; https://motorsport.org.au///passenger-ride-entry-form.pdf Drivers briefing will be via email prior to the event. No spectators will be allowed. There will be no trophy presentation. Every person entering the track must sign the Attendance Register and are to obey social distancing rules. A reminder that all registered vehicles must have a CTP insurance extension, available from your insurer. The MA approved supp regs are available on the Club website at https://dsmsa.com.au/next_event.htm Sorry if this all sounds over the top, but it is the world that we are living in at the moment. Any issues please feel free to call me on 0427029049. Cheers Bob
19.01.2022 Haha- who has been there??
19.01.2022 As is usual at this time of the year we are watching to see what the weather does over the next couple of days in regards to this Sundays event.We will do a track inspection on Friday arvo and make a call then.
19.01.2022 With covid restrictions starting to ease we are looking to get back to racing as soon as possible. At this stage there is a limit on group gatherings to 20 people, so it is not possible to run an event at this stage. However that is due to change on 10th July when stage 3 restrictions come in to effect. We can then have gatherings (still with social distancing) of 100 people. Our next event is scheduled for 12 July so the committee will be working towards making that happen. We are having a committee meeting this Monday night to start the planning process and to tweek a few dates in the calendar. If there are any issues that you wish the committee to address on Monday please contact me or any of the other committee members. Stay tuned for further updates.
19.01.2022 Break out the bubbly because we’re coming back to Cairns for another 3 years! The Queensland Government and Cairns Regional Council have been welcoming hosts... over the last 3 years and have both confirmed a new deal for TARGA to return from 2021-2023! We can’t wait to get back to the Far North next September and deliver an even bigger and better TARGA Great Barrier Reef (hopefully without COVID) #TARGA #TARGAgreatbarrierreef #tarmac #rally #championship #motorsport #motorsportaustralia #drivingtour #drivingevent #bestdrivingroads #drivingroad #luxurydestination #luxuryholidays #luxurytraveller #exploreTNQ #exploreCairnsGBR #thisisqueensland #farnorthqueensland #tropicalnorthqueensland #exploretropicalcoastqueensland #seeaustralia
18.01.2022 The Club's Chrissy party and annual trophy presentation is on this Sunday at the track. It will start at 11 am with some fun novelty events in the club cars.Entry forms will be available at the track and the event is free to enter.Northy is promising to cook up a special BBQ lunch which will be at around 1-1.30 and then the all important trophy presentation will be after that. To help with catering we need to know numbers of who will be attending. Please comment with numbers if you are attending. .
18.01.2022 It is all go for this Sundays Khanacross and Junior Motorkhana, (weather permitting). Just a reminder that entry will be via Motorsport Australia's member portal, https://motorsport.org.au/login For those new to this you will need to register using your MA license number. Once you have registered you can complete the on line entry form. Scrutiny for this event will be via MA's self scrutiny.These forms are available when you enter the event on line, or at... https://www.motorsport.org.au//self-checklist-autotest.pdf and https://www.motorsport.org.au//self_statement-of-vehicle-c These forms are to be handed in before the start of the event. No passenger rides will be permitted, although an instructor for a junior is permitted providing that they are from the same household. A Dual Occupant Vehicle Declaration form must be filled in; https://www.motorsport.org.au//motorsport-australia_covid- as well as the normal Passenger In Vehicle Disclaimer; https://motorsport.org.au///passenger-ride-entry-form.pdf Drivers briefing will be via email prior to the event. No spectators will be allowed. There will be no trophy presentation. There will be no catering at this event. Every person entering the track must sign the Attendance Register and are to obey social distancing rules. A reminder that all registered vehicles must have a CTP insurance extension, available from your insurer.
16.01.2022 Photos and results from the Interclub Challenge are now up on the club website at www.dsmsa.com.au
15.01.2022 I checked out the track yesterday, (Tuesday) and it is pretty wet and over grown.The committee will do another inspection tomorrow arvo and make a final decision on this Sundays event. A reminder that memberships are now due. With increased affiliation and permit fees the club has been forced to raise membership fees. Single is now $40 and family $80. Membership forms are available from the website. Also the club has a new member with Richard and Angie Howard welcoming a baby girl, Sophia. Congrats guys.
15.01.2022 At a Special General Meeting of the DSMSA Committee convened late last night it was unanimously decidedthat due to the Corona Virus, this years Interclub Challenge between our club and the FNQ Motor Sports Club will be cancelled. Therefor in accordance with championship rules, as the defending champion club and current trophy holders we will retain the trophy and be awarded this years championship.
15.01.2022 Well no prizes for guessing that we will not be racing next Sunday, which is a shame because the weather forecast is looking good. This might have been the first year that we got twelve events in for the year if it hadn't been for rona. All general meetings are cancelled until further notice as well. If there is any important issues that you wish to discuss please feel free to contact any of the committee members. Please stay safe and healthy. Bob
14.01.2022 The clubs AGM is on Wednesday 25th November at Mossman Bowls Club starting at 7pm. Attached is form if you would like to nominate someone for a position on the committee. All members are welcome to attend.
14.01.2022 A Drivers Briefing document has been emailed out. If you are competing this weekend please read it, sign it and email it back.
13.01.2022 Club meeting this Wednesday night at the Mossman Bowls Club at 7 pm.All welcome.
12.01.2022 Our next Khanacross and Junior Motorkhana is on 3rd and 4th October.As well as being a normal club event( ie points go towards our club championship) it is also the second and final round of the Interclub Challenge against the FNQ Motor Sport Club. Entries are now open and where possible can be done via MA's member portal.The event will start at 12 noon on Saturday and finish at approx. 5 pm. It will restart at 8.30 am on Sunday and finish at approx. 2pm. Camping is availab...le at the track and gates will open Friday arvo.Saturday night dinner and Sunday brekky are included in the entry fee. Lunches on both days will be available at a small cost and we may look at doing Saturday brekky for the early campers if there is enough demand.Also please note that cars must have an operational horn fitted and any registered vehicles must have a CTP extension. Supp regs are available at https://dsmsa.com.au/next_event.htm The two self scrutiny forms are at https://www.motorsport.org.au//self_statement-of-vehicle-c and https://www.motorsport.org.au//self-checklist-autotest.pdf These forms must be filled in and brought along on the day.Also any person who is an instructor with a junior must sign the dual occupant vehicle disclaimer at https://www.motorsport.org.au//motorsport-australia_covid- See more
12.01.2022 Hi All,This month's Club meeting is this Wednesday night at the Bowls Club at 7 pm. All welcome. Come earlier for a feed if you want. It would normally be our AGM this month but due to a hold up with the books at the auditors we have postponed the AGM until November's meeting. The next event is a khanacross and junior motorkhana on 8th November. Entries are now open and where possible can be done on line at Motorsport Australia. The event Supp regs available at https://dsmsa.com.au/next_event.htm Date Change. The Club's Christmas party has been moved back one day and will now be on Sunday 13th December at the track.
11.01.2022 Club meeting this Wednesday night 7 pm @ Mossman Bowls Club. All welcome.
10.01.2022 With COVID19 restrictions starting to ease hopefully we can get back racing soon. Our next event is scheduled for 17th May. Weather it goes ahead depends on what restrictions, if any change in the next week or so. We will keep you up to date on any developments. In the mean time several members have been doing work out at the track. Northy and Kara have been mowing, slashing and spraying and have kept the grounds maintained to their usual high standard. Carl and Richard "volu...nteered" (thanks Melanie) to finish off erecting the carport/shade structure which we started back in March. Thanks to their efforts it is nearly completed. Also Trevor White, owner/operator of T & C Grader Hire has spent all morning grading the track ready for a resumption of racing. Trevor donates his time every year to grade the track following the wet season and I can not thank him enough for his support of the club over the years. So the track is ready, we are ready, just waiting for the word. If there is anyone not working and who would like to help out at the track let me or Northy know. From mowing, slashing or spraying, to maintenance on the club cars and machinery there is always something that needs to be done. See more
10.01.2022 Rick Ranscombe has been crowned the Douglas Shire Motor Sports Association Club Champion for the second year in a row at the club's Chrissy party yesterday. Rick finished on 151 points. It comes just a day after winning the FNQMS Championship in Cairns. Seth Perry was the winner of the Junior Khanacross Championship. Other class winners were... Junior Motorkhana Katherine Andrews Front wheel drive Rick Ranscombe Rear wheel drive Rob Bassett All wheel drive John Kenna Ladies Mackenzie Barry The full results and photos will be up on the website in the coming days See more
10.01.2022 The 2020 results and photos from the Chrissy party are now up on the website at https://www.dsmsa.com.au/2020_championships.htm Have a safe and happy Christmas everyone.
09.01.2022 Our next event is all go for the 9th August. As with the last event, entry will be via Motorsport Australia's member portal, https://motorsport.org.au/login For those new to this you will need to register using your MA license number. Once you have registered you can complete the on line entry form.Scrutiny for this event will be via MA's self scrutiny.These forms are available when you enter the event on line. No passenger rides will be permitted, although an instructor for... a junior is permitted providing that they are from the same household. A Dual Occupant Vehicle Declaration form must be filled in; https://www.motorsport.org.au//motorsport-australia_covid- as well as the normal Passenger In Vehicle Disclaimer; https://motorsport.org.au///passenger-ride-entry-form.pdf of these forms can be emailed back to the clubs email; [email protected] Drivers briefing will be via email prior to the event.A reminder that all registered vehicles must have a CTP insurance extension, available from your insurer. The MA approved supp regs are on the website. We have updated the calendar and regiged the dates for the Interclub Challenge. Round 1 will now be on 22/23 August at Herberton and Round 2 will now be on 2/3 October in Mossman. (These were the original dates of the NQ series). As a result the khanacross planned for 25th October has been cancelled. I will forward on an email form the FNQ club with info for round one. See more
07.01.2022 We are watching and waiting to see what the weather does in the next couple of days before making a decision on this Sunday's event. We hope to make a final decision by Friday night.
07.01.2022 This Sundays event has been called off. There was 130 mm of rain in Mossman yesterday and last night and it has rained again this afternoon and there are more showers forecast for the weekend. Even if it stopped raining now, there is no way the track would be dry enough to do the necessary work to get it ready to race on. As per club rules, the event will be postponed until next Sunday and if it is too wet then it will be cancelled. On a side note, the first club meeting is on this coming Wednesday night at the Mossman Bowls Club at 7 PM. All welcome.
07.01.2022 Results from Sunday have been emailed out. Full results and photos will be up on the website in coming days. The first round of the 2020 inter club challenge against the FNQ Motor Sport Club is on 22nd and 23rd August at Herberton Speedway. As the defending champions we will be looking to hammer the Cairns Club again this year. It is a good weekend away and a chance to race on a different track so I encourage all members who are able to attend to do so. Nominations are online and all the details are on the FNQ Motorsports facebook page. Also Targa Great Barrier Reef is on 4-6 September. They are looking for people to help run some of the stages. If you would like to volunteer ring Susie on 0418 873 744.
06.01.2022 This Sundays khanacross and junior motorkhana is all go, weather permitting.Showers are forecast for Friday and Saturday so we will keep an eye on that and see what happens.Nominations are via the Motorsport Australia website and close on Saturday. If you are having dramas doing this then we will allow paper nominations on Sunday morning.Self scrutiny forms must also be filled in and emailed back to the club or deposited in the box at the track on Sunday morning.We have decided to cater for lunch this event and there will be drinks available as well.If its not too wet we will be doing a track set up from 12 on Saturday. Anyone help would be appreciated. I have emailed out the drivers briefing. If you are competing please sign it and return it.
06.01.2022 Despite the odd shower forecast, this Sunday's Khanacross and Junior Motorkhana is all go at this stage. Where possible nominations are via the member portal on the Motorsport Australia website. Attached is the drivers briefing document which must be signed and returned as well. There will be a working bee at the track from 12 on Saturday. Jobs that need doing include mow the pit area, set up the track, and prep the club cars. All assistance would be appreciated.
06.01.2022 Thanks to all the members who help out on Saturday morning. The posts for the carport/shade structure are now securely concerted into the ground. The plan is to finish erecting it next Sunday morning weather and coronaviras permitting. Stay tuned for more info later in the week. Speaking of coronaviras this months club meeting,scheduled for tomorrow night at the Mossman Bowls Club has been cancelled as the Bowls Club is now closed.
05.01.2022 We have revised the start time for next weekends interclub challenge. It will now start at 11 am on Saturday 3rd.
05.01.2022 Northy, Greg and I inspected the track this arvo. There has been over 60 mm of rain since Wednesday and more than 130 since the weekend and parts of the track are impassable. (Northy's cruiser struggled in places) The parts that are half dry are rutted out so based on this we have reluctantly cancelled this Sunday's event. Round two of the Championship is scheduled for 21st Feb weather permitting.
05.01.2022 Following discussions with committee members tonight (sorry Sonia I tried ringing) we have decided to call off tomorrows working bee at the track due to the on going coronaviras situation. Both Northy and myself are keen as mustard to get this carport up but peoples health and safety are more important. There will be a time when we will be able to finish it but tomorrow is not it. It is also highly unlikely that our April and May events will proceed as planed.
04.01.2022 There has been a slight change to the planned construction of the carport/ shade structure at the track. It will now be on Saturday morning (28th March.)The whole thing is basically tech screwed together so for anyone attending, if you are able to bring a battery impact driver and bits we should be able to have it up in a couple of hours. Start time is 8.30.
03.01.2022 The clubs AGM is on tonight at the Mossman Bowls Club at 7 pm. All welcome.
01.01.2022 Results and photos from our last event are now up on the website.
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