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Down Syndrome Tasmania

Phone: +61 1300 592 050


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24.01.2022 Did you know that today is International Day of People with Disability - Australia? On December 3 this year, during the annual celebration of people with disabilities, the 2020 theme ‘Not all Disabilities are Visible’ also focuses on spreading awareness and understanding of disabilities that are not immediately apparent, such as mental illness, chronic pain or fatigue, sight or hearing impairments, diabetes, brain injuries, neurological disorders, learning differences and cognitive dysfunctions, among others. What are you doing to mark this day?

24.01.2022 Help us to make sure that people with Down syndrome have better healthcare outcomes! We want to hear about your experiences when you see a doctor, go to the hospital or see a health worker. This survey is for people with Down syndrome. There is an Easy Read online version here. You can also download a survey here.

23.01.2022 We are nearing the launch of #21YourWay, a national fundraising and awareness campaign being held for the first time this October in Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It celebrates the significant contributions people with Down syndrome make to our communities. The campaign calls on people to take on a challenge of their choice during October to raise awareness of Down syndrome. For those who are yet to sign up, or are having trouble thinking up a challenge, we’re also thrilled have a number of Ambassadors supporting #21YourWay why not join your favourite Ambassador’s team? Visit to find out more and to register. #21YourWay allows supporters to celebrate with and fundraise for their local state or territory Down syndrome association. All funds raised will support the Down Syndrome Australia Federation to continue their work in supporting and empowering people with Down syndrome to have full access to social and economic inclusion.

22.01.2022 GET IN QUICK!! DSA are offering FREE online science sessions starting on 28 October. Join exciting demonstrations and experiments from the comfort of your own home. This outstanding program promotes independent thought and problem solving. Wednesdays or Fridays, for people with Down syndrome 16 years and over.... Spaces are limited so register now!

21.01.2022 The difficulty of getting a diagnosis Carolyn Frichot shares her experience of what it was like navigating the health system when her daughter Monique started having seizures.

19.01.2022 Check out this podcast thanks to DSQ. It follows the story of Emma, whose son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome moments after birth.

19.01.2022 Come along to Launceston’s Brisbane mall tomorrow (Saturday) morning to see our BrightStars North dance as part of this Christmas dance showcase. Kicks off at 10am. BrightStars classes are gradually recommencing Statewide post our COVID shut down. We are currently finalising venues for 2021 and will post dates for dance classes next year once these are available.

19.01.2022 October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and we can’t wait to see what your #21YourWay challenge is! It’s not too late for you to join in. Sign up now - it's time to StepUP! for Down syndrome!

19.01.2022 Down Syndrome Australia is very excited to announce we are recruiting a number of casual Health Ambassadors to assist in the implementation of our new ILC grant ‘Improving health outcomes for people with Down syndrome through improved communication with Health professionals’. If you or someone you know who is over 16, has Down syndrome and would like to work with Down Syndrome Australia, this maybe the right job. Please take a look at the Easy Read position description and fo...llow the application process.

18.01.2022 What is the best way for you to receive information about Down syndrome? Take our 5 minute survey and help us to provide information to people with Down syndrome, families, and supporters across Australia. Take the full survey here:... You can also take our Easy Read survey here:

17.01.2022 Be sure to consider attending the From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100 Ways to Differentiate Instruction in a K-12 Classroom webinar!! This idea-filled, interactive workshop is focused on using teacher-created materials to meet the needs of all learners in inclusive schools. Educators will learn ways to engage, motivate, support, and inspire a diverse group of students by creating classroom games, study aids, visuals supports, teaching tools, and review materials. Participants will learn about strategies and adaptations and will have opportunities to try some of them out as well. For more information:

16.01.2022 It's #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth and Julia Hales, an actor living with Down syndrome, takes us on an exploration of the issues surrounding Down Syndrome in Australia. #TheUpsideofDowns Make sure you catch "The Upside of Downs", which will be screening on ABC TV at 9.30pm tomorrow night - Tuesday 20th October. "I want everyone to know that people with Down syndrome are capable of living in the world and reaching their goals. I want their voices to be heard and to make the world a better place for them."

15.01.2022 Down syndrome nearly killed her son, but ironically ended up saving his life. Have a read of this 4-year old's story of being on the brink of death because of blinkers. And he’s not the only one.

14.01.2022 During October the Down Syndrome Australia Federation is launching the #21YourWay campaign, raising awareness for Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Will you join us? You can pick your own #21YourWay challenge or take on a challenge alongside one of our Ambassadors. The choice is yours! Visit for more information and to register. #21YourWay 21YourWay Australia

13.01.2022 Down Syndrome Tasmania is seeking expressions of interest for General Board members to fill positions being vacated by long-standing members; Areas of expertise being sought include fundraising, governance, accounting, legal, advocacy, marketing and communications. To express interest and for more information go to the website:

12.01.2022 Did you try telehealth during COVID lockdowns? How successful was it?

12.01.2022 Down Syndrome Tasmania and its Board invite you to attend our members to the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 11am | Sunday 6th December 2020 Campbell Town Recreation Ground Complex Function Room.... RSVP by Wednesday 2nd December (please state any special dietary requirements) Due to COVID restrictions we are limited with numbers and RSVP is required.

12.01.2022 Today is World Sexual Health Day. Relationships are important for everyone. There are a lot of different kinds of relationships. Some relationships are based on friendship, others on being in a family and some relationships are romantic and could involve having sex. Watch this space as we plan to run some relationship courses at some time in the not too distance future!... DSA have developed a guide on healthy relationships and sexuality for people with Down syndrome and their families, which you may be interested in reading.

11.01.2022 Check out these groovers working toward independent life. Learning to cook and enjoying friendships.

11.01.2022 DST's BrightStars in Hobart and Launceston are resuming in-person dance classes, with Ulverstone resuming in the new year. If you would like to join us or require further information, please contact Samantha Johnston, our Community Support Officer at [email protected] Down Syndrome Tasmania has implemented a COVID-safe plan at both the above venues.

09.01.2022 Seishin Martial Arts are running beginners courses for all from the age of five. If you are interested in joining them - now running classes also from Howrah - get in contact! Enrolments close on the 18th and classes start on 28th.

08.01.2022 Check out this Easy Read Guide to "Friends".

07.01.2022 Great work BrightStars North! Amazing to see how confident our dancers were with only 2 classes back after our long COVID break. Thank you to Mandy and Sam for all their efforts finding a venue for classes and getting our COVIDSAFE plans together and to Olivia our awesome teacher. Down Syndrome Tasmania are looking forward to getting all our BrightStars groups back on the dance floor in 2021.

06.01.2022 Do you think Tassie needs a Disability Commissioner? Disability support advocates and public interest lawyers say a recent disability discrimination case against a Launceston school highlights the need for an independent complaints-handling mechanism in Tasmania, such as a Discrimination Commissioner.

06.01.2022 PAID POSITION!! Are you or do you know someone who is over 16 and has Down syndrome - this maybe the right job. Down Syndrome Australia recruiting a number of casual Health Ambassadors to assist in the implementation of a new ILC grant. Please take a look at the Easy Read position description and follow the application process....

06.01.2022 This is an awesome opportunity to find out more about Supporting Learners with Down Syndrome at School: an Overview of the Common Characteristics and Strategies for Success Tuesday 25 August 8pm (AEST) You can attend from anywhere from the comfort of your couch 7 day Replay if you can't make the live session... Certificate of Attendance Students with Down syndrome, like all learners, have unique strengths, challenges, interests and motivations. When supporting a learner with Down syndrome there is no more valuable act than getting to know your student as an individual. What’s their currency? What are they great at? What might they need support with? This presentation will provide an overview of what a diagnosis of Down syndrome means in 2020. We’ll set the record straight about a number of myths and outdated stereotypes, as well as take a practical look at strategies you can use to support fine and gross motor development, low muscle tone, intellectual disability, communication and more. Examples will focus on the school context for both primary and high school students. This session will add to your toolkit of resources and approaches to ensuring great educational outcomes for your student/s with Down syndrome. For more information:

04.01.2022 It's not too late to register for our educations webinars together with Illume Learning. The first session kicks off on 11th August - Supporting Learners with Down Syndrome - but if you can't make it at the time specified you can listen to the webinar afterwards over the following seven days. Register now:

03.01.2022 DST are very appreciative of the generous donation for the North West BrightStars.

01.01.2022 The last of our Webinar series will be running on 22 September. If you are a support worker of a person with Down Syndrome then this one if for you! You can access this from the comfort of home any where in the world and if you miss it access for a week after the webinar runs!

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