Dowsett Snake Catchers of the GV in Tatura East | Local business
Dowsett Snake Catchers of the GV
Locality: Tatura East
Phone: +61 409 575 164
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24.01.2022 Thought you guys would appreciate this
24.01.2022 Finally the warmer weather is well kind of here and so are our friends SNAKEYS just remember a mutual respect of each other’s personal space is in most cases is all is needed to be safe
24.01.2022 Another one saved and relocated somewhere more suitable
23.01.2022 TWINS! This is our first set of twins exhibiting two different phenotypes. They are also the largest set of twins we have ever produced.
23.01.2022 More pics of the dashing me brown
21.01.2022 A timely reminder.......... This is a Business. I pay for Licencing, Insurance, Vehicle Costs, Tax, Equipment amongst other things, just like every Business.... My fees are not unrealistic or unjustified, especially given the inherent danger involved in Venomous Snake Relocation.
21.01.2022 Pics of Lucy my lovely Tiger Snake being tubed to have a couple of injections isn’t she stunning
19.01.2022 My beautiful Inland Taipans Romeo and Juliet fell under each other’s spell the other day and I’m very happy to say it wasn’t fatal what a smashing pair
19.01.2022 My first rescue for the year. Poor bloke was trapped in a water pit for an undetermined amount of time in numerous frost and freezing days. Unfortunately anothe...r snake found the same fate and perished so this bloke was swimming with his rotting carcass so I’ve popped him respite for a couple of days with some warmth and very fresh water. Will release him on one of these upcoming beautiful sunny afternoons See more
19.01.2022 ALLERT TO EVERYONE If you have the smallest gap under a door coming into your home, in these hot days ahead a snake WILL want to take advantage of that small g...ap and come in and share your air conditioning. So PLEASE roll up an old towel and plug up that gap to prevent this from happening. The same for your garage doors anything with a door with a gap. Thanks stay safe and hydrated See more
17.01.2022 I have to introduce Max my Mulga to the family awfully dam handsome if I don’t say so myself but mummies can say that instant love
14.01.2022 You go you little ripper
14.01.2022 Snake season is beginning: breathe and remain calm By Daneka Hill Sep 14 2020 3 min read... Spring brings with it snakes, but the combined impact of an unusually cold winter and COVID-19 has left this spring more snake-less than usual. For seven years snake catcher Tania Corby has been removing the legless reptiles from properties across the Goulburn Valley. I’m normally catching snakes in August, but I haven’t had too many this year. I think because of COVID-19 people aren’t out and about and coming across them as much, Ms Corby said. We’ve also had a really cold winter. The snakes need warmer nights than this to really get going. We’re only just seeing them coming out now and sunning themselves on the roadside. Ms Corby said once the weather warmed she could get three to five calls a day. Nearly all of those calls are for highly venomous snakes. In seven years I’ve only removed two pythons (non-venomous species), gorgeous Murray-Darling ones. You wouldn’t believe how many people ask me ‘is it dangerous?’ in this area all we get is highly venomous snakes, she said. Ms Corby said the most important thing to do when encountering a snake was to breathe and remain still. The snake’s not going to bounce off the ground and bite your face, she said. We don’t need to fear them with the aggression that we do. If you stay still they can’t really notice you and they won’t have a reason to fear you. Ms Corby said to keep an eye on the general area the snake had moved into so when the snake catcher arrived the search area was narrowed down. Snakes are nocturnal hunters and need warm night-time weather to hunt and search for mates. During the day they will seek out cool spots like concrete shed floors, shaded gardens, and even air-conditioned rooms. Ms Corby has been bitten once in her snake-catching career, and that was on the pad of her thumb by a tiger snake. I only got bitten because I was working with someone else and misheard what he said. Within three steps I knew I was envenomated. I got the worst migraine I’d ever had, sweats, and it felt like someone was sitting on my chest, she said. He only bit me because he was scared and cornered. It was what any animal would do it is what humans would do if two people came out of nowhere and pinned you down. You would scratch and fight. We really do need to respect these creatures. We do need them and we need to sit down and think about that. I would rather have one snake in my backyard than 10 mice in my kitchen. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning senior wildlife management officer Therese Davis said most snake bites happened when people tried to capture or kill a snake. Snakes are generally very shy and prefer to keep away from people, and often when a snake is found in a backyard it’s because it’s moving through the area to other habitat, Ms Davis said. The three snake species common throughout North-East Victoria are the venomous eastern brown snake, tiger snake and red-bellied black snake. Merrigum snake catcher Craig Bergman (phone: 0428 300 210) and Kyabram’s Tania Corby (0409 575 164) travel as far as Euroa and Echuca to catch and relocate snakes.
14.01.2022 A bloody good read from our Mark Punja this accounts to every snake catcher out there thank you Mark xx Roslyn Johnson you have to understand a few things abo...ut being a snake catcher before you scold us for charging a callout fee for a catch or not. To begin with, we get all sorts of callouts from terrified customers who have "seen the snake," "heard the snake" "saw a snake nest" "saw a snake skin" or "know its there because the dogs are barking." In my time as a snake catching i have been called to a house who saw a snake 3 days earlier before their fear got the better of them. I've been called by farmers in the middle of the night who were at the back paddock and saw a snake so rushed home to call me. Called to a house and found a litter of unexpected kittens. Crawled through ceilings and under houses when a snake has been sighted to confirm its no longer there. The simple truth of it is, if we didn't charge call out fees and only charged for catches, we would spend the summer running around on circles, spending hours and hours looking for snakes that are long gone, going broke chasing shadows. Gv is lucky to have a small group of honest snake catchers like Tania and myself who work together for what we think is a fair fee. A lot of my calls have resulted in me spending an hour on the phone with a customer calming them down, reassuring them that it is unlikely the snake will still be around, giving them some general snake information, prevention measures, snake bite first aid ect and not charge them a cent for my time. Also, we all have day jobs. Snake catching is our hobby because playing with snakes and educating the public is fun too us. So snake catching takes us away during our family time. It's basically always after hours for us and the money we charge usually only really covers the costs of license, insurance and a little bit for fuel and car maintenance. Find any other trade that will come out on sight after hours that is cheaper then a couple of hundred dollars.
13.01.2022 Well my favourite day has arrived, release day and a certain mr brown is feeling wayyyy better and not in the thanking mood or was he blowing me a kiss either way it’s been an honour to nurse him back to health and see him back where he belongs
12.01.2022 SNAKE CATCHER KEPT BUSY By Monique Preston Nov 03 2020 3 min read... One snake catcher alone has been called out to catch between 15 and 20 snakes in the past two to three weeks in the Shepparton, Echuca and Rushworth areas. Of those, about five have been caught it the Shepparton area. While the snake-sighting season had an unusually late start this year, snake catcher Tania Corby said it had more than made up for it since then. It’s been flat stick, Ms Corby said of her work in recent weeks. It went from nothing to everything. Ms Corby put down the slow start to the season to the fact the winter and spring had been longer than usual this year, with the warmer weather not arriving until later than normal. She said this year she had seen tiger snakes, browns and red-bellied black snakes in among her catches in an area that covers Echuca to Euroa, and Nagambie to Nathalia, and everything in between, including Shepparton. Just on last Saturday, October 31, alone, she had four call-outs. Among the more unusual calls were to remove a brown snake from a kitchen in Stanhope, as well as moving another brown snake from inside a light pole at netball courts in Echuca. Ms Corby also had to get a red-bellied black snake out of a can after its head had become stuck near Rushworth. If nobody found that it would have perished, she said. As it was, the snake was okay and was able to be released back into the bush. Ms Corby said she had had a mixed bag of snakes this year because there had been a lot of spring rains. When it’s dry, you get mainly brown snakes, she said. Tigers and red-bellied blacks are a marshy snake. You see tigers more around channels and water. Ms Corby said if people came across a snake in their backyard, they should not panic. Her advice is that if the snake is within about a metre away, people should stand still. If it hasn’t taken off, freeze and become part of the environment. A snake is not scared of trees or a bush, she said. Let it perceive you as an inanimate object. Once it is about six metres away, you can then safely walk backwards and go and call for help, she said. Ms Corby said, however, that it was important to always leave a snake a path to exit. When people were out walking in bush areas at this time of year, Ms Corby suggested they made sure they kept an eye out in front of them for snakes. If you are watching in front, you will see a snake before you get to it, she said. Prevention is better than cure. If one sees a snake is still and is sunning itself, Ms Corby said people should walk around it. However, if it is moving across a path, they should stop and let it go, making sure it had a clear exit, she said. You don’t need to be afraid of a snake, she said. It’s not an aggressor. It’s a coward. The only time a snake will defend itself is if you back it into a corner. Ms Corby said some of the main spots for snake sightings in Shepparton were in bush areas, around Kialla Lakes and on tracks along The Boulevard. Although she warned they could be anywhere around bush or water, properties that back onto empty lots, vacant paddocks, or orchards. Ms Corby also warned that snakes were generally spotted in the cooler parts of the day - in the evenings, around 6 pm or 7 pm, and also in the mornings around 7 am. They were not on the move in the middle of the day as it was too hot for them, she said. Another misconception Ms Corby said a lot of people had about snakes was if they saw a baby snake, that there would be parents nearby. This was simply not true, Ms Corby said. Browns don’t see their babies. They lay eggs and are gone, she said. Tigers lay in sacks and they leave before they come out.
11.01.2022 Relocated today at reedy swamp
11.01.2022 Let's talk about bird netting. What an awful thing to do to a snake cruelty is not the answer. Better options yes SNAKE And MOUSE PROOF MESHING from BUNNINGS pe...rfectly safe perfectly legal reasonable price. Luckily for this guy I was able to cut him out give him some respite and safely relocate him my favourite part. Be kind to all our wildlife See more
08.01.2022 As we all know, snakes are on the move. But here’s a huge reminder to TAKE YOUR RUBBISH HOME WITH YOU!! This lovely red bellied black snake was spotted trapped a can by our local DELWP guys who promptly contacted Tania from Dowsett Snake Catchers. Luckily she was able to attend quickly and set this beauty free .
08.01.2022 This is why we catch snakes this red belly black was caught in netting,caught and released today thanks Craig for the opportunity to help
07.01.2022 CHECK OUT THIS MASSIVE RED BELLIED BLACK SNAKE!! We received a call out today at Mount Cotton for this beautiful animal. It was the second day in a row the res...ident had spotted it. Unfortunately he was very elusive and got away on our first visit before I arrived, however we managed to locate him the second time round under two large garden boulders. With a little bit of excavating and patience I was able to get him out. He has now been relocated to a suitable environment away from the public. WHAT A BEAUTY!! - Stewy If you need a Brisbane, Logan & Redlands snake catcher call us on 0434 146 109
07.01.2022 Hi everyone just another word on bird netting. This poor girl was so stuck in the crap all night then because she was trapped had 3 teenage boys poke and prod for hours. When I cut her out I could feel a tiny flicker of life so got her to heat asap as you can see she is coming back but not without a HUGE amount of suffering first. Snakes in bird netting is called entrapment it’s illegal and will incur fines or jail. Go to Bunnings buy snake and vermin proof meshing safe for the snakes and legal. Please learn about our snakes. Educate not eradicate. Thanks guys stay safe See more
06.01.2022 Released this beautiful brown today be careful when cutting fire wood as this one was inside a log and taken home with some young fellas in there ute
04.01.2022 The other evening a lovely man called concerned about this poor red belly who obviously had a drinking problem So we took him for some help and where else would I go calling Craig Bergman who very kindly helped remove the can so we could treat him and get him back to nature. Awesome stuff all round
04.01.2022 The legal way to protect your property from snakes don’t use netting that is cruel and painful when you can use this as a permanent structure to protect your environment please be kind to our Snakeys
01.01.2022 I felt sooo privileged when Viv from the Riverine Herald asked if she could do an article on me and snakeys. Of course I said yes They treated me like royalty what an awesome day thanks Viv and Tyla you guys rock
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