Doyalson Touch Football Association in Doyalson | Sports club
Doyalson Touch Football Association
Locality: Doyalson
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25.01.2022 Awards Ceremony is live tonight - here is the link. Wishing our nominees the best of luck!
25.01.2022 FINAL CHANCE FOR JUNIOR REGISTRATIONS! CLOSING AT 5PM TODAY!! #dontmissout #dragonsdoitbetter
23.01.2022 We will be having our contingent of referees on the weekend. Without them our teams cannot play. Please respect all referees. #REFspect #lovethelongsockszak
23.01.2022 We are very excited for our Touch Football Competitions to commence next Monday 12/10/20. We are currently finalising the draws and will have them posted in the next couple of days with a message to all individual players as well. Further update in relation to Covid safety will come out soon. In the meantime, here is a little video for any beginners or to remind you of the game. ... See you soon! #dragonsdoitbetter
23.01.2022 We will be holding trials for our Mens and Ladies Under 20's. Details below. Please register via the form. If you are unable to trial and wish to be considered, email [email protected] We look forward to seeing you there!! #dragonsdoitbetter...
22.01.2022 Our super talented seniors. Finishing off another great season last night. Thank you to all our Men’s and Ladies teams. Congratulations to the champions!! ... Men’s Div 1 Cause Mum Said So defeated Physio Connex Men’s Div 2 Young Ones defeated Donks Men’s Div 3 BallzUp defeated Pelicans Men’s Div 4 Thirsty Old Fellas defeated Barking Spiders Women’s Div 1 Physio Connex defeated Maggies Women’s Div 2 EzyStep winners defeated Level Ups #dragonsdoitbetter #doylodollars #seeunextyear #refscanrest
22.01.2022 Registration OPEN for Junior and Senior! #dragonsdoitbetter #dontmissout
21.01.2022 Registration link can be found on our website Competition starts the week of 12th October 2020, not long now.
21.01.2022 Please see below draw for Monday. Junior Touch Football - Round 6 Monday, 9 November 2020... Under 8 Boys 4:30pm Valhalla Raiders v Cross Over Game - 8A 4:30pm Pirates v The Warriors - 8B 4:30pm Ind. Yellow v Ind. Black - 7A 4:30pm Seadawgs v Little League Legends - 7B Under 10 Boys - BLACK 5:00pm The Cool Kids v Mini Raiders - 8A 5:00pm LG Panthers v The GOATS - 8B 5:00pm Budgie Boltz v Can't Touch This - 7A Under 10 Boys - YELLOW 5:00pm SB Boys v Doyalson Dodgers - 7B 5:00pm Super Squad v The Boyz - 6A 5:00pm Ind. 10 Boys v Little Warriors - 6B Under 12 Boys 4:30pm Da Boyz v Little Giants - F3 4:30pm Try Me v The Blues - F4 4:30pm The Boys v The Wolves - F2 5:00pm Ankle Breakers v The Boyz (Allsop) - F1 5:00pm Ind. 12 Boys v Raiders - F2 Under 14 Boys - BLACK 5:30pm Anchors v Green Machine - F5 5:30pm Catch Us If U Can v Red Bellys - F7 5:30pm The Warriors v Fast & Furious - F8 Under 14 Boys - YELLOW 5:30pm Gwandy v Dream Team - F2 5:30pm Bak@it v Warriors - F3 6:00pm Touch Downs v Bay Runners - F5 6:00pm The Scraps v All Stars - F1 Under 16's Combined O4Awesome = BYE 6:00pm Hogs v Titty Twisters - F2 6:00pm Touch Us If U Can v Cobras - F3 6:00pm Unstoppable v Ind. 16 Boys - F4 Under 10 Girls 4:30pm Tik Toks v Electric Dragons - 6A 4:30pm Budgie Stars v Fast & Furious - 6B 4:30pm Ind. 10 Girls v Cross Over Game - 8A Under 12 Girls Lotus = BYE 4:30pm Diamonds v Can't Touch This - F1 4:30pm Ind. 12 Girls v Little Divas - F5 5:00pm Touch & Dump v Eclipse - F3 Under 14 Girls We Got This = BYE 5:30pm Still Undecided v XLR8 - F4 5:00pm Touch Down v Ind. 14 Girls - F4 5:30pm Raptors v Those Ones - F1
20.01.2022 Very wise words from one of our fabulous sponsors Physio Connex Performance Clinic! #ruok
20.01.2022 Mixed Grandfinal Times 16/12/20 6.15pm Mighty Ducks v Gecks - F3 Touch Me v Watch The Kids - F4... Here for the Beers v Rookies - F5 7.10pm Electrifying v Pink Warriors - F3 U Can't Touch This v Red Rattlers - F4 #justforyoukelsey #pleasenorain #REFspect
20.01.2022 Ladies and Men’s games 16th November 2020 6.40pm Wildcats v Singo Brawlers - F2 Level Ups v Ezystep - F1... Warning v Donks - F3 Shake the Paint v Young Ones - F4 TGB v J Marshall Construction - F5 7.35pm Golden Oldies v Eliminators - F1 Physio Connex v Maggie’s - F2 Barking Spiders v Pelicans - F4 Cause mum said so v Physio Connex - F3 Real Steel v Ballzup - F5 BYE - Thirsty Old Fellas #REFspect
19.01.2022 Day 1 of The National Touch League being held at Coffs Harbour. Wishing all of our Doylo Dragons who are representing the Hornets the best of luck!! The men’s open will be live streamed at 1.50. #isbrendanplaying #dragonsdoitbetter
19.01.2022 Junior Registrations are open for the upcoming season! Get your teams organised!
19.01.2022 Big shout out and CONGRATULATIONS to two of our amazing referee’s Bailey and Josh, both receiving upgrades to Level 2 on the weekend. Well done boys!! #weloveourrefs #couldntplaywithoutyou
18.01.2022 That’s a wrap for our Season with the Mixed Grandfinals played tonight. Congratulations to the winners. Mighty ducks defeated Gecks Touch Me defeated Watch the Kids Rookies defeated Here For the Beers Pink Warriors defeated Electrifying... Red Rattlers defeated U Can’t Touch Me #whereiswerriscreek #kazshouldhaveplayed #rookiesarethebest #lukedroppedtheball #whathappenedtoharper #touchmewhataname
18.01.2022 Our beautiful and talented under 10 girls at the Wallsend Gala day yesterday. Great warm up for State Cup. Well done girls! #dragonsdoitbetter
16.01.2022 Its Seniors TIME - Registrations are open!!! All registrations can be done via our website, either to register a team, join a team (you will need the team name). You will need a Mysideline account to do this. When you search the club, just type "Doyalson"... All Conditions of Entry can be found under the "Local Competition" tab on our website. Any queries, please direct message the page. #dragonsdoitbetter
16.01.2022 Well it came and it went.......last weekend was the 2021 Junior State Cup at Port Macquarie a tournament some juniors have been attending for many years, some their first experience and sadly some their last year. All of our teams have been working extremely hard this year and following on from some great results at PWMC they were ready to go all the way. Unfortunately the weather had other plans and after day one round games (some played in pouring rain) nearly all our were undefeated and sitting top of their pools the tournament was cancelled with the fields under water and unplayable. As frustrating and disappointing as this was we all packed up and headed home. A massive thank you to all coaches, assistant coaches and managers for your time and work with all our teams. A huge thank you to our committee and referees with out you these things just don’t happen and lastly to our players and families thank you for your commitment to training and the tournaments. We look forward to seeing you all back for season 21-22!! #dragonsdoitbetter #wecanplayunderwater
16.01.2022 Monday 30th November 2020 - Seniors Games 6.40pm Cause Mum Said v Warning - F3 TOF V Ballzup - F4... Donks V Young Ones - F5 Physio connex (ladies) v Eliminators - F1 Golden Oldies v Wildcats - F2 7.35pm Pelicans v Real Steel - F3 TGB v Shake the Paint - F4 J Marshall Construction v Barking Spiders - F5 Singo Brawlers v Ezystep - F2 Level Ups v Maggies - F1 BYE - Physio Connex (mens)
15.01.2022 REMINDER MENS AND LADIES 20'S TRIALS TOMORROW (Monday, 21/9/20) at Doyalson fields 6:30pm See you there! #dragonsdoitbetterREMINDER MENS AND LADIES 20'S TRIALS TOMORROW (Monday, 21/9/20) at Doyalson fields 6:30pm See you there! #dragonsdoitbetter
15.01.2022 Juniors - Round 9 - Monday, 30 November 2020 Under 8 Boys 4:30pm Cross Over v Ind. 8 Boys Yellow - F8A 4:30pm Seadawgs v Ind. 8 Boys Black - F8B... 4:30pm Pirates v Little League Legends - F7A 4:30pm Valhalla Raiders v The Warriors - F7B Under 10 Boys - Black 5:00pm Can't Touch This v Mini Raiders - F8A 5:00pm The Cool Kids v The Goats - F8B 5:00pm LG Panthers v Budgie Boltz - F7A Under 10 Boys - Yellow 5:00pm SB Boys v The Boyz - F7B 5:00pm Little Warriors v Doyalson Dodgers - F6A 5:00pm Super Squad v Ind. 10 Boys - F6B Under 12 Boys 4:30pm The Wolves v Ankle Breakers - F2 4:30pm Try Me v Raiders - F3 4:30pm Da Boyz v Ind. 12 Boys - F4 5:00pm The Blues v Little Giants - F1 5:00pm The Boys v The Boyz (Allsop) - F2 Under 14 Boys - Black 5:30pm Fast & Furious v Green Machine - F8 5:30pm Anchors v Red Belly - F5 5:30pm Catch Us If U Can v The Warriors - F7 Under 14 Boys - Yellow 5:30pm The Scraps v Bay Runners - F2 5:30pm Bak@it v Dream Team - F3 6:00pm Gwandy v All Stars - F5 6:00pm Warriors v Touch Downs - F1 Under 16s Jnr Ind. Boys = BYE 6:00pm Titty Twisters v Cobras - F2 6:00pm Unstoppable v O4Awesome - F4 6:00pm Hogs v Touch Us If U Can - F3 Under 10 Girls 4;30pm Tik Toks v Ind. 10 Girls - F6A 4:30pm Cross Over v Fast & Furious - F8A 4:30pm Budgie Stars v Electric Dragons - F6B Under 12 Girls Can't Touch This = BYE 4:30pm Little Divas v Diamonds - F5 4:30pm Ind. 12 Girls v Eclipse - F1 5:00pm Touch & Dump v Lotus - F3 Under 14 Girls 5:00pm Ind. 14 Girls v Still Undecided - F4 5:30pm XLR8 v Those Ones - F1 5:30pm Raptors v We Got This - F4 Touch Down = BYE #lastroundgames #dragonsdoitbetter
14.01.2022 We are very lucky to have Physio Connex Performance Clinic as one of our sporting partners and really appreciate your continued sponsorship. Great to see Mel back on the Touch Field. #luckythegirlswon #nextyearboys #lovetheshirts
14.01.2022 When the Doyalson Dragons Strike Again!! Our Under 12’s 18’s competed on the weekend in the Peter Wilson Memorial Championships. It was a fantastic effort by all teams over the 2 days. Under 12 Boys Grand Final Winners ... Under 12 Girls Grand Final Winners Under 14 Boys Grand Final Winners Under 14 Girls Grand Final Runners Up (drop off) Under 16 Boys Semi Finalists Under 16 Girls Semi Finalists Under 18 Boys Quarter Finalists Under 18 Girls Quarter Finalists The cheering and support for all these teams through the finals was amazing to watch. Best of all the 2021 Club Champions were the DOYALSON DRAGONS!!!! #dragonsdoitbetter #teameffort #dragonsontop
12.01.2022 Calling all Individual Seniors looking to play......
12.01.2022 Mixed Games 25/11/20 6.15pm Sofa King Good v Nuts n Jugs - F1 Old & Broken v Electrifying - F2... Red Rattlers v Pink Warriors - F3 Mighty Ducks v Watch the Kids - F4 Gecks v Touch Me - F5 7.10pm Rookies v Old Funts - F1 Here for the Beers v Mixed Bags - F2 Last Minute v Happy Clappers - F3 6 Again v NPCC - F4 BYE - Can't touch this
11.01.2022 Email is [email protected]
11.01.2022 Mixed games 02/12/20- Double Header 6pm F2- Last Minute vs Here for Beers F3- Old Funts vs Happy Clappers F4- Pink Warriors vs Old & Broken... F5- Red Rattlers vs Electrifying Bye- Rookies 6:30pm F1- Old & Broken vs You Can't Touch This F2- Electrifying vs Pink Warriors F3- Rookies vs Mixed Bags F4- Here For Beers vs Happy Clappers F5- Last Minute vs Red Rattlers Bye- Old Funts 7.05 F1- 6 Again vs Nuts & Jugs F2- NPCC vs Touch Me F3- Sofa King vs Mighty Ducks F4- Gecks vs Watch the Kids F5- You Can't Touch This vs Mixed Bags 7:35pm F1- Sofa King vs Touch Me F2- Mighty Ducks vs NPCC F3- 6 Again vs Gecks F4- Watch the Kids vs Nuts & Jugs
10.01.2022 Seniors looking for a team, register here!!!
10.01.2022 Who wants extra time?? Junior regos will now close 5pm this Friday, 11 September 2020. If you want to know who is registered to your team, please pop us a direct message with your team name and we will let you know. ... DON'T MISS OUT!! #dragonsdoitbetter
09.01.2022 REMINDER - trials for Representative Mens and Ladies under 20's. Monday, 21 September - 6:30pm at the Doyalson Fields. Register your interest below. #dragonsdoitbetter
09.01.2022 Due to COVID-19 this year the NSWTA Awards cannot be held in the normal Gala Dinner setting. As such the awards will be announced online during a live stream on NSW Touch Football Facebook page - kick off 6.30pm to 7.45pm, with Joel Caine hosting the event. We are excited to announce that we have 4 of our members up for an award! Karley Banks (coach of the year), Kurt Donoghoe (junior male player of the year) plus Alex and Dan Langbridge (male player of the year).... Goodluck #dragonsdoitbetter #allnomineesarewinners #isitkarlyorkarley
09.01.2022 Mixed Games 11/11/20 Please note game times.... earlier starting times so we can get home to watch State of Origin. 6.00pm... Old n Broken v Red Rattlers - F1 U Can't Touch This v Old Funts - F2 Here for the Beers v Electrifying - F3 Happy Clappers v Pink Warriors - F4 Rookies v Last Minute - F5 6.55pm Mighty Ducks v Touch Me - F4 Mixed Bags v NPCC - F3 Nuts n Jugs v Gecks - F2 6 Again v Watch the Kids - F1 BYE - Sofa King Good #gotheblues
08.01.2022 Congratulations to our junior grand finalists!! A slightly different but fantastic season, thank you to everyone for working with us and within the guidelines. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. #dragonsdoitbetter #winnersaregrinners
06.01.2022 Attention, senior individual players looking for a team! For those that had indicated interest by completing expressions of interest, can you please direct message us if we haven't contacted you! Peter and Tennille, can you direct message us please. Thank you
06.01.2022 Mixed Games 18/11/20 Please note change of game times due to State of Origin. 6.00pm Happy Clappers v Electrifying - F1... Watch the Kids v NPCC - F2 6 Again v Touch Me - F3 Sofa King Good v Gecks - F4 Mighty Ducks v Nuts n Jugs - F5 6.55pm Old Funts v Here for the Beers - F1 Old & Broken v Last Minute - F2 Pink Warriors v Rookies - F3 U Can't Touch This v Red Rattlers - F4
06.01.2022 Juniors - Round 7 Monday, 16 November 2020 Under 8 Boys 4:30pm Valhalla Raiders v Seadawgs - 8A... 4:30pm The Warriors v Ind. 8 Boys Yellow- 8B 4:30pm Little League Legends v Ind. 8 Boys Black - 7A 4:30pm Cross over game v Pirates - 7B Under 10 Boys - Black 5:00pm Can't Touch This v LG Panthers - 8A 5:00pm The Goats v Mini Raiders - 8B 5:00pm Budgie Boltz v The Cool Kids - 7A Under 10 Boys - Yellow 5:00pm Little Warriors v Super Squad - 7B 5:00pm The Boyz v Doyalson Dodgers - 6A 5:00pm Ind. 10 Boys v SB Boys - 6B Under 12 Boys 4:30pm The Boys v Da Boyz - F2 4:30pm The Blues v Ankle Breakers - F3 4:30pm The Wolves v Try Me - F4 5:00pm Little Giants v Ind. 12 Boys - F1 5:00pm The Boyz (Allsop) v Raiders - F2 Under 14 Boys - Black 5:30pm Fast & Furious v Catch Us If U Can - F5 5:30pm Red Bellys v Green Machine - F7 5:30pm The Warriors v Anchors - F8 Under 14 Boys - Yellow 5:30pm Warriors v Gwandy - F2 5:30pm Bak@it v The Scraps - F3 6:00pm All Stars v Bay Runners - F5 6:00pm Dream Team v Touch Downs - F1 Under 16s Combined 6:00pm Titty Twisters v Unstoppable - F2 6:00pm O4Awesome v Ind. 16 Boys - F3 6:00pm Cobras v Hogs - F4 Bye = Touch Us If U Can Under 10 Girls 4:30pm Electric Dragons v Fast & Furious - F6A 4:30pm Ind. 10 Girls v Budgie Stars - F6B 4:30pm Cross Over Game v Tik Toks - F7B Under 12 Girls 4:30pm Lotus v Can't Touch This - F1 4:30pm Eclipse v Diamonds - F5 5:00pm Little Divas v Touch & Dump - F3 BYE = Ind. 12 Girls Under 14 Girls 5:00pm XLR8 v Raptors - F4 5:30pm We Got This v Ind. 14 Girls - F4 5:30pm Touch Down v Those Ones - F1 BYE = Still Undecided
06.01.2022 Have you got your registration done? Taking team registrations via Rego's close midnight Friday, 9th October 2020. Don't miss out!! If you have any queries, please direct message us. #dragonsdoitbetter
04.01.2022 Any of our Junior Dragons interested?
03.01.2022 Have you got your registration done? Taking team and individual registrations via Rego's close midnight Thursday, 10 September 2020. Don't miss out!!... If you have any queries, please direct message us. #dragonsdoitbetter
03.01.2022 Monday 23 November 2020 - Round 8 Junior Competition Under 8 Boys 4:30pm Little League Legends v The Warriors - F8A... 4:30pm Ind. 8 Boys Black v Valhalla Raiders - F8B 4:30pm Ind. 8 Boys Yellow v Pirates - F7A 4:30pm Seadawgs v Budgie Stars (C/O) - F7B Under 10 Boys - Black 5:00pm The Goats v Budgie Boltz - F8A 5:00pm Mini Raiders v LG Panthers - F8B 5:00pm The Cool Kids v Can't Touch This - F7A Under 10 Boys - Yellow 5:00pm The Boys v Ind. 10 Boys - F7B 5:00pm Doyalson Dodgers v Super Squad - F6A 5:00pm SB Boys v Little Warriors - F6B Under 12 Boys 4:30pm Ankle Breakers v Try Me - F2 4:30pm Da Boyz v The Wolves - F3 4:30pm Ind. 12 Boys v The Boys - F4 5:00pm The Boyz (Allsop) v Little Giants - F1 5:00pm Raiders v The Blues - F2 Under 14 Boys - Black 5:30pm Red Bellys v The Warriors - F5 5:30pm Green Machines v Catch Us If U Can - F7 5:30pm Anchors v Fast & Furious - F8 Under 14 Boys - Yellow 5:30pm All Stars v Dream Team - F2 5:30pm Touch Downs v Gwandy - F3 6:00pm The Scraps v Warriors - F5 6:00pm Bay Runners v Bak@it - F1 Under 16's Combined Cobras = BYE 6:00pm Ind. 16 Boys v Touch Us If U Can - F3 6:00pm O4Awesome v Titty Twisters - F2 6:00pm Unstoppable v Hogs - F4 Under 10 Girls 4:30pm Electric Dragons v Ind. 10 Girls - F6A 4:30pm Fast & Furious v Tik Toks - F6B 4:30pm Budgie Stars v Seadawgs (C/O) - F7B Under 12 Girls Little Divas = BYE 4:30pm Lotus v Eclipse - F1 4:30pm Can't Touch This v Ind. 12 Girls - F5 5:00pm Diamonds v Touch & Dump - F3 Under 14 Girls XLR = BYE 5:30pm We Got This v Touch Down - F4 5:30pm Still Undecided v Those Ones - F1 5:00pm Raptors v Ind. 14 Girls - F4
03.01.2022 Ladies and Mens games 23/11/20 6.40pm Wildcats v Ezystep - F5 Physio Connex (ladies) v Singo Brawlers - F4... Physio Connex (mens) v Warning - F3 The Glen Boys v Young Ones - F2 J Marshall Construction v Ballz Up - F1 Thirsty Old Fellas v Barking Spiders - F6 7.35pm Maggies v Eliminators - F5 Golden Oldies v Level Ups - F4 Donks v Shake The Paint - F3 Thirsty Old Fellas v Pelicans - F2 Barking Spiders v Real Steel - F1 BYE - Cause Mum Said So
02.01.2022 Mens and Ladies Games Monday 9/11/20 Ladies 6.40pm Ezystep v Maggies - F4... Wildcats v Eliminators - F5 7.35pm Physio Connex v Level Ups - F4 Singo Brawlers v Golden Oldies - F5 Mens 6.40pm Cause Mum Said So v Donks - F3 Real Steel v Thirsty Old Fellas - F1 Ballz up v Barking Spiders - F2 7.35pm Physio Connex v Young Ones - F1 Shake the Paint v Warning - F3 Pelicans v J Marshall Construction - F2 BYE - TGB Don't forget double header tomorrow afternoon (8/11/20) - kick off 3.00pm. Game times have previously been posted.
02.01.2022 Aww look at these beautiful girls!! #ThrowbackThursday #ohmy #timeflies
01.01.2022 Information received from Hornets in regard to any Junior Dragons interested in representing the Hornets... Hunter Western Hornets will be holding a Junior Selection Camp on 16-17 January 2021 at Central Coast Regional Sporting Complex, Lake Road, Tuggerah. This camp will be one part of the selection process Hornets will use for their 2021 Junior Regionals team selections. Attendance to this camp is encouraged by Hornets, however please note attendance is not compulsory. In...formation about this selection camp has already been distributed by Hornets across our social media platforms, however as an affiliate contact, we are asking for you to pass information about our Junior Selection Camp (and our 2021 Junior Regionals selections) to all your junior rep teams, players, parents and coaching staff. In relation to the 2021 Hornets Junior Selection Camp on 16-17 January 2021, all players wishing to attend the camp must complete an online registration, which can be completed at Registration for the camp must be completed by 5pm Sunday 3 January 2021. All players who are unable to attend the junior selection camp, but still wish to be considered for 2021 Hornets Junior Regionals selection must complete the attached Player EOI form and lodge it to [email protected]. This form must be completed and returned to Hornets by 5pm Sunday 3 January 2021. Please note that any player who has not registered for the selection camp OR completed and returned the player EOI form by 5pm this Sunday, WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED for Hornets Junior Regionals selection. Any questions can be forwarded to me by reply email. [email protected]
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