Doyalson-Wyee Wolves Soccer Club in Doyalson | Stadium, arena & sports venue
Doyalson-Wyee Wolves Soccer Club
Locality: Doyalson
Phone: +61 401 440 486
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21.01.2022 Interested in refereeing for 2021 register now. As you all know there was minimal numbers of referees this year, so why not earn some extea money over weekends, being around the game we all love.
19.01.2022 Please note that upcoming Trials for Div.1 Date: Sunday 13th December Time: Arrive 10.30am for 11am start. Place: Wyee oval 29 Summerhayes Rd, Wyee NSW 2259... Any questions please contact Grant Whitford - 0406 537 075 Matthew Sweetnam - 0401 816 838 Karl Dash - 0458 013 355 COMPLETE THE FORM AND REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW...
19.01.2022 We are now selling new club fleecy hoodies ! LAST PRE Sales can be made at the Doyalson fixtures table to next weekend price as follows for both Full zipper and non zipper. $50.00 MUST BE PAID ON THE DAY, ALL PRE ORDERS ARE PRE PAID...... After pre sale the prices are as follows, Full zipper $60.00 Non Zipper $55.00
18.01.2022 Hi everyone, Hoodies have arrived only the non zippered ones at the moment. Thank you to those that pre-ordered and paid, your Non Zippered Hoodies will be available for pick from tomorrow. Hoodies will be on sale from Tomorrow at the fixtures table. Non Zippered $55.00 -- Size 6 - 5XL... Come and grab one before they are gone. Thank you DWSC See more
18.01.2022 We've had our M15B Team take the Minor Premiership over the weekend with 2 games to go. Congratulations boys, coach and supporters. Good luck in the finals boys.
18.01.2022 The new A-League draw is out. Don't forget you My Club Membership - If you're aged between 4-12 years, and are a registered player of Central Coast Football Association you can get a Mariners MyClub Membership for only $25
17.01.2022 Thinking of something to get your Amazing Coach or Fantastic Manager this year, look no further DWSC has you covered... We will be at the Canteen Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th from 8am - 3pm both days. This is our last weekend at Doyalson... DWSC Bags - $45.00 DWSC Hoodies un-zipered - $ 55.00 DWSC Hoodies Zippered - $60.00 DWSC Jackets - $85.00 DWSC Scarfs - $20.00 DWSC Polo - $35.00 Also come up to the canteen area for a surprise for all players.. just a thank you for 2020.
16.01.2022 Finals Series is out Good luck to all the teams that will be in finals for 2020.
16.01.2022 Games for this weekend, Good luck to all our teams. !!! Coaches, Players and Parents please note NETS UP/NETS DOWN for your teams !!! Canteen will be OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY.... ** CHANGE ROOMS are NOT Accessible ** For those attending games, please practice good hygiene, social distancing of 1.5 metres between individuals. Please check the CCF website for change's or closed fields.
16.01.2022 Registrations for our DMC Sevens U11, 12, 13 and 14 teams will close on Wednesday 5pm. Registrations for U8, 9 and 10 teams will remain open until Wednesday 25t...h November 5pm. Looking forward to a fantastic day with a bit of competition, but most importantly lots of fun. Email [email protected] to register your team or for more information.
15.01.2022 MEET THE 10’s This year we had a mix of new & experienced players all developing & extending their skill levels & putting a great effort on the paddock. It was a wonderful group full of enthusiasm & the teams displayed true sportsmanship that would make any coach, club or parent proud. Hope to see you next year.... Leslie Ryan Coach
13.01.2022 Reminder we have our general meeting this Wednesday night. We are glad to say we are back at the RSL in the Pacific room. Wednesday 9th at 7pm All welcome, come and have a say about the running of the DWSC. We need parents and players to have a say and be involved for DWSC's future.
13.01.2022 Games for this weekend, Good luck to all our teams. ** Coaches please note NETS UP/NETS DOWN for your teams ** Canteen will be OPEN SATURDAY with a BBQ and SUNDAY, without the BBQ.... ** CHANGE ROOMS are NOT Accessible ** For those attending games, please practice good hygiene, social distancing of 1.5 metres between individuals. Please check the CCF website for change's or closed fields.
13.01.2022 MEET THE WAA4’S What a great bunch of ladies we had this season. From young & old, mothers & daughters and even a player that had never played soccer before. Despite all of this we all got on so well, had many laughs and enjoyed the game of soccer. We had our struggles through the season with injuries and illness, but we never gave up. Just missing out on making finals at our second last game when we were beaten 2-1 against Avoca.... We made the most of our last game of the season with all the girls warming up with a dance to the Nutbush. After our final game and win, we all headed over to the pub to celebrate. I would like to thank all the girls for a great season and it was a pleasure to be your coach. Regards, Dean Mailey
13.01.2022 TRIALS FOR DIVISION 1 Any player that would like to express an interest to play in 2021 for DWSC Division 1 in 1st and Reserve grade please come along, as we prepared to re enter the compertition and build the club for our future. Doyalson Wyee Soccer Fields - Bottom Field.... Sunday 6th December - BBQ after this trial. Sunday 13th December. Arrive at 10.30am for an 11am Start. Contact Head Coach: Grant Whitford 0406 537 075 Men's Snr Rep: Matthew Sweetnam 0401 816 838 VP: Karl Dash 0458 013 355
11.01.2022 Keep watching for our M45s...
11.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that bought ticket in our raffle over the weekend. 1st Prize Birthday Pack - Karen Morris 2nd Prize BBQ Meat Tray - Marty - 45s 3rd Prize Breasfast Meat Tray - Chris Pook Thank you to Shell’s Cupcakes and Fondant Cookies and Toukley Car Park Butchery for the wonderful prizes.
11.01.2022 Consider a My Club Mariners Membership for any registered player between the age of 4-12 for the upcoming season for only $25.00.
09.01.2022 We have received a big thank you from the coach of the Kanwal 45Ds for the support Doyalson supporters, ground staff and players offered to one of their players that came off the field unwell last Saturday, his condition has now improved and the team is most thankful.
08.01.2022 Coaches, something to look at in readiness for 2021, we can only strive to be better.
07.01.2022 On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. We shall remember them. Lest we Forget
07.01.2022 COMPLETE THE FORM AND REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW... TRIALS FOR DIVISION 1 ... Any player that would like to express an interest to play in 2021 for DWSC Division 1 in 1st and Reserve grade please come along, as we prepared to re enter the compertition and build the club for our future. Doyalson Wyee Soccer Fields - Bottom Field. Sunday 6th December - BBQ after this trial. Sunday 13th December. Arrive at 10.30am for an 11am Start. Contact Head Coach: Grant Whitford 0406 537 075 Men's Snr Rep: Matthew Sweetnam 0401 816 838 VP: Karl Dash 0458 013 355 See more
07.01.2022 Congratulation's to the following people for Year of Service with DWSC Your Coaches will be given your patch or Plaque to present to you.
06.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that bought a ticket in our Fathers/Mothers Day Raffles. Also thank you to the Senior and Junior teams that sold their raffle tickets, to Julia and Jenni Wills for their efforts over the last few weeks selling the tickets game days. Awesome work from Jeanette Stubbs on putting the prizes together and to Toukley Car Park Butchery for the beautiful Meat Trays. The winners are noted below and all prizes have been collected. Fathers Day Raffle - Amanda Poo...k 2nd Prize Meat Tray - Jocelyn 3rd Prize Meat Tray - Brian McWilliams Mothers Day Basket - Trudy 2nd Prize Meat Tray - Dan 3rd Prize Meat Tray Jasmin
06.01.2022 Games for this weekend, Good luck to all our teams. ** Coaches, Players and Parents please note NETS UP/NETS DOWN for your teams ** Canteen will be OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY with a BBQ.... ** CHANGE ROOMS are NOT Accessible ** For those attending games, please practice good hygiene, social distancing of 1.5 metres between individuals. Please check the CCF website for change's or closed fields.
04.01.2022 In this video, we look at the ways to engage the team through the following points: 1. Understand the players 2. Build rapport 3. Positive learning environment ...4. Establish routines 5. Tips to engage players For more information visit:
04.01.2022 @GoodSportsClubs have launched the annual Good Sports Awards and clubs (like ours) could win up to $1,000! The Awards recognise inspiring Good Sports clubs and passionate volunteers that are committed to healthier, family-friendly clubs and making their communities the best they can be. NOMINATE TODAY: #goodsportsawards #theultimatetrophy See more
04.01.2022 Grand Final Day, what a day, Pluim Park & Bloodtree Oval was a sea of purple, we were loud & proud of all our teams today. Firstly our Undefeated League Champions M18s team took on Gosford City with a convincing win 5-2.... Our League Champions MAA4s fought gallantly against Avoca to take the game to extra time at 2-2 and then to a penalty shoot out loosing 4-2 Your still all winners to us. Lastly our League Champions WAA3s took the game to Gwandalan winning with an amazing effort of 4-0. Congratulations to you all well done see you all next year
04.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT - DIVISION 1 HEAD COACH As we get ready for the new year ahead in 2021, Doyalson Wyee Soccer Club is excited to announce our new Head Coach, as we prepare a team for Division 1. Grant Whitford will be joining us for the 2021 season!... Grant has an extensive background in football on the Central Coast. Over the last 10 years he has been involved in running clubs, coaching all different ages from juniors to seniors for both women’s and men’s teams. He has also played at a high level on the Central Coast during his career and we are looking forward to him returning to where it all started for him as a player many years ago! Grant is excited to see DWSC move forward with a Division 1 team for the future of the club and our Juniors. We hope you join us in welcoming him back to the club! Trials for grade will be announced shortly. Stay tuned.... #CCF #Division12021 #HeadCoachAnnouncement #GradeTrialsComingSoon #DoyloWolves
02.01.2022 Happy Father's day to all the Dads out there today, whether you are, playing, watching or coaching today its all about you, have a great day.
02.01.2022 This weekend 26th and 27th September, will be our last weekend of football games at Doyalson Wyee Soccer Fields for 2020, the competition continues for all our teams for a few more weeks. We did this to allow for Doyalson Touch Football Association to get their competition started. We thank everyone that has helped out over this year at the canteen and BBQ, and all aspects of setting up on Saturday and Sundays, also thank you to The Doylo again for another year of playing on ...the grounds. For those that have heard different information we will be back at Doyalson Wyee Soccer Fields for 2021 and for another 3 - 5 years, we are working with The Doylo, Central Coast Football and Central Coast Council for our future which will be a positive one... Over the weekend we will be running our last RAFFLE... 1st Prize $50 Birthday Pack from Shell’s Cupcakes and Fondant Cookies - pictures below 2nd Prize - BBQ Pack from Toukley Car Park Butchery 3rd Prize - Breakfast Pack from Toukley Car Park Butchery
02.01.2022 Today, as we are unable to have any formal presentations, we gave out most of our Perpetual Trophies.... Congratulations to the following Encouragement Award - U12Ds, Well done on a wonderful year, very well deserved to an amazing bunch of kids, coach, and manager.... Presidents Award - Jordan Heil from M18s. What an amazing young man, very proud of all you have done this year to support the club & teams at DWSC. Kristy McWilliams Award - Emma Rodgers WAA4, an amazing young lady that puts everything in for the team, supports the club as much as possible. Yvonne Stockdale Award - Leigh Clover WAA3s, Leigh is always there to help out the club where possible with her relaxed, happy calming attitude. Womans Player of the Year - Erin OMara WAA3s, well what an amazing young lady this is, full of spice, fun and excitement, always there for the team and Club, a very deserving winner. Rookie of the year - Soloman Shajan M18s. Part of our amazing M18s side, this young man put everything he had into each game for the team. Club Person of the Year - Dean Mailey & Nicole Mailey - these 2 people have put 100% into ensuring all our merchandise and gear is in order, they are both always there for the Club, do what they can for all our players and Coaches. we are a very lucky club to have you both.... Andy Piper Award - Chris Pook MAA4s, Chris Chris, Chris such a well deserved winner of this award, Chris is always there to support and back up for any team, often playing 4 games a weekend, coaches the U5s, is always there to support the club and encourages others to do the same. Our 5, 10 and 20 years of service will be posted in the coming days.
02.01.2022 Junior coaches, looking for something to do with your teams for end of season, check out one of our club sponsors Inflatable World Charmhaven... Inflatable World Charmhaven New South Wales
01.01.2022 New Committee for 2021. The 2020 season came with some twists and turns for all of us on a personal, professional and recreation level, we all got through it. As the season has now wrapped up, we would like to thank all members of the committee who put their time and effort into the club to ensure it ran run smoothly with the hurdles we faced.... After the AGM, we now have a new committee for the 2021 season, we would like to thank the outgoing members for their contribution throughout the 2020 season and know that you will always be there to support when needed as without you we couldn't operate as fantastically as we do. Executive Committee PRESIDENT Kerry Sweetnam VICE PRESIDENT Karl Dash SECRETARY Karen Morris TREASURER Julia Wills TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Vacant SNR MENS REP Matthew Sweetnam SNR WOMENS REP Joanne Heffernan JUNIOR REP Julian Graham JUNIOR REP Ben Smith General Committiee CADET CO-ORDINATOR Chris Pook REGISTRAR Karen Morris REGISTRAR Leigh Clover POINTS PERSON Rod Seaman SPORTS COUNCIL Martin Armstrong GEAR STEWART Dean Mailey GEAR STEWART Nicole Mailey SPONSORSHIP Mick Berry CANTEEN MANAGER Jeanette Stubbs CCF DELEGATE Kerry Sweetnam CCF DELEGATE Karl Dash PUBLIC OFFICER Steve Jennings MPO Matthew Sweetnam MPO Niki Hogan FUNDRAISING Jeanette Stubbs Facebook, Website, Member Jungle Leigh Clover SUPER HERO`S Rodney Stubbs SUPER HERO`S Niki Hogan Please help us welcome these fantasic people onto the committee. We are always open to new ideas to help the DWSC as a whole move forwards into the comming season, so if you have an idea, thought or would just like to know more please come along to our general meetings though the year.
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