Dimi Poulos Strength & Fitness | Businesses
Dimi Poulos Strength & Fitness
Phone: +61 406 243 350
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25.01.2022 Sunday morning workshop # 2 with the @valetudotraining crew. Here we have @_vilikaveinga with a 130kg followed by a 135kg clean. He missed a couple in between but it’s to be expected when you’re learning new skills. This guy is all strength with plenty of potential ... I wonder if I can convince him to become a weightlifter? #weightlifting #workshop #coaching #beginner #strong #watchthisspace #strength #clean #training #practicewhatyoupreach
25.01.2022 Keep it simple and focus on yourself. #training #focus #qualityoverquantity #progressiveoverload #train #fitness #strength #life #yougotthis #stayinthepresent #youronlycompetitionisinthemirror
24.01.2022 I want to be strong I want to be powerful I want to be both Force is your ability to push or pull an object unopposed.... Velocity is how fast you move that object from one point to another. Peak power lies somewhere in between the two. If possessing both is your goal, then training in the right ranges of the curve will get you to where you want to be. #force #velocity #strength #power #forcevelocitycurve #training #peakpower #itsaprocess #liftheavythingsfast #athlete #performance
22.01.2022 The back squat and deadlift > the King and Queen of all movements related to strength. Doesn’t matter what order you chose them or which you prefer; the fact of the matter is that these lifts when performed with maximal intensity use most of, if not all of the muscles in your body at the same time. What makes strength in these movements so important to athletic performance?... 1 They require the entire muscular system to contract simultaneously during the movement. 2 The stronger you are in these movements, the greater potential you have to transfer it to power movements. 3 The stronger you are, the better your recoverability. 4 Improves synchronisation of motor units (better at simultaneously activating many motor units during rapid movements/contractions). Training doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming, it just needs to be one or two quality movements performed at the right intensity. A stronger athlete will have more potential to be a greater athlete. #itsallintheprogramming #program #periodisation #trainsmart #buildingbetterathletes #athlete #performance #squat #deadlift #strength
22.01.2022 Your core is made up of a number of different muscles extending from the base of your skull to your pelvis. Together they help you stabilise and balance during activities. The stronger they are, the better you can perform a task. Consider a heavy squat: Before initiating the descent you take a big breath and create intra-abdominal pressure. Before you’ve even started the movement you’ve filled and engaged the abdominal cavity in order to brace for movement.... During the movement: Your erector spinae muscles keep the spine stiff to prevent the back from rounding. Your obliques and abdomen help to stabilise the spinal column and pelvis. Your upper and mid back are working hard to keep the bar in a strong position This is all occuring while you’re still maintaining that intra-abdominal pressure you created in the beginning. When people see a 6 pack they see a strong core; when I see an individual squatting weights that far exceed their body weight and do it with such a stable midline, that to me is an impressive core. #corestrength #midlinestability #fitness #strong #core #6pack #fullactivation #emgactivity #fitnesseducation #coreworkout
21.01.2022 Why sumo box squat? 1 Forces you to push your knees out which activates the hips more. 2 Easier to keep shins perpendicular to the ground which emphasises the posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes). 3 Forces lower abdominals to switch on when transitioning from the box to standing.... When is the best time to use the box squat? If you struggle with tight hips and can’t reach parallel in your regular back squat. For individuals who have a short torso relative to their femur length. If you have levers like this, back squats can predominate your lower back more than anything else. A sumo box variation will help you get more hip drive and take some of the load off your lower back. More bang for your buck Sumo box squat has a higher transference to deadlift than a back squat due to it’s higher hip activation; so if you only have time for one lift and want improve both squat and deadlift strength, try this variation. #squats #sumosquat #sumoboxsquat #boxsquat #strength #gains #lift #qualityoverquantity #gym #training
19.01.2022 I’m a firm believer that a coach should have participated in, competed in or tried whatever it is they they are preaching. When I played semi pro in US, I did a season in Salt Lake City, Utah. The altitude there is approximately 1200 above sea level making breathing difficult because the air felt thicker. After that season I wen’t back to college in South Carolina (at sea level) with pre season testing times better than before because my body had adapted to training in harshe...r conditions. Training in high altitude has the potential to elevate haemoglobin (transports oxygen in the blood) concentration and tissue density, in turn improving the bodies ability to do what it needs to in lower altitude environments. Today I was put through my paces Combined Air Training Rozelle where they kicked my in a simulated high altitude environment. I’m looking forward to working with this team in the future and prepping the North Sydney Bears Women’s team for a big season to come. #highaltitudetraining #altitudetraining #fitness #gains #wow #illbeback #flex #fit #kickedmyass #2021willbebetter
18.01.2022 It’s difficult to hold high intensity training zones all year around. Check out my latest blog on 5 benefits hypertrophy training can have on your athletic performance.... https://dimistraining.com/5-benefits-hypertrophy-training-/
18.01.2022 What is hypertrophy? It’s an increase in muscle size that is earned through training How is hypertrophy achieved?... Through compound and isolation exercises. Using machine (plate and pin loaded) and free weight variations. By increasing overall volume load through sets, repetitions and or number of exercises. Having adequate rest between sets. Not over training the same muscle group too often in the same week. Through appropriate nutritional practices. When a muscle grows, so does its potential for force production. If you’re interested in developing muscle and gaining lean mass, click the link below to learn more about our hypertrophy program https://dimistraining.com/hypertrophy/ #linkinbio #hypertrophy #gains #pcsa #muscle #grow #gains #strengtheducation #intensity #volumeload #weights
18.01.2022 Strength or Body Composition? Are you using the right rep ranges in the gym to suit your training goals? Learn more about which rep schemes optimise strength and body composition gains by clicking the link below.... https://dimistraining.com/training-for-strength-vs-trainin/
17.01.2022 Just because you’re not lifting heavy weights doesn’t mean you can’t improve or maintain your strength. I’ve been posting up weekly express workouts you can do from home on my Instagram (dpstrengthandfitness) and on my Facebook page story: We are currently in week 3 ... Today’s session is lower body strength: - You only need 10-15 minutes - Something is better than nothing so get it done - Workout overview and video below 3 Rounds: 10 Slider hamstring pulls 10 Tempo (5 second negative) squats 10 Hip extensions off a bench At home strength session - 03 #athomestrength #minimalequipment #posteriorchain #squat #movement #watchthisspace #fitspo #onlinetrainer #onlinefitness #lowerbody
17.01.2022 The reps you choose for each set will vary depending on what you are training for. Less reps (volume) requires more weight (higher intensity) to gain strength and power. Whereas, more reps at lower weights are better suited for hypertrophy (muscle gain) and or muscular endurance.... Training in these zones over a period of time will help you achieve a desired strength and or body composition goal. Click the link below to learn more about which rep ranges elicit specific responses. #blog #trainingzone #pyramid #reps #sets #strength #power #hypertrophy #muscularendurance #volumevsintensity https://dimistraining.com/training-for-strength-vs-trainin/
15.01.2022 A Guideline to Strength and Hypertrophy Training Zones. Swipe to find out which zone is most suitable for you and your training goals https://dimistraining.com/online-programs/... #trainingzone #hypertrophy #strength #training #lift #squat #peak #athlete #competition #intensity #clicklink #onlineprograms
15.01.2022 How do you improve your 1RM when you’re short on time? If strength is your thing and your goal is to improve strength in a particular lift, intensity is going to be the most important factor in your training. For example; if you have only have 30 minutes 2 times a week available to train, you need to be prepared to lift heavy in that session. ... Don’t get too caught up in percentages, chances are if you’re that short on time, you’ll be tired from the day you’ve just had. Don’t risk injury by forcing high percentages, focus on intensity using an RPE (rate of perceived exertion) method. - Choose 1-2 movements and knock out 3-5 heavy sets using rep ranges between 2-6. Go as heavy as you feel like you can on that day. - Avoid injury by warming up properly and slowly building up, then knock out a few sets based on how you’re feeling (using RPE). Strength is tough to train when you don’t have much time, but doing 2 exercises in a week is going to make you stronger than doing none so get in there and focus on quality and intensity. #strength #trainsmart #noexcuses #deadlift #squat #betterthannothing #lift #train #liftheavy #intensity #trainwithintensity #justdoit
13.01.2022 Meet DP athlete @tonisass_ This boy has been one of my competitive athletes for almost 2 years. We started this journey with a goal to win F45 playoffs in 2019 and he finished 3rd in Australia.... This year due to the cancellation of majority of competitions we changed the plan and shifted the focus to avoid any burn out. In the last 6 weeks we’ve emphasised more strength and weightlifting in conjunction with fitness maintenance. Pre program test was a 112.5kg clean (first video in my story), and today he hit 120kgs. This is a 7.5kg PB clean in just 6 weeks and he’s sitting at 68kg body weight. I can’t wait to see what he does at the end of the next 6 weeks after this new strength phase. https://dimistraining.com/competitor/ #dpathlete #dimistraining #strength #competition #pb #fitathlete #weightlifting #watchthisspace #strong #lift #athlete
13.01.2022 If training is enjoyable it will make it easier to be consistent...it won’t become an obligation anymore. Instead it will become something you can’t live without it. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it.... #findwhatyoulove #beconsistent #trainhard #lovetraining #judgenoone #stayinyoirlane #train #behappy #activelifestyle #health
12.01.2022 TOP 6 STRENGTH EXERCISES FOR INDIVIDUALS SHORT ON TIME: https://dimistraining.com/top-6-strength-exercises-for-ind/
11.01.2022 5 Priorities to staying in an anabolic state: 1 Nutrition - Make healthy choices and eat enough protein to help repair and regenerate muscle tissue. 2 Sleep - Is critical to recovery and is the peak release time for growth hormone, so make sure you get enough of it.... 3 Training - Over training can have the opposite (catabolic) effect so be sure to manage your load. 4 Exercise type - Different exercises and intensities have a different hormone release pattern and metabolic effect. Be sure to be specific about your goals, train accordingly and avoid too much variety. 5 Alcohol - consuming too much of it can reduce testosterone production and cell signalling responses that are vital for muscle repair and recovery. Variables such as these are in your control and prioritising them will give you the best chance at controlling your body weight, composition and metabolism. #anabolicstate #anabolic #training #bodycomposition #sleeptorecover #growthhormone #trainingeducation #strength #controlthecontrollables #recovery
11.01.2022 I’m very passionate about coaching but even more about technique. Strength requires persistence and skill requires patience. When learning new things don’t get caught up in the hype. Just focus on yourself and making small gains. The more small gains you achieve the closer you move towards the bigger ones ... #techniquefirst #technique #weightlifting #powerclean #workshop #coaching #crew #positivepeople #lift #training #dontbescaredwheniyellimjustexcited
09.01.2022 When you think of fitness, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Fitness is made up of 5 components and this is the order I prioritise them in my training: 1-Strength 2-Strength endurance... 3-Cardiovascular endurance 4-Body composition 5-Flexibility Everyone places a greater emphasis on one more than another; but just because someone doesn’t look fit in your eyes, doesn’t mean they aren’t to someone else. #fitness #componentsoffitness #strength #strengthendurance #cvfitness #bodycomposition #flexibility #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #fit #fitnesseducation
09.01.2022 What good is knowledge if you can’t share it with others? It was a pleasure running the @valetudotraining coaches through a weightlifting workshop today. #pbs #coaches #sharingknowledge #weightlifing #workshop #technique #training #cleanandjerk #training
06.01.2022 https://youtu.be/MiERn-vjq1A Have you ever been stuck in the bottom on a heavy squat? When you perform a squat, the transition in the bottom position relies heavily on the stretch shortening cycle. This is when the muscle is actively lengthened (eccentric) followed by active shortening (concentric). During the squat it happens in the bottom (in the hole).... Your ability to stay tight in the hole will also be a limiting factor; if you switch off in that position you will tip forward and use your back which could cause you some problems. Pause squats are a great tool to help strengthen up the weakest portion of the lift by mitigating the stretch shortening cycle, and increasing the time under tension forcing the muscles to work harder and building strength. #squat #squataccessory #squatprogram #onlinecoach #coach #strength #SSC #strengthandconditioning #lift #gym #legday #fit
06.01.2022 Have you ever struggled with tight hips when squatting or deadlifting? When muscles are tight and mechanics deteriorate, the articular surfaces can become compromised during movement. Banded hip distractions are a great tool to help open up the joint space and separate the articular surfaces to allow the synovial fluid to fill and lubricate the joint; in turn reducing friction during movement.... Before squatting or deadlifting, grab a heavy band and try this routine before you start: #warmup #hipmobility #bandeddistractions #jointhealth #ROM #rangeofmotion #training #movementprep #squat #mobility
06.01.2022 Looking to take your weightlifting to the next level? Online programs and workshops are now available to help you improve your lifts in the snatch and clean and jerk. For more information click the link below;... https://dimistraining.com/weightlifting/ #linkinbio #weightlifting #lift #onlineprogram #liftingworkshop #workshop #coaching #clean #snatch #strong #powerful
06.01.2022 Squat tip: Part 2 The drive (concentric) phase Part 1 can be found on my Instagram account @dpstrengthandfitness 11 posts after this one.... If you don't have Instagram I've uploaded Part 1 to my stories so get up to speed and check it out.
04.01.2022 When the going gets tough...the tough get going. A weight can feel easy on some days and hard on others. It doesn’t mean you’re getting weaker, it’s just a bad day put in your way testing your inner strength.... Do you turn your back at the first sign of difficulty, or are you a fighter? #toughmindset #neverquit #greatnessrequiresstrength #positive #harddays #strongminds #deadlift #lift #train #nevergiveup
03.01.2022 A snippet of this mornings virtual class: Live classes Available on all devices Movement demos... Options for people with and without equipment Structured programming Community and support driven #onlinetraining #consistency #fitness #instafit #stayconnected #training #noexcuses #fit #onlinecoach #onlineprogramming #dimistraining
02.01.2022 Are you bracing your midline when you squat? Here is a tip that could help maximise your lifts.
01.01.2022 Pre season time @nsb_womens @combineair.rozelle... #norths #league #preseason #rugby #league #sport #coaching #athletes #letsgo
01.01.2022 Having trouble with ankle flexibility in the bottom of the squat? In my last blog (link in bio) I talked about ankle mobility and how it can effect the bottom position of your squat. If this is a problem you’re having, try adding some ankle distractions consistently into your warm up routines.... The band creates a vector force separating the joint surface; this promotes synovial fluid to fill the space created. Synovial fluid is important in reducing friction in the joints and helps make movement smoother, promoting greater range of motion. #movement #anklemobility #mobility #jointdistractions #warmup #squatprep #jointhealth #ankle #strength #fitness
01.01.2022 Do you have trouble with shoulder pain or impingement when doing upright rows? Pain is your sign to stop what your doing and modify the exercise. Check out this dumbbell alternative you can do in replace of the upright row.... #shoulders #uprightrow #modify #exercises #donttrainthroughpain #alternativemovement #hypertrophy #accessories #thereisalwaysanotherway
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