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Dr Beryl Tan | Health/beauty

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Dr Beryl Tan

Phone: 0477882004


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to load big map

25.01.2022 It sometimes sucks looking at these same walls everyday... the fear and stress make it worse! Make that phone call.... rant, listen, cry, laugh.... it is just nice to hear your voice. How about a quick cuppa? You can tell me what you are having.... Lets go for a walk! It’s a lovely day outside! Remember, you are not alone... #ruok #friends #wearenotalone #itisok #call

23.01.2022 Despite the lockdown, my work continues with treatment of skin cancers and hand injuries. If you have a growing lesion of concern, please do not wait until the lockdown ends to get it looked at. Also, beware of your fingers during DIY home projects!! #melbourneplasticsurgeon #melbournefemaleplasticsurgeon

22.01.2022 A time to celebrate but stay vigilant and keep wearing the mask! No 3rd wave please! #nomorelockdowns #wearyourmask #covidsafe

21.01.2022 Things to know.. 1. Simple anatomy of the ‘belly.’ 2. It’s not always just fat. 3. No, not everyone can have a flat tummy after tummy tuck. ... Read to find out more. Head to our website via the link in bio & visit the ‘Blog’ tab.

19.01.2022 A sense of ‘normality’ is starting to creep back for us! Finally, the Premier announced a road map for elective surgeries! It will take another 2 months to get back to ‘business as usual’ but at least we can start consulting again and plan our operating schedules! If your consultation or surgery has been deferred due to the lockdowns, we will be in touch soon or please do give us a ring to arrange a time. #plasticsurgery #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #cosmeticplasticsurgerymelbourne #brightonfemaleplasticsurgeon #knoxplasticsurgeon #breastreduction #breastreconstruction #breastimplantremoval #breastimplantillness #breastimplantrupture #tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodycontouring #eyelidsurgery #blepharoplasty #facialrejuvenation

19.01.2022 Everyday, we get bombarded from the social media about what is beauty... the beautiful person is actually looking back at you in the mirror! Yes, age (and stress!!) catches up with us and some of us do need a bit of help... but beware of overdoing the tweaks! It’s better to look like you are aging gracefully or ‘refreshed’ than you trying to look like the ‘perfect’ looking celebrity on Instagram (who spends >3 hours on make-up and hair and employs the best photographer in tow...n!). If you do need help beyond makeup, get genuine and professional advice from well-trained and qualified professionals. #asaps #aspsaus #plasticsurgery #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #cosmeticplasticsurgerymelbourne #breastreduction #tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodycontouring #eyelidsurgery #blepharoplasty #facialrejuvenation See more

17.01.2022 Challenge accepted. Thanks to @drnataliengan_plasticsurgeon and @drkaterinaanesti for the nomination. This was a ‘sneaky’ photo, taken by my sister a few years ago. I was getting glammed up for my first professional photo shoot for my profile, as I was starting out in private practice, almost 4 years after qualifying as a specialist plastic surgeon.... I felt uncomfortable, like a fish out of water. Looking back, after years of training, including spending time overseas to upskill myself, I still felt not ready and not good enough. Some of my peers went straight into private practice soon after training, whereas I took my timeas I wanted to hone in my skills and improve my craft until I felt I was happy enough to ‘choose me as my specialist’. I believe all of us are on our own life journey. We choose our path and there is often more than one choice. Some paths are shorter and easier, but it doesn’t mean those are always the best. My path was long both easy and hard, and both parts have taught me valuable lessons, and make me a better person and a better surgeon. To be a good plastic surgeon is not about being the fastest, or one who does the most free flaps or cases in town. It’s about being safe being caring and compassionate it’s about respect and treating your patients the way you wish to be treated.. And the willingness to learn from our mistakes while keeping the enthusiasm to continue learning. Sometimes, being a fish out of water may not be a bad thing. Getting out of our comfort zone brings more challenges and you might flourish better you think you would! I am very lucky and forever grateful for the wonderful women who have been mentors and companions in my journey...who continue to inspire me, who laugh with me, and be my shoulder to cry on! #womenforwomen

17.01.2022 Dr Tan sees patients at Knox Private and Cabrini Brighton. See website for details (link in bio) or call us to make an appointment. #body #face #breasts #hands #femaleplasticsurgeon #cabrinibrighton #knoxprivate #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgery #liposuction #labiaplasty #abdominoplasty #tummytuck #bodycontouring

15.01.2022 Imagine strapping a couple of kettle bells on your chest 24/7... your bra is struggling to hold them on... the bra straps are digging into your shoulders... your back!! Your poor back... You just want to hide them. You start slouching... your confidence also seems to go down with your chest... you start wearing baggy clothes.... you tried losing weight, but they stay the same size... Breast reduction surgery is one of the most rewarding surgeries for me. Once the pain and he...aling that come after surgery are subsiding, most patients come beeming with smiles during follow-up checks! Please contact my rooms to find out more... or check out

14.01.2022 Attending the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ‘s Virtual Plastic Surgery The Meeting, while being on call and supervising my registrar dealing with minor trauma cases... we never stop learning (and teaching!) #PSTM #plasticsurgery #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #cosmeticplasticsurgerymelbourne #breastreduction #breastreconstruction #breastimplantremoval #breastimplantillness #breastimplantrupture #tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodycontouring #eyelidsurgery #blepharoplasty #facialrejuvenation

13.01.2022 Do things for people, not because of who they are, or what they do in return, but because of who you are. Harold S Kushner

12.01.2022 Just a little thought... #blog #COVIDtimes #selfreflection #exploreyourself #explorecreativity #transformation #positivethoughts #justbeme #justbemebutabetterme #betterme #whyplasticsurgery #getoutofcomfortzone #mindoverbody #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryisart #artinplasticsurgery #beautybeyondbody

11.01.2022 Dr Tan operates on various parts of the body including facial rejuvenation and reconstructive procedures If you are interested in undergoing surgery, you can visit our website (link in bio) for more information or call us to make an appointment.

10.01.2022 I am sure many of you feel like me right now... the COVID19 waves just kept coming and are getting bigger. It’s easy to say ‘hang in there’ but it is definitely tougher this time! Remember to check on your loved ones and ask the important question, ‘Are you ok?’ from time to time. We are all humans after all and there will be times when it feels even harder to cope being at home, especially when you are alone. Please look out for one another and get help if you need to!! Times like this, we need one another even more! You are never alone!!!Stay strong and keep safe. Pray and keep our fingers crossed that this is the last wave.... #covidsafe #weareinthistogether #bekind #wecandothis #ilovemelbourne #melburniansstaystrong #ruok

10.01.2022 I’m swapping the scalpel for paint brushes again during this lockdown. Have to keep my right brain active! I never thought I could paint and I think it’s my plastic surgery training that has helped with my aesthetic sense and attention to details. I believe that also differentiates plastic surgeons from other specialty. Many can hold the knife, but to excel in our craft takes a lot of hard work and dedication, to develop the special skills. This is dedicated to the beautifu...l ballet dancer and teacher I met at a house warming party last year... (sorry, I don’t remember your name!). Ballet dancers remind me of my profession too... to achieve the grace and beautiful flow in movement takes a lot of hard work and dedication. It takes more than meets the eye! #plasticsurgery #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #cosmeticplasticsurgerymelbourne #breastreduction #breastreconstruction #breastimplantremoval #breastimplantillness #breastimplantrupture #tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodycontouring #eyelidsurgery #blepharoplasty #facialrejuvenation #mindbodysoul #thefemaletouch See more

09.01.2022 Time to explore our backyard! It’s my 7th year in Melbourne and I’ve been wanting to get to know the greater Melbourne better. So, I joined a hiking group and started my exploration, bit by bit! It’s just so beautiful here... the hikes have been invigorating, esp post-COVID lockdown! Regular fresh air and ‘hanging out’ with the trees do wonders for our mind and soul! Hiking or walking is also a great way to exercise! #exploreourbackyards #beautifulmelbourne #mindandbody #freshairtherapy #beamongstthetrees @ Woodlands Historic Park

07.01.2022 It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. Time to check your boobs... have a feel at shower... see your doctor if any concern, or join Breast Screen if you are aged 50 or above (or earlier if there’s a strong family history.) Early detection is the best solution! #breastcancer #pinkoctober #breastscreen #breastscreenvictoria #breastcancerawareness #breast #womenhealth #womenforwomen #womensupportingwomen #femalesurgeon #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #melbournefemaleplasticsurgeon #breastreconstruction #breastplasticsurgery #cabrinibreastcancerservice #brightonplasticsurgeon

05.01.2022 We are mid-way through spring...but life still seem slowed in Melbourne... Let’s use this remaining lockdown time to reflect, rejuvenate and recultivate ourselves.. the time will come for us to bloom! #rejuvenate #mindbodysoul #nevertoolate #hope #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #plasticsurgery #femaleplasticsurgeon #melbourneplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #cosmeticplasticsurgerymelbourne

03.01.2022 Happy Friday The sun is shining and I am enjoying the view of some beautiful flowers from my patient

03.01.2022 It’s important to keep our immune systems strong & healthy during this time! Exercise, deep breathing, laughter, staying connected with friends over FaceTime/text/phone are all ways to de-stress. #selfcare

02.01.2022 It’s so easy to look to the right or to the left and become bogged down by comparing yourself to others. Most of the time, comparing ourselves to others will leave us feeling defeated and will likely cause us to retreat from true reflection. There is a time and place to learn from people but don’t focus on another’s growth, focus on how far you have come & where you want to be in the future; physically, mentally & emotionally. Leave others out of it. Everybody’s journey is different.

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