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24.01.2022 A recent study published in Nature Microbiology looked at how raw and cooked food affected mouse & human gut microbiomes . . In mice, raw & cooked meat did not significantly shift gut microbiome composition. But those fed raw vegetables lost more weight than those fed cooked vegetables, & their microbiome compositions fundamentally differed .... . This is not surprising as the cooking process releases starch from plant matter, allowing for better digestibility & access to nutrients. Therefore, energy intake is increased from cooked foods . . A small study (n=5) in humans showed that there were small but marked changes in gut microbiota composition when consuming cooked vs raw foods . . Why is this particularly interesting? This highlights the importance of considering cooking processes (& not just nutrient intake) when studying the link between diet & the gut microbiome. This moves us closer to designing better nutrition studies . . This also poses more questions (as good science does). What other compounds are impacted by different food preparation processes such as cooking, drying, fermenting etc.? The release of polyphenols & other antioxidants,removal of antinutrients so that nutrients can be accessed. So many areas to investigate in relation to the gut microbiome . . Citation: Carmody et al. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-019-0569-4 . . #nutrition #science #research #scicomm #scicomms #diet #rawvegan #food #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #cooking #fermentation #goodscience #ferments See more
22.01.2022 WTAF @mirandakerr what a load of BS from the charlatan snake oil woo woo loser @medicalmedium! With such a big following you have a responsibility not to spread total idiocy like this especially when people are so vulnerable. Have some f***ing respect for the REAL experts out there risking their lives to safeguard us Seriously take you prayer hands and wash them . . Unfortunately the snakes are going to be out in force as COVID19 infiltrates more of our communities. So ...make sure you stick to @who information based on the hard and continuing work of front line researchers and doctors around the world (honestly it's even hard to trust the government right now) . . Reposted from @mirandakerr Great info to help people at this time @medicalmedium . . #snakeoil #fakenews #woowoo #snakeoilsalesman #mirandakerr #covid19 #misinformation #scicomm #scicomms #science #virus #research See more
19.01.2022 Did you know that vitamin D deficiency (due to lack of sun exposure) has been linked to inflammatory processes & thus immune-related conditions? And that current research suggests this involves our gut microbiota? . . A new Canadian interventional study exposed two small groups to UVB light. One group was vitamin D deficient & the other had normal levels of vitamin D through supplementation .... . Both groups, after a week of exposure to UVB light, had increased levels of circulating vitamin D. However, the group who started with vitamin D insufficiency saw a greater increase in circulating levels . . The vitamin D deficient group was also observed to have an increase in gut microbiota diversity, to the same level as the non-deficient group. The non-deficient group's diversity did not improve . . Decreased exposure to UVB light, & subsequent reductions in vitamin D production, have previously been shown to be associated with chronic inflammatory diseases. Now we know our gut microbiota are involved in this process . . We spend so much time indoors, on screens. Combine that with our poor diets- is it a surprise that chronic inflammatory diseases are on the rise? . . Luckily the solution is easy! Get a daily dose of fresh air & sunshine by going for a walk. Some of the best medicine life has to offer- for emotional, mental & physical wellbeing. The best things in life really are free! . . #research #science #walking #exercise #scicomm #scicomms #ilovescience #uvb #sunshine #wellbeing #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #gutmicrobiota #vitamind See more
17.01.2022 Hello fermenty foodie friends! Wow it has been a stretch... and the world has changed dramatically for all of us. Hope you are all hanging in there, wherever you may be. Special hugs to my fellow Victorians as we go into Lockdown 2.0... I have absolute faith that our community can stand together to protect each other against this stubborn and deadly microbe . . I took this long break from socials because it has been a pretty tumultuous time for my little family I realised t...hat my lifelong conditioning which causes me to attach my self worth and identity to DOING needed to be addressed. Not to mention that I often find social media to be anxiety provoking in relation to the aforementioned DOING. It was time for me to learn to take it easy, enjoy my delicious bubbarino and find a little quiet in this noisy world . . That said, I have greatly missed sharing science nerdery with you all! Especially since, now more than ever, we need sensible, truthful science advocacy with no agendas. I don't think I need to elaborate on why! . . So I will be posting as regularly as I can again! . . Love to hear what you have all been feeling (and doing) in this new COVID land that we inhabit. Did you ferment anything fun in the last few months? Any new nutrition/ fermenty scientific studies you've read about you'd like me to explore? . . Big love . . #fermented #fermentation #ferments #science #nutrition #sciencerocks #research #covid19 #microbiology #guthealth #gutmicrobiota See more
15.01.2022 I've been in love with all things koji for ages now, but what I love about it most is the unbounded creativity it unlocks! . . For a long time, koji was mainly used in Japan, & only 6 places there produce koji starters. Japanese masters were only making traditional koji ferments, like shoyu, miso, sake, amazake etc. (It is also used in China, where it originates, but more on that in another post) .... . But as koji has broken out of this mould (#puntastic), a new generation of fermenters, chefs & experimenters are changing up how we use this amazing enzymatic Aspergillus. From @reneredzepi @davidzilber at @nomaferments, to @davidchang @teamsilent @ourcookquest & @tmgastronaut, koji is the hottest thing in kitchens across the globe. Used to make innovative new sauces like modern garums, but also to tenderise, pre-digest & effectively age meat, fish, vegetables & nuts . . The latest craze is going to be koji-fermented coffee. For background let's think back to kopi luwak. It is the most expensive coffee in the world, the best beans digested by civet cats in Indonesia & pooped out to be roasted. But no need for that! Why not use koji to do the same job? . . Koichi Higuchi, the seventh generation son of a famous koji maker (Higuchi Matsunosuke Shoten) armed himself with a bioscience degree. Then he went beyond tradition by growing koji on green coffee beans. Koji has over 30 enzymes that can digest protein, fat & starch, so they worked perfectly on the beans. This process increased the amount of amino acid by three times! . . The tasty results? The koji imparted a sweetness & softness to the poorer quality coffee beans they used (from Mexico & India). This value adds & increases the possibilities for coffee farmers in these regions . . @katehowell3010 @withonebeancoffee potential project?? . . #coffee #koji #fermentation #innovation #microbiology #fermented #aspergillus #enzymes #fermenteverything See more
14.01.2022 Hanging with my newborn bub is not super conducive to getting kitchen ferments going. Finally swapping DNA with my food microbe buddies again... inspired by the abundance of stonefruit, blackberries & perennial herbs in the garden @annabelmazzotti . . Made a delicious wild fermented meady sort of soda with foraged blackberries, rosemary & plums. So easy & yeastie! .... . Hopping back on the tibicos train too... such a joy. I love my resilient grains... despite a house move & months of neglect they bounced right back! Kimchi is on the way whilst chomping on an 8 month old B.B. (before baby) white kimchi that is perfectly crisp, garlicky & gingery... . . I love how natural & intuitive fermentation is & how this intimate relationship with microorganisms suffusing our environment is as flexible as our imagination (& microbiology & biochemistry) allows. Thanks microbe mates! . . What are you fermenting at the moment? . . #fermentation #fermented #ferments #tibicos #waterkefir #kimchi #microbiota #guthealth #gutmicrobiota #microbiology #kitchenculture #food #nutrition #medicine #joy See more
12.01.2022 What a surreal & strange time we're all experiencing together. COVID19 has changed the very fabric of society & hopefully has made us rethink what we consider to be important. It got me thinking about how fragile yet resilient we are as human beings, who think we rule & control our planet . . We have developed technology & society beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors. Yet, a tiny non-living piece of DNA can cause havoc across the globe, killing millions & halting econom...ies. The 1919 Spanish flu infected a 1/4 of the world's population (500m) & killed around 100m people . . But what is a virus? Viruses are the most common biological entity on the planet- lined up, they would cover the length of our whole galaxy . . Made up of a genomic strand of DNA or RNA containing its reproductive code, viruses are protected by a plasmid protein layer. Some viruses, like COVID19, also have a fatty lipid envelope. This layer is dissolved by soap & the virus is totally destroyed which is why washing your hands is so effective in preventing COVID19's spread . . Despite these actions, viruses aren't alive. Their survival depends on using the cells of other organisms. When they are in the environment alone, they are wrapped up in a virion particle that can survive for short periods of time . . The ultimate hackers, viruses have molecules on their virion layer that attaches to protein receptors on host cells, allowing them to gain entry. Here they use the cell's parts to make more virions that explode out of the cell to go on infecting other cells . . Many viruses are harmless to humans, but ones like COVID19 cause severe inflammation & a cytokine (immune) storm. This leads to viral pneumonia, or a secondary bacterial pneumonia, both of which can be deadly . . Suffice to say, we are reminded that we are a fallible part of nature AND that we have the ability to work together against these challenges . . Spread your love like it's a virus & #stayathome . . #virus #covid19 #science See more
10.01.2022 Calling all BIPOC fermenters! Are you passionate about fermentation? Do you have a fermenting business? Whether you produce ferments for sale or teach fermenting classes or both, I want to talk to you! . . I am writing an article for an international food publication on BIPOC fermenters. You can be from anywhere in the world. If you'd like to find out more and have a chat, please contact me here via Insta or FB messaging, or at [email protected] .... . #fermented #fermentation #ferments #asianfermentation #fermenteverything #culture #guthealth #microbiology See more
06.01.2022 This makes me SO MAD! It's severely disappointing that @dumbofeather @berryfeather @joostbakker are promoting charlatan @zachbushmd as he tours our country exploiting our vulnerabilities. In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, no less A self-proclaimed 'expert' on the microbiome, RegenAg, nutrition & health, this con man spreads FEAR through purposeful propagation of misinformation. He uses the letters after his name to seem credible whilst damaging public health f...or profit Zach Bush has a nature-is-perfect, antiscience, antivax rhetoric that ultimately helps him to sell his supplements. Just follow the $. He tells you to ditch all other supplements, but for 50USD a month you can buy his lignite (brown coal) water. He uses shoddy evidence from self-conducted trials (unpublished or published in dodgy journals) that lignite "supports" the tight junctions (the seals between cells) in our gut lining the barrier protecting us from toxic substances like glyphosate & gluten while allowing the entry of beneficial nutrients." Nonsense! The Dummies' Guide to Catching Snakes 1. Snake has a background in one area of science, but claims expertise in an unrelated discipline after some sort of epiphany 2. Snake cherry picks scientific evidence to suit their extremist agenda (i.e. erase nuance) whilst criticising researchers & the scientific method 3. Snake announces a panacea that they discovered after 'extensive research' & which they own trademark rights to e.g. lignite 4. Snake overstates the importance of systems that are still under scrutiny e.g. the role of the gut microbiome 5. Snake identifies a scapegoat e.g. glyphosate/ gluten & claims that it causes hot topic disorders e.g. autism, cancer, chronic disease 6. Snake use complicated scientific & medical jargon to sound credible whilst making up & obfuscating information All packaged into a shiny white heroism marketing sales pitch with the well-worn trope of us vs them Don't buy the bullshit! Questions welcome... See more
03.01.2022 You've probably seen these headlines proclaiming that kimchi & sauerkraut protect us from COVID19. This 'evidence' from a 'study' went viral. Many fermented food companies now refer to this study to sell product & fermented food sales are way up. THIS MAKES ME SO MAD! . . Let me explain. There is an article in a low ranking journal that is NOT a study. It is a loose commentary. The actual study is still in pre-print, which means it has NOT been peer-reviewed or published. It ...is irresponsible of media outlets to put info from such studies out there! . . The team used data from an existing European database to look at fermented food consumption in each country, & then correlated it with COVID19 mortality rates. They found that the more fermented vegetables a country's population consumed, the lower their death rates . . Their hypothesis is based on research showing that antioxidant-rich diets may contribute to lowered levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2). ACE2 is converted into ACE, an enzyme in the lungs, which may be the main entry point for Sars-CoV-2 into cells . . Can you guys see how this is a long shot? They made sure to say that their results do not confer causality, & that there are many factors that contribute to COVID19 mortality rates. But then what is the actual point of your poorly-conceived & -designed study?? Viral headlines? . . Infuriatingly, they conclude by saying they only looked at Europe but BTW African & Asian countries also have low death rates, & they eat fermented vegetables. This is outright irresponsible to imply!! South Korea was not studied, so neither was kimchi! . . Eat all the ferments. Enjoy them as part of a healthy diet. Just don't think they are going to save you from COVID19 or 'boost' your immunity #staysafe . . #fermentedfoods #ferments #sauerkraut #kimchi #covid19 #guthealth #science #research #fermentation See more
02.01.2022 Ferment-Isolation goodness! A delivery from the wonderful @kaokaomiso of a tsunami of umami! . . Made in Daylesford from carefully sourced ingredients, Kaori's expert hand creates some of the best miso I have ever tasted! Her Korean BBQ sauce is next level & where else can you get freshly handmade black bean and soybean natto? Also very excited to try her Shio Koji. Plus local apricot umeboshi. OMG feeling so uplifted just looking at these treasures .... . The best way to pimp up your home cooking is to use fermented condiments and marinades like these.. Exactly what we need in this surreal time. The microbes in these ferments predigest proteins, enhance flavours, increase nutritional access, intersct favourably with out gut microbiome and support immune function. BUT LET'S BE REAL IT'S ALL ABOUT THE YUMMY NOM NOMS . . Very lucky that Kaori lives locally... but fret not friends, she ships Australia wide! Head to her website to get some red hot umami in your arsenal . . Follow her on IG for her excellent meal ideas too. You go girl!! . . #fermented #fermentation #miso #koji #koreanbbq #natto #fermentevrything #umami #guthealth #flavour #quarantinecooking See more
02.01.2022 QUARANTINE FERMENTS FTW Quarantine-Chi, Isolapenos @mtfranklinorganics , Lockdown Carrots @adsumfarmhouse with rosemary and thyme from the garden, and locally grown Where Have You Beans? Lactofermenting instead of lamenting... highly recommended in these difficult times. An opportunity to engage with our microbial sous chefs, encourage unity in diversity and keep mind, body and spirits fizzing with goodness. Now more than ever we have to be socially symbiotic (from a... distance of course) and look after each other . . Sending lots of love to all of you. We will get through this together . . #fermented #ferments #fermenting #kimchi #lactofermented #staythefhome #coronavirus #quarantineferments See more
02.01.2022 Fantastic work by Dr. Amy Loughman @mindbodymicrobiome @proffelicejacka and the team behind this fascinating study. So much great microbiome work coming out of Australia! . . Reposted from @proffelicejacka Announcing a just-published study from our @foodandmoodcentre @mindbodymicrobiome .... . The study is the first to show that children with a lower amount of Prevotella at age one are more likely to have anxiety-like behaviours at two . . We looked at poo samples from 201 children in the Barwon Infant Study in their first year of age, and followed up on their behaviour when they were two . . We found that children with a lower abundance of the bacteria Prevotella in their poo at 12 months of age had a higher prevalence of anxiety-like behaviours, including shyness, sadness and an internal focus, an indicator they may be at higher risk of going on to develop childhood anxiety . . There’s plenty of work still to do but it’s an exciting development. "One day we could get to the point where we can look at a child's poo at 12 months, and if they are showing levels of bacteria that put them into a high-risk category for anxiety we can offer an early intervention," Dr Loughman said . . "This might be a supplement of Prevotella or other bacteria, or it could be in the form of behavioural and family support to bolster their psychosocial environment. But we need to get more research behind us before we can reach that point." . . In the meantime, Dr Loughman encourages parents to follow Australian dietary guidelines and feed children a diet high in fibre, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and to work with their doctor to minimise the use of unnecessary antibiotics. . . #microbiome #gutbrainaxis #science See more
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