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Dr Jeni Wilson

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24.01.2022 Let's talk about Inquiry - The action stage This is a chance for students to do something about what they've learnt. Taking action demonstrates that what they learn about is important. It is also a key assessment point for teachers. Traditionally we have done a lot of 'sharing' type action. We may have had a celebration or taught others what we have learnt. But the actions that students will remember are authentic, where they work in the community, with the community and for ...the community. Goal setting may also be an action. When deciding on the action, reflect on what has been learnt and who the audience might be. We want the audience to care about or benefit from what is done. Actions don’t have to be big but they should suit the learning. Below are just some examples of direct, authentic actions. Please feel free to contribute. For the love of learning! Great action Ideas Students discovered that a lot of new students felt nervous and didn’t know where things were in the school so they created welcome packs for all new arrivals. A group of students attached binoculars to a fence so other kids could enjoy observing living things A grade created a long walk in the community and invited caregivers/parents to participate to learn about the original indigenous long walk To teach parents about what they had learnt about design they invited parents to their scrap yard challenge The students noticed that lots of kids wore hats to school and because they didn’t have a school hat designed their own and sourced a manufacturer Students conducted a history walking tour for interested members of the community Students loved doing science experiments at school so they created and put together science kits for students to do at home. Students created a pocket park in their school with free products they had sought from families

22.01.2022 Creativity, curiosity and imagination... so vital in education and life. These are the proof cousins in education.

19.01.2022 Let's talk about Inquiry - The sorting out stage Once upon a time finding out and sorting out used to be like a happily married couple but somehow they went their own ways and got divorced from each other. After every finding our experience (see last blog) students need time to sort out (analyse, organise, process, represent) their ideas. Try to have a range of experiences from different learning areas. Otherwise we are privileging some learners (usually those who read and... write well) and disadvantaging others. In other words choose a range of ideas to sort out finding out experiences as you go. Do not do all the finding out experiences and then disconnected sorting out activities. The sorting out stage of inquiry is a key assessment time for teachers. The data gathered at this stage helps us decide whether students need more finding out experiences or not. The list below gives some ideas for sorting out. Please feel free to contribute. For the love of learning! Great Sorting Out Ideas Performing Arts, eg raps, songs, role play, puppet plays Visual Arts, eg artwork, photos, cartoons, comic strips, Demonstrations Simulations Games Write a newspaper article Videos Journal reflections Data charts Graphic organisers Poetry De bono’s hats Debates Book making Labelling photos Collages Making brochures/pamphlets Making models/constructions Mock interviews Multimedia presentations ICT apps Time lines Graphs Painting Drawing PMI Data charts and tables Diagrams Infographics Flow charts Lotus Diagram Concept maps Mind maps Cluster webs Cause and effect wheels Fishbone Other graphic organisers Photo: Community built cubby at Richmond Primary

19.01.2022 Let's talk about Inquiry - The reflection stage The reflection stage is a chance for students to pull together all they have learnt and reflect on what they have learnt about the inquiry process and themselves as a learner. Both are important. If we neglect to get students to self-assess they can rightly think that inquiry is just about learning stuff. We want them to know that the inquiry process is about learning to be independent and great inquirers as well.... Remember to focus on the understandings and skills. Here’s some ideas for the reflection stage. You will notice that some can be used at other stages, for example tuning in and sorting out. Great Reflection Ideas Self-assessment Peer-assessment 2 stars and a wish Continuums (written and physical) Metaphors Performing Arts, eg raps, songs, role play, puppet plays Visual Arts, eg artwork, photos, cartoons, comic strips, painting, drawing Letter to self Finish sentence starters, eg The thing I am most proud of Demonstrations True and false statements Fact fence Diamond ranking and other ranking tasks Make games Write a newspaper article Create a video Tic tac toe Journal reflections and learning logs Cloze Thinking dice Data charts Graphic organisers Literacy tasks such as Poetry, Book making or oral presentations De bono’s hats Debates Mock interviews Multimedia presentations ICT apps SWOT PMI Infographics graphic organisers such as Flow charts, lotus Diagram, concept maps, mind maps, cause and effect wheels, fishbone, bridge, balancing scales, Y chart, X chart, t chart Complete the L section of KWL Put yourself in the picture Please feel free to contribute. For the love of learning!

18.01.2022 My heart goes out to all of you as you diligently try to prepare for student learning at home. Have a look at Kath Murdoch's resources recently recommended for home investigations. Good luck and take care.

17.01.2022 Welcome to my first Inquiry Blog. It's been along time coming. With the demise of many of Australia's education booksellers and the reduced interest of teachers to read dense texts I have decided to start this practical blog. I intend to answer frequently asked questions and share great ideas I am seeing in schools. I am starting with ideas for the stages of inquiry. I am trying to avoid the overdone pencil and paper tasks but of course they have their use (if not overdone).... Please feel free to contribute. For the love of learning! Great Tuning In Ideas Observations, eg animals in tanks Scavenger hunt Great race Artefacts Mystery objects in bags/under covers Hands on learning centres Simulation Simple experiments Graphic organisers Speed dating or donut discussions Make it, draw it or act it Kahootz quiz Create a space, eg Aboriginal campfire Startling statistics Visualisation Metaphors Graffiti wall Wonder wall Start a fact fence Display centres that student add to Did you know charts??? Predicting True, false, not sure statements Someone who game So many ideas and I haven’t even mentioned KWL or brainstorming! Photo from Learning for Themselves by Jeni Wilson and Kath Murdoch (See Seastar Publications)

16.01.2022 Confused about play and inquiry? Hope this helps.

15.01.2022 Let's talk about Inquiry - The finding out stage So your kids have created questions. Great start! I bet I can predict what they will say when you ask them ... ‘How will you find out the answers to your questions?’ Predicted answer: ‘Google!’ We need to teach kids about different sources and methods that match the questions. Direct experiences, where kids can speak to people who know and love what they are interested in, and places where they can learn directly from the source are ideal. The list below has both primary and secondary sources of information. In any inquiry you would expect a number of both. An inquiry will never be as powerful if they/you only seeks answers from secondary sources. Please feel free to contribute. For the love of learning! Finding Out Ideas Excursions Incursions Performances Exhibitions Guest speakers/storytellers/artists/scientists Demonstrations Email, skype, letters, phone Social media, egIinstagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter Experiments (including social experiments) Observations Interviews Surveys Polls Vox pop Street talk Simulations Games Visual texts, eg artwork, photos, cartoons, comic strips, Newspapers Videos Journals Official records Charts, maps Case studies Poetry

13.01.2022 Here's a short blog on student voice and agency, enjoy.

10.01.2022 Keeping kids connected during Remote Learning through Inquiry Keeping connected is one of our greatest challenges during lockdown and remote learning, but it is super important for wellbeing and learning. While first-hand and direct experiences are the most powerful during inquiry, some modifications can still help children experience the joy and power of inquiry at home. I have listed some examples for each of the following three connection possibilities. Learners connectin...Continue reading

06.01.2022 When kids get back to school they are going to need to play! What's the role of the teacher/adult?

03.01.2022 No better time than now to reflect! Selling out - set of reflection cards. Just $30 per set plus postage. The Q Cards provide 32 different cues to support student to reflect on learning. They focus on challenges, observations, feelings, wonderings and achievement. ... The Little Marks promote self-assessment and goal setting. They provide multiple sentence starters to support student to reflect on their own learning and progress. The reflection cards are suitable for all ages, have multiple uses across the curriculum and can be used individually or in groups. Each pack of cards comes in a cardboard box with a pamphlet with ideas for possible uses.

01.01.2022 I hope that teachers are able to take some time out to keep up some professional reading as they prepare to consider how to educate our children in this unprecedented era. I have provided the link to Kath Murdoch's blog. Ever thoughtful and thought provoking, the overarching purpose of her blog is to explore what it means to bring an inquiry stance to teaching and learning. Underpinning all her posts are the values of curiosity, wonder, open-mindedness, courage, open-hearte...dness, compassion, deep, critical thinking, exploration and agency. These values, skills and dispositions perhaps more necessary than ever before.

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