Dr Shlomi Barak Fertility Clinic in East Melbourne, Victoria | Family medicine practice
Dr Shlomi Barak Fertility Clinic
Locality: East Melbourne, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9416 1614
Address: Suite 4, 320 Victoria Parade 3002 East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.drbarak.com.au
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25.01.2022 Whilst mobile phones are essential in everyday life, men may wish to think twice before carrying their mobiles in their trouser pockets. An extensive systemic review of several studies reveals that carrying mobiles in trouser pockets may have negative affects on sperm quality.
25.01.2022 NK (Natural Killer) cells may have contribution to poor implantation in some patients. I routinely check for their levels as part of the endometrial biopsy I perform.
25.01.2022 Women wanting to get pregnant should eat a Mediterranean-style diet rich in avocados and olive oil but light in dairy and meat. http://www.telegraph.co.uk//Mediterranean-diet-can-help-wo
24.01.2022 more than 20 of my patients are now involved in the exercise program. The feedbacks are just great. Expecting it to have a major impact on their IVF success. shlomi
21.01.2022 Changing your diet is one of the basics of lifestyle change. Consider following Mediterranean-style diet rich in vegetables, fruits and lean proteins to boost your fertility. shlomi http://www.presstv.com//mediterranean-diet-cuts-infertili/
21.01.2022 10! positive hCG blood test results today. Very satisfying
20.01.2022 10 ways to improve your IVF outcome - important! 1. Eat high quality, whole grain and low glycemic index foods. 2. Avoid processed foods, hydrogenated oils, sugars, and alcohol.... 3. Avoid large amounts of soy products. Quit smoking if you smoke. 4. High quality healthy fats should be a big part of your diet unrefined oils, foods rich in polyunsaturates such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and fish 5. Exercise reduces stress and improves circulation. Avoid exercise that is overly strenuous. 6. Meditation and acupuncture : these are important for both stress relief and the ability to improve IVF outcomes. Acupuncture can simultaneously improve circulation and reduce overall stress levels. 7. Greatly reduce or eliminate caffeine, especially after transfer. 8. Check your thyroid (I usually ask you to perform this test) 9. Get into a healthy sleep cycle for at least 2 weeks before your cycle, aiming for 8 hours of sleep. Sleep in complete darkness to improve natural melatonin production. Melatonin is required for healthy follicle development. 10. Take an omega 3 fish oil supplement. Aim for at least 400 mg of DHA and 800 mg of EPA daily. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve embryo morphology during IVF. Take coenzyme q 10. Coenzyme Q10 improves egg quality by acting as a mitochondrial antioxidant. Aim for approximately 400mg twice daily. See more
20.01.2022 Tonight we watched "Frozen" by Disney. Great FUN. Highly recommended! shlomi
20.01.2022 In the next few weeks I will be commencing recruitment of patients to a new and exciting research project. The research project is being conducted by the Melbourne Dental School of the University of Melbourne, in conjunction with Melbourne IVF. This study is investigating the effects of particular sex steroid hormones on gum health during the IVF treatment cycle. Results of this study hope to provide validated information towards future guidelines for the maintenance of gum h...ealth for women undertaking IVF treatment. This is to minimize the potential for any gum discomfort which might arise during the hormonal fluctuations. We hope that results of this study might identify a link between baseline gum disease and the success of IVF treatment outcomes and will enable us to optimize IVF success rate. Please ask me for further details. Yours, shlomi See more
20.01.2022 I love my plant! A present from Keegan
19.01.2022 Read about sperm/egg quality and how it contributes to implantation failure. This post clarifies the rational behind sperm quality investigation and the potential benefit of the "mild-stimulation" protocols I use with patients with poor eggs quality. Compromised eggs quality as a cause of recurrent implantation failure is often suspected when there is a poor response to ovarian stimulation with fewer numbers of eggs retrieved, a high proportion of immature eggs, a reduced fe...rtilization rate and low number of embryos that are being used. When the above features are associated with low AMH, it can be assumed that the underlying cause of the implantation failure relates to poor egg quality. There is evidence to suggest that aggressive ovarian stimulation protocols may lead to the production of poor-quality eggs and a higher rate of fertilization failure. Just as poor-quality eggs produce poor-quality embryos, it is also possible that poor-quality sperm may lead to the production of poor-quality embryos. It is widely accepted that conventional semen analysis parameters do not accurately reflect sperm quality. Several factors contribute to sperm DNA damage, including cigarette smoking and varicocele. Sperm DNA damage is associated with poor embryo development and both animal and human studies have shown that it is associated with failure to achieve spontaneous and assisted conception See more
19.01.2022 Stress Can Damage Fertility in Men, Not Just Women http://guardianlv.com//stress-can-damage-fertility-in-men/
19.01.2022 A diagnosis of poor sperm count, shape, size and mobility is concerning for all men hoping to start a family. A large study investigating lifestyle factors associated with poor sperm quality suggests that men who wish to have a family STOP SMOKING MARIJUANA.
19.01.2022 An inspiring story about the hope to conceive with MEGA severe male infertility http://www.mirror.co.uk//real-life-stories/partner-just-16
19.01.2022 enjoy your long weekend
17.01.2022 A large group of my patients who had low response to stimulation benefit markedly from using transdermal Testosterone supplementation as a pretreatment to their IVF cycle. I am delighted with the recent results.
16.01.2022 Few days ago, a bioethicist at Abertay University in Dundee called for the NHS to offer all young men free sperm banking, so they can store high-quality sperm until they are ready to be fathers. Fertility doctors accused him of promoting an unnecessarily artificial approach to parenthood. What do we know about the reproductive effects of advanced men's age? Read my new blog http://www.drbarak.com.au//advanced-mens-age-potential-re/
15.01.2022 Selected group of patients will benefit from the use of EmbryoScope for their cultured embryos. what is EmbryoScope? The EmbryoScope is an IVF incubator with a built-in camera for automated time-lapse imaging of fertilized oocytes in a safe incubation environment from conception until the time of transfer. Preliminary studies showed that it can increase up to 20% the chance of success of assisted reproductive technology . Moreover, early research indicates that the Embryoscope ensures a higher survival of embryos.
14.01.2022 The value of second opinion If I will be asked to identify the most common reason which brings fertility patients to see me for a second opinion, this will be the one: the way they were treated or investigated didnt make sense to them! As fertility specialists this is our job to understand and make the right interpretation of the enormous amount of information so that the patient can make the best decisions regarding their fertility care.... It is a known fact that the way that medical information, symptoms and investigation results are interpreted and delivered differs widely among specialists. This can have a significant effect on patients decision-making and treatment results. Why do fertility patients seek a Second Opinion? Medical advice can sometimes get complex. However, is should always be clear enough to understand ,and most importantly, to make sense to you. You have a right to have all of your questions answered. Make sure that the advice you have been given makes sense. Dont hesitate to seek a second opinion in regards to how you should proceed with your fertility care. It is important to get this extra bit of reassurance. A second opinion is an important part of becoming educated about your fertility problem and the appropriate management. Second opinions are more likely to be comprehensive, or inclusive of every possible perspective.
14.01.2022 Happy New Year from Tel Aviv
13.01.2022 While many talk about the symbol of unity in Gustav Klimt The Tree of Life, there are others that consider it an expression of masculine and feminine. The feminine expressed in the painting symbolizes sustenance, care and growth, while the masculine is expressed through the use of phallic representations. From this different union, life is born, and the tree of life, as well. Others say that the painting symbolizes the union between mans greatest virtues, which are strength, wisdom and beauty. The tree reaching for the sky is a symbol of mans perpetual yearning for becoming more, yet his roots are still bound to the earth.
12.01.2022 Stress can be a major factor to inhibit pregnancy especially if getting pregnant has become an obsession. The hormones released by stress, adrenalin and cortisol, may be detrimental because they upset the reproductive hormones. There are various ways to combat stress and subconscious anxiety. Try relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy.
12.01.2022 Our trip to Hula Reserve North of Israel today
12.01.2022 Many men inadvertently diminish not only their sex drive, but their fertility potential, through poor nutrition. The typical Western diet, composed of overly processed fast food and an overabundance of sugar may be part of the reason why sperm counts have fallen by almost 50% since the 1930's, across all age groups in the Western world. Men with too much belly fat have lower testosterone levels and are more likely to have problems with their erections. This is due in part ...to the conversion process that turns excess fat into estrogen like compounds, which limit the production of testosterone. Too much fat in the body can also lead to clogged arteries, not only in the heart but in those that lead to the penis. This in turn diminishes blood flow, circulation, and erectile response. Quite a price to pay for that supersized portion of fries. OK so what should you do to stack the odds in your favor? First off, look for foods that help to improve circulation and blood flow in the body. These are often high in an amino acid called L-Arginine and include ginseng, oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, green veggies, garlic, soybeans, and chickpeas. L-Arginine is pivotal in the production of nitric oxide, which is released during arousal in both the male and female sex organs. Also important to include in your diet are foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon and mackerel. These support both a healthy circulatory and nervous system. Adding foods high in bioflavonoids into the mix, as these boost sexual and reproductive health in men by working as antioxidants in the body. Bioflavonoids are the natural pigments found in fruits and vegetables and include berries, cherries, and grapes. Pure fruit juices without any added sugar or high fructose corn syrup are also a good source. The rule of thumb is clear. Eat natural foods that are low in fat and sugar and include lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink enough water. Eliminate processed and refined foods from your diet as much as possible. If you take a common sense approach to your health and respect your body, you are bound to enjoy the benefits.
11.01.2022 A group of women who underwent bariatric surgery experienced improvements in their sexual health, American researchers found. Improvements were seen in sexual function, reproductive hormone levels, and psychosocial health. The researchers studied 106 obese women between the ages of 25 and 60 (median age 41). Their median body mass index was 44.5. ... Before surgery and at one- and two-year follow-up points afterward, the women completed questionnaires to assess their sexual health, quality of life, and symptoms of depression. The women also had their hormone levels checked. After one year, the women had improved scores on the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and on the desire and satisfaction domains of that assessment tool. Two years later, their arousal and lubrication scores had improved. Hormone levels, depressive symptoms, body image, and relationship satisfaction were also better. . The study was published in November in JAMA Surgery.
08.01.2022 Read about my approach to recurrent implantation failure. In the following posts I will try to discuss some of the factors in more details. Recurrent implantation failure may be the consequence of embryo or uterine factors. Thorough investigations should be carried out to ascertain whether there is any underlying cause of the condition. Increased sperm DNA fragmentation may be a contributory cause. So, sperm quality investigation should be performed and varicocele needs to ...be ruled out. Various uterine pathology including fibroids, endometrial polyps, and intrauterine adhesions should be excluded by ultrasonography and hysteroscopy. Endometrial scratch should be considered in the luteal phase of the cycle immediately preceding IVF treatment; it improves implantation rate and outcome in women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure. See more
08.01.2022 Dual trigger with combination of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and human chorionic gonadotropin may improve the live-birth rate for normal responders in GnRH-antagonist cycles.
07.01.2022 It is the time for your New Year FERTILITY resolution. Start by caring for yourself. Begin a healthier lifestyle moving forward. It may be trying acupuncture or a mind body program that will fit your specific needs. Perhaps your nutrition needs some improvement and a nutritionist may be just the person you need to help create a plan. It can be very easy to gain weight during the holidays with the temptations of delicious holiday foods and drink. This may be the opportuni...ty for you to lose that weight and also to improve healthy eating habits. Start exercising tomorrow AM (I will definitely go for a morning run on the beach) . Yours, Shlomi See more
06.01.2022 At the age of 38, T. and her husband began trying to have a baby soon after they married. A year later, after trying to conceive naturally they moved to IVF. 10 months and 5 stimulated IVF rounds later with no pregnancy they came for a second opinion discussion. A review Ts previous IVF cycles revealed the following in all her cycles she was put on a high dose of FSH (Gonal-F). She responded with very low number and poor quality embryos. Given her low response to high dos...e FSH it seemed more than reasonable to put her on a cycle with a very low dose FSH to avoid any high dose associated negative effects on her embryos. The treatment plan involved assessment of her uterine cavity with hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy. The following cycle was a low dose stimulated IVF cycle in which T. created 2 good looking embryos that were transferred. With this embryo transfer T. became pregnant. It was exciting for everyone to finally get that positive test. The couple were afraid to announce their first positive pregnancy test in the early weeks, and decided to wait until the 2nd Trimester to let family and friends in on their joy, and also finally allowed themselves to feel the excitement of the pregnancy. For T. and her husband, a MINOR change in the treatment plan made the difference. See more
05.01.2022 What is the contribution of sperm quality to overall embryo quality and IVF success? Just as poor-quality oocytes produce poor-quality embryos, it is also possible that poor-quality spermatozoa may lead to the production of poor-quality embryos. Several factors contribute to sperm DNA damage, including cigarette smoking, genital tract infection and previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Sperm DNA damage is associated with poor embryo development and recurrent IVF failure. Cur...rently there is increasing interest in the use of sperm DNA integrity testing in the evaluation of IVF failure. DNA fragmentation may be associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and possibly IVF failure. When abnormal sperm are considered to be a contributory cause of IVF failure, supported by an increased amount of sperm DNA fragmentation, several treatment options may be considered.: medical treatment oral antioxidant treatment has been shown to reduce the incidence of sperm DNA fragmentation. Selection of sperm with low levels of DNA damage this can be done by using the Zona binding approach, the use of testicular sperm retrieved by testicular biopsy or the IMSI technique (Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection ). The use of testicular spermatozoa in couples with repeated implantation failure associated with high sperm DNA fragmentation in semen has been reported to result in a significant increase in pregnancy rate. http://www.drbarak.com.au//how-important-is-it-to-improve/
04.01.2022 Joint conference for the Israeli Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Israeli Fertility Society today in Tel Aviv. Great meeting Exchanging exciting ideas! Have a lovely weekend
02.01.2022 a meta analysis (combination and analysis of independent studies) of 21 studies, showed that men who were underweight, overweight, obese or morbidly obese had low or no sperm present in their semen compared to healthy weight men. Whether it's too much fat or too little: size matters. Take home message: Diet is an inexpensive way to improve sperm quality http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23242914
01.01.2022 Read my recent posts. I post blogs regularly, trying to address hot topics in the field of IVF, female and male infertility. Read now http://www.drbarak.com.au/dr-baraks-blogs/
01.01.2022 http://health.ninemsn.com.au//men-warned-not-to-leave-it-t
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