Dr Tafe Safaris in Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia | Eco tour agency
Dr Tafe Safaris
Locality: Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 421 548 755
Address: 64 Fir Street Victoria Point 4165 Victoria Point, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.drtafesafaris.com/
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24.01.2022 Monkey Mia is a spot in Shark Bay about 300 kms north of Perth, which is known for daily visits by friendly dolphins and lots of international and domestic tourists, who come to see the dolphins and other friendly wildlife like pelicans. Thousands of tourists are attracted each year to Shark Bay and the little tourist town of Denham, where the Museum offers a free 15 minute 3D viewing based on the true story of the loss of the HMAS Sydney ll on 19 November 1941 with the loss ...of all 645 sailors on board. The remains of the ship were located in 2008 approximately 112 kms off the coast of Shark Bay. This region of WA really knows how to cater to tourists, with a number of caravan holiday parks and cabins for rent. Local biologists ensure that the dolphins do not become reliant on feeding handouts, with only a few small fish offered per dolphin. An adult dolphin requires approximately 10 kg of fish per day. The WA government and tourist agencies ensure that the beaches and wetland areas are not spoilt by inappropriate coastal development, as the attached photos show. Our Redland City Council and the QLD State Government can learn from the example set by WA. Instead of rate payer funded trips to neighbouring countries in search of wealthy developers our Council and State Government representatives should encourage local tourism businesses with an eye on environmentally responsible development. The Redlands does not have a single caravan holiday park and the Labor State Governments lack of consideration for the environment flies in the face of its own Environment Policy. We have so much available land that no developer, Australian or foreign, should be given permission to dredge environmentally sensitive wetlands in order to construct units. Check out the various photographs, all taken in the Shark Bay region over the last 3 days. This is how to have a symbiotic relationship between the people, the wildlife and the environment they both depend on. Regards, Dennis Dr Dennis Tafe See more
24.01.2022 Remember how our current Federal Government were trying to convince Aussies that by reducing the taxes of the major corporations the savings would trickle down as higher wages to working staff. Yeah, right, we all believe that, dont we? Take Telstra for example. As profits rise they use Australian staff to train new people in the Philippines, who then take the jobs of Australian staff. Some of them in Australia have told me that. Two weeks ago we decided to port a mobil...e number across from Virgin Mobile to Telstra because the former will soon be defunct. Guess what a cunning Tesltra staff member in the Philippines did? He knew he should port the number across but he could make more money by calling it a new mobile service with a new number and not even contacting Virgin Mobile. They confirmed that no one from Telstra even tried to port the number across. So we were essentially paying for two numbers on the one mobile phone even though we no longer had the mobile SIM card. Finally one of the Australian Telstra staff admitted this is happening and agreed to try to have the $40 Virgin Mobile fee refunded. We are still waiting and it appears this refund has gone into the "too hard" basket. I will let you know shortly if Telstra intend to rectify with a refund what amounts to corruption by one of their staff in the Philippines. By the way we help people to see the iconic wildlife of Australia, as you can see. See more
23.01.2022 One time I took a group of college students to Minjerribah and one of them commented that she could see an indigenous man with a long spear walking through the shallow waters looking for a meal. I replied that he was doing what his family has been doing for thousands of years and the place is still beautiful. Lets hope greed on the part of the (gubba) white man does not ruin this idyllic place.
22.01.2022 CLIMATE CHANGE In case youre wondering about the significance of climate change and who is right let me add a note of caution. Climate Change is real though some people who dont understand it, like Tony Abbott and politicians aligned to One Nation, will just call it "crap." Some politicians on the other extreme, like Kevin Rudd, will call it the "greatest challenge of our times" and then put it in the two hard basket. Fear mongering is not the way to deal with Climate Chang...e - we are unlikely to destroy the planet in the next 50 years. But we cannot afford to ignore the early symptoms of Climate Change because they are real. White fellas started coming to Australia in big numbers after 1770 and in the 250 years since then we have sent many unique Australian species of animals and plants into extinction because of human greed. Some people sprout that Australia has a relatively small population so why should we do anything. These are the sort of people we dont want as our politicians. It is good to see the young people of Australia standing up for principles and caring for the future direction of the country, including our environment. Keep it up. See more
21.01.2022 Dear Federal Member, As a senior retired marine biologist let me make something, which interests you, very clear. Aussies are concerned about our country, our wildlife, our GBR and our coastline. We not only want to protect our borders from illegal immigrants but we want to ensure that any development is done in a sustainable way. Listen to us and you have a good chance of retaining government. Ignore us and we will vote for someone else. Yours sincerely, Dennis Tafe... (Marine Biologist) Redland Bay, Queensland, 4165, Australia See more
20.01.2022 Covid19 means no wildlife safari to Serengeti till next year, probably around Aug-Sep at time of Wildebeest Migration.
20.01.2022 I can recommend snorkelling with whale sharks at Ningaloo at Exmouth in WA. If you go with a safety conscious outfit like Kings Ningaloo it is quite safe. I found that if you swim on your side so as to avoid splashing of your fins some whale sharks become curious and will allow you to swim with them.
19.01.2022 Laura at WWF and staff at Greenpeace and Australian Marine Conservation Society, Please be careful of the way you ask for donations because these are some of my experiences. When kind hearted people are continuously hounded for donations there comes a point when they say "enough is enough." WWF...Continue reading
19.01.2022 This photo looks scary but in fact there is a thick sheet of glass between Leah and the male lion at Dubbo Western Plains Zoo.
18.01.2022 After running a successful educational field trip business for 12 years it is now time to retire. If any budding biologists or biology teachers would like to take over a successful field trip business please contact me below. Dennis
18.01.2022 Guys in Government, You already know my thoughts on the future of Australia. As a marine biologist I can tell you that if you just ignore the drought in the middle of NSW and QLD, that I have personally witnessed, then you are basically saying youre not fit to govern. I am not a Labor fan but at least Tony Burke is pointing out that super trawlers do massive damage to our coastal marine life and coastal fisheries so that a few can make big bucks. I have heard the mantra com...ing from the PM and Treasurer about "jobs and growth" and what a great job they are doing. They ignore the severe drought, which has reduced the Darling River to a series of potholes, while they keep trying to convince us about "trickle down economics" and the benefits of giving billions in tax cuts to the major banks and big corporations, some of which are paying virtually no tax now. Keep on with your mantra and Australian voters will give you an answer next May. While youre talking up Australias credentials as a world leader keep in mind that we are leading the world in species extinctions. But dont worry about that. Just keep patting yourselves on the back until you find yourselves in opposition. Dennis Tafe Dr Tafe Safaris
18.01.2022 The following letter does not follow the usual trend of photos and segments about our magnificent Australian wildlife. It is a letter to Telstra so if any of you are having internet problems caused by the introduction of NBN it may pay to read it. By the way the Australian Federal Finance Minister, Mathias Cormann, keeps trying to convince us to give more tax breaks to big corporations and it will all trickle down as higher wages to workers. Perhaps he is thinking of big corp...orations like Telstra, who take the money and then try to further increase profits by sacking Australian staff and replacing them with a work force in Philippines. Why?? Because it is cheaper for their bottom line. So much for Mathias Cormann. Telstra Staff, Just received an email from you threatening a slow down. Our internet speed is already slower than our ADSL speed. Our landline and bigpond modem were switched over to NBN on 23rd July but it then took a full week, with two visits from Chris, the Telstra Tech based in Redland Bay, to get it working. It has now been working for 2 days and you send a message to say we have used half our data allowance. This is not the way to keep customers and already other NBN service providers are in contact with us. Please check with Joselle in Manilla on 1800 135 646 PIN 6280 and refer to Complaint SR1-2131263619872. We Have been placed on a PLAN by Joselle, which costs $127 per month for landline, bigpond and two mobiles. The first mobile, ending in 8755 is on a $29 monthly plan with 30 GB of data. The 2nd mobile ending in 2713 is on a $39 monthly plan with 30 GB of data. The Landline and Bigpond net are on a $59 monthly plan. The Total per month to Telstra is: $127 monthly. Make sure you do not try to overcharge for a 3RD MONTH OR YOU ARE LIKELY TO LOSE US. Dennis (Dr Dennis Tafe) Mob: 0421 548 755
18.01.2022 Every 1-2 years we organise a wildlife safari to East Africa at about half the normal cost so if interested please let us know. The last one was done at the time of the Wildebeest Migration in the Serengeti and we witnessed herds of Wildebeest crossing the Mara River in Northern Tanzania. Amazing sight.
18.01.2022 For those of you who would like to see Great White Sharks close up but from the safety of a strong shark cage I can recommend Calypso Shark Cage Dives down off Port Lincoln in SA. If you have a seniors card it will give you a 10% discount. It is a 4 hour boat ride out to the Neptune Islands from Port Lincoln so take a sea sick tablet before you go.
18.01.2022 There will be a big meeting about the Toondah flawed Proposal at G J Walter Park on Sat 20th Oct between 9am and midday. I will help to man the BBQ stall so come and have a chat. Dennis
17.01.2022 We will run another African Wildlife Safari in 2019 at the time of the Wildebeest Migration because the last one was the best so far. If interested reply here or at the facebook site for Dennis Tafe. Check out the 37 second video clip.
17.01.2022 These photos are from Cocklebiddy Road House, located on the Eyre Hwy as you drive across the Nullarbor. It is well known for housing these two wedge tailed eagles, Samantha and Bruce. Slow down little when you see a road kill with a wedge tailed eagle feeding on it. It is estimated that 50-75 wedge tailed eagles are killed each year by vehicles.
17.01.2022 The meeting last night at My Horizons Convention Centre next door to Indigiscapes in Capalaba was a real eye opener on integrity and accountability in local government and council. It was convened by the Queensland State Members for Redlands, Kim Richards, and Capalaba, Don Brown. The two speakers were Dr Nikola Stepanov, Qld Integrity Commissioner, and Alan MacSporran QC, Chairperson for Crime & Corruption Commission (CCC). There were at least four councillors present fro...m Redland City Council (RCC), which was pleasing to see because the discussion centred around corruption, perceived corruption and conflicts of interest within government bodies. No doubt these councillors are now well informed, like the rest of us, on what is acceptable and what is not by our elected representatives. It is now high time to stop donations from land and housing developers to councils and individual councillors in order to gain influence in decision making. Residents in the Redlands have been calling out this behaviour for a number of years now and no doubt this is obvious to the conveners, Kim Richards and Don Brown. It is to their credit that such a meeting was convened because most of us do not want to see Redland City Council in the same boat as Ipswich City Council. See more
16.01.2022 One time I took a group of college students to North Stradbroke Island in Moreton Bay off Queensland, called Minjerribah by the locals. One of the international students commented that she could see an Indigenous man with a long spear walking through the shallow waters looking for a meal. I replied that he was doing what his family has been doing for thousands of years and the place is still beautiful. During the day we snorkelled and at night we spotted koalas at Amity Point. Lets hope that greed on the part of the white man does not ruin this idyllic place.
16.01.2022 Good morning, You may be interested to hear about responses from farmers and normal townsfolk as I travel across QLD, NSW, SA and WA. After 10,000 kilometers, I am now in Albany, WA, after travelling across the Nullarbor. The overall summary is that most of the people I meet are totally fed up with both sides of politics. There are even signs posted between Dubbo and Nyngan, NSW, saying " we dont care who you vote for just as long as it is not Nationals." This latest sc...Continue reading
15.01.2022 This is a winner for Tony Burke and for Federal Labor. We all remember when Tony Burke pulled Australia out at the 11th hour from an absolutely crazy, environmentally destructive super trawler program that would have seen massive collateral damage to fish stocks, whales, dolphins turtles manta rays and a host of innocent marine life, just so a select group of people could become extremely rich. As a senior Australian marine biologist I know what Im talking about. But you guys in Labor are not out of the woods yet because you have a Union hell bent on reversing the the whole boat people saga. You need to pull Anthony Albanese and the Unions into line on this one if you want to be back in government rather than in opposition.
15.01.2022 For anyone thinking of travelling round Australia I recommend parts of WA, including the old whaling station at Albany, a visit to Rotnest Island, the museum and memorial to HMAS Sydney 11 at Geraldton and swimming with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef up at Exmouth. Check out these photos.
13.01.2022 Girls and Guys. We are lucky in Australia not to be faced with some of the problems facing some other countries. Be generous but also be smart. Australians are known for just saying "shell be right mate." but a lazy attitude can also lead to unintended consequences: Here is one: Two refugees have been jailed for stealing more than $6 million from taxpayers after masterminding an elaborate childcare scam. Melbourne-based South Sudanese woman Rosa Riak and her son Kuol Den...g established home-based Hello Children Family Daycare business in 2014. They submitted claims for carers when they were on leave and for children who they werent actually caring for. Once the pair were sprung, investigators discovered the daycare scam had netted $6.2 million over a four-month period in 2015.
13.01.2022 While the Covid19 pandemic exists we will not be running any wildlife safaris to the Serengeti in East Africa but I will let you know when these budget priced 8-day safaris are likely to start up again. In the meantime we need to let the Australian Federal Government know that they need to protect our fragile environments and that includes Toondah Harbour in Moreton Bay.
13.01.2022 People have asked will we be running another wildlife safari to the Serengeti? The answer is yes but not this year because of Covid19. For anyone who is concerned with cost, we can do it for about half the normal cost because we have no overheads. For anyone concerned about dangerous animals, just stay inside the 4WD when lions, leopards or elephants are roaming outside. Perhaps the most dangerous animal is one we encounter in airports and it is called Homo sapiens, but they rarely attack organised groups like ours. Here are a couple of the animals we encounter and we may also visit a Masai Village after the 8-day safari. If you cannot reach me through this fb site go to the fb site for Dennis Tafe.
12.01.2022 While travelling in the African bush you sometimes see some animals that would make better politicians than many of the ones we have. Here is an example.
12.01.2022 Have you ever felt like feeding a tiger some morning tea. If so you better have a pair of tongs and a strong fence.
10.01.2022 The website with photos from safaris has just been re-instated under drtafesafaris.com.au
10.01.2022 This is a national scandal and our politicians should be held to account. It involves corruption and incompetence. Most of the offenders still hold high paid positions.
09.01.2022 This is what attracts people to Moreton Bay and the Redlands by the Bay, not multi-storey blocks of units. Lets make sure our Council members can hear us loud and clear.
08.01.2022 This segment has nothing to do with marine biology, other than to highlight the fact that some of our esteemed government members wish to overturn some of our marine national parks and actually allow super-trawlers into Australian waters, which would cause collateral damage. This segment will be political so if that turns you off please do not read any further. As you know our former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, was deposed a week ago and now we have Scott Morrison. So ...was there skull duggery going on and did Malcolm Turnbull contribute to his own political assassination? The answer is YES to both. Who were the politcal assassins? A small group of right wing extremists in the government, led by a man seeking revenge, Tony Abbott. He was assisted by media moguls such as Rupert Murdoch and commentators like Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt. If they had been successful in installing their man we would now have Peter Dutton as our new PM but fortunately they were unsuccessful. Even if the current federal government wins the next election Peter will be lucky to retain his Queensland seat because his misdemeanors are catching up on him. The visiting Prime Minister from Samoa, Sailele, has stated in an address that anyone who does not believe "climate change" is real is "utterly stupid." Well Tony, we have known this for some time. Meanwhile, Andrew Bolt states that he sometimes wears a jumper so how can climate change possibly be real. Lets hope that Morrison is smart enough to choose the sensible centre of mainsteam thinking, which does not include giving billions to the big banks. We do still have a national budget deficit if you remember. Here is a photo and the lady in the middle, ex-senator Jackie Lambie, would now be laughing at the constant stream of events. See more
06.01.2022 Moreton Bay is a beautiful region and well worth a visit. Lets hope our local politicians and our local councillors can see the natural beauty of the region with an abundance of wildlife, rather than thinking they have to remove the all native trees to make way for small lot housing and units.
06.01.2022 Currently I am travelling right around Australia and have found that our interstate roads are alive with Australian and foreign travellers, eager to experience our unique locations and wildlife. I have just been snorkelling with whale sharks at Ningaloo on the Exmouth peninsula of WA. There are booming tourist industries in many parts of the country. Now I am camped by a billabong at Camooweal and soon I will be back in Brisbane, where sadly there is a lack of tourism because both Redland Council and the Qld State Government are captives of wealthy developers. No developer, no matter how rich, should be allowed to increase wealth at the expense of our scenic beauty and our protected wildlife, especially in coastal wetlands and known koala habitats.
05.01.2022 We were planning a wildlife safari to the Serengeti this year but Covid 19 stopped those plans. We are now hoping to run one next year 2021 and will be able to do it at half the normal price if we have just 6 people. It will probably be in September at the time of the Wildebeest Migration. We will start by checking out the wildlife at Ngorongoro Crater, a 4-hour drive from Arusha, Tanzania.
03.01.2022 Currently I am travelling in WA and two days ago decided to lodge an absentee vote. I have met Tom Baster and he is a decent guy but he is hamstrung by his own Party. I had no choice but to vote Greens and Emerald Moon on the ticket for Bowman. I have not always agreed on all issues with the Greens but when it comes to the Environment and especially the corrupted proposal for Toondah, the Greens are way in front of all other Parties. As a retired biologist I have to say that once a species goes extinct it is gone forever. My preferences then went to Labor. When it comes to the QLD State Election we need to see Labor pick up their game. It would be good to see Jackie Trad get on her bike and invite Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce to join her on a ride across the Nullarbor and back. Here is the Nullarbor in April 2019.
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