Dr Adeel Munshi in Perth, Western Australia | Acupuncturist
Dr Adeel Munshi
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 420 262 303
Address: 209 Warwick Road. Suite 6. Duncraig 6023 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.adeelmunshi.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a problem with hormones that affects women during their childbearing years (ages 15 to 44). Many women have PCOS but don’t know it. In one study, up to 70 percent of women with PCOS hadn’t been diagnosed. PCOS is a syndrome, or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation. It's three main features are:... 1. cysts in the ovaries 2. high levels of male hormones 3. irregular or skipped periods In PCOS, many small, fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries. The word polycystic means many cysts. These sacs are actually follicles, each one containing an immature egg. The eggs never mature enough to trigger ovulation. The lack of ovulation alters levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH. Estrogen and progesterone levels are lower than usual, while androgen levels are higher than usual. Extra male hormones disrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual. #pcos #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
25.01.2022 Remember there is more than just plan "A" & everything happens for a reason no matter how negative it makes you feel at the time. Be positive & keep moving & you will see the world give you something even better. #mondaymotivation #dradeelmunshi... ... See more
25.01.2022 Did you know that the cause of emotional eating is linked to an imbalance within your body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Just like how emotions create a cycle excessive anger weakens the Liver, but a weakened Liver makes anger more susceptible... the same happens when dealing with emotions & eating. This means that emotional eating can be controlled & even healed! Your body is only expressing itself through cravings & emotions, trying to get your atte...ntion to dig a bit deeper to make you pay attention to a physical, mental & spiritual situation. In TCM, the root of emotional eating can be attributed to one of two things stress or Spleen deficiency & usually a combination of the two. Both stress & a weak Spleen equate to a weak digestive system. When the digestion is weak, circulation will weaken over time as well. Stress weakens the Liver which then weakens the Spleen & Stomach. The body is then seeking out certain tastes to nourish the organs because it isn’t able to do so. -Look at food as powering your body. You can eat delicious food that is good for your body, mind and spirit! TCM is all about balance. -Meditation & mindfulness can reduce food cravings, suppress appetite & help with portion control. -Each morning upon rising, write in a journal everything & anything that comes to mind. This is a powerful act that has been credited to changing lives. -Express yourself. Turn to creativity, dance, write, paint, do that of which brings you joy. Lack of creativity & expression weaken the Liver system. -Move your body! Turn to daily moderate exercise like yoga, pilates & Qigong. You can look up Qigong movements online. -Get in tune with yourself. ? ? You have the key to use this situation to your advantage by discovering yourself. #perthfood #dradeelmunshi ... Continued in comments See more
25.01.2022 : In my clinic I see loads of women complain of bloating issues but don't want to change their diet because according to Western Medicine they are eating "healthy." Thank you @thepointacu for highlighting the importance of changing what you eat with your beautiful graphics.... ******* Omg I was so excited when I made this connection! In Chinese Medicine we say that yellow & orange root veggies are easy on + good for the digestion (the Earth element). Well guess what, modern nutrition backs this up... it's the fiber! If you have gas & bloating especially after eating veggies, you may want to experiment with eating fewer veggies that have insoluble fiber,& opting for more veggies with soluble fiber. And see what you notice, you may feel a lot better. (Swipe to see the graphics for info on which veggies contain more soluble fiber). Another hot tip from TCM is to opt for cooked veggies - cooking them makes them way easier to digest. I recommend experimenting with it - skip the smoothie & the salads with tons of raw veggies - & instead choose soups & stirfries & roasted, steamed, or stir-fried veggies. After a couple of days many people feel way less bloating & way more energy! ****** If you still struggle with bloating come & see me at ... #bloating #dradeelmunshi See more
25.01.2022 ! In TCM, the kidney Qi holds a set amount of essence that determines one’s overall aging process. If that kidney Qi is emptying out quicker than expected & the aging process is sped up, one of the common signs is premature hair loss, thinning or bald patches. ... When we see that in the mirror, it’s hard not to freak out! The emotion of fear is connected with the kidneys & causes a surge of adrenaline, which amps up your heart rate & affects water metabolism. These physical reactions in turn feed the fear. This is precisely why we shouldn’t freak out when hair loss or thinning occurs.! Learn how to balance your kidney Qi, nourish your kidney essence & give your scalp a chance! Click on today's story and share your hair care secrets! #jlo #dradeelmunshi ... See more
24.01.2022 It's hard to believe this is on our door step, but for us North Beach-ians it really is! Our neighbourhood is full of vibrant cafes, small businesses and of course - beautiful beaches. I'd like to share with you what we have on offer in this area, please see my tags below. Do you have a favourite area in Perth?... #northbeach #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
23.01.2022 Who else would jump at the chance to try a "miracle cure for back pain? but for now, I'll stick with Acupuncture Tag someone who is always complaining about their back pain. #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au #backpain
23.01.2022 Our gut is home to trillions of bacterial cells, many of which carry out vital roles to keep your body functioning and your health in tip-top condition. These bacteria, alongside fungi and viruses, make up your gut microbiome. A healthy microbiome is a balanced microbiome. Too many bad or opportunistic microbes and you’re at an increased risk of inflammation and disease. Healthy gut bacteria, on the other hand, will protect you from disease, keep ...inflammation low, and even promote your mental health. Save & share this post to know some of my favourite gut health foods for your microbiome; - barley - rye - wholegrains - apples - onions - carrots - mushrooms - garlic - legumes - wheat - Jerusalem artichokes #goodguthealth #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
21.01.2022 Nutrition in the lens of Western vs Eastern medicine takes on two very different approaches. When I talk about fruits, vegetables, spices & herbs I usually always describe them by their temperature, one integral aspect of Chinese nutrition. This is how the body reacts when it is consumed, not if the actual food is warm or cold, it is the essence that the food holds in its properties. For example, warm mint tea can cool you down, because the essence of peppermint is cool..., regardless if you are consuming it in warm water. This tea would be a good option for those with excess heat red face, sweats easily, constipation, easily angered or cold sores are common symptoms. Because Chinese medicine believes that balance equates to health & harmony, we want to make sure we eat a good balance of foods to support our body's constitution as that is how we eat for balance. For example if you have Yang deficiency, you would eat more Yang foods like ginger, cinnamon, lamb, onions & garlic. Yang-deficient individuals typically feel colder than others, have poor Blood circulation, are frequently fatigued & tend to easily experience indigestion. Some commonly related diseases are PMS, hypothyroidism & fibromyalgia. Cold-natured foods are used to clear heat from the body. These days, because of our modern lives, people don't really have excess Yang energy. Heat symptoms often arise from really low Yin energy ( & ) which makes the body dry and hot I like to call this artificial heat. Yang energy ( & ) is precious energy we tend to lose from poor diet, stress and emotional imbalances. Hot-natured food is used to strengthen the body’s heating energy (!) such as Yang essence. That's why I love ginger so much, it is the most yang food & I think about 99% of people need it. To cope with the weather changes & to support our bodies, the right type of food to support you during the season you're in starts to grow. #perthfood #dradeelmunshi ... Continued in comments See more
21.01.2022 Food is the most effective way to strengthen the body to its natural harmonious state. The closer the body is to balance, or harmony, the less disrupted it is by external & internal pathogens that cause discomfort & disease. , , !... Dampness is something I speak of often it affects so many people, yet unless you know a bit about Chinese medicine, the concept may be unfamiliar. Dampness manifests from either the digestive system's inability to transform & transport fluids or from the body being weakened from external damp from the environment. Damp in the environment includes wet/moist climates or living conditions, certain antibiotics & foods that create dampness. If the body is weakened, it can be invaded by said pathogen. Phlegm is seen as a condensed form of dampness. : barley, basmati rice, button mushroom, capers, corn (boil organic corn in bone broth), pumpkin, radish, turnip, alfalfa sprouts, daikon, lentils, aduki beans, papaya, lemon, scallions, radish, mustard leaf, aniseed, garlic, horseradish, ginger, marjoram, nettle, parsley, white pepper. Job's Tear also known as pearl barley, coix seed, hato mugi or yi ren is one of the most powerful herbs to resolve dampness. Job's tear treats eczema, rosacea, acne, oedema, puffiness & excess weight through draining dampness & strengthening the digestion. : dairy products (sheep & goat products are less dampening), pork, fatty meats, roasted peanuts, concentrated juices (esp. orange & tomato), wheat, bread, yeast, beer, sugar & sweeteners, saturated fats. An overconsumption of raw foods that strain the digestive system can contribute to the forming of dampness. Examples of damp patterns include weight gain, obesity, ADD, ADHD, IBS, arthritis, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic aching conditions & candida. #perthfood #dradeelmunshi ... See more
19.01.2022 This is why I am the best at what I do... #dradeelmunshi #patientlove ...
19.01.2022 ? In Traditional Chinese Medicine when both knees & lower back hurts, your kidneys need attention. . ... #sundayhumor #dradeelmunshi ... See more
18.01.2022 Today I want to bring your attention to the great things Kristin is doing over at The Motherhood Hub. Kristin is a mother of two young children who understands the complex role a mother plays. Kirstin provides one on one coaching that helps modern day working women transition into Motherhood and back-to-work. She also advises them on how to do this with less anxiety, guilt and overwhelm. If you beleive this will be valuable to you or to o...ne of your friends send them to @The_motherhood_hub. #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au #perthmums See more
18.01.2022 ’ ’ , ? ? No surprises here, but denying your body of its natural processes can take a toll on your healthspecifically in the gut region.... Holding in bowel movements can be thought of as backed-up plumbing in your body. Major problems associated with this are caused by fecal bacteria overload. Much of this gas-forming bacteria can result in abdominal pain due to gas overload & bloating. Constipation, which affects approximately four million people, can escalate beyond uncomfortable bloating & gas. Harder stools & less responsive muscles often cause people to push harder when they have to go. This can make veins surrounding the anus swell, resulting in hemorrhoids essentially varicose veins, inside or outside the anus. They itch, hurt & can result in blood & mucus in the stool & during wiping. Another possibility is developing tears in the tissue, known as anal fissure, from pushing out hard, painful poops. -When you hold in poop, it reabsorbs into your body & lives on in your colon. This is just an uncomfortable fact. -Constipation can cause stools to harden, potentially causing hemorrhoids. -In the worst case, impaction may occur, resulting pain & vomiting will land you in the ER. -Rectal hyposensitivity can occur, desensitizing & demanding more poop before telling the brain that it’s time to go. Fortunately, holding in your poop only on special occasions shouldn’t cause any problems. It takes denying yourself repeatedly, over time, to cause most of these lasting problems. #dradeelmunshi #guthealth ... See more
18.01.2022 We've been living in Perth for 3 years now, my wife and I fell in love with the warm weather and healthy living. We are keen to learn about other businesses in Perth - particularly businesses led by women and those in the health services space. Tag them below so that we may get to know who they are! ... #perthbusinesswomen #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au
17.01.2022 Our spring package has been hugely popular over the last few weeks - so thank you all for your support! This promo will continue to run for the month of October but we have something special in mind for November which we think will prepare our clients for the silly season ahead ... watch this space! Book the current spring special while you still can - check out the link in my bio.... #springinperth #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
15.01.2022 Dry mouth is the result of the glands that produce saliva not working well. It’s also called xerostomia or hyposalivation. It’s usually a symptom of another condition or a result from things like dehydration, medication & smoking. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dry mouth manifests when there is an imbalance of Yin & Yang in the body. Yin represents moisture & fluid in the body & that is lacking where dry mouth is present.... Ginger is a well-known herbal sialagogue. This means it helps stimulate saliva production, which helps dry mouth. Ginger's sialagogue action is mentioned in many studies, including this [1] 2015 study, citing ginger as being useful to gingivitis, dementia, peripheral circulation, the prevention of constipation & so much more! Acupuncture is very helpful in the treatment of dry mouth because it balances Yin & Yang. A study published in January 2000 in the medical journal Oral Diseases, confirms the efficacy of treating xerostomia with acupuncture & Chinese medicine. Researchers analyzed the data of 70 patients who suffered from dry mouth due to radiation therapies, Sjogren's diseases & other causes. Researchers discovered that patients who received 24 acupuncture treatments had an outstanding improvement in their salivary flow rate (SFR) for up to six months after treatment. It was concluded that continued acupuncture treatments could increase one's salivary flow rate for up to three years. ... #drymouth #dradeelmunshi [:://....////] See more
14.01.2022 Acupuncture has been widely used for PCOS in Far-East countries for thousands of years. Here are some of the signifigant ways in which Acupuncture can help: 1. It is a great way to naturally regulate your hormones 2. It can regulate your periods, kickstart a period and regulate long menstrual cycles... 3. Can induce ovulation by selecting specific points along the body which have a direct effect on the uterus and ovaries 4. Relax and sedate your body, which can influence your cortisol levels which is directly related to your stress levels 5. Supporting metabolism and regulating your appetite 6. Regulating your bowel movements, this is especially important as women may be prone to constipation or having loose stools, and regular bowel motions are a way the body naturally detoxes 7. Increasing your energy. When your body is working harmoniously it means that there are no blockages in the body 8. Reducing acne, especially if you suffer from outbreaks related to your menstrual cycle #pcos #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
14.01.2022 Today we are celebrating the International Day of Peace. Inner peace comes from a healthy mindset which involves finding ways to grow from your thoughts instead of letting them control your life. A service that we recommend for calming and relieving stress and anxiety within yourself is acupuncture, click the link in my bio to treat your body and mind to some peace.... #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au #internationaldayofpeace See more
14.01.2022 Osteoarthritis (OA) manifests as a degenerative disorder of the joints, leading to joint pain & loss of joint cartilage. The joints most commonly affected are knees, hands, hips & spine. These symptoms tend to increase with age. In TCM we take a close look at the body in its entirety to treat any imbalance, even if it seems to be localized in one area. This allows for treatment of the root issues & optimal healing, as there are many other factors that contribute to ...joint pain. ? Regular acupuncture treatments & moxibustion. Moxibustion is a specific method of heating certain acupuncture points on the body by burning a herb close to the skin. From a TCM perspective, OA can occur through the following conditions: Kidney deficiency, Blood stagnation & dampness or cold in the knee. The reason pathogenic influences like cold, wind & dampness can cause this level of severe discomfort is because they are able to lodge in the muscles, tendons, & joints. They then disrupt the flow of Qi & Blood & cause symptoms like aches, stiffness, pain. The confluence of these pathogens in the affected areas can lead to the generation of heat, manifesting as inflammation. ? - : keep ankles, knees & legs warm throughout the year. No bare ankles or ripped pants exposing the knee when temperatures become colder & there is more wind. Use hot water bottles to warm feet, ankles & legs nightly. - : keeps circulation of fluids, Qi, Blood & nutrients able to get to their desired area. Any ingestion of cold hinders this process by using Yang & Qi. #osteoarthritis #dradeelmunshi ... See more
13.01.2022 - ? Have sex. Well rightbut only if you’re having sex at the time every month.... ? Day 14 of your cycle. That’s the textbook answer. But that is based on a 28-day cycle. Once you have worked out when you ovulate you can easily calculate your fertile window. & ? The fertile window is when an egg is released from the ovary. An egg lives for 12-24 hours after being released & for pregnancy to happen a sperm must get to the egg in this time. Sperm can hang around for up to five days waiting for an egg, so you can have sex up to 5 days before ovulation & still get pregnant. But what if your cycle is 32 days? Or 25? Then the rule of thumb is to minus 14 days from this number. So, if your cycle is 32 days long, ovulation day would be cycle day 18. So really there are no mathematical rules. Basically, you need to know your own body, & there are some easy ways to help you out with that. Stay tuned on easy tips to check your ovulation! . #ovulation #dradeelmunshi ... See more
13.01.2022 Repost @acuintuit It's breast cancer awareness month not like you need reminding about something as deadly as this, free your Tatas, get them checked regularly & massage them (see the video on how to using a gua sha tool) MASSAGE YOUR BREASTS... ( ) ( ) With the @wildling_beauty Aura Stone. Just posted a new breast health story on IGTV. Give it a try #breasts #breastcancerawareness #breasthealth #freethenipplemovment #freethenipple #guasha
11.01.2022 ? Mine is cheese... #sundayhumor #dradeelmunshi... ... See more
11.01.2022 Are you suffering from a SCHOOL HOLIDAYS HANGOVER? Here is a quick fix which will help to alleviate your headache. Warning: not to be done if you are pregnant. Pressure point LI-4, also called Hegu, is located between the base of your thumb and index finger (as pictured). Doing acupressure on this point to relieve pain and headaches. ... Using your right thumb and index finger, find the space on your left hand between the base of your left thumb and index finger. Press down on this point for 5 minutes. Move your thumb in a circle while applying pressure. Be firm, but don’t press so hard that it hurts. Repeat the process on your right hand. If this quick fix isn't enough for you, then come and see me for a full hour of acupunture treatment which will leave you feeling fresh and well rested. The link to book can be found in my bio! #headachecure #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
10.01.2022 A peptic ulcer is a sore that develops on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine. Although nearly three-quarters of people with peptic ulcers don't have symptoms, the most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is stomach pain. Mayo Clinic reported that the most common causes of peptic ulcers are infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori & long-term use of aspirin & nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs () like Naproxen, Asprin, etc. Though stre...ss & spicy foods do not necessarily cause peptic ulcers, they can definitely increase symptoms. Peptic ulcers include gastric ulcers that occur on the inside of the stomach & duodenal ulcers that occur on the inside of the upper portion of your small intestine (). In Traditional Chinese Medicine (), the causes of peptic ulcers are due to a collective weakness of the Spleen & Stomach. The initial weakness makes them more susceptible to external pathogens & in the case of peptic ulcers, is what they often succumb to. Basically, a weak stomach & spleen, when hit with a combination & disruption of stress, poor diet, bacteria, etc, is unable to handle the changed environment & the ulcer forms. Other problems that may aggravate this are mood or eating disorders. These issues disrupt the smooth flow of Stomach Qi & can cause stagnation resulting in heartburn, nausea, vomiting, hiccups or belching. With mood disorders, the Liver may play a large role in the root disharmony, attacking the Stomach & disrupting smooth emotional flow. In TCM, treatment for peptic ulcer is based on exact symptoms in order to uncover & treat the different root problem. The patterns are broken down into three groups: 1 & 2 & 3 & For those with helicobacter pylori bacteria, there is further recommended treatment. #guthealth #dradeelmunshi ... Continued in comments See more
10.01.2022 Q: What did the police officer say to the hand? A: Stop! You’re under a wrist! Belly laughs are essential, especially during these times. And it just so happens this acupoint snaps all that anxiety and worry out of your system! Point: HT 7, or Shen Men, meaning Spirit Gate ... Meridian: Heart Why do I love this point? This is the OG for emotional issues, pulverizing excessive anxiety and worry (we’ve been dealing with plenty in the last two months). Sleeplessness, racing mind and heart palpitations can take a back seat! Plus, a little extra support for handling uncomfortable physical sensations from excessive emotional stimuli, such as nausea from fear. Perfect timing, right? Turn off the news! Location: at the wrist crease, between the ulnar and psiform bones. Acupressure: 1. Get into a comfortable position, breathe deeply and relax. 2. Massage or rub each point with firm pressure. 3. Repeat as often as you like. It's all in the wrist! #dradeelmunshi #emotions ... See more
09.01.2022 Bacterial vaginosis (BV) - It's the single most common vaginal condition affecting one million Aussie women, yet according to a recent survey, nearly 60 per cent of females aged 18-40 have never heard of it. BV is caused by an imbalance of the bacteria normally present in the vagina. BV can leave you with decreased energy, reduced libido, infertility, irregular menstrual cycles or mood swings. Acupuncture can help balance hormones and thus reduce BV. ... Stay happy, stay healthy and if you would like to see how acupuncture can improve your hormones click on the link in my bio to book. #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au #bacterialvaginosis vaginosis
08.01.2022 Always count your blessings as the grass isn't always greener on the other side. #mondaymotivation #dradeelmunshi ...
08.01.2022 Do you need a detox? ... #detox #dradeelmunshi
07.01.2022 ? Then you may need to improve your vagal tone.If you struggle with stress, digest poorly, or weight gain, you need to activate your vagus nerve. Of the 12 cranial nerves, the vagus innervates the deep swallowing muscles at the back of the throat.... Most people don’t know it’s there, but it’s incredibly important to get to know your vagus. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It connects your brain to many important organs throughout the body, including the gut (, ), heart & lungs. Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which accurately represents how the nerve wanders all over the body & reaches various organs. Of particular interest, the vagus nerve is a key part of your parasympathetic & nervous system. Most people today are '' in sympathetic fight & flight. It harms your health because it literally turns your digestive system off. It controls digestive function & heart rate, all of which can have a huge impact on your mental health. Breathing has a huge impact on the vagus nerve & is one tool to better connect to its capabilities. But what you really need to pay special attention to is the "" of your vagus nerve.Vagal tone is an internal biological process that represents the activity of the vagus nerve. Increasing your vagal tone activates the parasympathetic nervous system & having higher vagal tone means that your body can relax faster after stress. If you feel you get stressed easy, you need to improve your vagal tone. One measure of vagal tone is heart rate variability ().When your heart rate variability () is high, your vagal tone is also high. They are correlated with each other. #dradeelmunshi #fightorflight ... Continued in comments
07.01.2022 When you start feeding your baby, begin with one food at a time & wait at least three days before introducing another new food. This slow introduction allows monitoring for signs & symptoms of food intolerance. Symptoms can look like mood changes, sleep disturbance, excess gas or bloating, increased spit up or vomiting, diarrhea, redness around the mouth &/or anus, body rash or hives & increased mucous such as nasal discharge or congestion. . Most babies are read...y for food around 7-8 months. Please check with your doctor & use your baby's cues. For example, if your baby can sit up without support that is a sign. If your baby has a tooth, research has linked that a baby's intestinal lining starts to close ( ) around the same time the first tooth pops through. Don't worry, however. Breast milk is sufficient for the first year of the baby's life according to experts. Waiting longer to begin solid foods actually gives your baby enhanced immune protection & allergies & allows the digestive system time to mature. Make sure foods are cooked (, , ) & then pureed. A baby's digestion is weak, so the key is to make food as easy as possible on their system. Keep in mind you may need to try the same food 5-10 times before they show interest. Don’t give up! ? sweet potatoes & yams carrots yellow beats cooked fruit apples & pears root veggies parsnips and turnips zucchini especially yellow zucchini winter squash pumpkin, acorn, kabocha, butternut ? #perthmums #dradeelmunshi ... See more
05.01.2022 Insomnia is a fairly common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Having insomnia prevents many people from getting the seven to nine hours of sleep per night that experts recommend. Some people experience short periods of insomnia for a few days or weeks, while others have insomnia for months at a time. Regardless of how often you have insomnia, acupressure may provide some relief. Acupressure involves us...ing physical touch to stimulate pressure points that correspond to different aspects of physical and mental health. A 2010 study involved 25 participants in long-term care facilities who had trouble sleeping. Their sleep quality improved after five weeks of acupressure treatment. The benefits lasted for up to two weeks after they stopped receiving treatment. A 2011 study involving 45 postmenopausal women with insomnia had similar results after four weeks of treatment. Inbox me if you would like to see a full copy of these studies. #sundayhumour #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
03.01.2022 Today is "International get to know your customer day" and to celebrate we want to know what motivates you! Why do you choose to take care of your body? is it for your own mental well being? for your kids? for your physical health concerns? Comment below... #internationalgettoknowyourcustomerday #dradeelmunshi www.adeelmunshi.com.au See more
03.01.2022 - Five Easy Things You Can Do To Know When You’re Fertile 1. / ... Seriously. Do this. Use a good one. Not one that thinks you’re on the standard 28 day cycle. One that analyses your data & lets you know your average cycle length over time. Also, one that tracks your symptoms such as pelvic pain, cervical mucous ( ), cervix position, your digestion & how you feel in general. You should start to see some patterns forming ( ’ ). This will help you know when you’re most fertile. I normally recommend the app Ovia. But I’ve heard great things about Clue & Flo. Please comment below if you’ve found one you think is the best! 2. Cervical mucous is fluid or gel-like discharge you might find when you wipe after you do a wee, or in your underwear. Throughout your cycle, the thickness & amount of cervical mucous changes. This is because of hormone levels fluctuating throughout your cycle & these hormones stimulate glands in the cervix to produce mucus. Before ovulation, your body produces mucus before an egg is released, or before ovulation occurs. It may be yellow, white, or cloudy. The mucus may feel gluey or stretchy in consistency. This is a sign that it’s almost game time. Just prior to ovulation, your estrogen levels are rising. You may see more clear, stretchy, watery & slippery mucus. It will be similar to the consistency of egg whites. When you see egg whites (& ’ ) you’re on. It’s time to have sex! During ovulation this clear, stretchy mucus will stick around. The texture & pH of this mucus helps sperm survive & swim. #womenshealth #dradeelmunshi ... Continued in comments
03.01.2022 When we are allowed to travel again obviously... #mondaymotivation #dradeelmunshi ...
01.01.2022 Many people don’t realize how healthy a sweet potatoe can be & are typically scared off by the word & automatically just think, , , . However, you are missing out on a very healthy (& tasty) food. : sweet potatoes are incredibly high in fiber & full of magnesium. Sweet potatoes are easy to digest as well since they mainly contain starch. They are soothing for the stomach & intestines, so you can avoid any difficulties of digesti...ng them. : Due to the presence of beta-carotene, vitamin C & magnesium, they are effective in curing internal & external inflammation. : being very rich in beta-carotene, which is a major antioxidant, along with vitamin C & B complex vitamins, iron & phosphorus, sweet potatoes are excellent immune system boosters. : sweet potatoes are effective for curing congestion of the nose, bronchi & lungs; thereby, giving relief from asthma. Its typical aroma helps in this property. : Sweet potatoes are believed to be capable of warming up the body, possibly due to the sweetness & other nutrients that impact body temperature. This property is beneficial for people suffering from bronchitis, along with its powerful effect on congestion. : beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc & vitamin B complex make sweet potatoes highly important food source for managing arthritis. The water in which sweet potatoes are boiled can be applied externally on joints to ease the associated pain of arthritis. #inflammation #dradeelmunshi ... Continued in comments See more
01.01.2022 Hope you ladies (& ) got spoilt in someway or another... Even if it's just a cup of coffee HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ... Tag your partner/lover in this #sundayhumor #dradeelmunshi ...
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