Dragons Abreast Port Lincoln | Other
Dragons Abreast Port Lincoln
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25.01.2022 Today our Dragons Abreast Port Lincoln family said thank you and farewell to four of our members who are leaving us for Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills. Di and David Gillies and Anna and Jim Papazoglov a great time was had by all. Both couples will be greatly missed by all our members and we all wish them all the best.
25.01.2022 There will be no paddling tomorrow night due to the catastrophic weather forecast.There will be no paddling tomorrow night due to the catastrophic weather forecast.
22.01.2022 Did you know that not all Breast Cancers go bump in the night? * * Besides lumps, any dimpling or puckering upon your heavenly body are also signs that you shou...ld fly to the GP for tests. Early detection saves lives. * * Pinkoala loves you to the Moon and back * * #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #earlydetection #earlydetectionsaveslives #checkyourboobs #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #pinkribbon #pinkribbons #moon #tothemoonandback #moonwalk #koalasofinstagram #digitalart #kawaiiaesthetic #procreate #australianart #melbourneartist #space #galaxyart #spacebear #stars See more
21.01.2022 I get by with a little help from my friends..... * * Have you experienced the friend-fallout-phenomena that often occurs when cancer enters your life? *... * Where your closest, and most cherished life-long, do-anything-for-you friends suddenly disappear when you need them most?? * * Youre definitely not alone on this one. Its not your fault- it happens for all sorts of reasons- and its absolutely heartbreaking..... BUT- * * Pinkoala prefers to dwell on the positive-and would LOVE to hear more about your Post Cancer diagnosis friends! Are they not some of the best people you could ever meet?! Friends that you may not have ever even met without your diagnosis bringing you together. * * Unlikely friendships, forged in hard times are the most beautiful and powerful of all Tag the beautiful friends in your life who have helped you survive #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #koalas #koalasofinstagram #dragon #dragonart #dragonartwork #dragonboat #friends #friendshipgoals #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerawareness #pinkribbon #breastcancerwarrior #fightcancer #igetbywithalittlehelpfrommyfriends #procreateart #digitalart #melbourneart #australianart #chemo #unlikelyfriends #womensupportwomen #cancersurvivor #illustration #kawaiiaesthetic
19.01.2022 COVID19 Dragons Abreast Port Lincoln have postponed all paddling on both Sundays and Wednesday nights, also coffees on Sunday mornings, teas on Wednesday nights and committee meetings till the end of April when the situation will be reviewed. Stay safe and healthy all....
19.01.2022 Self care is a priority and a necessity, not a luxury. * * Too many times we put ourselves last. Even in the midst of cancer treatments, many of us find ways to... prioritise everything but ourselves! Try and remember that your future self will thank you for taking some me time. * * Doesnt need to be expensive or time consuming either- Slow down and make some quiet time for body and mind. Take a long eucalyptus bubble bath, or a few extra minutes to tizzy up your gumnuts..... * * What tips and tricks would you recommend for great self care? Its so important right now. * * This Illustration is based on the incredible #drawthisinyourstyle challenge set by the very talented @pernilleoerum Hope you like it #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #dtiys #dtiyspernilleorum #drawthisinyourownstyle #selfcare #selfcaretips #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #breastcancerawareness #breastcancernow #breastcancersucks #breastcancernetworkaustralia #procreateart #melbourneartist #australianartist #womenshealth #littleluxuries #healthandwellness #womensupportwomen #girlsinanimation #cancercare #chemo #gumnuts #dailyart #artistsoninsta @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
19.01.2022 What would you add?
18.01.2022 To all our members and followers
17.01.2022 These are the core values that we as the IBCPC board work with. This also applies for team development and everyone. "We are all different, but we are better together"
17.01.2022 Dragons Abreast Port Lincoln would like to send their support to all DAA Victoria clubs, we hope you are all safe. Our thoughts are with you during this stressful time. Stay strong and stay safe.
17.01.2022 Eine kleine Zusammenfassung von unserem grandiosen Kentertraining am letzten Samstag. Wir waren danach ziemlich stolz auf uns! #kentertraining #drachenboot #dragonboat #dragonboating #viennapinkdragons #pinkpaddling #pinkpaddlingpower #drachenbootfrauen #drachenboot
16.01.2022 This is brilliant ladies
16.01.2022 Email to come DAPL
15.01.2022 We know that this is a very challenging time for all so we wanted to pass along a little reminder to start your week You are stronger than you think and suppo...rt is available if you need it. Weve linked off to some great resources here: https://headtohealth.gov.au/covid-19-support/covid-19 See more
15.01.2022 This isnt your normal dragon boating team - all these woman are breast cancer survivors. Together they take part in the ancient sport to rebuild strength and m...ake lasting relationships with fellow survivors. To see their full story watch BBC Inside Out North West at 7:30pm on Monday night on BBC One.
15.01.2022 Its Pancake Tuesday! * * Pinkoala wants to take this golden opportunity to remind you not to forget about the other important, and regular squishfest on the c...alendar.....Mammograms. * * Ladies in Australia- did you know that Mammograms are free via Breast Screen from the age of 40, NOT 50 which is more widely advertised? * * Also, remember to ASK for your Breast Density details, as you can not tell if you have dense breasts just from feeling them. Only a mammogram can give you this information. Dense Breasts could compromise your mammography images, and an ultrasound may be required to pick up any nasties. * * Early detection saves lives. * * #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #pinkaesthetic #pancake #pancakes #pancakes #pancaketuesday #shrovetuesday #mammogram #mammogramssavelives #earlydetection #earlydetectionsaveslives #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #pinkribbon #cancersucks #melbourneart #australianart #breastscreen #breastcancernow #womensupportwomen #canat40doat45 See more
13.01.2022 ***Important Announcement regarding 2022*** Dear fellow paddlers, Since our festival bulletin of last week, we have received hundreds of emails from team manage...rs saying they were so happy we were continuing with the festival registration opening on 1 April/31st March 2020. Thank you to those of you who sent these emails as we feel incredibly heartened by your messages. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your encouragement and support. However, we believe that given how quickly things are moving globally and whilst we in New Zealand have managed to contain the virus so far, with no community transmission and no deaths, we understand that globally this is not the situation and we are definitely not wearing rose-tinted glasses. This is a very testing time for all. We understand the varying impacts this crisis has on individuals such as employment, access to services and so on. Many countries are in total lock down with limited access to banks, and whilst the payment method for registration is by Internet banking (e-banking/bank to bank transfers conducted from your home or office) we do understand that some countries do not have this facility in place and instead need to go to a bank. The Festival Organisers (AWTO Trust) has, therefore, made the decision, in conjunction with the IBCPC Future Festival Committee, to delay the opening of registration until 1 June 2020 (with the early-bird registration offer being transferred to the 1st June 2020). As previously advised, we want to ensure that you are aware that registration will remain open until 31 March 2021, unless the festival is fully subscribed earlier. If you cannot register on opening day, then do not worry as you have plenty of time to do so afterwards. Supporters, individuals and part teams (as in you do not have a full team) registrations will open 1st July 2020. Most importantly we want you to stay well and safe and take care of each other and we sincerely thank you for all the incredibly supportive and encouraging emails we have received from so very many of you. Stay well, stay safe,
13.01.2022 All the latest news from the International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission - https://mailchi.mp/ba5235b35431/ab47lhu5f9?e=4ae43f8d18
12.01.2022 Hi All members, just checking in with you all to see if you are doing ok with the restrictions we are living with at the moment. Stay safe all and we will see you on the other end of this. Smile Hi All members, just checking in with you all to see if you are doing ok with the restrictions we are living with at the moment. Stay safe all and we will see you on the other end of this. Smile
10.01.2022 Ladies, Gentlemen,..... let me introduce you to -yourself! * * Its the first of the month- time to give your boobs a gentle squeeze and get into the habit of ...monthly checks. * * Life could still give you lemons, but the earlier you know about it the better #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #checkyourself #checkyourboobs #feelemonthefirst #breastcancercheck #mammogram #mammogramssavelives #earlydetection #earlydetectionsaveslives #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #lifegavemelemons #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #melbourneartist #australianartist #lemons #womensupportwomen #womenartists #kawaiiart
09.01.2022 Have you heard? Dates of the IBCPC 2022 Festival now out - IBCPC Participatory Festival 2022 March 28th April 3rd. See attached for more. Check out the Festival website and remember to save it as more and more details will be added over time. https://www.newzealandbcs2022.com/
09.01.2022 Have you checked your Play For Purpose tickets? We are so happy that 47 of our supporters have won prizes in the raffle drawn yesterday! Check your tickets here... - https://playforpurpose.com.au/dragons-abreast/winners and if youd like a chance to win $250,000 cashable gold bullion, grab a ticket in the current draw! See more
09.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day! Pinkoala is celebrating all women touched by Breast Cancer * * There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish Michel...le Obama * * Dream big, raise your voice and your eyes- the skies our limit. Women reaching out, supporting and encouraging each other the world over whilst searching for and demanding a future without Breast Cancer. * * Tag the amazing women in your life who have supported you * * #pinkoala #pinkoalaart #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2020 #womensday #womensday2020 #eachforequal #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womensmovement #femaleempowerment #equalityforall #equalityforwomen #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersupport #cancersurvivor #breastcancer #pinkribbon #girlpower #thisgirlcan #australianart #melbourneartists See more
06.01.2022 Dr. Don McKenzie- BCS Dragon Boating, the Beginning On this episode, Dr. Don McKenzie, researcher at the University of British Columbia, joined us on the podcas...t to share his research project and the development of the breast cancer division in the sport of dragon boating. As a part of his research, he developed and coached the first ever breast cancer dragon boat team- Abreast in a Boat. He shared details of his research, the outcome, as well at the lasting impact the study had on the breast cancer community in dragon boating. Take a listen in! www.behindthepinkribbon.com Please subscribe, rate, and review! And share!
05.01.2022 Congratulations on 25 years from all of us here in Port Lincoln South Australia, Australia . Please read the letter from Dr Don McKenzie.
05.01.2022 We have received many questions around the coronavirus (COVID-19) over the past few days. We have answered them on our My Journey online tool which we are regul...arly updating - http://bit.ly/2ISySzU. If you have any other concerns or questions, please call our Helpline to talk with one of our experienced cancer nurses 1800 500 258 between 9 am and 5 pm or your treating team. #BNCAPinkLady #coronavirus #covid-19 #breastcancer See more
03.01.2022 We would love your view. Imagine being able to access a compression garment subsidy here in SA. What would this mean for you?We would love your view. Imagine being able to access a compression garment subsidy here in SA. What would this mean for you?
03.01.2022 Check out this little Dragon Boat sculpture made out of fish bones!
02.01.2022 Want to help the environment, stay healthy and support us all at the same time?? Check out these reusable masks from the awesome Team Elite Merchandise! https:...//shop.teamelite.com.au/col/dragons-abreast-australia We will receive a generous portion of every mask sold and you will rock your DAA mask with pride!
01.01.2022 For those who are paddling in Robe for the Masters Games
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