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24.01.2022 Today the sun begins its month long passage through Libra The word INSPIRATION relates to Libra- a Cardinal Air sign (initating & moving). Inspiration etymology: "Breathe or put life or spirit into the human body; impart reason to the human soul." ... Libra is ruled by Venus and governs balance, harmony, temperance and justice. We have moved through Virgo where the focus was on practicalities, routines, clearing and organisation. It's time to ask questions and ensure that what has been started is fair. Libra is balance of self and other, it governs debate, collaboration and thoughts in action. In Chinese medicine Libra rules the kidneys, adrenals, lower back and endocrine system. The scales are symbolic of the balance of yin and yang which when in harmony lead to vitality and longevity. To balance yin and yang let action flow from each inspired thought. Yang energy is building in the cosmos as we move through Spring. Balance work with rest, movement with stillness. Check out the area of your chart that is ruled by Libra, to see what life topics will be lit up with grace and beauty. #libraseason #chinesemedicineastrology
18.01.2022 What have you had to let go of to be more authentic, more empowered? Today Pluto stations direct today at 22 Capricorn. Pluto is symbolised here as Ouroboros, the serpent eating it's own tail, depicting the cycles of life, death and rebirth. This alchemical motif that has been found in Egyptian, Hermetic, Gnostic and Indian texts and depicts the principle of transmutation.... Since April 26, Pluto has been retrograde in Capricorn and you have had an opportunity to go deeper and process subconscious pain. This retrograde has corresponded with a time of isolation here in Australia. Hopefully you took a step back to look honestly behind the veil at your fears and compulsions. How are your habits? Clinging to outmoded forms of yourself is a waste of energy and likely to cause pain. Pluto in Capricorn spells a profound change to the way things are in the structures of society as well your physical body. Capricorn relates to the Liver in Chinese medicine, which in health governs smooth flow of qi, healthy emotional expression and kindness. Trauma is stored in your muscles, so focus on clearing your body through movement, stretching. TRE (trauma release exercises) may help. This change is an evolutionary process, so stay connected to your authenticity but focus on letting go of excessive rigidity and control. As we grow, we need to let go and bravely embrace the unknown to create a clean slate that is in alignment with our truth. Pluto goes direct today at the same degree it was back on Jan 12th, where it conjoined with Saturn. This blend of planets has powerfully and not so gently set the scene for the significant and momentous transformations of society and psyche that have been a hallmark of this year. With Pluto direct use your power in the world wisely and operate from integrity. Look at your birth chart to the house where you find Pluto transiting for a key to the area of life that is going through the most powerful and permanent transformation. #plutodirect2020 #chinesemedicineastrology
17.01.2022 Warm black rice porridge breakfast to support vitality. Chinese medicine dietary principles explain that warm foods support digestive qi and boost energy, so if your feeling flat try swapping out cold smoothies and breakfast items for something like this. Recipe: cook black rice with plenty of water, add black beans for protein, chia seeds (optional add frozen berries). Serve with black tahini, coconut milk and dried coconut and top with fresh strawberries. This is full of... fibre, protein and vitamins and minerals. Nourishing to the blood and supportive of the yin and yang of the kidney energy in Chinese medicine. #moderncongee #chinesemedicineastrology See more
17.01.2022 Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 11 (starts today) + New Moon in Libra 23 this Saturday 17th The planetary conditions now are challenging, but with every challenge comes an opportunity. Now it's time to look within ourselves to heal and find clarity.... Mercury retrograde in Scorpio brings a darker tinge to the psychology, use this wisely and rewrite mental programs that have long gone unchanged. Avoid obsessions, revenge and attachment to negativity, aspects of Scorpio that will keep you chained to your own mental pain. Confront your mind with honesty, seek out support if you need help navigating the subterranean landscape of your thoughts and habits. This weekends new moon on Saturday reminds us to stay balanced. Focus on planting seeds that build connection and community. If you feel withdrawn, or cut off this weekend hang in there. This headwear was discovered in a market on a trip to Uzbekistan in 2010.
15.01.2022 Spring time is ruled by the Liver/Gallbladder and is the best time to improve the function of these organs. The liver is connected with growth, planning expansion & movement. Functioning well we can focus, flow, feel calm and make healthy decisions that support our wellbeing. Kindness is an expression that flows when the liver is well. When this organ pair are in disharmony we feel stuck, indecisive, rigid, frustrated or angry. ... The liver governs the blood which nourishes the tendons, ligaments, keeps the body warm and keeps vision clear. Menstrual health often involves the liver, due to its role with blood and production of hormones. When we are stressed, repress emotions, over-eat or consume unhealthy food and drinks the liver qi becomes stagnant and may accumulate heat. The liver blood may become deficient, leading to weak nails, hair, cold hands, feet, painful joints, floaters in the eyes and a sense of stagnation to the flow of life. Currently Mars is retrograde in Aries squaring Pluto and Saturn - a tense aspect which may generate or aggrevate heat conditions. Check for emotions being out of harmony; impatience, frustration, depression are a key that the qi of the liver is stagnant and needs more care through diet and lifestyle. Keep the energy flowing and cool, increase green veggies daily. The movement of green foods is upward and the temperature is cool, to disperse heat. Eat green to enhance detoxification and support your overall system. The cooking methods I suggest for spring are steaming, stir fry and sauteing. Full of vitamins and minerals, add lemon juice to aid iron absorption when eating greens. Green leafy veg contains oxylates which may impair absorption of heme iron so if you are eating meat to build blood for anemia, avoid the leafy greens and add a fruit or vegetable with Vit C. If you want to love your liver even more consider adding sour foods to your day, as the sour flavour benefits the liver. Sour cherries, plums, sauerkraut. Bitter foods cool, so add asparagus, rye, bitter greens etc to clear heat. #chinesemedicineastrology #Spring #eatyourgreens #loveyourliver #livergallbladder See more
13.01.2022 Back to a new version of low carb/high fat eating plan for the next few weeks. To build will power and support optimal sleep and brain function. Ketogenic diets are useful when done correctly, but can be atrociously unhealthy when done wrong. Measuring macros and ketones is important to ensure you know where you are at with your nutrition and state of ketosis. During my post graduate studies in nutrition we explored the benefits of ketogenic eating regimes, which I persona...lly find very helpful to optimise functioning in many people- though it is not the right fit for everyone. I recommend slight variations to the classical ketogenic diet, with some carb cycling for women to maintain hormonal wellbeing and overall health. I am considering writing a program for women interested in incorporating a keto plan that is integrated with the variations in their menstrual cycle, DM me to express interest. #lowcarb #highfatlowcarb #healthyfats #ketogenicdiet #ketoforwomen #ketomeals #ketoforoptimalhealth #brainoptimisation #optimalliving #optimalsleep See more
12.01.2022 Full moon 2nd October 7:05am in Aries Moon is conjunct/ merged with Chiron and we may be more aware of pains and insecurities. There is an opportunity to heal a wound, which could develop into a skill and bring benefit the self and the world. ... How can you be your own warrior? Where are you giving away too much of yourself to the other? The sun is shining a light on things that may have been buried for some time. Find the Aries part of your chart to see where you are being asked to show up for yourself. Be bold, be open and be aware. In Chinese Medicine Aries is fire and rules the head. At a full moon yang energy rises, so follow the acupoint description to ground if you need. Points are Liver 3 and Kidney 1. Massage for a couple mins each. #fullmooninaries2020 #chinesemedicineastrology
08.01.2022 As the moon changes so too does the flow of energy (qi) and blood around our body. Taking note of the moon cycle can help us to consider how to best use our energy productively. New moon time is yin in expression. It's related to vision, insight, planning and intention. It is not the time to push or overdo things but rather get into your own flow and move with that. ... As the moon builds toward full things increase in energy as does our blood and vital force. It's a good time to practice meditation, qi gong and yoga to support immunity. Keep your neck covered up if it's windy too. "At the time of the new moon, a human being’s qi and blood are in a state of depletion, the protective qi departs leaving the physical body behind unprotected... If one encounters pathological wind influences at this time, they can enter deeply and cause acute and serious distress." From The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine (Huangdi Neijing), Magical Secrets (Lingshu): The Dew of the Year (Sui Lu Lun), fl. 100 B.C.E. #huangdineijing #Lingshu #chinesemedicineastrology #newmoontips #newmoontcm #newmoonphase
05.01.2022 Mercury is now in Scorpio Fixed, water, yin Today we have a shifted to a deeper psychological territory in the collective. Mercury governs the mind, communication and expression, how we use words and convey meaning. ... Scorpio is concerned with penetrating to the depths of the self, destroying the parts which are 'not self' and then rising renewed as the pheonix. In Chinese medicine Scorpio relates to the bladder and reproductive organs, drink plenty of water to be hydrated and mentally agile, this will help to facilitate powerful mental shifts. Deal with any elephants that you may find in the room or in your own mind. Real progress is possible through honesty and respect, avoidance is not a solution that will work now. Our thoughts and conversations may be inclined to be more intense, compulsive, emotional and less superficial than we may be used to. Use this time to have powerful conversations that forge lasting an positive change. Examine your core motivations, disowned parts and trauma - with support preferably. It's time to delve into your own mind with honesty and purge thoughts that are not productive or aligned with your truth. Look at where you find Scorpio in your birth chart to see the area of life/topics that you are being suggested to inspect in a more detailed and transformational way. For the next 2 1/2 weeks it will move in direct motion before it enters its retrograde phase from the 15th October. #mercuryinscorpio #chinesemedicineastrology
03.01.2022 The sun is shining SO bright in the hills today. A beautiful opportunity to get some sun (ok it's only going to be 18 degrees!) But that's enough for me after a long cold winter here in Melbourne during isolation. Sunshine has so many benefits, one of my favourites are the health benefits of vitamin D for over all health and longevity. The heat of the sun is a wonderful way to absorb pure yang vitality and encourage blood circulation through the whole body. ... 20 mins is enough, to udeally to get a nice subtle pink glow that is indicative of receiving the health benefits. #sunisshining #springsun #sunseeker #naturalvitamind #healthoptimisation #optimalliving #yang See more
03.01.2022 Dark moon & Yin time NOW. Focus inwards it's time for introspection. Earth | Yin | Small Intestine | Mercury | Mutable Virgo reminds us it's time to cleanse, release and do a final sweep as this moon cycle completes. ... Let go of what you can and surrender anything that you can't figure out how to release yet. Prepare your garden well in these final stages so you can plant healthy intentions when this New Moon occurs tomorrow. Virgo relates to Small Intestine in Chinese medicine and to yin/earth so listen to your body and connect to the earth. It's time to set clear intentions for your health and healing and to make plans for a fresh Spring routine. Shine bright and feel clear The new moon is aspected with a trine by auspicious Jupiter so dream BIG, abundant and practical dreams! Check your chart to see what area of life this new moon lands in and use this to get clear on clarifying your intentions. If you are not sure, DM to book a chart reading. #chinesemedicineastrology #newmooninvirgo #newmoonvirgo
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