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to load big map

25.01.2022 That's insane - two moderately sized black holes merged, and lost *9 suns* worth of energy! :o Keep in mind that mass turns into energy by Einsteins equation E=mc^2, so that is an absolutely staggering amount of energy being released. Little wonder we could detect it 17 Billion light years away!!


24.01.2022 I'm willing to discuss this, what do you all think? (Well, New Zealand has an excuse for opening up)

23.01.2022 Lets make this happen folks! Science for term 3 online! - 1 booking so far, can we get two more by the end of the day??

23.01.2022 The glass. A cartoon for New Scientist #science

23.01.2022 just love this quote "In exchange for freedom of inquiry, scientists are obliged to explain their work. If science is considered a closed priesthood, too difficult and arcane for the average person to understand, the dangers of abuse are greater. But if science is a topic of general interest and concernif both its delights and its social consequences are discussed regularly and competently in the schools, the press, and at the dinner tablewe have greatly improved our prospects for learning how the world really is and for improving both it and us." Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain, (1979), Ballantine Books, Chapter 1, Broca’s Brain (pp. 13-14)

23.01.2022 I'm really proud of Australia for this great initiative for STEM in early childhood. If you haven't yet, check out ELSA -

22.01.2022 Yes it's a bit rude. But satire can reach places reason never will...

22.01.2022 Science can be so, so dangerous!!!

21.01.2022 This is actually really big news!

21.01.2022 Thank you folks! Always great to get some good news! :)

19.01.2022 Just crowdsourcing opinions for term 3's Aust wide offering of an online course with a science kit that is posted right too you. Thoughts? "Stem Treasures" livestreamed mondays 1:30pm.

18.01.2022 This week in science: - Dr Joe blew up his fridge using a glass jar of full of water. The loud bang four hours later left everyone wondering until it was observed that the freezer was rapidly icing over. Thankfully the Mother in law recommended a thaw out and it works fine again. For now. - Dr Joe covered the bench in bubbles after using the kettle to soak the lable off another jar, and forgot to mention it to anyone else.... - Dr Joe almost painted his wife's car with red spraypaint after puncturing a can to get the paint out and forgetting to check what was in the area. We love you turpentine!

16.01.2022 This you must know.

16.01.2022 While add heavy, this article explores the fascinating relationship between science and society - the pressure for news which sells, versus the pressure for promoting the scientific consensus on the climate situation. Worth a long read.

14.01.2022 'Dangerous overmedication of women' due to sample bias, fascinating and important!

11.01.2022 We love robots!

10.01.2022 This week in science is back... and what a week! Nuclear fusion Forever chemical Medieval remedy Stonehenge Snowball Earth Astronauts See more

09.01.2022 Good news?? Well it turns out the medieval models for dealing with pandemics still work, and save lives.

07.01.2022 Moral of the story? Dress to manage danger, not to reinforce sterotypes -

07.01.2022 Unveiling Dr Joe’s hands-on, minds-on, online science programs for the first five weeks of term 3, 2020! This is a fun, exciting science program that aligns well with the Australian National Curriculum. Kids love (and understand) science with Dr Joe!

07.01.2022 FOR SCIENCE!!!!

07.01.2022 Its just simply amazing what can be done on a home computer nowadays!! 16 hr render, and, yes, her eyes are too wide open. but it almost looks real!! Arrendrallendriania walks though a medical centre.

06.01.2022 Covid reinfection is official... oh dear... But some people have overcome HIV on their own!! :o

05.01.2022 More valuable science! -

04.01.2022 Blast into the science of simple chemistry with this fun packed, information loaded science unit that makes the teaching of science entertaining and effortless! In this short course we will be learning about ATOMS and how they can chemically rearrange: 1. Atomic basics, coloured fire, solubility and Pipette skills with fluorescent art 2. Chemical reactions, making friends, and polymers with High viscosity slime 3. Electrolysis and copper coating with electroplating...Continue reading

04.01.2022 They were so lucky.....

04.01.2022 Science humour....

03.01.2022 "But almost everyone appears to agree on one thing. In some way or other, space-time itself seems to fall apart at a black hole, implying that space-time is not the root level of reality but an emergent structure from something deeper." -

02.01.2022 I just thought you all need to know this:

02.01.2022 Just one more I promise! - Science is on for HERVEY BAY!! Want some time to relax while your students are engaged with safe, fun, hands on SCIENCE! Need science taught by a p-12 science educational professional with doctoral level qualifications in making science interesting, meaningful, and fun?...Continue reading

02.01.2022 I think the weirdest, quirkiest, thing is that it's taken us *this long* to figure it out!

01.01.2022 Just 'cause "In spite of having a long history in education, inquiry teaching (the teaching in ways that foster inquiry based learning in students) in science education is still a highly problematic issue. However, before teacher educators can hope to effectively influence teacher implementation of inquiry teaching in the science classroom, educators need to understand teachers’ current conceptions of inquiry teaching. This study describes the qualitatively different ways in ...which 20 primary school teachers experienced inquiry teaching in science education. A phenomenographic approach was adopted and data sourced from interviews of these teachers. The three categories of experiences that emerged from this study were; Student Centred Experiences (Category 1), Teacher Generated Problems (Category 2), and Student Generated Questions (Category 3). In Category 1 teachers structure their teaching around students sensory experiences, expecting that students will see, hear, feel and do interesting things that will focus their attention, have them asking science questions, and improve their engagement in learning. In Category 2 teachers structure their teaching around a given problem they have designed and that the students are required to solve. In Category 3 teachers structure their teaching around helping students to ask and answer their own questions about phenomena. These categories describe a hierarchy with the Student Generated Questions Category as the most inclusive. These categories were contrasted with contemporary educational theory, and it was found that when given the chance to voice their own conceptions without such comparison teachers speak of inquiry teaching in only one of the three categories mentioned. These results also help inform our theoretical understanding of teacher conceptions of inquiry teaching. Knowing what teachers actually experience as inquiry teaching, as opposed to understand theoretically, is a valuable contribution to the literature. This knowledge provides a valuable contribution to educational theory, which helps policy, curriculum development, and the practicing primary school teachers to more fully understand and implement the best educative practices in their daily work. Having teachers experience the qualitatively different ways of experiencing inquiry teaching uncovered in this study is expected to help teachers to move towards a more student-centred, authentic inquiry outcome for their students and themselves. Going beyond this to challenge teacher epistemological beliefs regarding the source of knowledge may also assist them in developing more informed notions of the nature of science and of scientific inquiry during professional development opportunities. The development of scientific literacy in students, a high priority for governments worldwide, will only to benefit from these initiatives." - See more

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