Dr Joanne Hayes DC in Ivanhoe, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Dr Joanne Hayes DC
Locality: Ivanhoe, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 409 133 993
Address: 253 Waterdale Road 3079 Ivanhoe, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 http://www.worldspineday.org Supporting Healthy Spines!
25.01.2022 To protect yourself against Acute Respiratory Infections, Vitamin D, as showing in this research article, is essential! Go get some Sun!! Even if it's in your front or back yard. For The full article go to:...Continue reading
24.01.2022 We continue to stay open! Whilst Stage 4 restrictions are rolling out, it's great to know that your chiropractic care remains uneffected. You may travel for essential health care. Its vitally important that you stay focused on building and maintaining your Immune Systems!... More and more research is telling us, that it is our T cells (T-lymphocytes = white blood cells that mature in the thymus gland) are a big player in our immune response against Viruses. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important part in many biological functions and one of which, is in the involvement in the production of T Cells. Food Sources of Zinc. A wide variety of foods contain zinc. Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry also provide a high level of zinc. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain types of seafood (such as crab and lobster), whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products. Phytateswhich are present in whole-grain breads, cereals, legumes, and other foodsbind zinc and inhibit its absorption. Thus, the bioavailability of zinc from grains and plant foods is lower than that from animal foods, although many grain- and plant-based foods are still good sources of zinc. For further information please read the following sources; 1. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Zinc-HealthProfessional/. 2. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001.
23.01.2022 You see, there is meaning behind my words when ask you how your exercise is going.. Keep moving!
22.01.2022 Not only do we assist adults and children in relieving interference to their nervous systems, sometimes, we have our favorite toys checked too! Thank you Noah, for bringing in your special snake! No doubt he's slithering around with more ease and symmetry!
21.01.2022 A PubMed study showing the benifits of spinal 'manipulation' and the enhancment of the cellular mechanisms dealing with pathogens (unwelcome bugs).
21.01.2022 The focus here is on neck pain. With pain being such a small percentage of nervous system function, what other health issues are manifesting that aren't so evident?
20.01.2022 Whilst conditions have cooled a little, tomorrow things are going to heat up again. Stay informed with this link. Take care everyone. X
20.01.2022 Here's a great article as to why play, in the fist 7 years of life, is an essential foundation for academic learning.
16.01.2022 Food for thought! Morning Motivation I read this morning, thought I'd pass it on. Keep well! ____________________________________________...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Calling all Melbourne eaters! To help support local farmers and food hubs, and provide fresh produce to Melbourne during these strange times, we've put together a list of all the Open Food Network shops that are offering contactless pick-up or delivery to the Melbourne region. Using this webpage, you can search for the shops that are available within your area and place an order: https://about.openfoodnetwork.org.au/buy-food-from-local-f/... Not only does it mean you can skip the supermarket lines - you'll also be supporting farmers and food enterprises who prioritise community, health and environment! Prom Coast Food Collective Fawkner Wholefoods Collective CERES Joe's Market Garden CERES Organic Market & Grocery Melbourne Farmers Markets The Community Grocer McIvor Farm Foods Sugarloaf Produce Fawkner Commons Fawkner Food Bowls Primal Alternative by Katrina PowerHouse Cheese Warialda Belted Galloways Moondarra Blueberries Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op Somerset Heritage Produce
15.01.2022 Almost 27,000 members of the public participated in this Safe Care Victoria review. NO EVIDENCE of harm was found. (Surprise, surprise) In fact, 99% of parents responded positively about their experience of chiropractic care with their children. Please read this statement from the Australian Chiropractic Association.
15.01.2022 ATTENTION RESTORATION. Balancing Screen Time with Green Time. This paper points out that balancing Screen Time and time spent in nature, is shown to help children with their concentration levels and reinvigorates their minds.
13.01.2022 There's that Elephant in the room again! HEALTH is an INSIDE-OUT job! Boost your Immune System's, that's the KEY!
13.01.2022 One of the biggest things I love about being a 'Chiropractor', is the sense of humanity that comes inherently with it. The sharing of knowledge is fundamental to growth. Chiropractic concerns itself with the Science, Art & Philosophy of Health and all things Natural. Medicine concerns itself with with the study and management of Sickness & Disease. Proactive as opposed to Reactive, is the main difference in approach.... There is no right or wrong. Both paradigms are correct & necessary. You can not have one without the other just as can't have plants without bees. It would be imbalanced & not true to the Natural laws on which the Chiropractic understanding was born from & honours. On a day to day basis, its the little things that I love. Like sharing home grown produce, little Macey placing the model pelvis on her head demonstrating a breach birth (ouch) or funky new style of glasses. Haha. Another great thing, is witnessing one of the little people I see, finally surrendering & jumping up onto the bench for an adjustment, with enthusiasm, after 18 months or so of resistance. The positive moments are so numerous. What a delight to be apart of such a beautiful profession that offers so much to humanity.
13.01.2022 Thinking of bringing weight training into your regime? Here's some research that shows positive outcomes in people at risk of Alzheimer's. There was a clear difference in terms of brain structure & function. Those people doing strength exercises had far better cognitive outcomes than otherwise.... "people hopefully have heard that exercise is good for the brain and the body but part of that exercise mix really should be strength training and lifting weights."
11.01.2022 Another tribute to our AMAZING COUNTRY and it's people! I LOVE how NATURE reminds us of our bare boned humanness. It doesn't discriminate & draws out the fundamental importance of COMMUNITY and UNITY! We're all in this together. Stay safe.... X If you would like to help and unsure how, here are a number of suggestions; https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/how-to-help-bushfire-crisis/
11.01.2022 Just as an optimal functioning nervous system is vitally important for children's devolopment, so too is taking kids out into the beauty of Nature. Helping to build strong health kids!
10.01.2022 These drawings by children who have spent less than an hour in front of screens, compared with those who've spent 3hrs plus are pretty confronting! Let it inspi...re you to feed your child's creativity and imagination this long weekend, by swapping screen time for green time. Research source: https://tinyurl.com/y96ppz8k and see our follow up comments below.
10.01.2022 Haha... I just love the drawings the little people draw when they come into my practice. Little 8yo Will sums up natural laws with love on his t-shirt. Optimal spinal alignment allows for optimal neural communication which ultimately means better adaption & therefore better health! Have your spine checked soon. You're body will thank you for it!
09.01.2022 Children and Chiropractic - What the research says.
09.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I trust you & your families are all well and are starting to feel a "loosening of the reigns". What an interesting time we have all had to be involved in! I don't know about you, but I now know why I chose a career as a Chiropractor and not one of Teaching...I have always had the utmost respect for teachers, but this home schooling deal has taken my admiration up to a whole new level! Having said that, even though the challenges have been great, I have really enj...oyed this opportunity of having my little people close and watching each of them manage, adapt and stay grounded, within their own set of challenges. I do have one BIG GRIPE tho!! POSTURE! more specifically, BAD POSTURE! My kids are killing me! You can have the best ergonomic setup in the world, but if you don't consciously pay attention to how you hold yourself, you're burning unnecessary energy and stressing areas of your body that shouldn't be under load. Ultimately the results will be chronic pain and vulnerability to injury. Take a look at your posture in the mirror. Maybe your chin sticks forward. Your shoulders roll in, while your thumbs rotate toward the centre of your body. It's your shoulders that take the workload for your upper body, not you hands and arms. After long periods of sitting, our natural instinct is to drop the shoulders forward, but you ought to do the opposite! Elevate your chest bone (sternum), and let your shoulder blades hang back and down - Think of dropping your shoulder blades into your back pockets. This will give you good posture. For a few minutes each day, focus on shoulder position, strength and stability. Make a daily habit out of it. Whilst I know you can only 'lead a horse to water', I live in hope that, instead of rolling their eyes, my little people are listening & developing value, as I endlessly say "sit up straight & be the height you're designed to be "!. :) Take care of yourselves and your families. My Hours atm are; Tuesday 8am - 7pm Thursday 7am - 1.30pm Rest assured, the practice is upholding the recommended Best Practice Policies regarding distancing, hygiene and sanitisation. I look forward to seeing you all soon. In Health & Wellness always! Jo. x
09.01.2022 Have you had your 'Exercise Snack' today? In a recent article at Medium, Why You Should Exercise Snack Throughout the Day, they state that short bouts of physical movement like briskly climbing stairs a few times a day can effectively improve a persons fitness level. They add that in other recent studies, published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism," 'exercise snacking' has shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar and in lowering blood... pressure more effective, even, than one bout of 30-minute, daily exercise. And they cite many other benefits, including reduced aches and pains and improved confidence, among others. Any movement is better than little or no movement, just make sure that your movement is not only frequent, but also practical, adaptable, and efficient. N.B. 'Exercise snacking' shouldn't be painful. If you find that to be the case, be sure to have a check up with your awesome Chiropractor. Keep well People! :) https://medium.com//why-you-should-exercise-snack-througho
07.01.2022 Are you checking in on yourself whilst working on your computer? This seemingly harmless position compresses the neck and can lead to fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, increased muscle tension and even injury to the vertebrae over time. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases//01/190104131233.htm
06.01.2022 On Thinking. The Elephant in the Room that's not being addressed, as it should be, is how sick humanity really is! At what point did we 'cross over' to believe that health can be attained in a pill and/or a syringe?... Come on people, question just a little! Here's a couple to kick things off; "If I eat this, will it support my health or promote sickness"? "If I buy this, where does the money ultimately go, what/who am I supporting?". . And here's a Great Health Tip for you and it won't cost you a thing!! "Go out in nature! You were born of it, and it is very much a part of you!" . To quote Frank Lloyd Wright "Stay close to nature, it will never fail you". In health always. Jo x . #thinking #questioning #nature #naturalbeauty #franklloydwright #love #peace #homeostasis #kind #respect #darebinparklands
06.01.2022 Feeling the need to SLOW DOWN in this technological era? I have the perfect solution for you! Join me, for a natural, immersive experience, to re-waken your sen...sor's to the beauty and healing of Nature. Being in nature is such simple practice and one we often forget or rather don't think to, tap into. Check it out! :) See more
05.01.2022 "You can determain a lot about a person's nervous system by observing their posture". https://americanpostureinstitute.com/real-posture-or-activ/
05.01.2022 HI Everyone, Just a quick note on COVID-19. First and foremost, the most important thing to do here is to stay CALM! It is said that "the worst epidemic known to man is Panic!" ... "While coronavirus is of concern, it is important to remember that most people displaying symptoms such as a fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue, and/or difficulty breathing, are likely suffering with a cold or other respiratory illness not coronavirus." One of the best ways to protect yourself alongside this virus, is to boost your immune system's! Take care of you Body, Brain and Wellness. Eat Well - Load up on Nutritionally dense whole foods. Get plenty of Rest Drink plenty of Water Keep Moving/exercising Keep up with your Chiropractic Adjustments. However, to help protect those around us who are vulnerable, please be respectful and sensible. if you have recently returned home from an overseas trip -or have been around someone and/or are suffering from symptoms similar to that of flus and colds, please stay home and look after yourself and your families. If you have any concerns please contact us to determine if you need to reschedule appointment. Here is the latest update by the Government Health Dept, on frequently asked questions regarding covid-19; https://www.health.gov.au//coronavirus-covid-19-frequently
03.01.2022 As we are all part of Nature, this message is as pertinent on a personal level as it is on a global level. "We can grow a strong base of young people who will take their places, who will have different values, who will respect the environment" She is encouraging young people to resist the world leaders' environmental inaction. Here is activist Jane Goodall's message.
02.01.2022 Well, I kinda knew becoming a Chiropractor was never going to be an easy road. In fact, it feels its been one deflection after the other. Why do I still do this? I ask myself from time to time, the answer is always the same, because I know it's Right! I chose this profession (some might say it chose me) because I respect & honour the inborn intelligence of the human body. I am constantly in awe of its inherent ability to self regulate and self heal. Everybody of all ages, ge...nder and race (including politicians and pharmacists) have the right to choose Chiropractic care to assist them with their health care. So now, to the point... The recent ill-considered social media post by one of our colleagues has caused what appears to be a personal vendetta of a politician against an entire profession. The video published by the chiropractor was against AHPRA advertising rules and should definitely be dealt with by the appropriate government regulatory bodies. However, there was no complaint about the care provided from the parents, and no one was hurt. Still, this one politician has put into question the safety and efficacy of all chiropractors and the care we provide for children under 12 years of age. The professional review of our professions care for children has been under way for several months now. Three weeks ago, a survey was opened for the public to have a voice. The politician who instigated the review introduced the survey using disappointingly biased and inflammatory language. The fact that she did this several months before the review panel has reached any conclusions makes one wonder about the fairness and objectivity of the whole process. This issue is not about chiropractic care for kids. The real issue here is about the control and consolidation of power in health care. The real issue is about Australian people having a choice in their health care. Is that the future Australia we want? Allowing other peoples personal agendas to affect which choices we have for our own and our familys health? Please do not let this last opportunity to have your say go by. Dont do it for my sake. Dont do it for yours. Fill in the survey for the sake of every Australian, young and old, to retain the right of choice for the health care that is best for them. The survey closes on June 21. https://engage.vic.gov.au/chiropractic-spinal-care-children Yours in health, Joanne Hayes DC B.Chiro.Sc/B.App.Sc(Clinical) Modified version -- Original version of this post initially sent out by Dr Dorte Bladt - Switched on Kids Practitioners. https://engage.vic.gov.au/chiropractic-spinal-care-children
02.01.2022 Here's a great article for all Primary Care giver's. https://psyche.co//slow-medicine-like-slow-food-puts-peopl
02.01.2022 Some useful tips on school back pacs and your childs spinal health.
02.01.2022 Check yourself often! Ask yourself some basic, simple questions and LISTEN CAREFULLY to your response; 1 - Is this food I'm about to eat going to give me health or sickness? 2 - Is this movement I'm about to do going to give me strength or weakness?... 3 - Is this thought I'm thinking releasing positive or negative hormones/neurotransmitters? 4 - Is the rest I'm giving myself enough to provide restoration? 5 - Have I had my Spine checked for interferences to my delicate Nervous System. The system that controls & co-ordinates your body's adaptation to stressors? Reality is, you only get one body! It is YOUR JOB to "water and nurture your own garden". It is your biggest responsibility in this lifetime and without question, your highest priority. Take good loving care of yourselves. You matter more than you could possibly think..x
01.01.2022 Stretching is great for your body! Here's a 'few' to get you going if you haven't already. Good for tense low back & hip's. Keep well!
01.01.2022 Looking to assist your child's brain development? Here's 3 easy steps; 1 - At least 60 mins exercise per day. 2 - 9-11 hours of sleep at night. 3 - Less then 2 hours per day of screen time.... Check out the research. https://www.nytimes.com//kids-brainpower-tied-to-exercise-
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