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Dr Kori Nemme | Tutor/teacher

to load big map

Dr Kori Nemme

Phone: +61 432 619 033


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Joseph Campbell you have my heart. It’s no secret I adore the theory of The Hero’s Journey. It richly underpins the story in my book The IDEA and has been an undercurrent to my own life and decision making since I first learnt about it seventeen years ago. One of the best years of my life was researching this theory in a classroom, observing it’s magic play out with thirty individuals, watching it come alive through student's own journey...s. If you're keen to read about the deeply connected learning that happened there check out the link in my profile. There you'll find the first chapter of my honours thesis on the topic. If you’d like to read more about the project (including a fascinating lit review ) please email me for the full doc. No strings attached. I just can’t work out how to upload more than one chapter to my website. Ha. Thanks for reading and good-luck for wherever you find yourself on your own HJ today x See more

24.01.2022 So bloody sad to hear that the beacon of light that was Sir Ken Robinson has passed away. This guy has inspired so many of my ideas around educational systems and creativity. I owe him big time. His 2006 TED talk 'Do schools kill creativity' remains the most-viewed talk of all time. If you haven't watched it, you need to. He critiqued contemporary classrooms and advocated for a personal approach, one that treats kids as unique individual...s with a diversity of talents. At his core, he believed that creativity is the essential act of living, of navigating a fundamentally unpredictable world. He was one incredible thinker and a wonderfully charismatic human. He will be much missed. Source: @TED #kenrobinson See more

23.01.2022 Never too young to diversify the book shelf. Here's my Sunday Hart getting among the reads. I have two girls who've been gifted a melting pot of cultural backgrounds. Given that reading is an act of meaning making and relationship I feel strongly about them (and everyone) reading a richly diverse bookshelf. And bonus. When I recently searched out the latest titles our library had nearly all of them. Lucky to live in an area which embraces diverse authors and narratives for ou...r young ones to experience @richmondtweed. Thank-you. My girls and I read all of these books and adored the richness and heart of every story. Highly recommend each. Guaranteed your heart will sing and cry and sing. The magic featured here includes: - The Magical Yet by @angeladiterlizzi - A Kite for Moon by @heidieys and @jyolen - My Butterfly Bouquet by @nicolakidsbooks - Zola's Elephant by Randall de Sève - Rosa Parks (Little People, Big Dreams) by Lisbeth Kaiser and @marta_antelo - Twelve Days of Kindness by @coribrookeauthor - Evonne Goolagong (Little People, Big Dreams) and Bruce Lee (Little People, Big Dreams) by @mariaisabelsanchezvegara. x

19.01.2022 Hi there. How was your weekend? x

16.01.2022 Delilah Mac ALWAYS wore mismatched socks. It wasn't so much a statement of fashionista individuality. She just enjoyed imperfect things. And that is all. Enjoy your Friday.... x See more

16.01.2022 Just found out one of my fave drawings 'Woman With Parasol' is the magic of a child. I have gone through life not knowing this. Yep, apparently little Paul Klee put this together when he was aged between 4 and 6! I am rapt with this new found knowledge. Have always been drawn to naive illustration. The freedom in it. How raw it comes across. Oozing simplicity and frankness. Love love love seeing the art works that kids come up with and w...hat adults create when they're working in this childlike space too. Speaking of which - for anyone who has their own copy of The IDEA you will find in it a drawing and a painting created by my kiddo when she was aged 2 and 3. It might be tricky to identify which belong to her, given that I draw like a left handed baby. Anyway, for any other art nerds out there I've put a link in my latest blog post to the 5 minute New York Times article 'When Picasso and Klee Were Very Young: The Art of Childhood' by Leslie Camhi. Just click the link in my profile and head to the blog tab. x See more

16.01.2022 Virginia sense and wonder on a Friday. Thanks Virginia. x

15.01.2022 Hit a creative brick wall? Apparently all you need to do is observe something blue. Hurrah! The @universityofbc recently tracked 600 people’s performances while undertaking cognitive tasks. Some of the tasks required attention to detail; others required creativity. When the computer screen was red, the participants nailed the detailed jobs. When it was blue, their creativity soared. ... The reason? We’re culturally wired to associate red with vigilance (well, all those stop signs will have an effect), and blue with openness (because, you know, the sky and the sea). x With thanks to: Source: @frankiemagazine Image: @daigodaikoku See more

15.01.2022 Another stellar stockist - Boardwalk Books Kingscliff. There you'll find The IDEA nestled on the shelves amongst the likes of Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls. It would be hard to find a more fitting neighbour. Thankyou for your book magic @boardwalkbooks. You guys are gems x... P.s. @francescatherebel and @elenafavilli my girls and I LOVE your work. Our copy is well worn from the ridiculous amounts of reading its endured. Thankyou for giving us so much in every story x @tweedcoastscoop ;) See more

14.01.2022 Oh Thirroul Back in Uni days I spent so much time in this special little town on the NSW South Coast. And so it's very rad to now have The IDEA at @collinsbooksellersthirroul. ... Plus, the store is ran by two book loving sisters!!! Thanks Collins Thirroul! Photographed by @_thegoldlist_ @ausindiebooks See more

14.01.2022 Home. Its been a few years since I've lived back home but I spent a good twenty year stint growing up in this tightknit rough-around-the-edges-all-heart town. Truly a country town in the middle of Sydney, Kurnell is not like anywhere else you're ever going to go. Home to the Goorawal and the Gweagal People, the land hums and sings. And as cliche as it sounds my heart fills and overflows whenever I go back. Her people are special people.... Her majestic cliff edges and wild daisy foreshore are like nothing else. And so when the beautiful @kurnell1770bakery wanted to stock my book here I was obviously enraptured. Thankyou so much Nikki and Kim. Plus. The coffee. And the pastries. And the lunches. So good! x @ausindiebooks See more

13.01.2022 This little lady from the South Coast enthusiastically took The IDEA along to share with her buddies for school news. Isn't she the best! One of the youngest (and clearly the most adorable) readers of The IDEA. And what an eye she has for good literature. Hope you're enjoying some of your own good news stories this week too x

13.01.2022 Words from the mama bear of a Year 12 student. Man oh man I'm feeling for these guys. As if exams weren't enough, throw in a global pandemic, social isolation, and a ban on fun. I've had a couple of purchases come through for other soon to be school leavers. If you fancy gifting what is clearly the most suitable and inspiring book on the planet - let me know and i'll personally gift wrap it :) x

11.01.2022 Not only is Annie Maynard one hilarious and big hearted human whose passionate about the arts and her craft, she's one hell of a book review writer. Who knew. Thanks hugely for your wonderful ideas on The IDEA @maynard.annie. You. Are. A. Legend. x

11.01.2022 Did you know that when you buy your copy of The IDEA you're holding in your hot little hands a hard copy edition limited to only 1500 prints?! It's a little bit spesh. And did you know that sea otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart. Just when you thought those little things couldn't get any more adorable. ... x See more

10.01.2022 When you go to buy your monthly book club read and low and behold your own little story is comfortably resting one shelf below. It was a pretty cool moment. Thanks to Mandy and the other marvellous staff at @ballina_bookshop for being the bee's knees of stockists. They beam support for local authors, clearly only stock quality books , and are just utterly friendly.... The book I bought was The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. I'm adoring this narrative on women's experience and the power of language. Anyone else into it? What are you reading? x See more

10.01.2022 Excuse my man hands but here I am with my book on what really is the world's best table. Just look at the stories splashed onto this space. Mess, spills, mistakes, and good fun. Hope you're reading good things today and that your brain is enjoying a good time. x

09.01.2022 Booyah. Today marks one year since The IDEA launch soiree. Gosh it was a cracking good evening. My only regret is I didn't take one photo! I have all these pics of my goofy head and cheese platters but the real magic was never captured. The sea of people who I got to share my story with in that afternoon light is a memory I'll never forget. I just couldn't believe how many people were up for squashing into a room (to be fair there was wine so it was a little enticing) and lis...tening to someone bang on about their joy project. Lucky we are to live in the world we do. Not so glam, I'm marking the anniversary in pjs and peppermint tea. But the memory is there. Thanks to everyone who has read, shared, bought The IDEA. You guys are just too wonderful for words. One year on and onward The IDEA goes. Big big love. X @ Brunswick Heads, New South Wales

08.01.2022 Stop motion film of my latest book The IDEA (or the inevitable and wonderful cycle of creative existence) written by me - Kori Nemme

08.01.2022 It's Tuesday. If Tuesday isn't a good time to make it happen I don't know when is. Go on. Tell me what you're going to make happen this week. And I'll hold you accountable. ... x See more

08.01.2022 "You Are A Mansion With Infinite Rooms" by the phenomenal Emma Magenta. Yes, you are.

08.01.2022 I've been interviewed for an article on children's spirituality in the latest issue of Mindful Parenting Magazine Probably time to arrange an agent I didn't know about this mag before but it's a really good read. And this is as serious as the photo shoot could get.... I'll snapshot the article and put it up here over the next couple of days. x See more

07.01.2022 This is the magnificent tree in the front of Dad's place. She stands tall whilst kids swing from her branches. She proudly showcases the different seasons on her leaves every three months. Spring is always welcome. On the first of every month Dad and I call each other. We've done it for years. This morning he called me first. We call my Dad The Eagle. He's a funny wonderful crazy Latvian who can't help himself from helping people. His fa...vourite thing to do is handyman and there's nothing he can't fix (or so he thinks). He's everyone's favourite neighbour and the reason I think Faulty Towers is the most hilarious piece of humour created. A few months ago dad was diagnosed with leukemia. Since then he has been in and out of hospital like the charger he is (with the hugest help from knuckle head Liam Nemme and the wonderful Ebony Simonit) And guess what?! Today he's officially cancer free and won't be needing anymore chemo. It doesn't mean things are final forever but holy moly am I overflowing with gratitude and welcoming of the news for the now. Hope you and your special people are doing ok. And hello Spring. X See more

05.01.2022 I'm going to sound like a broken record when I say this but it is the biggest buzz hearing from people who've read The IDEA. It's just so dam nice that people take time out of their busy days (and COVID-19 hecticness) to send kindness. This message is from a Melbourne author and I am elated to hear shes's engaging with illustration now too. I think a bunch of people are finding solace in creativity right now.... Are you? x See more

05.01.2022 Its The IDEA's 1st birthday Here’s my gratitude-for-your-book-love Instagram giveaway. To enter all you need to do is:... 1. Take a photo of The IDEA out there in the world, OR even better, take a photo of yourself with The IDEA. 2. Post your pic on Instagram with the hashtag #theideaintheworld and follow my account @dr_kori_nemme. Tagging me in the pic @dr_kori_nemme might be useful too. 3. Ta da. Done. The giveaway will be open for two weeks from today and will be drawn at 8pm on the 6th of December. The entrant will be chosen at random oldschool from a hat. The prize is valued at over $150. And no, its not $150 worth of my books The prize includes: - the latest copy of Frankie Magazine @frankiemagazine - wildflower seedlings from Sow n Sow @sownsow - a Sow 'n Sow pop up pot (not included in the pic) - a @dearmaison notebook - a Mont Marte sketch book - a copy of The Apricot Memoirs by @tessguinery - charcoals from The National Art School @nas_au - an Oasis eco cup - a Sachi cotton bag - a copy of The IDEA - a postcard sized illustration from The IDEA - a graffiti blanket of images from The IDEA decorating your parcel . Other details: - Please note there's a good chance I'll share your pic on social media so if that's not for you just let me know. - Open to Australian entrants only. - None of the brands noted above have sponsored this giveaway. - The prize will be mailed to the winning entry within one week of the winner being announced. Fun! x See more

04.01.2022 Gift book, coffee table piece, life changing inspiration That's The IDEA. There's only 1500 of these hardcover beauties in print. Nab yours before they run out and you end up having an even worse 2020 (only joking).... The link in my profile will take you to where you need to go. x Image courtesy of The IDEAs personal photographer @hannahvandevelde See more

03.01.2022 Do you know This gem is is now stocking The IDEA. And what a match they are. Eto is a jewel box filled with bright and beautiful wares from local makers and makers from afar. Their store is filled with that much goodness your eyeballs will burst. And whats also very wonderful is you don't have to live in beautiful Murwillumbah to enjoy the bounty here. They have an online store too. Hurrah! x

03.01.2022 You had me at #1 @austinkleon. I easily tick one to four. And I was doing so good at five during winter and reading for a large chunk of time before sleep, but lately I've been forgetting. Got to get back into that this weekend. And with peppermint tea. Just the best. How do you read more?... x See more

03.01.2022 Fingers crossed QLD borders are open for this baby in September. I'm a big fan of SWELL Sculpture Fest.

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