Dr Kyla- Paediatric Dietitian in Perth, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Dr Kyla- Paediatric Dietitian
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Website: https://babymealtimes.com.au/
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25.01.2022 It's Chewsday! But instead of a kids food review today (they'll be back next week!) I want to start a thread where you can put in your requests. I get asked for a lot of product reviews (which I love!) but I'm finding hard to keep them all organised. So all requests will go here, and I'll work my way through them. Be specific about the brand if there's a product you buy.... Cheers, Dr Kyla x
25.01.2022 So many requests for the Messy Monkey wholegrain bites. By the sounds of it, they're fairly popular! The packaging promises the world, so are they any good? Lets see... https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Messy-Monke
24.01.2022 ' ! Hit save to store this 6 month baby meal idea for future reference. A dash of protein, fruit and veg. Each grabbable, smushable and flavoursome!... At 6 months, milk still remains a really important part of your babies diet, so think of mealtimes as a learning experience. New textures, new flavours, new messes, new smells. Fun! Baby Mealtimes is an eight month ($99) or month x month ($20) no-lock-in membership where I’ve gathered resources, videos, answers to common questions, meal ideas, recipes - all to to help you navigate your baby’s milestones. I’d love for you to come and join me. Visit https://babymealtimes.com.au/ to start your baby’s food journey today! See more
23.01.2022 This could be a balanced snack or a balanced meal! avocado and vegemite on rice cakes boiled egg strawberries ... You can use a texta to make a face on the egg. Toddlers LOVE to crack and peel eggs. Sure, it makes a mess and you can lose a bit of egg along the way! . Boiling the egg in water with bicarb soda is supposed to make it easier to peel, but I’ve had mixed results! Fresh eggs are actually harder to peel too! If your child only likes one topping on crackers, try serving a range on a platter for you all/both to choose from. It gives opportunity without pressure to eat it. This is the kind of mum-life food reality I share with my Baby and Toddler Mealtimes subscribers. I also share challenges, recipes, advice, meal ideas.....and that's just the private Insta page! Head to the website to see how Baby Mealtimes or Toddler Mealtimes can help you https://toddlermealtimes.com.au/ See more
22.01.2022 Does your baby have eczema? Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition. It causes red, dry, scaly or itchy patches on the skin. Its common on the face and neck in babies. Eczema affects 20-30% of babies in Australia.... NOW HERES THE IMPORTANT BIT Did you know that you want eczema 100% cleared up before you start solids? Ill bet you didnt know that. Not many people do. The issue with eczema is that a break in the skin integrity (ie/ the dry, scaly, cracked patches of skin) actually puts your baby at a higher risk of developing a food allergy. This is really important to know. But did you also know that treatment is actually quite straight forward? And were aiming for 100% clearing of the eczema (not even mild patches left behind.) Unfortunately theres some really dodgy advice out there AND some really dodgy products to treat it. Ive been working with the AMAZING Jemma Weidinger, eczema nurse practitioner from Children's Eczema Care and she has taught me so much about getting eczema cleared up QUICKLY and EASILY! Jemmas advice is gold and has already changed the lives of several of my subscribers. You can make an appointment (virtual or face to face) with Jemma directly at www.childrenseczemacare.com.au or were going to be running monthly online groups for babies with mild eczema. If your baby does have eczema, tell me below what youd want to learn in the group sessions well run?
22.01.2022 An adult favourite snack at every party I’ve ever been to, pretzels might make you thirsty but what about your toddler? Let’s take a look in today’s Chewsday Review This Chewsday Review was written by Trish Dearlove, Student Dietitian. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single-post/parkers-pretzels
20.01.2022 Im doing some hot topic Chewsday Reviews at the moment! Todays review features Maggi 2 minute noodles. This is the wholegrain version, because thats the one I buy. But I must confess, Ive never actually looked at the nutrition info! https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single-/Maggi-2-Minute-Noodles
19.01.2022 This is so lovely. Yay for the Easter Bunny and those helping him out
19.01.2022 So.....is your toddler going to be having carrots this Easter? What does a paediatric dietitian have to say about Easter and the chocolate-fest that surrounds it? My thoughts:... Don't make a big deal out of Easter chocolate. For little kids who don't know what chocolate is - don't even mention it. You don't need to "introduce" them to it. For older kids who know what chocolate is, I've written an article about it. It may surprise you! See more
18.01.2022 Im back in the baby aisle this week, reviewing a popular sachet of Baby Bircher muesli from Woolworths Macro brand. As a bircher fan myself, I was interested to see what would be in the baby version! I present to you todays Chewsday Review of Baby Macro apple, banana and blueberry bircher muesli. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/sing/Baby-Macro-bircher-muesli
17.01.2022 Adding to the ever-expanding range of squeezie pouches for kids, is the Organic Li’L suckies by The Collective. The yoghurt is organic and has no added nasties, but does that make it any healthier? Let’s find out in today’s Chewsday review featuring the strawberry flavour available from Woolworths. This review is by student dietitian, Claire Miller. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//the-collective-organic-lil-s
17.01.2022 Fruit toasts are a great snack and can be a way to introduce new flavours if your child is growing tired of regular bread. There are a few brands to choose from for your fruit toast, and here student dietitian Gabrielle Beech looks at the Tip Top Raisin toast. You’ll get 12 slices for your $4. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//chewsday-review-tip-top-rais
17.01.2022 My Chewsday Review of Pea Protein milk gathered a lot of interest. Its a good one for children with cows milk protein intolerance and soy allergy. But lots of you were concerned with the lack of froth-ability if you had to use it in your coffee. So, todays review features another popular milk alternative- Oat-ly Oat Milk Barista Edition (this is different to regular Oat-ly milk). How does this compare to cows milk and pea protein milk? Lets see https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Oat-ly-Oat-Milk-Barista-Edit
16.01.2022 - hit save! Cheerio crusted pears (7-8mo) egg, cheese and tomato omelette strips (7mo+) chia pudding (from the start)... : Use soft tinned pears or steamed pear wedges. Crumbing the pears helps your baby to pick them up more easily. You could use Weet-bix, almond meal or even rice cereal. : Mix 2 eggs with a handful of grated cheese and handful of chopped tomato. Pour into pan at medium heat. Let set mostly before flipping or rolling half over onto the other half and cook a bit longer. Slice into strips. This is the kind of baby meal ideas I share with my Baby and Toddler Mealtimes subscribers. I also share challenges, recipes, advice, meal ideas.....and that's just the private Insta page! Head to the website to see how BMT or TMT can help you https://babymealtimes.com.au/ See more
16.01.2022 Such great advice! In the case of the above, where NO new food is added to our food supply chain, wed have enough stocks in the warehouse supply chain to feed ALL Australians for 6 months. Some items perhaps more available than others but if we are hungry enough, we wouldnt be choosy. And if things got really hairy the Defence Forces and AusAID would be called upon to get food to people. We literally have an army of options ready and waiting. Trust that theres enough food for us all, and think about who you might be able to donate too if you have plenty.
16.01.2022 Its seen as the biscuit you can give to kids if you dont really want to give them an actual biscuit. Its so plain that it surely cant be too bad. In fact, traditionally its been given to babies who are learning to eat. Its the humble Milk Arrowroot. Today's Chewsday Review dishes the dirt. Lets have a closer look at Arnotts Milk Arrowroots https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Milk-Arrowr
15.01.2022 You might have caught my rant last week about cows milk and why I get SO MAD about people telling you not to give it to your children. You can watch the rant on both Facebook and Instagram if you missed it. Anyway, as I said, we WOULD avoid cows milk for babies and children if they have an allergy. Yet interestingly, theres very few nutritionally equivalent milks to cows milk for these kids. Most are missing the protein, the fat or the calcium content of cows milk. Todays Chewsday review features Australias Own Like Milk, made from pea protein. Heres what I think. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/singl/Australias-Own-Like-Milk
14.01.2022 Another week, another food in a pouch! Ive had a few requests for these, so they must be popular! Todays Chewsday Review features the Mixed Berry Chia Pod. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/si/Chia-Pod-Smooth-Mixed-Berry
14.01.2022 Lots of our fussy clients will happily eat a Peanut Butter sandwich. But are all Peanut Butters equal? Today Im looking at Mayvers Peanut Butter. Is this a reasonable option? Lets see https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Mayvers-Pea
14.01.2022 Greek yoghurt is one of my personal go-to snacks, but I’m not loyal to one particular brand. I found one of these Yoplait’s in my fridge just this week. How timely! So, today I bring you a Chewsday review on these Yoplait mixed berry individual tubs. This review is by student dietitian, Rachel Dieu. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single-post/yoplait-mixed-berry
13.01.2022 Each week in my memberships (Baby Mealtimes and Toddler Mealtimes) we have a challenge food to offer our kids. Its all about inspo and variety. Last week we had pulse pasta and lots of people had seen it but werent sure if it was any good. Heres my thoughts on Barilla Chickpea Casarecce for this weeks Chewsday Review. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/sin/Barilla-Chickpea-Casarecce
13.01.2022 Today's Chewsday Review features a baby snack bar. As youd know from previous reviews, baby snacks are a booming market. These Raffertys Garden Snack Bars in Blueberry, Banana and Apples are convenient, but are they also nutritious? Lets have a closer look https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Raffertys-G
13.01.2022 Inspired by @notsomumsy to do the #toddlerchallenge I used her kryptonite (chocolate freckles) to really set the bar high. Could she wait til I got back? I actually love watching her when Im not there. Feel like I get more of an insight into who she is! Also get an insight into the sound of my voice. That is not my normal tone I swear.
12.01.2022 Everybody loves Bluey. Me included! But Im getting a bit sick of seeing characters plastered all over supermarket products. My toddler can spot Peppa on the toothpaste from 100m away, and The Wiggles on a yoghurt thats about 1m above her head. At the moment Bluey is promoting the Pauls Custard squeezie pouch. You might have seen my article in The West Australian recently about this- heres the Chewsday Review version. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Pauls-Bluey-Chocolate-Custard
12.01.2022 Messy Monkeys are EVERYWHERE at the moment. Theyve got a new yoghurt drink available on the shelves, so lets see whether it gets a Chewsday tick of approval! https://www.mealtimes.com.au/si/Messy-Monkeys-Yoghurt-Drink
10.01.2022 The puffed baby snack section in the supermarket is exploding with new options. Todays Chewsday Review features Little Bellies Organic Beetroot & Carrot Oatcakes. Are they worth your money? https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Little-Bellies-Organic-Beetr
10.01.2022 I went to buy the Woolworths sausages with added veggies this week but they were all sold out. Perhaps Im becoming an influencer for sausage purchases?? Anyway, I had a look at the other sausages available and decided we needed another option. Todays Chewsday Review features Peppercorns Lean Beef Sausages. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Peppercorns-Extra-Lean-Beef-
10.01.2022 t’s a Chewsday Review of, wait, what? Gluten free choc mud snack bars that are naked and cold pressed.? I’m just as confused as you are. Let’s take a closer look at these snack bars to see what Kez’s Kitchen is baking-up for us today... Today's review is by student dietitian, Adrienne Misson. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//kezs-kitchen-choc-mud-snack-
10.01.2022 This is the first ever Chewsday Review featuring a sausage. I cant believe its been 4 years of weekly reviews without once including a snag. What a travesty! If your kiddos love sausages then youll be interested to read about Woolworths new Veg & Beef sausages WITH carrot and sautéed onion. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/singl/Woolworths-Beef-sausages
10.01.2022 Its another Thursday rant heres why you dont have to stress about giving your child cows milk.
10.01.2022 ? I've gathered together my top ten toddler recipes into an ebook. You'll find simple healthy snacks and favourite family meals that I've developed for my Toddler Mealtimes subscribers.... . A great recipe for bite-sized deliciousness! Head to the link https://linktr.ee/babymealtimes to grab your ebook. If you want the whole package, including support for helping your child learn to enjoy these foods, jump straight to the membership at https://toddlermealtimes.com.au/ Pic: Rae Fallon film maker photo taker See more
09.01.2022 ? Hit save to store this one. Deconstructed pasta! Risoni pasta (7mo+) Beef mince (plain) broken up with a fork (7mo+ from a texture point of view)... Purée pumpkin and zucchini (from the start) Steamed sweet potato, carrot and pear (6mo+) All of these foods are totally appropriate for babies from the start of their solids journey, but the texture of some foods (like the pasta and beef mince) often require some more skill and practice. Younger or inexperienced babies can have these foods puréed or mixed with other smooth foods. The aim is to gradually increase the texture to gently challenge your baby to bite and chew more. ! You don’t need to leap from smooth purée to mince lumps in a day. Steam (or roast) the fruit and veg batons until they pass the smush test for 6 month olds. You can gradually steam them less as your baby gets more skilled! This is just the kind of meal idea I share with my Baby and Toddler mealtimes subscribers. I also share challenges, recipes, advice, meal ideas ... and that’s just the private Insta page! Head to the website to see how BMT and TMT can help you https://babymealtimes.com.au/ . See more
07.01.2022 Oh look, another snack food claiming to be a vegetable And the company is called Natural Chip Co- these must be better right? What do you think? Spoiler alert- my hopes are not high. Todays Chewsday Review features The Natural Chip Co Veggie Ring Cheese Snacks. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//The-Natural-Chip-Co-Veggie-R
07.01.2022 Todays Chewsday Review features Belvita Breakfast Biscuits. This particular one is called milk and cereals so it must be the same as a healthy breakfast right? Lets see https://www.mealtimes.com.au/sin/Belvita-Breakfast-Biscuits
07.01.2022 Theres a whole range of new baby foods on the market, and my favourite bit is that theyre not in long-life squeezie pouches on the shelves! Todays Chewsday review features a frozen puree option from Nourishing Bubs. You can buy the fruit and vegetable puree cubes at Woolworths. Today Im reviewing the 100% pure veggies. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Nourishing-Bubs-veggie-purees
06.01.2022 Today's Chewsday Review is another pre-packaged cracker option. With so many out there, it’s hard to know which ones are the better options. So let’s see how these Sunbites Snack Crackers with Quinoa compare https://www.mealtimes.com.au//chewsday-review-sunbites-sna
06.01.2022 Lots of requests for today's Chewsday Review, so there must be loads of kids out there who love a good fish finger! Today's version is by the legendary Jamie Oliver. I'm a huge fan, not only of his delicious food and recipes, but also of his commitment to improving childhood nutrition worldwide. Does this include his 'Brilliant Fish Fillet Fingers' though? https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Jamie-Olive
06.01.2022 As you walk down the baby aisle at the supermarket, you probably have more questions than you do direction. ‘Is it okay for my baby to eat this food?’, ‘Should I get baby food jars or pouches?’ Today’s Chewsday Review features a famous baby food brand Heinz (in a jar) lamb, pumpkin and sweet potato. Let’s take a closer look This review is by student dietitian, Hilda Chu. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single-post/heinz-baby-food-jar
06.01.2022 Everyone wants an easy snack for babies and toddlers. Something to keep in the bag in case of emergency, something little kids will happily eat and something that isnt filled with sugar or salt. Hmmm that exists right.?! Todays Chewsday Review features Little Bellies Animal Biscuits. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Little-Bellies-Animal-Biscui
05.01.2022 A little rant from me about why you shouldnt feel guilted into buying toddler milk for your fussy toddler!!
04.01.2022 Theres been a lot of requests for these yoghurt rice cakes, and a quick glance at the nutrition panel had me all hot around the collartodays review features Only Organic Yoghurt Rice Cakes. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Only-Organi
04.01.2022 This food has been requested for a Chewsday Review about eleventy million times. And quite rightly- who doesn’t love popcorn? This is my favourite brand from a taste point of view, but let’s see how it stacks up nutritionally. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//chewsday-review-cobs-popcorn
04.01.2022 Would you like to support research into child feeding? My colleagues at Curtin University are looking for Mums who: Are adults (over 18 years of age)... Live in Australia Have at least 2 children under the age of 6, including a boy and a girl. The researchers are interested in your experience in feeding your kids. It involves a one hour online interview and you will be compensated with a supermarket voucher. You can contact them Infant Feeding Practices Study or email [email protected] Big thanks in advance
03.01.2022 ? Trimmed watermelon rind (6-7mo+) Capsicum (5-6mo - for toothless gumming only) Softened weet-bix (6mo+ as a finger food) Pumpkin purée with iron-rich rice cereal (from the start)... ? Watermelon can break off in big hard pieces so cut it close to the rind when your baby is first learning to gum and eat. Weet-bix can be softened with about 20mL milk (BM, formula or cow’s milk if you’ve offered as an allergen already). P.S. Need some confidence as you and your baby begin their foodie adventures? You can always grab the Intro to Solids workshop recording. https://babymealtimes.com.au//introduction-to-solids-semi/
03.01.2022 7 II At this age, your baby is getting comfortable with the basics of eating. At this age, having a fun happy mealtime is more important than how much they eat - even if it's very little. ... Keep challenging your baby with new textures and flavours. ? That's normal and a good thing. Staying calm and showing them coughing is important for fostering a happy safe mealtime environment for your baby. At this age, having an iron-rich food with each meal is becoming more important for growth and development. ? Find my top 3 tips for starting solids with confidence here https://babymealtimes.com.au/solids/ Baby Mealtimes is an eight month ($99) or month x month ($20) no-lock-in membership where I’ve gathered resources, videos, answers to common questions, meal ideas, recipes - all to to help you navigate your baby’s milestones. I’d love for you to come and join me. Visit https://babymealtimes.com.au/ to start your baby’s food journey today! Pic: Rae Fallon film maker photo taker See more
03.01.2022 I'm back in the yoghurt aisle to review a Vaalia yoghurt. It's marketed as a kids 'breakfast' yoghurt, which I think is related to the inclusion of natural grains. This is a banana and natural grains flavour. So, how does it compare to other yoghurts? https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Vaalia-Kids
03.01.2022 It seems you all want to know about specific Annabel Karmel meals! In response to your responses, Ive decided to break down some other meals within the toddler-targeted frozen range. Today well dive into the macaroni cheese a classic comfort food. But are we comfortable with the meals nutritional value? Keep reading to find out! https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Annabel-Karmel-Macaroni-Chee
03.01.2022 Another week, another new yoghurt targeted specifically at kids. This time Chobani have released a yoghurt in a tub with sprinkles. The range includes popping candy, fairy bread and choc chunk cookie dunk. They sound like ice cream flavours, so lets see how they compare to those and other yoghurts in todays Chewsday Challenge. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single/Chobani-Gimmies-yoghurt
02.01.2022 Today's Chewsday Review features a reader's request. Arnott's Country Cheese Crackers are a kiddie favourite, and surely they're just a plain, old savoury biscuit? Let's see! https://www.mealtimes.com.au//Chewsday-Review--Country-Che
02.01.2022 ? Most babies are ready to start eating solids at around 5-6 months, but it all depends on their individual signs of readiness. Don’t feel like you need to rush into this before your baby is ready. ! You need your baby to be sitting with support and have great head control. You also want your babe to be showing lots of interest in food while you’re eating.... ’ at this age, so think of mealtimes as a learning experience. New textures, new flavours (as evidenced in the pic!), new messes, new smells. Fun! Baby Mealtimes is an eight month ($99) or month x month ($20) no-lock-in membership where I’ve gathered resources, videos, answers to common questions, meal ideas, recipes - all to to help you navigate your baby’s milestones. I’d love for you to come and join me. Visit https://babymealtimes.com.au/ to start your baby’s food journey today! Pic: Rae Fallon film maker photo taker
01.01.2022 Ah the humble rice cake or not so humble? Lets take a look. Todays Chewsday review features the organic apple and raspberry mini rice cakes from the Mamia baby range found at Aldi supermarkets. Today's review is by student dietitian, Alicia Trehern. https://www.mealtimes.com.au/single-p/Mamia-Mini-Rice-Cakes
01.01.2022 Does your kiddo love hot chips? Its almost a given (although funnily enough as a kid I NEVER liked hot chips!) So how do the frozen chippies stack up? Todays Chewsday Review features McCain Superfries Straight Cut. https://www.mealtimes.com.au//McCain-Superfries-Straight-C
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