Dr Lisa Gadd | Business consultant
Dr Lisa Gadd
Phone: +61 401 222 191
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25.01.2022 Looks like my 5-day holiday is coming to an end I am pretty happy to be back in the clinic tomorrow, it’s back to business as usual Link in bio for bookings
25.01.2022 For all of you suffering through stage four lockdown, I feel you, I understand your emotions. If Covid-19 has taught me anything over the last few months, it has highlighted to me just how important our health is, not only our physical but mental health too. It has proven to us that our health is our ONLY vehicle for life, and if we don’t look after that, we don’t get to enjoy the gift of life. Without our health we can’t get up and go to work (even if it is from home ),... without our health we don’t get to get out in nature and move our body, without our health we don’t get to deepen our relationships with our loved one’s... Take the time this weekend to check in with your health. Move your body, Breathe deeply, Get fresh air, Eat healthy, Get adequate sleep, Drink water, Get some vitamin d, Check in on your mental health, Check in on your relationships. Have a good weekend Melbourne.
24.01.2022 Take some time to stop and check in with how you are feeling, then check in whith those around you x
24.01.2022 New week... New month... New season... who needs a little reminder on the importance of boundaries in our life? ... Tag a beauty that may find this helpful
24.01.2022 It’s a new month I love the start of a new month, it’s my little self check in to stop look at what I want to achieve for the month that will help move me forward towards where I am going. Here are my top 3 tips I use each month to help me move closer to achieving my goals.... 1 Get clear on what you want to achieve for the month and how you want to FEEL. 2 For each goal you set go through 5-10 benefits you gain from achieving this goal. Look at, by achieving your goal how it will impact other areas of your life- physical health, mental health, career, friends, family, financial health. 3 See it everywhere, what you focus on you attract, so if your constantly seeing your goal of what you are striving to achieve, you get constant reminders. Which will help keep you on track. to achieving your goals this month Love to hear what is one goal you are working towards this month? See more
23.01.2022 Something that I have to pull myself up on, would you speak to your best friend the way you speak to yourself? Just remember that sometimes you are being hard on yourself. Here is a little reminder to look after yourself this weekend beauties ... Tag a beauty that needs this little reminder Happy Friday
23.01.2022 There is nothing more powerful than you showing up as you, your true authentic self, and being completely comfortable with all of you. Just think- if we were all the same, how boring would we all be! You do you today and everyday ... Tag a beauty that needs this little reminder
22.01.2022 That’s a wrap... 2020 done. To all our incredible clients, thank you for all your support this year. It’s been an interesting year, but we got there. Looking forward to some down time before we head into another incredible year. ... To my incredible team, thanks for stepping up ... looking forward to another year full of growth Merry Christmas
22.01.2022 Tough times don’t last strong people do... If your someone going through a difficult season, I feel you. The past week I felt like I hit rock bottom.... So much as seasons we go through can be difficult, this is what I found has helped me this week and may be helpful to you too.... 1. Surround yourself with the right people - tough times are made a little easier when you have the right people in your corner supporting you - strong men, strong women, coaches and mentors. Just remember, it’s ok to ask for help. 2. Give yourself the time and space you need to feel all the feelings, and to do what you need to do for you... journal, meditatae, dance, laugh, cry, detox from social media. Only you know what you need to help you reconnect to yourself, and to help you get back on track. 3. Every day we have a choice, only we get to choose how we respond to what we go through. No one or nothing can take our happiness away from us. Choose to see the good in what your going through, and choose to be happy. Here’s to a new week of straightening my resilience queen crown, and choosing to move forward into a more positive and empowering week ahead. Happy Sunday beauties
21.01.2022 how I currently feel about Melbourne restrictions finally being lifted! It’s been a hell of a year Melbourne but we did it! We should all be so proud of what we have got through! Here is to now re-building our small businesses to help get them back on track- here are 3 simple ways to support a small business: ... 1 With Christmas around the corner buy a voucher to give to someone (or yourself). 2 Leave a positive experience review on google. 3 Buy from them - product or service. Let’s keep going Melbourne, we got this
21.01.2022 It’s women’s health week Here is a little reminder for all you incredible women to stop and check in with you and your health. Here are 3 simple questions I love to stop and check in with myself on a daily basis: ... How do I feel in my mind? How do I feel in my body? What do I need right now? Take some time today to check in with not only your physical, mental and emotional health.
21.01.2022 who needs this little reminder today?
20.01.2022 Pretty happy with today’s performance... best race all season with a few PB’S all round So good seeing that hard work pays off!
18.01.2022 It's women's health week Today's topic is shine a light on mental wellbeing, such an important topic not only because today is R U ok day? but also because the current environment we are all still in holds a lot of uncertainty, stress and I know for me anxiety. For me the last few weeks anxiety is something I have had to learn to process and deal with, some day better than others. But what I do know what I have found helpful are these 5 things: ... 1. Keep moving . Exercise and movement allows the release of our feel good hormones- serotonin, which helps boost my mood and my immune system. 2. Practicing the art of gratitude. What you focus on, you attract... every day I get into the daily habit of practicing what I am grateful for 3. Get adequate sleep. As soon as I am sleep deprived, my mood drops, my concentration reduces. I aim for 8-9 hours a night. 4. I love to get outside and get some Vitamin D from the sun on my skin. 5. My daily practice of meditation is a non negotiable for me, focusing on my breathe helps get me out of my head and connected back into myself, also helps me move from an anxious state. Love to hear what you do for your mental health?
18.01.2022 What do you need to let go of this week? The anger, hurt, the frustration, the let down, disappointment, the self doubt, the worry. It’s been a whirlwind of a week, but holding onto any of these negative emotions are not good for our health, we bottle up the emotions and expect a change, yet all it does is play havoc on our health - mentally, physically and emotionally. ... The negative emotions we hold onto are just a protective mechanism to protect us from being hurt again. When we forgive, let go and take the learnings from the experience, this is where we are free. Holding onto the negative emotion only affects the person holding on to the emotion. Stop, breathe, take the lessons and let it go Happy Friday beauties. x
18.01.2022 Happy Monday beauties! Here is my little minset hack to help you get through the week! Tag a beauty than needs a little monday inspo!
18.01.2022 We can’t control what happens, but we do get to choose on how we respond... Choose to find the magic in each moment
17.01.2022 Today is international day of the girl, today we get to amplify the voices and rights of girls everywhere. Today I acknowledge one incredible girl @zoes_dream_believe_achieve who for the past 6 months I’ve have the pleasure of mentoring- watching her grow, shine, encouraging her to use her voice and step into the leader she’s becoming. Funny thing is - she think I’m teaching her a thing or two... reality is the past few weeks when things have got really tough she’s been m...y little reminder to keep going, to keep being a strong woman, not just to be an example to her but for all of other women and girls. Empowered women and girls empower other women and girls. In a world where you can be anything. Be yourself, be brave, be kind and be empowered, today and everyday!
16.01.2022 Today is R U ok day? Considering the current environment we are all faced with this is a really important reminder to stop and check in first with your own mental health and then those around you. Here are a few questions I ask myself when I am checking in with my mental health...... How do I feel in my mind? How do I feel in my body? and what do I need right now? Remember not every day has to be incredible, but acknowledging how you are feeling and breathing through it is the first step. Take one day at a time. If you are someone who needs some support with their mental health drop me a DM, more than happy to have a chat! Tag a beauty that you want to check in on today.
15.01.2022 December, it's the final month for 2020, and what a challenging year it has been. Now is a great opportunity this month to finish the year off strong and get a plan ahead for a strong and successful 2021. Here are something's to journal about to help set yourself up for a strong finish and to move into 2021 with clarity, confidence and feeling energised: ... What do you need to do to finish your year strong? What do you need to let go of? This may be hapits or people that are no longer serving you, negative thought processes or stories you keep telling yourself which hinder us from the success we desire. What do you need more of in your life? Here is a little self check in - how do you feel in your mind and body? and if that's not great- ask yourself what do you need right now? Love to hear what's one thing you are working on to help you finish the year off strong?
14.01.2022 It's the end of the month, one of the things I check in with myself at the end of each month is to close any loops, to make way for a clear mind for a new month. What are loops??? Loops are all those things we have been put off from doing, that occupy our mind and we hold space on repeat for them in the back of the mind.... It's like the to do list that we know we need to do but we have not done it yet - maybe because it's too hard, or uncomfortable, or it doesn't light us... up- for me it's life admin! For you it may be having a difficult conversation, or launching something new? BUT the good thing about once we get rid of the loop, it allows for a clearer, and more focused mind. Meaning with a new month around the corner this allows for a clear mind moving forward. who needs to close some loops this month?
13.01.2022 Whether I am growing my business, preparing zoom speeches for schools or running 10kms, I truly believe that desire or success is dependent on me consistently showing up everyday. The key to success, how I stay so consistent is talking little steps day in day out on a repeated basis and showing up.. even when things get tough and I feel like stopping, something we have all experienced throughout the year I’m sure. It’s all about showing up, taking action and having a go. No... matter how many times you fall down, think negatively about yourself, you’re showing up, which is the first huge step. I’d love to know what’s thing you are being consistent with?
13.01.2022 Back to basics for a Monday... It's really not that hard... Be kind to you and others. ... Treat others how you want to be treated. Just be a good human, today and everyday! Happy Monday x
10.01.2022 It's Day 2 of Women’s Health Week Today is all about cardiovascular health keeping our heart healthy . Here are 7 things that we can do to keep our heart healthy: 1. Eat healthy - Fuel your body with fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Avoid alcohol , processed foods and sugar . ... 2. Get active - Aim to move your body for a minimum 30 min a day. Do your favourite home workout, walk with a friend, dance in your living room, move your body in a way that is fun for you and gets the blood flowing! 3. Stay at a healthy weight. Eat well Sleep well Move your body Manage stress Meditate Nourish your relationships around you 4. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke . 5. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.(Eat healthy and move your body ) 6. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Aim to limit the amount of alcohol to 1-2 glasses per sitting. 7. Manage stress . Let's be honest- if you're in Melbourne this is probably a struggle for you, I hear you! Here is my little tip- Stop and deep breathe, repeat 10 x. Happy Tuesday beauties
07.01.2022 I'm excited to be appearing in the Cuppa Of Life Virtual Cafe tomorrow morning at 8.30am Sydney time to share some morning inspiration and to help people start their day with a dose of positivity and raise much needed funds for Gotcha4Life. It’s FREE to enter so register your virtual seat at www.cuppaoflife.com and we will see you in the Cafe for an early morning cuppa and a chat! @cuppaoflifecafe ... @funlocka @gotcha4life See more
06.01.2022 for Friday ..... One of the things me and my team do every friday is stop and reflect on the week. What worked well? ... What didn't work well? What did I learn from this? What would I do differently next time? I love knowing that if something isn't working for me right now, there is always something to learn, and grow from. Take some time this weekend to stop, reflect, if something is not working - what do you get to learn from this. Happy Friday Beauties
06.01.2022 If we can impact just one person then we've done a good job #sheinspiresme Dr Lisa Gadd
03.01.2022 It’s Friday plus it’s a brand new month, so there’s so many things I love to get clear about as we roll into the new month. So with a clear head every month I ask myself these few questions to help me progress and get results for the month ahead! 1 What I want to achieve for the month both personally and professionally. ... 2 Then I also look at what’s working for me in all areas of life (physical, mental, business, social, friends and family, finances and spiritual). What’s not working and what do I get to do differently. Love to hear what do you do to set your month up? Happy Friday
02.01.2022 It’s women’s health week Today's theme is all about turning our attention inward and looking at our bladder, gut and bowel health. Bladder, bowel and gut health is not a common topic of conversation, but it's super important to our health. With 70% of our immune system found in our gut, poor gut health can affect our immune system, our energy levels and even our weight. ... Here are my top 5 tips for a healthy gut: Taking a good quality probiotic can help support good gut health and can help restore good gut flora, especially if you have taken antibiotics (which wipe out all the good gut flora). Drink plenty of , aim to have 2-3 litres of water on a daily basis to help with food digestion and to keep your bowels healthy. Chew your food. Often when we are rushing and so busy or 'multi tasking' we often forget to eat slowly, chew our food and enjoy our meal. Chewing our food helps with digestion and allows our body to get all the nutrients from our food. Move your body daily . As humans we are designed to move- so find your favourite movement activity - yoga, running, zumba, get moving supports the body in functioning effectively, plus it releases serotonin - the feel good hormones. Manage your stress. Recognising when our bodies are experiencing periods of stress are the first steps. Stress can affect our body in many ways- and our gut health is one of them. Try this deep breathing technique to help calm you down- breathe in for the count of 3 and out for 6, repeat x 5. Happy Wednesday beauties
02.01.2022 Here is a little hump day reminder to back yourself, today and everyday. You got this, You can do it, You deserve it, ... So go get it Tag a beauty that needs this little reminder today!
01.01.2022 It’s been a busy week for us here @livinghealthgroup but not to busy for Santa to stop by and visit the community
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