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Dr Lu Fenny in Gold Coast, Queensland | Veterinary surgeon

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Dr Lu Fenny

Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 402 689 189


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23.01.2022 Perth Peeps I am baaaaack! Currently 5 days into my 14 day isolation period so home visits will commence from July 27th. I have over 120 Perth Patients on my list whom have requested a visit whilst I am back and I can't wait to see you all! My lovely nurse Rose will be getting in contact with everyone on this list to book a visit in the next couple of days.... Please email [email protected] if you would like to book an appointment - or to confirm you are on the bookings list. In the meantime, I am still ever-available for video/phone consults which can cover a lot. And my nurse Rose can get herbals and/or meds ready to express post to you or from collection from Cottesloe or Rivervale. BTW there is no "iso bored" situation over here... I am so grateful to be having some catch-up time with my huge pile of overdue admin! Also I am still catching up on patient requests for Video Consults. Both with regular patients that need a reassessment on their treatment plans, plus NEW patients that need to get started with a second opinion on their current treatment plan. Don't hesitate to get in touch if your fur-babe needs my care! See more

22.01.2022 #fridayflashback to my first trip to Kalimantan to volunteer with the Orangutan, circa 2013. This was a very thirsty moment after marching through Jakarta dressed in an orangutan suit in 35 degree heat and close to 100% humidity! I spent 2 weeks with an incredibly inspiring young group of Indonesian activists, helping out with Orangutan rescues, orphan care and protest rallies. We ... This was a life-changing experience and I have been back another three times since. The Orangutan share 98% of our DNA and are very dear to my heart! You can make a huge difference by simply saying no to palm oil ( check your labels!) and support my friends at @ofi_australia and See more

22.01.2022 One of the great delights of being a home visit vet is the opportunity to enjoy getting to know my pet patients (and my pet parents!) in the relaxation of their own homes. I get to experience their personalities much better, understand their role in the household and the nature of the bond with their hoomans. None of which is usually possible in a clinic when the pet is too stressed/ over excited / distracted by all the crazy weird smells - and confined to a 15 min...ute time slot. Most of the time, they have no idea I’ve just given them a sneaky examination! Obviously the rectal temp will give it away but I don’t need to do this on every check. It also means I can observe things in their environment that might be causing issues, for example Plants and other allergens in the garden that might contribute to itchy issues I can have a proper look at what they are currently being fed and make recommendations. I can review the products they are currently using, whether they are medications, supplements or shampoos, and let my pet parent know which ones we can re-use and which ones to change Has your pet had a home-visit before? What did they think?! See more

19.01.2022 How do you ensure your pet's fresh food diet is nutritionally balanced? Simple - Step one is to make sure they are getting organ meat! It will probably gross you out a bit.. or a lot! But feeding fresh organ meats will pack some serious punch into your pets diet. ... They're a fantastic source of a long list of goodies listed including: Vitamin D which is essential to the body in reducing inflammation, regulating the immune system and preventing cancer. Unlike humans whom can boost their Vitamin D levels via sun exposure, dogs rely on sourcing 100% of their Vitamin D stores from their diet Taurine - essential for cats B-vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and folate. Minerals, including iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K Ideally your (adult) dog or cats diet should have around 10% organ meat, 20-30% veggies and the rest meat and meaty bones. I also feel good about feeding organ meats and offal because often they will go to waste. If an animal has died to produce our dinners, I like the idea that every single part of the animal is going to be used. You don't necessarily need to feed organ meat at every single meal, but I'd recommend figuring out approximately how much they'd need in a 1 or 2 week period to provide their 10% of the total diet then make sure they get around that volume on average. Any kind of organ meat is fine but try to feed a variety of different organ meats (ideally a different type per 1-2 weeks). What's your pets favourite? My cats have always gone absolutely psycho for any kind, especially chicken hearts here. Both doggies Ernie and Wombat are fussy about organ meat so I need to blend them up (usually with some leafy greens / veggie scraps) then mix with whatever meat they are getting. Please comment below with what organ meats your pets love and which ones they hate.. and how you get it into them! NOTE - growing pups and kittens need different ratios for bone development so get in touch for help! See more

19.01.2022 ELEVEN BULLDOG POOOOPIES!!! I had the pleasure of vaccinating this delightful litter of American Bulldog pups this week. I was so impressed with the breeder and the health and temperaments of the pups and parents that I was seriously considering one.... But my Wombat is still too much of a handful yet! And it is important not to get a second dog until the first is fully trained!!! Also when choosing a puppy it is super important to meet both mum and dad to assess temperament, as recommended by top vet behaviourist Dr Kate Lindsey @kalmpets For example, if either mum or dad have anxiety of any kind, it is highly likely the pups will be born with anxiety also. Hence it's really important to check that both mum and dad have good temperaments. It's also super important to select a breed for health versus looking a certain way. Yes, some breeds "look divine" but trust me, you don't want a dog that is born with a lifetime of health problems ahead it. Not only is it cruel but it will be both expensive and heartbreaking when your fur babe is unwell all the time. I'm not usually a big fan of brachycephalic breeds i.e. any breeds with squished up faces - as this trait has many associated health problems. However, this litter had quite long noses and hence are less likely to be problematic. Since Covid there has been a huge shortage of puppies and I've seen some crazy prices getting around so I think these little dudes are a bargain at 2K with papers!! And there are five yet to find their homes! Comment here if you are wondering about the health / behavioural issues of any breeds you are considering! And DM if you're interested in one and I will pop you in touch with the breeder! Also here is a fantastic article from Dr Kate about choosing and training your new fur-child See more

18.01.2022 Busy day in my treehouse home formulating herbal blends for some of my beautiful patients around Australia. Every formula is completely different and is tailored to my pets individual needs and health goals. I absolutely love making herbals because each blend has so many different health benefits. ... And unlike many supplements, they are highly absorbable by the body. Rather than waste your money on supplements that might not be absorbed, you might as well ensure your pets supplements are highly absorbable, as well as tailored to their individual needs! Get in touch for a home visit or video consult if you would like to see what herbs might assist your pet. If your fur-babe is on any kind of medication long-term, as a minimum there will definitely be herbs that can help their organs cope with the drugs. See more

17.01.2022 Hola from the hospital! Just had to have a GA and surgery to clean out a dog bite wound! I need to be in hospital for another 48 hours on IV antibiotics so I am in the process of moving all of my patients to next week sorry everyone!! I must admit I’ve done verrrry well to have avoided any serious workplace injuries in the 15 years since graduating Vet School.. Have had plenty of near-misses.. but the only other bite I have had was from a cat in a London clinic circ...a 2007! That one developed into a nasty abscess which I successfully drained myself. My Vet nurse mates can probably remind me of a few more near misses that I have forgotten about! This time around I was bitten by a cheeky French Bulldog on the Gold Coast named Pablo! He took me by surprise as I had finished examining his very sore paw (whilst he was a very brave boy) and went to check his normal paws when he snapped out of the blue! French Bulldogs are definitely not usually the doggos that Vets worry about.. most of my near misses have been from Blue/Red Heelers whom are trained to be snappy! Ie the heels of cattle, hence why they are cattle dogs / heelers! Also German Shepherds whom are notoriously protective of their owners, hence better to examine them away from mum and dad! Next up on my almost bitten list is the deadly Chihuahua! Vets/nurses what are yours?! See more

16.01.2022 Do you have a golden oldy like little Munchkin here?! Pets are considered "geriatric" at just 8 years of age and preventative care is even more important! I recommend a check up every 6 months from this age onwards plus a blood test every 6-12 months screen for disease and imbalances. And yes I can do this at home! ... These are some of the things we can discuss for your elderly dog or cat How to know if they are in pain (often this is not obvious, especially in cats!) Cancer prevention diet and herbs Arthritis prevention and treatment How to observe for and prevent dementia Holistic Dental Care A natural diet filled with anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids Tailored herbal supplements to support their organ function and address imbalances Please post below with your pets age and any questions about your golden oldy! Also I always love to know what is the oldest pet you have owned?! See more

16.01.2022 Thanks for following my Facebook Page! To stay up to date with my vet advice posts and all the Desert Vet updates, be sure to be following my insta page @drlufenny_holisticvet See you on the gram!

14.01.2022 Day 14 of isolation and working non stop... Must admit life hasn't been that different seems I have been work-work-work all year.. and do so many video consults from home anyway! The hardest thing has been missing my baby boy @wombatsnugglepot like crazy, along with our daily beach run and swim at #tallowsdogbeach! This pic was taken the day I collected him at 8 weeks of age from my dear friends farm on Kangaroo Island and we have been together 24/7 since... ... But since COVID, flying your pet with you no longer has the option of accompanied / unaccompanied so whilst our last Perth trip was about $500 return for Wombats flights, this trip would have been $2k... ouch! And he would have hated being cooped up for 2 weeks! But now with another 2 weeks left til I see him.. I am regretting the decision! What's the longest you have had to be away from your Fur-Babe and how did you cope?! BTW home visits commence tomorrow and I have a few appointments left so get in touch if you'd like a visit! For my Northern Rivers / Gold Coast patients I will be taking bookings from August 12th :) See more

14.01.2022 Perth Pet Parents, I am SO SORRY that I had to cut my trip short and wasn’t able to see all of you! Unfortunately when news arrived of the QLD border closing again, I had to drop everything and get myself sorted to get back in time.. Wombat was staying with some special friends on the Gold Coast and I arrived just a few hours before the borders closed to collect him! Unlike the last border closure when I was able to get a pass to cross for work, the restrictio...ns are now super tough and it's not looking like I will be able to get a pass anymore. It was such a shame to have to cancel so many patients whom I was so looking forward to seeing along with going through 14 days isolation so only see about 1/3 of you! Apologies also that we were not able to get in touch with all of you personally, it was a crazy few days getting my pharmacy and herbal formulary packed up.. But as always, there is a lot of advice I can provide over video consult so please get in touch if you need help. And must admit I am feeling very grateful to be reunited with my baby boy @wombatsnugglepot and back home to this beautiful part of the world! Northern Rivers Home visits resume tomorrow! See more

14.01.2022 Please support my friends at Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital

13.01.2022 Is your pet being over-vaccinated? Vaccinations are an essential part of your pets preventative care and are strongly recommended for puppies and kittens. However, unnecessary repeat vaccinations can put the immune system under undue stress and can be avoided by using titre testing to assess your pets immunity. ... A titre test involves taking a blood sample from your pet and assessing their immunity levels to the viral infections we vaccinate against. If your pet has a strong antibody response, they do not need a repeat vaccination. I regularly see pets with strong immunity from 3-7 years following their puppy course! Avoiding unnecessary booster vaccinations is especially important if your pet has ANY kind of chronic / ongoing illness or immune system issue. For example - Skin allergies IBD Auto immune conditions Well done @charli_the_blue_staffy for being such a good girl for her booster See more

10.01.2022 I luuuurve my precious and ever-expanding Herbal Formulary! This photo was taken a few months ago and my collection now includes 52 different herbs. When you consider that each individual herb usually boasts at least 5 medicinal benefits (often more!) - that means there is a lot of GOOD in this collection! ... They are all human-grade and the very same products your Naturopath would prescribe to you. I love using herbs for so many reasons... Liquid herbs are one of the most purest forms of natural medicine Due to this pure form, the body recognises and hence absorbs them much more effectively than synthetic supplements (which might not be recognised at all) - hence results are more effective. Herbal formulas are tailored to your pet and contain a blend of 4-8 herbs, all chosen to best support your pet's treatment goals They improve your pet's health by restoring balance and supporting the body’s own in-built healing mechanisms. They have proven results with a number of conditions and can be safely used alongside most conventional medications. Conditions that can respond well include: Chronic diseases & Cancer prevention Arthritis & joint disease Itchy skin, allergies & skin infections Endocrine disorders (ie hormonal imbalancesincluding Cushings, Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism) Digestive disorders (IBD / IBS, colitis, vomiting & diarrhoea) Pancreatitis Kidney & Liver disease Heart disease & blood pressure problems Cognitive problems including dementia Immune mediated diseases and immune deficiencies (FIV) Respiratory infections Cystitis & bladder stones, FLUTD They can also be used an an adjunct to support treatment of anxiety, other behavioural issues, epilepsy and cancer. The herbal formula is a liquid that can be easily mixed with your pets food Herbs are incredibly safe and I am able to prescribe after a video consult and have posted Australia wide See more

07.01.2022 Does your dog suffer from recurrent ear infections? Are you frustrated with course after course of antibiotics? And of course your poor fur babe being uncomfortable all the time, they seriously suck! ... The good news is that many ear infections respond really well to a clean diet! Especially the ear infections with a predominantly yeast overgrowth. Yeast infections (malassezia) usually have a "sweet smell" and a dark brown discharge Signs of an ear infection can include Funky smell and / or discharge Red, inflamed ears Scratching the ears Head shaking Follow the link in bio to my ebook on how to clean up your pets diet naturally, sustainably and cheaply! And get in touch if you'd like a home visit or video chat to discuss natural preventative strategies for chronic skin and ear problems. See more

06.01.2022 Do you have any New Years Resolutions for your Fur Babes? How about improving their health? Perhaps you might like to work on the following goals Improve their diet with less processed food Reduce their reliance on pharmaceutical drugs ... Help their body to heal naturally Tailor their supplements Reduce cancer risk Reduce the use of chemical parasite control Avoid unnecessary vaccines Increase their intake of fresh food & antioxidants If so, we should chat! Comment below with any goals you have for your pet - and also with any pet health topics you would like me to talk more about! Thanks charli_the_blue_staffy for being my beautiful model here!

03.01.2022 Day 10 of quarantine in Perth.. Haven't washed hair in a week hence the hair scarf installation that is now permanently installed on my scalp! And despite working like a bi#atch I am still flat out getting through admin, video consults and new patient booking enquiries.. could easily go another 2 weeks iso-catchup... quite funny when peeps ask if I am bored/ need craft supplies... I wish!!! BUT I am verrrrry excited to start seeing my Perth Fur-Babes from Monday onwards so do make sure you have registered for a booking call from my lovely Nurse Rosie! Best way is to complete new patient booking form which you can find in my bio. Be sure to book now as I will be back at my new home in Byron Bay for the rest of the year! xx

02.01.2022 "Lu I am forever in your debt. I could not have asked for a kinder, more professional, compassionate person to give such a peaceful farewell to my beautiful Charlie and the kindness and understanding you showed me was unprecedented. You are undoubtedly the best vet in this World. " RIP beautiful Charlie and thank you so much Heather for taking the time to give me such heartwarming feedback. It made my week to know I could provide some comfort during such a difficult time for you.

01.01.2022 "I have never come across a vet who I trust more than Dr Lu, she truly has your fur baby’s best interest at heart. One thing we love most about Dr Lu are her home visits because poor Rasc is an absolute wreck at a clinic and being at home is much more relaxing for him. We also (pictured here) have our own little herbal solution made by Dr Lu, that is tailored just for my boy! Packed full of all the things that will give him the best quality of life" Thanks darling Jess for the lovely review, I love looking after your special boy @heyitsrascal_

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