Dr Miranda Myles in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Acupuncturist
Dr Miranda Myles
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9686 7454
Address: The Fertile Project 124 Bridport Street, Albert Park 3206 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: https://mirandamyles.com.au
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25.01.2022 This was three years ago almost exactly. This was the loss of my 9th embaby that didn’t stick: 3 using my own eggs, and 6 from two of my egg donor angels . An embryo transfer takes 10 minutes, barely a blip on the time radar. The pregnancy test even less, 3 minutes tops. But wrapped up in that time warp, is months of hard work, pills, drugs, scans, tests, and being good and doing everything right . Months of sacrifice... . Months of hopes and dreams . The grief is felt soul deep . It is not just another embryo transfer that didn’t work . This wasn’t just my 9th transfer . It was the loss of hopes and dreams of life with my little baby. For anyone going through this, It is the loss of potential and future with your baby. It is the loss of everything you dared to let yourself dream about It was 8 years of trying, and dreaming about how my family would be. How many boys or girls? What will the look like? Who will they be, how will I be as a mum, and imagining all the fun things we would do as a family. Or twins, could I have twins? . Nope. Just another big fat negative #bfn . I wasn’t sure I would ever share this photo, but my sadness and sense of loss have really surfaced over the last couple of days. I’m not sure if that because it is #pregnancyandinfantlossawarenessmonth this month . Or, is the grief exaggerated by the current impossibility of me ever being pregnant again? Is it the devastation I feel that I can’t reach my 7 embabies stuck in Malaysia, and the uncertainty that I don’t know now if I will ever have the chance to create another baby . Please know it is ok to grieve your lost embabies that you homed for however much time.
25.01.2022 Fertility Fundamentals- 5 part series preparing your mind & body for conception Is there anything I can do to prepare for pregnancy Yassss! Healthy babies come from healthy parents . That’s where the 3-4 months before conception really matters. It takes 90-120 days for our eggs to regenerate. What we eat, think, drink and do during that time influences the quality of that little egg, & the genetic material we pass on to our bubba impacting long term health .... Want to improve your chance of conceiving? Let’s do this. What to eat? INCLUDE these: - Mediterranean style is da bomb fertility food. (Don’t like the word diet as it implies prescriptive & restrictive eating that you start & stop. I prefer to think of your food as part of your everyday lifestyle) - Eat the rainbow of fruits and veggies for fibre, vitamins & minerals for hormones, ovulation & pregnancy - 5 cups leafy green veg daily for folate & iron. - To make our hormones, we need good fats. Eat daily: 2 handfuls nuts & seeds, 1-2 tablespoons olive oil / coconut oil, 1/2 avocado. Also include salmon, sardines and small white fish a couple of times per week (not tuna tho due to mercury) - Good quality complex carbs for the endometrial lining. Chose pastas, breads, biscuits or noodles made from quinoa, buckwheat, brown/green/red/black & wild rice, chickpeas, millet, amaranth, teff. Have you ever had chickpea pasta? It’s amazing! - I don’t love gluten in a fertility diet. Whilst there are many causes for unexplained infertility, undiagnosed coeliac disease may be the reason for all cause infertility in 3.5% of women and unexplained infertility in 5.9% of women - If you eat dairy, make sure it’s full fat! Fat helps us feel fuller and gives flavour. If the fat has been removed in your lite yoghurt or fat free milk, then sugar has been added - Water, water, water, water. 33mL per kg body weight (multiply your weight x 33). Water is needed for sperm & egg quality . Remember, it is what we do 80% of the time that matters. If you can be 100% perfect, fabulous. But the stress of trying to be good can negatively effect egg quality So, don’t worry if you can’t always eat perfectly. Progress is key See more
24.01.2022 They were more than just embryos. They are your embabies . And wrapped up in them were your dreams of being a mum, plans for your future as a family, imaginings of hair colour, eye colour, what they would love doing and who they would be soul deep as little humans . For those two weeks, they resided in you. You nurtured and nourished them. You gave them your essence. They have left their mark on your soul and their DNA in your blood. They are and always will be part of you an...d it is ok to grieve the loss, that they didn’t join you earthside. . Many of you know I have two children earthside, conceived using two different donor egg angels. I am forever grateful . I am also the mum of 8 embabies that didn’t stick: 3 using my own eggs and 5 from our donor angels. I am also the mum of 7 embabies that are stuck in Malaysia. I can’t get to them. They are there, I am here . It’s really important to grieve the loss you feel with each failed cycle. Part of the incredible difficulty with #ivf / #deivf is the knowledge and to some degree the reassurance that an embryo is actually in your womb and you are #pupo (pregnant until proven otherwise). There is hope! . And it starts. Hope, loss, hope, loss, hope, of the #tww (two week wait) so close and then not. The grief, the sadness, the pain, the soul deep grief of loss mixed with the uncertainty and overwhelm of will this ever happen for me. . Allow yourself to feel it. Please feel it. Be gentle with yourself. Healing takes time and space . They are and always will be your heavenly embabies #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness See more
24.01.2022 This! This is fertility on a breakfast plate from one of my amazing patients . Paleo toast Eggs Cheese (preferably goats feta)... Spinach Pumpkin seeds Garlic oil Spices of choice . Easy peezy lemon squeezy (yes, I’m the mum of a 6 year old) @restore_body
23.01.2022 Conception Is Not Conscious || Bare with me, I’m just playing around with some thoughts here . My obstetrician years ago said to me ....women have been having babies since forever. Your body knows what to do . Our bodies have an amazing innate wisdom, that, just like breathing, doesn’t require conscious thought. It just knows what to do... . Why then, are so many women (and men) struggling with their fertility? I certainly don’t have all the answers. We know there are a myriad of physical, biochemical, nutritional, lifestyle etc barriers that make it complicated . And then there is the mind. . It’s so horribly ironic. We spend our 20’s actively avoiding pregnancy, and our 30’s (and 40’s) actively trying to conceive . And the whole time we are scared. At school, they make it sound so frighteningly easy, that just thinking about sex seemed dangerous. Our subconscious locks it in, something like I’m scared I’ll get pregnant Fast forward 15 years, the fear has shifted to will this ever happen for me with every conception attempt. The thinking has turned to willing, and the subconscious now perceived conception as difficult & trying And with every month, and every period, we lose more faith in our bodies. More subconscious, shitty, negative thoughts that can have a subsequent physical reaction. The doubt sets in and we no longer trust that our bodies know what to do. Our body believes what our mind perceives But here’s the thing. Our conscious mind doesn’t know everything, especially when it comes to pregnancy! Conception is not conscious, but rather innate wisdom, accessed via the subconscious. We have the ability to tap into the subconscious by changing our conscious thoughts, and creating a fertile mindset. . I am conscious right now that I don’t want to sound too self-help-y and woo woo, or too trite as there are so many pieces in the fertility puzzle. But our minds are powerful. And I’m times of doubt, I want you to remember your body knows what to do. Our minds might need to just get out of our own way
21.01.2022 168 168 different endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) we slap on ourselves everyday . Conventional shampoos, conditioners, body soaps, moisturisers, fragrances, perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants all contain EDC’s... . And that’s just from personal hygiene products! In total, our daily exposure to EDC’s can be as high as 1400 different chemicals . And these sneaky little buggers mess with our hormones & fertility . I talked about where we find some of the most horrible offenders and what to do about them a couple of posts ago . A few more low tox tips: - swap out your conventional cosmetics for mineral make-ups (confession: I’ve swapped most, but can’t find a foundation love as much as my Stay Fast Revlon. Any suggestions?) - stop plastic water bottles. Swap for reusable ceramic. I lurvvvvvv Frank Green. Day are da bomb https://frankgreen.com.au/collections Plus you can customise - be sure your lunch boxes are BPA free. I love Stuck On You, specially for the kids - organic cotton / bamboo sheets, mattress protectors, doona covers - you could try making your own surface spray with your fave essential oils: Surface Cleaner 1 cup distilled water 1 cup white vinegar 1/2 lemon juice 15 drops fave essential oil. For a fresh, crisp smell I love the citrus oil- lemon, wild orange. Peppermint, lavender also great Pinch of elbow grease Put in glass spray bottle. Done
21.01.2022 The big V word...should I go there? Oh, ok, if you insist... . IVC. IntraVenous Vitamin C! Da bomb. On Saturday I had another vitamin C shot @reclaim_health with the gorgeous Dr Ash @drashaesthetics_ . Vitamin C is brilliant for increasing immune response. It is also concentrated in the adrenal glands, helping us cope even better during times of stress... . You’ve been amazing Melbourne. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I know for myself though I have vacillated between all number of emotions, and my poor old adrenals feel a tad overworked. Vitamin C helps our adrenals pump out cortisol to improve our stress response and stop us falling emotionally apart . The reason I love it intravenously is you can have mega doses without causing diarrhoea. A standard oral therapeutic dose starts at 1 gram daily up to 10 grams. As dose goes up, absorption decreases flooding the tissues and leading to osmotic diarrhoea. So, it’s best to split your doses and have small amounts (250mg) more frequently across the day. That would mean at least 4 times a day to meet 1g which quite frankly is just impractical for most of us mere mortals. Who has time?! . IVC is 15 g straight into the blood stream, bypassing intestinal absorption . We put B vitamins & magnesium into my drip, both for stress, energy producing, calm and better sleep. I’ve got so much I’m creating in my head right now, my sleep has been all over the shop. Magnesium & B6 increase serotonin & melatonin (happy & sleep hormones) . We also did a magnesium push, flossing my system quickly with magnesium. Because it is a blood vessel relaxant, blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow and heat. It’s the weirdest sensation of flushes of heat and wet all at the same time . It takes about 15 mins I think. I actually lose track of time as I kinda go off into lah-lah land. And it doesn’t really hurt. Just the cannula going in feels a bit stingy . I love it. It’s like a big cloud clears from my mind, allowing calmer, clearer thoughts. And colours seem brighter . If you mention me, my beautiful friend Kellie (some of you will remember from my old clinic) will give you 10% off . Are you game? Have you tried it? See more
20.01.2022 What about when I’m pregnant. Can I have coffee then? I just need one in the morning to get me going. I get asked this all.the.time . The short answer is no apparently. A 2020 review of 48 observational studies and meta analysis has found there is no safe caffeine level in pregnancy . It was found that drinking caffeine (coffee AND tea) during pregnancy is associated with negative pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight and / or small for gestat...ional age, preterm birth... . And they take it a step further advising not only all pregnant women, but also all women CONTEMPLATING PREGNANCY (ie #ttc) avoid caffeine. . Yes, it includes tea. . And maybe even chocolate. Hot chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate . Chai? Yup. Unless you want to drink that crappy powdered stuff. Any source of caffeine, not just coffee . The slightly longer answer is that the current recommendations and guidelines suggest up to 200mg of caffeine (about 1 cup of coffee per day) whilst pregnant is fine and I think it used to be up to 4 caffeinated drinks per day during pregnancy was ok. I certainly think 4 is too many, but go gentle on yourself if you have been enjoying 1 standard cup per day. . If you are thinking about pregnancy, I would suggest trying to eliminate caffeine now, prior to pregnancy. In clinic, when I am helping my gorgeous ladies prepare for pregnancy, there is such resistance and push back to give it up. Even more so than giving up sugar What am I going to have instead? Water. Herbal tea. Rooibos is a great alternative . It helps me to poo first thing Then you could include more fibre and water in your diet . I know it’s hard. I’ve done it whilst I was prepping for preg. I actually haven’t had coffee for 8 years. Day 4 is usually the worst. Sometimes day 5. Headaches, nausea, vomiting, tired, feeling hung over but not, just NQR. It. An be really awful to give it away. But if you can, I think it’s worth it. . Tell me what have you find to give up caffeine? Was it hard? Someone asked me to share the link: https://ebm.bmj.com//2020/09/01/bmjebm-2020-111432.full.pdf
20.01.2022 Day 5 of our Christmas GIVEAWAY, and we have an amazing TOXINS & FERTILITY MASTERCLASS for you from the incomparable @twolinesfertility . Want to learn the truth on endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their impact on your fertility? Lucy, from @twolinesfertility and @futurefertilitysafe has spent years researching the impact that toxins like BPA can have on your fertility... She says: "What messes with your hormones will mess with your fertility - and fixing that isn’t just about avoiding spraying the weeds in the garden or going 'organic' or vegan" Lucy has put together a Masterclass covering the facts in a clear concise way - what are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, how do they impact your hormones (and what are your hormones anyway?) and how you can easily reduce your exposure to them She has very kindly gifted her Toxins and Fertility Masterclass for two lucky winners! Want to win it? To enter, all you need to do: 1. Follow this page @drmirandamyles and @thefertileproject 2. Follow @twolinesfertility 3. Tag a friend who would also love this gift & make sure they are following all 3 accounts also- @drmirandamyles, @thefertile_project and @twolinesfertility then you’ll both be in with a chance. Tag as many people as you like! One tag per comment. Entries close Thursday 17th Dec 2020 Lucky winners announced Friday 18th Dec 2020
20.01.2022 Your mental health matters as much as (if not more than) the physical. Today is #mentalhealthday and I just wanted to share with you some of my all time favourite nutrients and foods to support you, mind and body, and help flatten your emotional curve. Magnesium is natures calming mineral, soothing the nervous system, & relaxing muscles. Serotonin, GABA, dopamine & norepinephrine depend on magnesium for manufacture & function. A magnesium deficiency: fatigue, insomnia, musc...le tension, and of course stress, ANXIETY & panic. Muscle cramps & twitching eyelid are two tell tale signs of magnesium deficiency. Foods: walnuts, almonds (nuts generally), dark green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, black beans, avocado, yoghurt, bananas, rolled oats . B Vitamins (B3, B6, B12 & Folate). B vitamins are essential for healthy nerves and brain cells. B12 deficiency, has been shown to increase mood swings and depression. B5 supports the adrenals. B9 (folate) & B12 are important in balancing out depressive moods. B6 plus magnesium balances anxiety that occurs in conjunction with PMS. Foods: Nuts & seeds, especially sunflower seeds & pistachio nuts, sardines, salmon, turkey, poultry, eggs, grass-fed beef, lamb, bananas, avocado, spinach & dark green leafy vegetables . Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body needs to produce serotonin. Foods: turkey, nuts, seeds, beans & eggs . Antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc.). Super important to protect our brains from free radicals and inflammation which would otherwise interfere with neurotransmitter production and ultimately mood Foods: blueberries, acai, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, dark green leafy vegetables . Omega-3s are essential for adequate brain development & function. They reduce inflammation which would otherwise interfere with neurotransmitter production and ultimately mood Foods: Salmon, sardines, white bait, mackerel, herring, halibut, linseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, avocado, flaxseed/olive/sesame oil, coconut oil/milk/yoghurt, egg yolks. BUTTER (not margarine)
20.01.2022 As women, we can be exposed to as many as 1400 EDC’s daily Part 4/5 Fertility Fundamentals: Chemicals Can Cancel Conception . Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC’s) are a class of chemicals that interfere with our natural hormones & fertility .... Some EDCs block our hormones from doing their job, whilst others act as "hormone mimics" and trick our body into thinking they are real hormones. Some EDCs disrupt how are hormones are made, whilst others affect recognition of our natural hormones The net effect? Hormonal Hell! . EDC’s can cause reduction in sperm quality, fertility issues in both sexes, endometriosis, early puberty, altered nervous system & immune function ... Various EDCs may cross the placenta to our growing bubba, and some can also be transferred from Mum to Bub via breast milk . We are exposed to EDC’s all the time from from food, drink, air and through our skin. From the use of conventional make-up, soap, moisturiser, perfume, shampoo & conditioner, we can be absorbing 168 different chemicals through our skin, DAILY! . Some biggies to avoid: - DDT & glyphosate : pesticides (round-up) - Lead, cadmium, phthalates : children’s toys - Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) & dioxins : lubricants, personal care - Bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates : plastics, food storage, RECEIPTS - Flame retardants: kids clothing & mattresses & building materials - Phthalates, Parabeans, UV Filters: personal care products, perfumes, synthetic fragrances, scented candles, fly sprays, conventional sunscreen - Triclosan: soaps - Perfluorochemicals: Textiles, Clothing, Non-Stick Food Wrappers, Mircowave Popcorn Bags, Old Teflon Cookware - Soy: phytoestrogens that mimic our natural oestrogen. Hellloooooo oestrogen dominance! . Choose: - natural shampoos, conditioners, body wash, skincare, cosmetics etc free from phthalates, parabens & fragrance - avoid tinned foods - use glass jars or beeswax wraps for food storage - avoid conventional heavy duty household cleaning chemicals, surface sprays, laundry/ bathroom / toilet cleaners, antibacterial hand-sanitisers, dishwashing liquid. Choose natural brands. I love Abode . Check out @thelowtoxfox for beautiful, natural products. See more
19.01.2022 On the back of #worldmentalhealthday2020 yesterday, I thought I would share with you (again) some of my most favourite tips for dealing with the vacillating emotions that comes with anxiety . I use at least one of these everyday to practice mindfulness and maintain a healthy mindset. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t experience anxiety, or that I will never feel it again. We can’t control what happens around us, and external influences can create anxiety within us. But it’s abou...t mindfulness . Mindfulness does not ask us to stop or control our thoughts, judgements or negative experience. Rather, mindfulness asks that within our experiences, we pay attention to what is happening in that moment. To have awareness of our behaviour, our reactions at any point in time . Using strategies such as belly breathing, journalling, the 5-4-3-2-1 meditation, or simply having a warm, bubbly bath (if you have just had an #ivf or #DEIVF in the last 24 hours, don’t have a bath) allows us to practice mindfulness and be more prepared to confront a stressful situation with a sense of calm and ease, rather than angst and freneticism . I have also created The Anxiety Relief Project, a 2 week program with 14 different simply strategies you can practice everyday to help manage anxiety. You will receive a daily email from me with a new technique to try. By practising different methods and techniques, you will be beautifully armed to face anything. Link in bio Ps. You are not your anxiety. And no, you weren’t born that way.
18.01.2022 Today is day 7 of our 7 days of Christmas GIVEAWAY and features the ULTIMATE NURSING BRA from @lennyroseactive . Ultimate Nursing Bra: proudly endorsed by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, our underwire-free Ultimate Nursing Sports Bra is physiotherapist designed to comfortably support your growing bust and posture throughout your pregnancy to nursing journey (and beyond!). With adjustable postural support, breastfeeding panels and frame, the only bra you need to carr...y you through pregnancy, nursing + beyond . You know what to do- To enter, all you need to do: 1. Follow this page @drmirandamyles 2. Follow @thefertile_project 3. Follow @lennyroseactive 4. Tag a friend who would also love this gift & make sure they are following all 3 accounts also- @drmirandamyles, @thefertile_project and @lennyroseactive then you'll both be in with a chance. You can tag as many people as you like. One tag per comment. Every winner will also receive my 14-day The Anxiety Relief Project subscription free! Entries close Thursday 17th Dec 2020 Lucky winners announced Friday 18th Dec 2020 . Just a reminder, entries remain open for the other 6 days too. Go back and see the other fabulous prizes Australian entrants only for this one
17.01.2022 Parents come in all different shapes and sizes. Every woman deserves the opportunity to be a mum and every man a dad. However each and everyone one of intend on becoming parents is as valid as conceiving naturally . For soooooo many us it is just not as simple as having sex at the right time and falling pregnant (sounds like an accident, right? Oh oops, I just fell over and bam, pregnant!) . For many intending parents it takes such hard work, planning, thinking, organis...ing. And trying. Oh the trying is so trying. Trying, and trying and trying a bit more . And with every new technique tried comes another dose of hope And with every failed attempt comes another bout of grief And the cycle starts. Hope, grief, hope, grief, hope, grief . One of the other things I think is really important is to let go of the shoulds. We need to surrender to the processes and free ourselves from how it should be, what we should do, how we should feel . I used to always think to myself that I could help get everyone else pregnant so I should be able to do it for myself. I should be able to conceive naturally too . And that’s when I realised what naturally actually meant for me. My natural, my normal was to use donor eggs to conceive and create my family. I didn’t know any other way. Nothing else had worked. This did. This was my normal . I think ‘shoulds’ should be removed from the fertility vernacular. Let’s get rid of all the ‘shoulds’: it’s wrapped up with so much comparison, expectation and negativity. And guilt. There shouldn’t be a should! Just what is. What we know to be true and real . I know I’ve accidentally missed some intending parents too: parents to fur babies, step-parents, god-parents, grand-parents, all as important and as parent-like as any other. Any others I’ve missed? See more
17.01.2022 Eat healthy eggs for healthy eggs! Eggs are the most perfect of protein that is essential for the number and quality of healthy eggs and sperm, and is required for fertilisation. The development of the embryo also requires adequate protein . Green leafy veggies such as spinach, kale, rocket, silver-beet, broccoli and chard are a great source of many of our important fertility minerals. Calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D work in conjunction with oestrogen, thus essential for f...ertility. Calcium is important for fertile mucous production and uterine health . Blueberries & raspberries are the berry, berry best berries. Loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that protect our eggs from ageing. The ovaries are rich in Vitamin C, and a continuous rich supply is required required for ovulation. Vitamin C improves hormone levels and increases fertility in women. As an antioxidant, it will assist toxin elimination and protects immune function . Salmon contains omega-3 essential fatty acids, calcium and CoQ10: Calcium is important for fertile mucous production & CoQ10 increases blood flow to the uterus for implantation . Beetroots are a beautiful blood red & improve blood flow to the uterus, essential for embryo implantation. Rich in resveratrol to improve egg quality in older women. One of the healthiest part of the plant are the beet greens, the leafy tops, rich in zinc, magnesium, calcium & more iron than spinach . LSA (linseeds, sunflower seeds and almonds), chia, pumpkin & sesame. All the seeds- try seed cycling to support oestrogen and progesterone through your cycle . Walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts for EFA’s, magnesium, B6, vitamin E, selenium, zinc: for uterine health, blood flow, egg quality & support progesterone levels . Avocados are the fertility fruit from the gods to regulate hormones & contain folate, vitamin E, B6 & good fats for healthy egg production. It takes 9 months to grow an avocado. When sliced, an avocado resembles a uterus with a single seed. Turn one half of an avocado on the side, and it resembles a pregnant woman. If it looks like it, it’s good for it See more
16.01.2022 IV Therapy || I love it! I did this again yesterday- intravenous nutrients. Usually I have vitamin C, vitamin B complex (all the B’s) & magnesium, and usually takes about 20 mins . IV drip therapy is a really effective way of getting vitamins & minerals into your system as it bypasses the entire digestive process. Instead, the nutrients are pumped directly into your blood to your cells, available for immediate use. Effectively, 100% absorption . This time I had all the B’s an...d NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, the active co-enzyme form of vitamin B3, and it took 1 1/2 hours! This one is a slow drip, otherwise it can make you feel a bit antsy . NAD repairs & restores both mind & body (mind-body medicine, right up my alley), maintaining DNA integrity & preventing cellular damage. As we age (choking on my words), along with everything else, our NAD levels droop. We wind up saggy, soggy & sluggish. Saggy skin, soggy brain, sluggish energy . The good bit. NAD sharpens our brain, protects & repairs our DNA, pumps up metabolism and fights fatigue. I will be 10 years younger! . Thank-you again my beautiful friend Kellie @kellie_greene_ and the gorgeous Dr Ash @drashaesthetics_ (seriously ladies, he is gorgeous, and a Doctor...) @reclaim_health . And I have checked with an IVF fertility specialist that it is fine to have IV nutrient therapy during IVF. But PLEASE, always check with your specialist first, and @drashaesthetics_ See more
14.01.2022 Part 2/5: Fertility Fundamentals: baby making nutrients. What does the perfect baby making supplement look like? You don’t need to take every pill under the sun. Please don’t just take any old supplement because your best friend did and it worked for her! . Supplements fundamentally change our biochemistry (I know coz I lecture in nutritional biochemistry) and you want to make sure you are doing the right thing, for you, your hormones & your fertility .... Supplements contain micronutrients- teeny, tiny amounts of nutritional goodness that sure pack a punch for fertility, conception & a successful pregnancy. During the preconception period and pregnancy, I always recommend good-quality, practitioner-only, appropriately prescribed pregnancy supplements. No, they are not just making expensive wee!They are your insurance policy that you and your baby are getting what you need. Note of caution: Pleessaaaassssseeeee do not simply rely on pills for your nutritional requirements. They are called supplements for a reason- to supplement your food . What does the perfect baby making nutritional supplement look like? - active folate (MTHF or folinic acid), B6, B12 for healthy eggs & sperm - all the B’s for mitochondrial support - vitamin C for ovulation, hormones & fertility - vitamin D for hormone production - vitamin E is the fertility nutrient - minerals including zinc, selenium, iodine, iron, calcium & magnesium - phytonutrients include CoQ10, resveratrol, lipoic acid . We may also need extra choline, myoinositol, carnitine, EFA’s . It is unlikely (impossible) to find everything you need in one pill. You may need several different supplements to meet your requirements, depending on many factors such as your age, health status, diet, lifestyle, egg quality, whether you are trying naturally or with IVF, or DEIVF... it is not one size fits all . For more info, head over to my blog and check out Fertility Nutrients When Trying To Conceive . This is not an exhaustive list either. It is a bit of a checklist, and really just to say, don’t self prescribe. Have a fertility based naturopath, nutritionist, or TCM practitioner prescribe them for YOU.
14.01.2022 It’s exhausting. Even the name is exhausting. It’s trying. The trying is oh so trying. But, I prefer ‘trying to conceive’ than ‘falling pregnant’...Oh, I was just moseying along, tripped over, and bam! Pregnant! For so many of us, it ain’t no accident . It is easy to get worn down. I thought I’d share with you some things I did . Forget about the ‘shoulds’, how it ‘should’ be. There is so much shame and guilt wrapped up in should. Your journey, your conception is your shoul...d, it is your normal . Manage the anxieties. There are some beautiful mantras (I posted 10 of these a couple of posts ago). Trust your body is fertile and knows what to do Acupuncture rocks for helping anxiety, and improving fertility If you would like some extra guidance, I have also created a free download - top 6 ways to relieve anxiety. Link in bio . Tests, scans, appointments, pills, drugs, acupuncture (!!). So much! It helps to be organised, and take each moment as it comes. Stay present in what is happening now, try to let go of the what if it doesn’t work, how long will I need to do this? That breeds more anxiety & uncertainty . You can take a break from fertility. Have some time away, eat liberally, stop charting, leave your meds at home. You need a rest. Even just for a couple of days to rejuvenate. Most women will do back to back IVF cycles. That’s fine. But it’s also fine to take a month off. One month to the next is not a deal breaker . Find your tribe. Find the people you can share with. Who honour you and your story. I found the best people had been through it too. After all, it’s difficult to seek the right directions on a road they have never travelled Unfollow people who make you feel crappy- socials, FB support groups etc.. Find your right clinic, doctor, IVF specialist, acupuncturist, naturopath... you need your right support team where you are not just a number. If you are made to feel like a nuisance because you ask questions, fire them! Your body. Your journey. You are allowed . Managing other people questions is always a bit tricky. I have called people out, I have politely explained. I like I will have my baby when it is ready to come
12.01.2022 Day 6 of Christmas GIVEAWAYS is a $50 gift voucher for you and a friend from @modibodi period undies . PERIOD UNDIES: love, love, love. So comfortable, and hold about 20 ml blood. Great for the environment, reduce landfill, reduce $, available for all blood flow amounts- light / medium / heavy / overnight, all sorts of different styles- boy leg / classic / bikini / sport / even for swimming! I love @modibodi.. . If you‘ve always wanted to try them, this is your chance... . To enter, all you need to do: 1. Follow this page @drmirandamyles 2. Follow @thefertile_project 3. Follow @modibodi 4. Tag a friend who would also love this gift & make sure they are following all 3 accounts also- @drmirandamyles, @thefertile_project and @modibodi then you'll both be in with a chance. You can tag as many people as you like. One tag per comment. Every winner will also receive my 14-day The Anxiety Relief Project subscription free! Entries close Thursday 17th Dec 2020 Lucky winners announced Friday 18th Dec 2020 Easy peasy lemon squeezy (yup, I’m the mum of a 6 year old)!! Now GO!
12.01.2022 We made it. We really made it! Thank you for making this year bearable. Wishing everyone a beautiful, peaceful and calm Christmas and new year . This time last year, not for a minute did I think I wouldn’t see my mum for 1 year. I’ve never gone that long, even when I lived in Sweden .... I will never again take open borders, and the freedom to roam aimlessly for granted again . I will treat each moment with those that I adore as precious gems . Hug those you love a little bit closer this Christmas . Be kind. To yourself too . I’m taking a break with my mum and family at home in Portland, New Years in Harrietville, and then home again . 2021: the new year, the new you. Have a think about your health goals and what you want your health, hormones and fertility to look like . I see you. I can help you do it, be it, become it. The best of you in 2021 See more
10.01.2022 Conception Is Not Conscious | Part 3/5 Fertility Fundamentals: Fertile Mind (Cont’d. Go back a few posts) . Conception is not conscious, but rather innate wisdom, accessed via the subconscious. We have the ability to tap into the subconscious by changing our conscious thoughts, and creating a fertile mindset. . I am conscious right now that I don’t want to sound too self-help-y and woo woo, or too trite as there are so many pieces in the fertility puzzle. But our minds are powerful. And in times of doubt, I want you to remember your body knows what to do. Our negative minds and thoughts might need to just get out of our own way
10.01.2022 Not all supplements are created equal. There are many prenatal vitamins, common ones available from pharmacy, that may not contain the right forms or the right dose of nutrients for you . Specifically, there are many out there that contain high doses (800mcg) of folic acid. If you have an MTHFR polymorphism (defect) of which 60% of us do, this is too much folic acid . Let me explain- ... MTHFR is an enzyme with two genes that encode for it - C677T & A1298C. It’s role is to methylate, process & utilise folate. Folate metabolism affects ovarian function, implantation, embryogenesis and the entire process of pregnancy . Folic acid is not folate! (See a couple of posts ago folate vs folic acid). Yes they are both vitamin B9, but folic acid is synthetic and used in food fortification whilst folate is natural, found in foods. If you have an MTHFR defect, your ability to use folic acid is reduced by around 50%. Plus, high doses of supplemental synthetic folic acid floods the receptor sites, blocking and preventing real folate from being able to do its job . I prefer my patients with an MTHFR defect to take an upper limit of 200mcg folic acid only, swapping it out for either high dose folinic acid or L-5 MTHF - real folate. Please have your folate appropriately prescribed. It’s not one size fits all See more
10.01.2022 OMG I love my work . Finally, if you have been hanging out to come in to clinic to see me face-to-face (or mask-to-mask), from 11.59 tonight, you can (although I’ll be home in bed) . I know do many of you have been waiting until you were able to have your spot in person and I can’t wait to see you. Just one thing, I am almost booked out until Christmas, with few appointments left, and already filling up Jan & Feb 2021. So jump online to book or call the clinic - 9686 7454
10.01.2022 The pill doesn’t doesn’t regulate your hormones . The pill doesn’t fix your period pain . The pill doesn’t resolve your acne... . The pill suppresses your symptoms. Period. It don’t fix nothin’. Exactly what your period was before you started the pill will be exactly how your period is when you stop the pill. In the meantime, it kills the messengers . Your menstrual cycle is your monthly report card. Listen to your symptoms as they are your most unique and special messengers telling you exactly what needs your attention for you to be the best version of you See more
10.01.2022 Part 3/5 Fertility Fundamentals: Fertile Mind (cont’d). (In)fertility is stressful, overwhelming, exhausting. The trying is oh so trying. And it creates anxiety. Many of my patients tell me they had never suffered such anxiety and uncertainty that comes with (in)fertility . would share with you (again) some of my most favourite tips for dealing with the vacillating fertility emotions . I still use at least one of these everyday to practice mindfulness and maintain a healthy ...mindset. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t experience anxiety, or that I will never feel it again. We can’t control what happens around us, and external influences can create anxiety within us. But it’s about mindfulness . Mindfulness does not ask us to stop or control our thoughts, judgements or negative experience. Rather, mindfulness asks that within our experiences, we pay attention to what is happening in that moment. To have awareness of our behaviour, our reactions at any point in time . Using strategies such as belly breathing, journalling, the 5-4-3-2-1 meditation, or simply having a warm, bubbly bath (if you have just had an #ivf or #DEIVF in the last 24 hours, don’t have a bath) allows us to practice mindfulness and be more prepared to confront a stressful situation with a sense of calm and ease, rather than angst and freneticism. Link in bio for the top 6 ways to relieve anxiety- it’s a free download and explains it all . I have also created The Anxiety Relief Project, a 2 week program with 14 different simply strategies you can practice everyday to help manage anxiety. You will receive a daily email from me with a new technique to try. By practising different methods and techniques, you will be beautifully armed to face anything and also find the right method that works for YOU. It might not me meditation! Link in bio Ps. You are not your anxiety. And no, you weren’t born that way. What’s your tried and true fave technique? I’d love to hear in comments below
09.01.2022 FEMALE FERTILITY: unfortunately tends to decline due to decreased egg numbers & quality, especially into our 40’s (yep the body clock is real, but don’t let it stop you!). Increased oxidative stress as we age has been identified as a pathogenic mechanism in female (in)fertility (Florou et al., 2020) . AGEING EGGS: CoQ10 deficiency is directly associated with our poor old ageing eggs. Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring enzyme found in the mitochondria of every cell. It is... essential for energy production, circulation and an amazing antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and free radical production. As we age though, we make less CoQ10, leaving our bodies less able to protect our eggs from oxidative damage. CoQ10 can increase both follicle number and egg quality . BLOOD CIRCULATION: CoQ10 is concentrated in the heart (which is heart organ meat is a great source of CoQ10) which acts to improve blood circulation, systemically and to the uterus. In turn, increased blood circulation thickens the uterine lining for implantation . NATURAL / IVF /DEIVF CONCEPTION CoQ10 is important no matter how you are intending on conceiving. In both natural & IVF cycles, it is important for egg quality, follicle numbers, & blood circulation to the uterus for implantation. In DEIVF, egg quality is not relevant. Using gorgeous 20-something year old donor eggs from egg donating angels, there is usually not the age related decline in egg quality. However, in the intending Mum, we still need to ensure the best blood circulation to the uterus to ensure a luscious lining ready to accept that embryo for implantation Swipe left for references
08.01.2022 Not all prenatal supplements are created equal. Many common pharmacy & supermarket prenatals are a waste of money . The best prenatals have the right nutrients, in the right forms at the right doses. Many of the cheaper retail or pharmacy versions contain the wrong forms in the wrong doses . Take out your prenatal. It’s not enough that it says ‘prenatal’, ‘pregnancy multivitamin’, or ‘pregnancy and breast feeding formula’ on the front. Turn it around and take a peek at the la...bel of ingredients. Feel like you’re back in chemistry 101? . What exactly are you looking for? . You really want to be looking for active folate and active B vitamins . To prevent constipation, avoid ‘iron’ or iron sulphate and look for iron bisglycinate, iron amino acid chelate or ferrous fumurate . Vitamin C is best as calcium & magnesium ascorbate rather than ascorbic acid which can cause digestive griping . Definitely look for choline- it is the unsung hero in fertility supplements, essential for bubba’s brain development & cognition. Many prenatals do not contain it . Inositol (as myoinositol) is the ants pants for blood sugar regulation, PCOS treatments, and egg quality . Be careful of high dose folic acid, especially if you have an MTHFR gene mutation (up to 200mcg is fine). Look for the active folate instead . If the label does not specify the form of nutrient, then leave it on the shelf Eg. If it simply says ‘zinc’ or ‘iron’, usually the wrong form . Look for selenium, manganese, molybdenum, silica, chromium, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium & magnesium . Prenatal Hacks -‘it is nigh on impossible to fit everything you need in just one magic pill. Most prenatals are already the size of horse tablets. CoQ10, resveratrol, lipoic acid, fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin D may be required in separate supplements - Supplements are in addition to nutritious food! Think of them as your insurance policy that you are getting what you need - Bright yellow pee does not mean you are weeing it all out - Capsules over tablet. Veggie caps as gelatin caps contain sulfites - Practitioner Only, naturopath prescribed. Afterall, I don’t prescribe antibiotics or crack necks as I am not qualified to
07.01.2022 Fertility Fundamentals: preparing your mind and body for conception . Part 1/5 Fundamental Fertility Foods continued. Go back 2 & 3 posts to catch up! We are talking all things to eat, drink, think and do in the first 90-120 days to prepare for conception. . I don’t want to talk about your fertility diet as that implies restriction and stop start- I’m going on a diet, I began dieting again. Instead, let’s refer to it as your style of eating and make it part of your ev...ery day . Whilst there are certainly foods that are ‘anti-fertility’ and best left on the supermarket shelf, shift your mindset and focus on the abundance of included foods, because once you eat all that, there’s no more room for the crap!! . For me, when I make changes, I like to do it all at once. Overhaul everything so I can really feel the impact of the change. But for you, it may work better to Implement the changes bit by bit, step by step. However it works for you . If you are vegan/veg be sure to include other protein foods instead of meat and fish- include beans, chickpeas, lentils, legumes and pulses. But, be sure a robust digestion to cope! . Intermittent fasting is also fab for your gut and health and hormones. I love the 16:8 style- 16 hours overnight fast with 8 hours of eating between 11am and 7pm . How is your fertile food looking? See more
04.01.2022 The 3-4 months before ovulation and conception really matters. It takes 90-120 days for our eggs to regenerate. What we eat, think, drink and do during that time influences the quality of that little egg, & the genetic material we pass on to our bubba impacting long term health . Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to share with you all my fave tips for preparing your mind and body for conception. Part 1/5 was yesterday- Eating The Rainbow and the best style of fertility diet is Mediterranean. Have a little squiz at it . I’m going to continue sharing food tips for part 1 over the next couple of days. I’ve done all the hard work for you
04.01.2022 Licking the spoon of an egg-free, wheat-free, gluten-free, dairy-free vanilla cake! It was this poppets birthday today. She has an egg intolerance, along with coconut & carrot...(go figure ) so I decided to bake a vegan, gluten-free, wheat free vanilla cake from @minimalistbaker . Fun fact: apple cider vinegar and/ or unsweetened apple sauce replace eggs in vegan cake baking! Who knew?! .... It was essentially amazing except I undercooked it by about 5 mins . Charlie helped decorate . Here’s the recipe: 1 2/3 cup almond/coconut or rice mylk 1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/3 cup apple sauce 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 3 1/4 cups almond flour (not meal) 1 cup potato starch (not flour) 1/3 cup cornstarch or arrowroot 1 1/3 cup organic cane sugar 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt Preheat oven 180 C, grease 2 tins (coconut oil or vegan butter), or 3 if you want triple layer. Mix mylk & apple cider vinegar first, let stand for a couple of minutes before adding remaining wet ingredients. Mix dry ingredients together Add wet to dry Stir until no lumps Should be thick but pourable Divide evenly between tins Cook for 35-40 minutes Let stand and cool . Ice with buttercream frosting and decorate with berries . Confession time: it’s NOT sugar free!! Remember, it’s what you do 80% of the time that matters... Plus I added cream to our buttercream frosting, otherwise it was just too sweet . Try it! You’ll love it.
03.01.2022 Part 3/5 Fertility Fundamentals series: Fertile Mind- preparing your mind for conception . I know when I was trying to conceive I thought my body was failing me. I felt broken. I was overwhelmed, worn out and losing all sense of hope. . With every period, it is very hard to trust that your body won’t let you down, again. ... . Our minds, our thoughts are incredibly powerful, and can get in our way. Your body believes what your mind perceives. But sometimes what you perceive or think is not always factual. It may be down right wrong! . Plus the stress of #ttc. The trying is so trying! The tests, the appointments, drugs, pills, scans on top of the uncertainty is wearing & exhausting . Easy Fertile Mind tips: 1. When you feel your body is letting you down, I want you to remember: Your body knows what to do, despite your mind not having a clue Your mind does not know everything. It tricks us, takes on thought tangents, and is not always factual. Focus on the facts. What we do know, not what we fear or doubt . 2. When you are trying, act as if you are already pregnant. It will subtly change your doubts . 3. Aim for 20 minutes of calm everyday. It may be 20 mins of journaling, breathing or lying with legs up the wall to move you from fright flight sympathetic stress, into calming parasympathetic rest and digest . 4. Do acupuncture. It increases happy hormones . 5. Have a plan for next steps. When things don’t work out, or when this cycle isn’t the one, plan what you’ll do next . 6. Don’t think about your attempts to conceive as failures. It simply wasn’t the one. And with each cycle that isn’t the one you may be moving closer to the one that is . 7. My favourite de-stress exercise I do every morning is called 5-4-3-2-1. It only takes a few minutes. Sit quietly. Breathe quietly for 5 breaths Then, open your eyes and identify: 5 things you can see 4 things you can feel 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste You can repeat if you’d like. This brings you into the present and away from worrying about the future
03.01.2022 My pregnant patients ask me this all the time, especially in their early stages of pregnancy. I am not the expert on this topic, so I asked the amazing Rosie from @lennyroseactive. #Repost @lennyroseactive Have you moved your body today mamas?... It doesn’t need to be complicated or fancy- but it does need to be a daily-ish habit. Did you know the WHO recommendation for exercise for a woman between the ages of 18-24 is 150 mins of moderate intensity per week, or 300 mins of low intensity per week- AND that this is the same for a pregnant mama? Good choices for preggie mamas include: walking yoga strength training pilates swimming low impact cardio And that there is SO much you can do to stay active for you and your growing bubba We have a full education library on our physiotherapist, prenatal yoga + fitness instructor designed platform, answering everything from ‘what intensity of exercise is right for me,’ to ‘when should I stop exercising in pregnancy,’ to ‘core + pelvic floor essentials,’ and so much more, all available in our FREE membership + a full library of trimester by trimester home (or gym) based workouts, yoga, nutrition + mindfulness on our Premium membership for <$10 a week . Watch this space...something special is coming for tomorrow’s GIVEAWAY ...
01.01.2022 Conventional tampons & pads have been found to contain toxic chemicals: - parabens, phthalates & pesticide residue: endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) that mess with our hormones. The wonderful Lucy from @twolinesfertility has a magnificent masterclass Toxins & Fertility that you can win as part of our 7 days of Christmas GIVEAWAY (see my last post to enter!) - triclosan: antibacterial that destroys our vaginal microbe - styrene & chloroform: carcinogens... - dioxins: byproducts of bleaching to make your tampons whiter, which the WHO categorises as highly toxic & known human carcinogens WE THEN ABSORB THESE CHEMICALS VIA OUR VAGINA! . TAMPONS: if you’re a tampon lover, be sure to use organic unbleached cotton, without nasties like @tomorganic. Plus our period blood is meant to flow out, but here we are plugging it up, stopping the free flow and potentially contributing to the reflux of blood back into the uterus (hello endometriosis) and period pain. Not to mention toxic shock syndrome risk, they can block your dunny, and wind up in landfill . PADS: same thing, use @tomorganic or a similar organic cotton brand. Better than tampons as blood is allowed to flow, but not great for landfill, waste, or hip pocket Can get reusable pads . CUPS: haven’t used myself, but women tell me they are amazing. Ensure they are made from medical material. They come in different sizes. Check out @brightgirlhealth as gorgeous Demi can teach you everything you need to know about menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are great for measuring blood loss, good for the hip pocket, can leave in for up to 8 hours, can swim with, no landfill & blood allowed to flow . MENSTRUAL DISCS: similar to cups. They get inserted into your vagina like cups, to collect blood . PERIOD UNDIES: love, love, love. So comfortable, hold about 20 ml blood. Great for the environment, reduce landfill, reduce $, available for all blood flow amounts- light / medium / heavy / overnight, all sorts of different styles- boy leg / classic / bikini / sport / even for swimming! I love @modibodi...WAIT FOR IT...there may be a surprise for you tomorrow...day 6 of our 7 days of Christmas giveaways... See more
01.01.2022 Many a time I have been called a White Witch...
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