Dr Patrick Moloney in Ballarat, Victoria | Medical and health
Dr Patrick Moloney
Locality: Ballarat, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5332 9940
Address: 302 Armstrong St North 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.drmoloney.com.au
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25.01.2022 Self-isolation vs social distancing. They are very different and here's how.
25.01.2022 Thank you for delivering us Pat Eddie 2014, Finn 2016, Axel 2018, Mick 2020 4 boys in 6 years! What an amazing family you have grown Sim. So glad to have helped, thanks for sharing your photos with us
25.01.2022 Part 3: Coronavirus and labour and delivery On our Grow my baby insta and Facebook page we asked our followers what did they want to know about coronavirus and pregnancy. This is part three of a four part series.
25.01.2022 Welcome Ziggy! Congratulations Mel what a beautiful little daughter you have to love. We are all so pleased for you.
23.01.2022 Too good not to share. Pretzels are big.
23.01.2022 We don't hear about assisted delivery as an intervention as commonly as we hear about Caesarean birth. BUT more than a third of mums having their first baby will have their baby born with help from forceps or the vacuum. Seems like something we should know about right?... Mostly we like to record podcasts that you all request via DMs/chats/emails but we can confidently say, this is a podcast no one requested. However - the time to learn about something such as forceps and vacuum is not when they about to be used. I'm a big fan of someone being properly consented before an assisted delivery and sometimes, well, time just doesn't permit a great education. This is definitely something to know about before your labour. Have a listen to ep 30 https://www.growmybaby.com.au//assisted-delivery-a-really-
23.01.2022 Today's the day. Get on the waitlist really quick [BUT if you are already booked with Dr Pat - this is yours for free as part of your pregnancy management fee.] We launch our online expert led pregnancy program at 5pm today. If you really quick you can still jump on our waitlist and get up to 20% off.... Our big mission is to help a whole generation of mamas springboard into their motherhood feeling beautifully prepared. Because right now, we see a lot of anxiety and overwhelm. A lot of I wish I had of known - Lets change that picture! Lets help you feel CALM, CONFIDENT, CLEVER and CONNECTED. Heres what youll get when you become a member: Expert content that covers EVERYTHING you need to know in your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy. Content that is written without the overwhelm. Access to Dr Pat, Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in a fortnightly Facebook live to ask your tricky questions or to talk about whats keeping you up at night. Checklists and printables to take to your hospital and doctor appointments. Knowledge so you can ask ALL the questions to your health care provider. Access to our vast network of specialists think pelvic floor physiotherapist, anaesthetists, psychologist, dietician, first aid for newborn, lactation consultant, sleep consultant. Whos this for: Anyone who is trying to get pregnant or who is pregnant. Anyone currently booked in the public system who needs more access to a pregnancy expert. Anyone seeing a private obstetrician but needs support between visits. You can join at any stage of your pregnancy journey, just pick the bundle that suits you. https://www.growmybaby.com.au/the-program
21.01.2022 Latest ep of The Kick Pregnancy Podcast, listen now on Spotify or iTunes or on our website.
21.01.2022 Ive been cheering Captain Tom on for a few weeks now. Go Captain! Anyone else?
21.01.2022 Dipping our toes outside post lockdown. It got me thinking about what we all could be doing to get our immune system ready for socialising. There are lot of bugs we haven't been exposed in the time we were bunkered down. Some tips to help your immune system: Sleeping well. 6-8 hours is the goal. Eating well. Put fresh fruit and veg high on your priority list.... Vit D exposure. We know Ballarat can get pretty dreary in Winter (6 degrees here today ) so we need to aim for 2-3 hours a week for exposure to the sun. Arms and face is enough, when the UV index is above 3. Check your weather app on your phone for when in the day or week the UV hits 3 and plan your outside time then. This changes in summer where UV index rises and we only need about 2-3 minutes a day. Exercise. Aim for 150 minutes of planned moderate exercise a week or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise a week. Stress reduction. Breathwork, meditation, reading, journaling. Mine's my early morning dog walk. Have you got a favourite?
20.01.2022 "Thank you so much Dr Pat for making the biggest dream of my life come true. A beautiful healthy little girl after 4 boys it’s so surreal. Rose Lillian. My princess " I am just so very thrilled for you. It has been a pleasure helping you grow your family Katherine Kub. Dr Pat.
20.01.2022 Miscarriage. A common pain we share in silence. It seems like weeks ago (actually I think it was) that we asked over on #grow_my_baby what you would like to hear on our podcast. "The Kick Pregnancy Podcast" We had many people ask if we could cover miscarriage. ... 1 in 5 pregnancies will end in a miscarriage but even as common as this is, it's not an easy topic to talk about it. This episode may be hard for some (or all) to hear. Please make sure you have your supports in place if you choose to listen. And we hope everyone listens. Mai tells her story of her miscarriage. It is beautiful, sad with a bundle of hope at the end. Thank you Mai Thank you for those who sent their stories in. Our thoughts are with you all. We mention that you should go back and listen to Ep 6 - Bleeding in early pregnancy. We also mention @cope.org.au @beyondblueofficial @pinkelephantssupport We didn't mention but should have: @pandanational Listen here>> https://www.growmybaby.com.au//miscarriage-the-common-pain artwork @axellerosezwartjes
20.01.2022 Have you heard this? We heard this recently, not one mother to another but broadcast to thousands of people. It gave us shivers. We've also heard: The baby slows down at the end to conserve its energy for birth. Nope... If the baby's movements have slowed it means you will go into labour. Fat nope. Sure there's less space for the baby to move BUT your baby still moves in your uterus right up until birth. I have said it before but imagine if you were sick having a day home in bed, you would still move - even to reach for the remote. If you didn't move at all then you would be really sick right? Same with your baby. It rolls, pushes, flutters, still gets hiccups, jabs at your rib cage right up until birth...just don't expect the full footed kick as the room for the big wind up has disappeared. We covered essential info about normal baby movements, how to monitor them and what to do if there is decreased fetal movements in ep 11 in The Kick Pregnancy Podcast. It's in the link in the bio. We would love to know - is your baby a jabber, a roller, a pusher, constant hiccups or something else?? See more
20.01.2022 This is how Easter is taught in a gynaecologists household. (Yes its a repost from last year but we love it.) Today has been quiet and calm. So different f...rom the busy life we were leading only a couple of weeks ago. Today we would have been in Italy. But home has been amazing, better if they let me win just one game of UNO. We are so grateful for our four healthy boys. And a dog. So grateful for the privilege of living in a house with a backyard. In a city that has dedicated healthcare workers and access to fresh food, water. So grateful for a community who is hopeful. Happy easter everyone. And as tradition goes, may your eggs be plentiful. Its a gynaecologists blessing. X @ Ballarat, Victoria
19.01.2022 Finally I can get back to surgery and I can stop moonlighting as a diagram model Elective surgery is back on for regional Vic! Those who are on my wait list will be getting a call very soon.
19.01.2022 When you work on your birthday and your patient has a great sense of humour. From a couple of years ago but we had to share! Happy birthday Dr Pat! From all of us. (Photo, with permission)
18.01.2022 Does 1% sound a lot or a little to you? To me that sounds like a lot. 1 in 100. Every twist and turn in your pregnancy you might be given a risk statistic, a probability of something occurring, a chance. For me, I think it totally depends on what the percentage is defining. ... If it was a 1% chance of your baby having blue eyes you might think thats nice but if it was a 1% chance of you having an ectopic pregnancy, what would you say? I would say that is something we should know about. Have a listen to the ectopic ep https://www.growmybaby.com.au//ectopic-pregnancy-and-what- @ kimselbyphotography
17.01.2022 New episode of The Kick Pregnancy Podcast is up! This one was a really common request where Brigid and I talk everything IUGR - intrauterine growth restriction. A listen for all those who are pregnant, especially those in later pregnancy. Enjoy and tell me what you think! https://www.growmybaby.com.au//iugr-how-do-you-know-if-you
16.01.2022 When we all need some inspiration and good news! Welcome Georgia. Thanks for sharing Michaela. Enjoy the cuddles. A big congratulations and good luck. Dr Pat x
16.01.2022 Part 2: Coronavirus and being pregnant On our Grow my baby insta and Facebook page we asked our followers what they wanted to know about Coronavirus and pregnancy. Brigid and I have made a four part series, this is part 2.
16.01.2022 I am asked all the time why I became an Obstetrician. I am third in a family of six. At the helm of our family was my mum. She was a single mum who worked hard to put us all through higher education and into professional careers. ... I watched her push herself, encourage us, rise above crises, manage large households and financially provide for our family. She turned out an architect, a lawyer, a barrister, a property developer, a sustainable funeral director and me. I hope she sits back at night and pats herself on the back. It meant that I grew up knowing two things: Education is a way to change lives AND women are powerfully awesome. Thats why I became an obstetrician. Today on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY, I toast my patients, my wife, my mother, my sister, my mother-and-sisters-in-law, my friends, the women in the public eye who I admire and you reading this. The raw power in this photo is what I see EVERY DAY in my job. This woman is #realmotherhood. I never see the lumps and bumps, I only see the miracle of your resilience. Dr Pat. @chuilkingli of Midwife and awesome mama @thebumptobabychapter #iwd2019 #grow_my_baby
14.01.2022 We did It. Our first live on Instagram. Heres the recording if you missed it and Happy Friday. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDTdmtzBwhx/
13.01.2022 I'm running even later in my appointments than usual. Why? Because everyone needs more time. By the time they get to me, they finally can let their guard down. ... Women who are pregnant, women who have just had their baby - they are all trying so damn hard to be brave, to soldier on. Because that is what we have asked them to do. Having a newborn at home, some with partners that are working even harder than before COVID19, some with toddlers and older children needing to be entertained. All worried about their child's physical and emotional development. Worried about their family. Well I am worried too, about you. Please call your neighbour, friend, sister who is pregnant or has a new baby. Share a joke. One of the many hilarious memes floating around. Listen to her worries. Hear her pain points. Maybe she needs some potatoes or the whole week's shop. Maybe she likes homemade choc chip biccies...we can ask.
12.01.2022 We know heat can be soothing when we have a painful muscle or endo or adenomyosis or period pain And it can work in labour too. Something as simple as a heatpack in labour can take the edge off painful contractions, particularly in early labour. You can try putting heat, either a heatpack or even warm water from a shower head, on your lower back or belly. ... Wheatbag heatpacks are heated in a microwave. During a labour its a pretty great job for you partner/support person to manage. The beep of the microwave is the modern day version of better boil some water. BUT When using a heatpack, its VERY important to stick to some guidelines. Burns happen. And youve got enough going on trying to push out a baby right? Never heat more than the recommended time Dont wrap the bag in a material that could trap heat Once heated move the wheat back and forth in the heatpack to distribute the heat before applying to your back or belly. Never use if youve had an epidural, you wont be able to feel if its too hot. Have you packed your heatpack? Who used one during their labour? See more
12.01.2022 For my patients I didnt get to talk to today, (and others!) heres a video Brigid and I did on our Instagram page about coronavirus. For more pregnancy info, have a listen to our podcast, The Kick Pregnancy Podcast.
11.01.2022 That first glimpse. Love being part of this. What was your reaction? Can you remember? @coastal_life_photos
11.01.2022 Part 4: Coronavirus and your newborn On our Grow my baby insta and Facebook page we asked our followers what did they want to know about coronavirus and pregnancy. This is part four of a four part series.
10.01.2022 When I ask for your partner to have a semen analysis, even in a normal semen sample there will be some wonky sperm two heads, two tails, tail too short, head too big, neck too long. We are interested in how many abnormal sperm are in each sample because we know that in 50% of the cases of infertility, sperm can be a factor and that is either because there are too many wonky sperms that don't swim so well or the delivery mechanism is faulty. So what is ideal?... If you are reading the semen analysis report, you will see the volume (how much ejaculate), concentration (how many sperm) morphology (shape), motility (movement); these are indicators that determine whether semen quality is delaying your progress to get pregnant. In the average 2-4ml of ejaculate we want at least 15 million sperm per ml and at least 4% to be normal shape and 1/3 to be able to swim forward - onwards and upwards sperms! If your partner remembers getting mumps or a serious knock to his testes as a child, or if he is over 50 (or you are over 35) it might be a good plan to start with a semen analysis. Then there is the delivery mechanism. Erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and ejaculation issues dont mean your partner is infertile, we can talk about that too. There is lots that can be done to improve semen quality. I am building a pregnancy online program which will include details about what to do if your semen analysis is below average. It's for anyone, you can join the waitlist here: https://www.growmybaby.com.au/wait-list (my patients - you get it included in your consult ). Bringing our fourth boy home @kimselbyphotography
10.01.2022 Last Friday. On the TV. Talking about 7NEWS Melbourne
09.01.2022 100,000 downloads!!! 33 eps. Woohoo! Thank you. A year ago nearly to the day, Brigid and I published our first ep and we honestly didn't know what to expect. ... We are beyond happy. We love everyone's feedback! [Next ep out this week is all about VBAC. And we have a guest! The lovely Lucy from @uncovervic. Listen in where ever you find your podcasts.] You can find all the eps here: https://www.growmybaby.com.au/podcast
09.01.2022 Dreams realised. I kept my fingers and toes crossed for you too Mel. Congratulations on your little Ziggy Alice, what a sweety!
08.01.2022 Many of you know that Brigid and I have developed an online program to help women with expert information throughout their pregnancy. GrowMyBaby is due to launch on MONDAY and we are both a bit nervous as well as being incredibly excited!! We can't wait. If you are on the waitlist, on Monday we announce a discount for you for signing up and for your patience!... If you are my patient, you get the program as part of our pregnancy package. Our team will sort out your access. Friday LIVE is a bit of a taster as to what you get in the closed facebook group. Here's the details. "Join Brigid and I over on INSTAGRAM with our first ever LIVE!! https://www.instagram.com/grow_my_baby/ This Friday, July 31 @ AEST 8pm. We want to cover off some common fears women have going into birth. Hopefully we can help you cross something off your worry list in these crazy days! If you have a fear or worry you want about labour or birth that you want us to cover comment below or send us a message. Spread the word to your pregnant friends. Let's friday together! Is it a date? *The obstetrician...well a caveat. If there's a baby coming we will need to reschedule. **If anyone can set us up to simulcast to FB well talk to us! If you are not an IG user, don't worry we will still answer your Qu's and post the video on FB too after it is recorded
07.01.2022 Tearing in childbirth (and your vagina after baby) I know for lots of new faces to my page this might seem like we are cutting right to the chase...sorry. This episode of the Kick is number 28 and I promise, there are lots of eps that are a little less FULL ON. But. I see it so many times that the birth that gets talked is the 'perfect' birth. Labour starts on the due date, followed by a 12 hour labour where mama pushes the baby out vaginally without pain relief, without tear...ing and begins instantly breastfeeding her newborn. I'm sure unicorns having their first baby birth this way. Humans having their first? Not so much. (Not to take away the women reading this who did have the 'perfect' birth for their first baby.) SO only talking about the 'perfect birth' leaves some women feeling completely blindsided and dissatisfied with their birth experience. What if we know all sides of labour and birth, have a birth that wasn't 'perfect' and still feel satisfied? Well, that my friends, would be gold. A much better way to start motherhood. And that is what Brigid and I are busy making with our online pregnancy program. The 'real' story of getting pregnant, being pregnant, giving birth and bringing your baby home. So. Nearly. At. The. Finish. Line. You can join our waitlist on our website https://www.growmybaby.com.au/wait-list AND as for tearing? This is a fabulous episode. Everybody who is pregnant needs to listen to it. Tearing - How to minimise it, how to treat it, the different degrees of tearing, what impact it has on your sex life after baby and LOTS MORE. https://www.growmybaby.com.au//tearing-in-childbirth-and-y
07.01.2022 This is a tough subject. Bleeding or more specifically, a postpartum haemorrhage is a common fear women have as they get closer to the birth of their baby. Does everyone bleed at birth? Well yes, everybody has blood loss during childbirth but normal blood loss is not what everyone is worried about. It is postpartum haemorrhage. The lights and sirens emergency. This is one of those topics that people say "why didn't anyone tell me?" Here it is, in a form where you choose to ...listen to it when you are ready. In this podcast we cover: What is considered a post partum haemorrhage. (PPH) How blood loss gets measured Who is at more risk of PPH What causes PPH What happens if you have a PPH Why not every PPH is a 'lights and sirens' emergency Will you have another PPH in subsequent pregnancies Link to Ep 25: https://www.growmybaby.com.au//postpartum-haemorrhage-blee
05.01.2022 I want to talk about getting pregnant. The other day we talked about how long it takes to get pregnant. As a recap. The rule of the day is 4 out 5 of couples will be pregnant within 12months where: ... the man has no health problems that would affect semen quality, you have a regular cycle and you are under 35 y.o and your man is under 50 y.o you have been having well-timed sex in your fertile window. BUT dont stop reading. If you have: irregular or painful periods, your man has a history of mumps or lower abdominal surgery You need to see a GP and possibly a specialist gynae. Like now. Today. It used to be that you were advised to give it a go for 6 months but that simply does not make any sense if there is an identified problem. What about if you are over 35 y.o? Your time for trying shortens to six months. So if you are having a regular, non-painful cycle and your partner has normal semen quality and you are having sex in your fertile window and you are NOT pregnant within 6 months, then a visit to your local doctor who may send you on to a gynaecologist. Lets not muck around. Is this new news to anyone? I feel people are still waiting too long to seek advice?? See more
05.01.2022 Part 1: Coronavirus and getting pregnant. On our Grow my baby insta and Facebook page we asked our followers what they wanted to know about Coronavirus and pregnancy. Brigid and I have made a four part series. This is part 1.
05.01.2022 I am so grateful for Emily and Jason for allowing me to share their pictures of their baby's birth. I am so very happy for you both. "We just wanted to send you a quick little email to send the biggest THANK YOU! From myself, Jason, and all of our family who are beyond grateful for your amazing obstetric care and the delivery of our beautiful little baby River Harvie. We cannot thank you enough for your outstanding care, guidance, informative advice and all the nurturing... and help you gave throughout this pregnancy. As two incredibly heart broken bereaved parents you made pregnancy and birth feel possible again, you restored our faith and empowered us to move beyond the grief and fear and gave us the confidence to grow again! We will never be able to thank you enough for the beautiful delivery of River, what an absolute magical moment and day! There are just no words to describe the adoration and gratitude we have for you and your skills! Hope you enjoy these pictures- I think they perfectly encapsulate all the feels we had that day. THANK YOU SOO MUCH, again and again from all of us! "
04.01.2022 A little return to normal programming for a bit. We published this episode of "the Kick pregnancy podcast" a couple of weeks ago but completely missed telling everyone about it because...well the world changed. I didn't know if I could confidently tell people to keep trying for a pregnancy. More info is available now, and as I talked about in our IGTV COVID19 series, I don't want the next six months of someone in their late 30s or someone who has already had a few months of ...trying for a baby, to be lost because they are worried their timing is off. - Worried that they won't get the care they need during their pregnancy. Obstetricians throughout Australia (hopefully the world?) are still able to care for our pregnant patients. In my clinic, I'm still helping couples with fertility issues. There's telehealth and in person consults. I can start your ovulation induction, I can still care for you if you need help to manage a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy in the hospital. Babies keep coming, COVID 19 or no. In fact many people are saying there will be a baby boom in about 9 months time. We will see. This episode is pretty light hearted. It might just be a bit of fun in your day. https://www.growmybaby.com.au/blog/getting-pregnant-101
04.01.2022 Something from our GrowMyBaby page I thought you might be interested in. Worries in pregnancy. This one is about when you feel worried after accidentally eating raw or undercooked meat...
03.01.2022 Hands up all the Rhesus negative mamas? Unless you are a blood donor or have had an operation in the past, you most likely only found out your blood type when you were first pregnant. Why does blood type matter?... There are lots of different markers on the surface of our red blood cells. The marker in pregnancy that we are most interested in is the Rhesus system and the effect it can have on your baby (and subsequent babies). This pic is number 3 and 4 son. I forget how close they are in age sometimes. 13 months. It was (ok, still is...) intense. Sully and Rex - the best of mates who can make each other collapse with the giggles. Back in the past, when we didn't know how to prevent Rhesus disease, these two may never have existed. In ep 29 of The Kick Pregnancy Podcast we talk about why. Link in bio - just hit this pic. Brigid and I chat about: The different blood types What the Rhesus marker means What to do if you are Rhesus negative What is Rhesus disease How common Rhesus negative is +MORE And guess what? Our podcast has been downloaded over 70,000 times! Can we ask a favour for you to tell your pregnant mates? And keep your reviews coming. They are GOLD.
02.01.2022 To all the midwives, its simply thank you. Your efforts and dedication are noticed and very much appreciated. Hope you get a little cake, they looked delicious! Dr Pat #internationaldayofthemidwife #thanks #midwife #helpingothers
01.01.2022 Which infection is mostly asymptomatic but still important if you are thinking about getting pregnant? Chlamydia. Yep. I talk about ALL the good topics. This is Australias MOST common STI (sexually transmitted infection) for men and women and the thing is, mostly we dont know we have it. ... The greatest rate of infection since 2011, has been in the 15-24 age group. Maybe when you were in your late teens or early 20s, it didnt cross your mind that chlamydia would impact your chances of getting pregnant. But lets zoom in for a bit. Chlamydia is one of the main reasons for tubal disease. It can cause your fallopian tube to be blocked so the egg and sperm cant travel through the tube to meet. It can also cause the tube to be crooked or bumpy and if the egg and sperm do meet, the fertilised egg can end up getting stuck and implant in the tube, creating an ectopic pregnancy. It is also found to increase the risk when you are pregnant of having your baby early or your baby having a low birth weight. And a low birth weight means your baby can have a harder start. What to do: Next time you go to your GP or local doctor for a cervical screen (the new pap smear) or a pill prescription ask for a chlamydia test Use condoms unless you and your partner have been both been tested for STIs and have been given the all clear. If you are trying for a baby, have a pre-pregnancy consultation and include a screen for chlamydia.
01.01.2022 Heres the amazing Sim with her fourth son! We love you guys.
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