Dr. Raewyn Teirney, Fertility Specialist in Sydney, Australia | Fertility doctor
Dr. Raewyn Teirney, Fertility Specialist
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8999 8060
Address: Level 26, 44 Market Street 2015 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.drraewynteirney.com/
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25.01.2022 Kirrily Parfrey from Victoria embraced scientific medicine when her urge to become a mgum simply couldn't wait until she met 'the right man'. In this fantastic article, she talks about using a sperm donor to have not one, but two beautiful baby girls, and how she couldn't possibly love her twins more! If you’re thinking of choosing this same path, please do get in touch. It's relatively easy and safe - simply reach out for more info. My contact info is in my bio! ... https://thecarousel.com/health/sperm-donor/ See more
25.01.2022 If you are struggling to have a baby on your own, don't wait to ask for help. From fertility health and cycle tracking to IVF procedures, I offer a vast range of services and can tailor a treatment program to maximise your chances of having a beautiful, healthy baby. Simply ask your GP for a referral and make an appointment! ... As with Lana, who has given me this lovely testimonial, I will ensure you feel relaxed and at ease from your very first visit, and do all I can to support you in achieving your dreams of parenthood. Love, Dr. Raewyn x
24.01.2022 Becoming a parent is the most wonderful, magical experience that everyone is entitled to do, should they wish to travel that path. I have many women in my clinics who worry they are not worth of becoming a mother due to their fertility struggles. I cannot stress enough that this simply untrue. ... YOU ARE WORTHY Your are simply facing the same struggles that one in five Australian couples face. So you see, fertility challenges are quite normal and you are certainly not alone. But guess what? We can help make the journey easier and have a massive success rate for couples struggling with their fertility. Personally, I have helped over 5000 babes come into this world. Sp please, never feel you are not worthy, never feel you can't do this and never feel you are alone. I am here to help you - so please reach out. My contact details are in my bio and I would one honoured to help you. Love, Dr. Raewyn #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
24.01.2022 Did you know that Iodine is an essential micronutrient for women who are trying to conceive and have a healthy baby? . . It is required for maternal thyroid function, as well as foetal brain development. .... . The World Health Organisation states that Women who are trying to conceive, or who are already pregnant, need 150ug of Iodine daily. It can be found naturally in foods such as fish (like Cod and Tuna), other seafood, dairy products and foods made from grains, like breads and cereals. . . However, to ensure youre not lacking, we also suggest that you take a supplement when trying for a baby and throughout your pregnancy. . . Search for a brand that has been formulated by fertility specialists, so you know you are always getting top quality ingredients. These will also contain other pregnancy essential vitamins like folate, which means all bases are covered in one supplement. . . #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos See more
23.01.2022 There are a few very simple steps that you can implement at home that may boost your chances of a baby. These include: keeping a diary outlining the days when you feel tender and bloated, as well as the days you menstruate... keeping an eye on changes in your basal temperature watching the constancy of your vaginal secretions, and being a waste of swollen, tender breasts or lower abdomen discomfort. If you are experiencing these, it would be wise to ash you GP for a referral to visit a fertility specialist myself, who can help. You can also visit www.conceiveplease.con for more detailed information. Please call me (my number is in the link in my bio! #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
23.01.2022 Have you just found out your pregnant? Congratulations! I'm sure you have many questions, one of which is, 'what is a healthy weight gain throughout pregnancy?'. ... According to The Royal Hospital For Women in Victoria, "The recommended amount of weight gain depends on your pre-pregnancy weight". Those with a BMI under 18.5 should look at gaining 2 - 2.6 kilos per month, or a total of 12.5 to 18 kilos through the entire pregnancy. Those whose BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 (healthy weight) should look at gaining 1.5 - 2.3 kilogram each month, or 11.5 - 15 kilos throughout their pregnancy. Those with a BMI of 30 over more, which is considered to be overweight, should look at gaining 0.8 to 1.2 kilos per month, or five to nine kilos throughout their entire pregnancy. Please note, these recommendations are guide only: there are circumstances where a different weight goal may be recommended by your midwife, doctor or dietitian. So, be sure to discuss this at length. I always advise my patients to be as close a healthy weight (a BMI of 18.5 - 25) before trying to conceive, as we know that a healthy weight may improve your chances of conceiving either naturally, or with IVF treatments. Want to know more? Please contact me via the phone number or link in my bio! love, Dr. Raewyn! x
23.01.2022 I saw this today and thought it was too cute not to share! From @grandmagetsreal, this Quarantine Baby Boom Barbie and Ken come complete with their ultrasound. How gorgeous! Who else is using the pandemic slow down (or lockdown for those in Victoria) to begin their baby-making plans? ... If you need any help tracking your cycle, checking your most fertile days, or discussing fertility for either yourself or your partner, please reach out. I would love to help you out, and my new video series is downloadable NOW. It includes eight modules that will help guide you through your health and wellness in preparation for conception, diet and exercise to become 'fertility fit', fertility tracking, and so much more. It is available here www.fertilitytopregnancy.com
22.01.2022 Thanks to modern science, there are many ways lesbian partners can achieve their dreams of becoming Mums. One is known as Egg Swapping, where an egg is taken from one woman in the relationship, fertilised using donor sperm and then implanted in the womb of the other woman in the relationship. It's such a beautiful way for both women in the relationship to be involved every step of the way when it comes to creating their little miracle. ... To read more about other options, please read this article in Practical Parenting that I contributed to last year, and ask your GP for a referral to come and see me, if you have that all-too-familiar heart-tugging to become a mum! Click here https://www.practicalparenting.com.au/7-different-ways-lesb Love, Dr Raewyn xx #conceiveplease #malefertility #tryingtoconceive #eggswapping #samesexparents
21.01.2022 While Im on essential nutrients for conception and pregnancy, its important to remember Folate or Folic Acid. This B group vitamin is essential for all mums-to-be as it can help prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, and is needed for healthy growth and development. You can find it naturally in foods like green leafy veggies, fortified cereals, grains, legumes, rockmelon orange and orange juice, broccoli, asparagus, avocado, cauliflower, chickpeas and liver. ...If you are trying for a baby, it would be wise to consider a top quality supplement (look for one created by fertility specialists). The World Health Organisation recommends women trying to conceive start taking 500ug of folic acid at least three months before they start trying, and continue until at least 12 weeks into their pregnancy. Women who may be at risk of having a neural Tube Deficienct pregnancy, or those who have a Body Mass Index greater than 30, should take a higher dose of 5mg each day. . . #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
21.01.2022 Former AFLW star Moana Hope and her wife Isabella Carlstrom have announced the birth of their first child on Instagram. The same sex couple conceived their baby via IVF. If you are in a same sex relationship or marriage and wish to have a child, please do get in touch. Helping same sex couples become families is something that myself and the team at IVFAustralia take great pride in doing. ... Read more about Moana and Isabella's story here: https://celebrity.nine.com.au//fa23d69b-a520-48f3-8ec6-75f
21.01.2022 There are few smells in the world that are as beautiful as that of a newborn baby. Don't you agree? Did you knew that the is actually thought to be a survival method? While the little love may look helpless, it has certain features that instinctively make us protective between measure .. the big eyes, the chubby cheeks, the giant foreheads in proportion to as smaller nose and mouth. ... And then of course, there's that scent! If only e could bottle it ? According to a 2013 study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, that delicious baby scent not only draws in a babys parents, but perfect strangers, too. An international team of researchers, including scientists at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, monitored the brain activity of a group of 30 women (15 whod recently given birth and 15 who had never given birth) while they smelled shirts that had been worn by 2-day-old infants who were unfamiliar to them. The results were unsurprising but also fascinating: Both groups of women showed activity in areas of the brain that light up when they are stimulated by reward-related behaviour and stimuli like tasty food or a drug. In other words, the smell of infants really is intoxicating! The theory is that the smell comes from their sweat glands. To find ut more click this link https://www.whattoexpect.com//why-do-newborn-babies-smell-
21.01.2022 This is so cute. And true. Here’s to all the smiley babies!
19.01.2022 THE FUTURE OF IVF IS BRIGHTER THAN EVER! Newly released finding from a 2018 UNSW Study has revealed some extremely interesting facts about IVF and parenthood! The study found that: ... There were 14,355 babies born through IVF treatment performed in Australia in 2018, UNSWs Assisted Reproductive Technology in Australia and New Zealand 2018report shows. That represents almost one in 20 babies born in Australia, or about one in every class room! There were 84,064 initiated IVF cycles in 2018, a 2.2 per cent increase on 2017. The overall live birth rate per embryo transfer has increased from 24.3 per cent in 2014 to 27.3 per cent in 2018 (the most recent year from which data are available). There was a higher live birth rate in younger women: for women aged younger than 30 years, the live birth rate per embryo transfer was 40.4 per cent for fresh cycles and 34.9 per cent for thaw cycles The proportion of twins and triplets born following IVF treatment is also now sitting at 3.2 per cent - a record low in Australia and New Zealand's 40-year IVF history. The report, which is funded by the Fertility Society of Australia (FSA), and contains data submitted by all Australian and New Zealand IVF clinics, contains information about IVF cycles undertaken in 2018 and the resulting babies born in 2018 and 2019. Its key findings are: * Largest ever number of babies born through IVF 14,355 from Australian clinics and 1785 from New Zealand clinics in 2018 * Live birth rate per embryo transfer has increased from 24.3 per cent in 2014 to 27.3 per cent in 2018 * Record low multiple birth rate of 3.2 per cent. To read more, click this link https://npesu.unsw.edu.au//assisted-reproductive-technolog
18.01.2022 Falling pregnant isnt always easy ... how long should you wait before seeking help? Let me help you find the balance between timely support and simply being too impatient. Read more here, and feel free to get in touch if you think you need medical help. ... https://conceiveplease.com/how-will-i-know-when-to-seek-fe/
17.01.2022 Did you know that I have helped over 5000 babies enter this world? What a fabulous number of magic and joy! Here's a slide show of some of me in front of the many thank you cards I have been sent, with some of the babies themselves, some of their ultrasounds, some testimonials, and me prepping to help them on their way into this thing we call life. ... Congratulations to all my beautiful patients who have become parents and to those still trying, please don't give up hope. Just call me and we can discuss the many ways I can help you become parents. We can do this together!! Love, Dr. Raewyn xx
16.01.2022 Do you suffer from Endometriosis? it's a condition I specialise in and I have helped many women who have it overcome fertility issues and realise their dreams of becoming a Mum. In this article for Practical Parenting I discuss facts around the condition and ways you can help ease the pain and hopefully have a healthy, happy baby! ... https://www.practicalparenting.com.au/seven-facts-about-end
15.01.2022 Just cruising through Wednesday like ... #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney... #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos See more
14.01.2022 Did you know that you need to start preparing your body well before you start trying to conceive? Chances of conceiving are improved when both partners in the relationship are healthy and getting the right nutrients each day. Here's a guideline of the vitamins and nutrients you need to create a healthy environment for pregnancy!"... Here's a guideline of the nutrients you need to create a healthy environment for pregnancy! https://conceiveplease.com/7-nutrients-you-need-for-health/
12.01.2022 Every baby that I help bring into the world has a piece of my heart forever. Each is a miracle within itself and set to make his or her mark on the world in so many special ways. Today, on my birthday, I felt so blessed to spend some snuggle time with my beautiful two week old niece Ava. ... To all the new mums, dads, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters out there ... enjoy this wondrous time. It truly is magical! Sending you all love and joy, Dr. Raewyn xo #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
12.01.2022 Well, here's even more good news for today! Beautiful mum and cancer survivor Sally Obermeder has documented her fertility struggles at length, as has her lovely sister. Now, she has just announced her little sis is having a baby boy! Proof there is always hope. ... If your'e struggling, please do get in touch. I have helped over 4000 couples have a family and I would love to help you too!
12.01.2022 As well as being a busy fertility specialist, I’m CEO of a company called @conceiveplease_ that is about to launch a fertility tracking app, which uses artificial intelligence to help you track your fertile days more accurately and improve your chances of conceiving naturally. It’s launching soon. Watch this space! #Repost @conceiveplease_... It’s coming very soon; our fertility app! Track your menstrual cycle Log moods, foods and more. Learn more about fertility journeys and how to support yours And more! Keep an eye out on our socials to know when it’s available! #ConceivepleaseScience #fertilityapp #periodtracker #periodtrackingapp #conceievepleaseapp
11.01.2022 Read about one woman’s inspiring journey of using a sperm donor to have her twins. Link in my bio! #spermdonor... #ivf #fertility See more
11.01.2022 Did you know that you need to start preparing your body well before you start trying to conceive? Chances of conceiving are improved when both partners in the relationship are healthy and getting the right nutrients each day. Here's a guideline of the nutrients you need to create a healthy environment for pregnancy! ... https://conceiveplease.com/7-nutrients-you-need-for-health/
11.01.2022 Did you know that The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Widwife? Nurses and midwives deliver invaluable contributions to our healthcare system and they truly are a large part of the the backbone of our nations continuing good health. Where would we be without them? ... Here I am with just one of my fabulous fertility nurses, Helen, who is part of an incredible team that helps couples become families! Today, I'd like to say a massive thank you to the entire team of nurses and midwifes that I work with, as well as those across the globe. Their job is so demanding, yet they carry it out with such enthusiasm and care. This year has been especially difficult, but throughout it all, they have continued to work with dedication and love. For more information, click here https://www.health.nsw.gov.au//2020-International-Year-of- #supportingnursesandmidwifes
10.01.2022 #repost this beautiful story from @fertility_help_hub about her child asking about her donor. The men who come to see me who donate sperm are such lovely and selfless men. They may or may not wish to have a family of their own, but they all have one thing in common, and that is a selfless desire for others to achieve their dreams of becoming parents. If you are interested in donating sperm, or indeed using donor sperm to start or extend your family, please get in touch. ... My contact details are in my bio. #Repost @fertility_help_hub I wanted to share what happened last night with our eldest daughter (nearly 4) Talking about our donor. As I was reading her a brilliant donor conception book (which she’s obsessed with), she said ‘what’s the donor called’, to which I said ‘we don’t know his name (I still find that odd), but when you’re 18 you can find out if you like’, to which she said ‘yes mummy can I?’ Then I said (without being prepared), ‘do you want to see a picture of him as a little boy and hear him speak?’ She said ‘yes please mummy!’ So, with a slightly shaky hand I got out the usb, loaded it onto my laptop and brought up the photos of our donor as a child and showed her. I asked my daughter if she thought she looked like him in any way and she said ‘I think we have the same ears’! I then played her a snippet of him speaking in an audio interview and it took me right back to our donor selection process in 2015/2016. Hearing him after so long felt un-nerving but reassuring at the same time. My daughter then said ‘he sounds like a really nice man mummy’ and I agreed. I said ‘daddy is very much your daddy’ and she said ‘I really really love daddy so much’. Who knows how conversations will continue, but we are approaching each stage of this continued journey with honesty, love and openness. I really hope this is helpful for our many following pursuing donor conception right now . . . #fertility #ivf #ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #donorconception #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynt
09.01.2022 PERIOD PAIN ... It is common, but it isn't always normal. If you experience extreme period pain that stops you from enjoying everyday activities, has you skipping school or work, or sees you in acute pain every menstrual cycle, it may signify an underlying medical condition such as endometriosis, which can cause fertility struggles when you are trying for a baby. Sound familiar? Then please do book in for a consultation with me, as this is an area I specialise in and have d...one for many years to great success. My contact details are in my bio - I would love to help you. #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos #periodpain Love, Dr. Raewyn x
08.01.2022 Congratulations to reality TV star Ksenija Lukich, who has just announced her pregnancy after two years of IVF! https://celebrity.nine.com.au//24a4db30-43ce-4b45-a634-ada
06.01.2022 Did you know that men produce brand new sperm in their testes approximately every 70 days? This means that every two months, they have a chance to create healthy, strong and viable sperm that may fertilise an egg and create a beautiful baby. Lifestyle factors are key in creating such healthy sperm, and these include:... Quitting Smoking Reducing alcohol consumption Avoiding drugs Avoiding overheating the the testes region Maintaining a healthy weight Getting plenty of exercise Enjoying relaxation and sleep If you have any questions, please feel free to make an appointment to discuss how I can help you become parents. I have helped over 5000 babies enter this world and would love to help you too! Please just reach out! love, Dr. Raewyn xx
06.01.2022 Free Online Fertility Webinar! As a leading fertility specialist and founder of Conceive Please, I have helped over 4000 couples have a family. In this FREE webinar, I will be giving you my top strategies to help you maximise your chances of pregnancy and having a healthy baby. ... I will also the main factors that could be stopping you getting pregnant, discuss fertility-boosting diets, demystify your menstrual cycle, outline the steps to boost your partner's fertility and reveal how to take the headache out of tracking your fertile days. I will be going LIVE tomorrow, Thursday 20th August, 8pm AEST. Follow the link to register your spot https://conceiveplease.cmail19.com/t/t-l-pkhlrul-qgujtyv-j/
06.01.2022 Are you aware of your ovulation days each month? Women who track their cycle and know when their most fertile days are have a greatly improved chance of conceiving naturally. Find out more in this link https://conceiveplease.com/how-to-know-your-fertile-window/
05.01.2022 Here is another wonderful testimonial from a former patient of mine. Erin used the fertility tracking methods I advised and went on to have two children naturally, without medical intervention or IVF. If you are struggling to fall pregnant on your own, it might be as simple as having some professional guidance tracking your cycle and working out the best days to try to conceive. I am here to help. ... Make an appointment (contact details are in my bio) and we can discuss what is going on for you and what paths we can take to improve your chances of a baby! #drraewynteirney #drraewyn #conceiveplease #cycletracking #fertilitytracking #fertilty
05.01.2022 After years of intermittent pain that intensified over the past five years, US Olympic figure skating gold medalist Tara Lipinski underwent laparoscopic surgery to have her endometriosis removed and shared her story on Instagram to help raise awareness of the condition. The irony of my endometriosis diagnosis is that I knew almost nothing about a disorder that affects one in ten women. Thats 176 million people. Id never heard another woman mention endo or the complicat...ions and pain that accompany it, she wrote in an Instagram post that showed her before and after surgery. Like so many around the world, Tara's condition is treatable. Endometriosis and laparoscopic surgery is a spepciality of mine and I have helped thousands of women overcome the condition and go on to have healthy, happy babies. If you think you may have it, pleased reach out. I would love to help you too! https://7news.com.au//no-woman-should-live-in-pain-olympia
05.01.2022 As odd as it may sound, frequent ejaculation can actually improve the DNA of a man's sperm! Studies have shown that frequent ejaculation can boost sperm health, while conversely, infrequent ejaculation - even longer than five days - can lead to poorer quality of sperm. So forget the old wive's tale of saving up sperm for ovulation time and enjoy sex frequently and regularly, not just on the baby making days! It will help keep the romance and spontaneity in your relationship, too
04.01.2022 This is an ultrasound from one of my beautiful patients whos been trying to conceive for years. There is so much joy in this image. Dont give up. There will always be hope and we will do all we can to help you achieve your dreams of parenthood. ... Love, Dr Raewyn xx #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
04.01.2022 I adore hearing from my patients over the years! This is a testimonial from a wonderful mum who I helped have her baby boy, whos now eight! . . #conception #tryingtoconceive ... #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos See more
04.01.2022 Is it safe to exercise while pregnant? While every woman is unique, typically across the board we recommend gentle exercise such as swimming, walking and yoga to help maintain fitness (for you and baby), as well as to help maintain a healthy weight. Post-pregnancy fitness queen @rhianbusyallen of @thehealthymummy has released pregnancy exercise videos in her app. ... Exciting news for all mamas!! #Repost @rhianbusyallen I am super excited to say that we now have pregnancy workouts in the app! This is something we have been asked a lot to do so I am so happy that we have been able to do it. And they are full length workout videos with complete guidance - I hope you love them!! #pregnancy #workouts #exercise #healthymummy #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
03.01.2022 When is the right age to start for a baby? We know that your chances of conceiving naturally are vastly improved the younger you are. But how old is that ? Read more here, and do get in touch with me if you've been trying for 12 months or more with no luck, or if you're over 35 years of age and have been trying for 6 months of more. ... Love, Dr. Raewyn x https://conceiveplease.com/is-there-actually-a-right-age-t/
03.01.2022 Another day, another celebrity bundle of joy. Or in this case, two!! Congratulations to the wonderful @lachy_wiggle and his beautiful wife on the birth of their twin girls Lulu and Lottie. Its such a delight to see this couple have this joy in their lives, after all the joy they have brought to so many over the years! ... #Repost @lachy_wiggle Oh Lulu and Lottie, your mummy and daddy love you with all we have - you are both so beautiful - and I would love to sing to you both forever......... #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
03.01.2022 Men's fertility is every bit as important as female fertility when it comes to conceiving. After all, it take two to tango! When trying for a baby, ensure your partner is doing all he can to improve the health and vitality of his sperm. Here's a great checklist: ... Maintain A Healthy Weight With A BMI Around 30 Stop Smoking Avoid Recreational Drugs, Including Marijuana Limit Alcohol Intake To Two Glasses A Day Or Less Eat A Diet Rich In Antioxidants Increase Omega 3 Intake Get around 8 Hours Sleep Every Night If you and your partner are struggling to conceive, and you've been trying unsuccessfully for 12 months (under 35) or 6 months (over 35), ask your GP for a referral to come and see me to discuss how I can help improve your chances of having a baby. #conceiveplease #drraewynteirney #drraewyn #malefertility #tryingtoconceive #malefertilityhealth
02.01.2022 What happens in a typical IVF consultation? In this video, I run through what you can expect in your first meeting with me and how we can create the best possible treatment program to help you become a mum! #ivf #conceive #conceiveplease #conception... #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #ivfaustralia #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos https://youtu.be/qnybte9Bzpw
02.01.2022 Tuesday November 17 is World Prematurity Day This is a day of global awareness, to highlight the 15million beautiful babies that are born too soon around the world. Premature birth is the leading cause of death in newborns each year and a major cause of neurological impairment.... Nearly one million of these little angels born too soon never make it home. How can you help? Through social media, families are invited to participate by sharing their story, spreading hope by changing their status or cover photo to the World Prematurity Page and providing the public with facts and figures surrounding premature birth. Parents are invited to wear purple and to talk about preterm birth by sharing their experiences or asking questions to learn more about the effects and consequences of preterm birth. You can also light a candle at 7 pm to honour the struggles of all those babies born too soon and to remember those who lost their fight to survive. #worldprematurityday2020 #worldprematurityday
02.01.2022 If you are struggling to conceive naturally, it may be that the reproductive organs of either couple in the relationship aren't functioning at their best. It could be that male sperm function is lacking, or that they are infertile. While we definitely have ways of addressing this, it may be that donor sperm has to be relied on for conception. In the same vein, same sex couples who wish to have a baby may need to seek out donor sperm. ... In my clinics, we have very sophisticated and confidential sperm donation processes that can help you achieve your dreams of parenthood. Please click the link below to read more, and do feel free to reach out at any time to find out more. We would love to help you! Click here https://www.ivf.com.au/tr/donor-programme/using-donor-sperm
02.01.2022 Looking for a fab pre-pregnancy plan? This article has a great guide https://conceiveplease.com/the-ultimate-pre-pregnancy-plan/
02.01.2022 Great News For Couples Struggling To Fall Pregnant! Researchers at Monash University have used used acoustic waves and fluid dynamics to develop a new approach to separate high-quality sperm for assisted reproduction. These findings can open windows for infertile couples to have a family of their own using IVF.... The procedure can process roughly 140 sperm per second and select more than 60,000 high-quality sperm in under 50 minutes nearly four times faster than the current gold standard! For more information on this amazing new research, click here https://pubs.rsc.org//c/articlelanding/2020/lc/d0lc00457j.
01.01.2022 Join me tonight, Thursday August 20, for my FREE Fertility Webinar. . . It begins at 8pm AEST. .... . Click the link to register https://conceiveplease.cmail19.com/t/t-l-pkhlrul-qgujtyv-j/ . . #conception #tryingtoconceive #conceptionjourney #pregnancy #fertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitytracking #drraewynteirney #conceiveplease #miscarriage #ivf #pcos #endometriosis #infertility #secondaryinfertility #eggfreezing #donorsperm #donoreggs #pcos #howtogetpregnantwithpcos
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