Dr Suze in Camberwell, Victoria | Veterinary surgeon
Dr Suze
Locality: Camberwell, Victoria
Phone: +61 1300 882 524
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25.01.2022 Relieved its Friday? Many of our friends work tirelessly along side us. Here are some of their more unusual professions: LIFEGUARD- there are up to 400 trained canines working with the Italian coast guard and a few other European countries to save . Newfoundlands are a popular breed... career change @hugo_the_newfie ?! TRUFFLE FORAGING - Laggotto Romagnolo are a popular breed used to sniff out this black gold at $2.5 AUS/gram. PROTECTING FINE ART from pest...s such as beetles and moths by sniffing them out. CONSERVATION CANINES - sniff out whale poo to help scientists study these endangered species. Other dogs can diff out turtle eggs so nests can be protected. BALL DOGS - have been used at the Brazilian tennis open since 2016. SKYDIVING RESCUE - in Colombia help locate missing persons in remote places. FIND ELECTRONIC DEVICES - With a sense of smell 100,000 better than ours they can sniff out devices that may contain incriminating material. LOBSTER CATCHING - Two labradors in Florida actually dive for these critters! 20% of profits go towards ocean conservation. Dogs are AMAZING! Comment below if there are any other crazy jobs you know canines can do Photo credit: @sardasearchdogs
23.01.2022 Been a tough week?! . Dont forget to take time out to smell the roses Flowers by @anthos.houseofblooms ... Nose provided by @charlesthebordercollie See more
23.01.2022 Can coronaviruses in general be transferred from animal to humans? Many strains of coronavirus cannot spread from animals to humans and vice versa. There are some coronaviruses that have demonstrated the ability to cross species as seen in the 2003 SARS CoV outbreak, which originated from the civet cat and MERS CoV which was transmitted from camels in 2012. It is uncertain which species the current SARS CoV -2 spilled over from and there is not enough scientific e...vidence to identify the source or explain the route of transmission from an animal source to humans. #mobilevetmelbourne #covidfacts #covid #flattenthecurve
21.01.2022 Dr.Suze and @charlesthebordercollie working this seasons winter 2020 look! Thoughts?!
21.01.2022 The science behind puppy dog eyes! https://www.wctrib.com//4041876-Scientists-think-they-know
20.01.2022 Dogs are not only man’s best friend, but also may be the key to longevity! . A scientific review, spanning 70 years of research surrounding the health benefits of dog ownership, showed that having a dog can improve your life expectancy! The findings were published in the American Heart Association’s Circulation journal. . Dog ownership was associated with a 24% reduction in risk of death compared to non-ownership.... Owning a dog also decreases the risk of: Cardiovascular disease Hypertension Depression and anxiety Loneliness . In fact, dog ownership addresses 4 of the 9 lessons from the blue zone communities (areas of the world with higher than average life expectancy) - relevant to dog ownership are: 1. Moderate, regular physical activity. 2. Life purpose. 3. Stress reduction. 4. Engagement in social life. Now that’s what I call a best friend! How does your dog keeps you happy and healthy? Picture of @slip_houndawg and @charlesthebordercollie on a puppy play date... made me pretty happy that day
19.01.2022 So apparently it takes a pandemic for me to break my insta- silence!! I hope this post finds you and your families safe and well . Over the next few posts I wanted to address some of the COVID- 19 specific questions that have arisen pertaining to our domestic animals, mainly . Moving forward Ill key you in on updates as the situation unfolds so watch this space! ... First up, a basic one just so were all on the same page... What is a coronavirus? - The coronavirus responsible for the current pandemic is just one of many viruses in the coronavirus family. Coronaviruses (CoV) have protein spikes giving the appearance of a crown. Corona in Latin means crown. This family of virus can cause disease in both animals and humans, affecting breathing as well as the gastrointestinal system. In humans, several coronaviruses are associated with respiratory disease and can range in severity from the common cold to illness such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), identified in China in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) is the official scientific name for the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes is COVID-19. . . For the full COVID-19 factsheet titled COVID-19, Your Pet and Your Vet visit my website: www.drsuzemyvisitingvet.com.au Ppsssst... what do you think of my PPE?! Apparently Hazmat suits dont come in pink . Until next time...stay safe and stay indoors watching cat videos, getting stuck into that DIY project you never had time to start/finish or reorganising the pantry, whatever is takes #FlattenTheCurve #Cabinfever #covd19 #wereinthistogether
18.01.2022 Youve all probably seen @my_aussie_gal playing Jenga... this is the Aussie outback version!! Video editing by @steve_jl_photography
18.01.2022 Was such a pleasure looking after these guys! #bestdogs #riversideglamping
17.01.2022 I’m excited to announce I will be working with @petlife_au as their resident veterinarian! Petlifeau.com is a website bring valuable pet resources and information to the Australian and loving community. This month’s Vet’s pick is an article I wrote on health, as part of #petdentalhealthmonth ... I’d love to hear your thoughts ... https://petlifeau.com//basic-care//ask-a-vet-with-dr-suze/
17.01.2022 Catnip is a herb related to mint. It is said to have a hallucinogenic effect on cats and can be used as a positive training aid. Liking catnip is an inherited trait and a lot of Australian cats actually lack the gene ! Do you have a cat that is indifferent to catnip or does your go crazy for the stuff? Id love to hear your comments below Photo credit: @catsinthepocket
17.01.2022 A special note to ferret owners regarding SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19. There is experimental evidence to show that SARS CoV-1 (the virus responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak) can cause a clinical infection in ferrets. . It would therefore be wise if you are in quarantine, self isolation or under treatment for COVID-19 that you minimise contact with your ferrets and maintain good hand hygiene before and after handling them and their food, food bow...ls and water. Ideally get another member of the household to care for them to reduce infection risk. credit: @petsgalorestudio N.B. Ferrets are illegal in Queensland and the NT.
16.01.2022 The science behind puppy dog eyes... Scientists have discovered that during the 15,000 years of domestication from wolves , our canine compadres have evolved a specific muscle that raises the inner eyebrow giving the a bigger, more infant like or sad appearance. Our unconscious human bias has shaped the evolution of dogs eye musculature!! ... Read more about this on the Dr. Suze My Visiting Vet Facebook page. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
16.01.2022 Cool as cucumber
16.01.2022 Its official... cat people are not crazy!! A team of researches from UCLA compared two groups: 264 young adults with and/or and 297 humans without either. Their findings, which have been published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, conclude that owning a pet does not make you crazy. As the researchers put it,... "We found no evidence to support the cat lady stereotype: cat-owners did not differ from others on self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety or their experiences in close relationships. Our findings, therefore, do not fit with the notion of cat-owners as more depressed, anxious or alone." So cheers to you crazy cats and happy Friday people P.s. To settle another of this weeks controversies... @atchoumthecat ( credit) is a Persian cat with hypertrichosis and NOT a small dog!
15.01.2022 Did you know that yesterday (4th October) was World Animal Day?! I didnt either... thanks to @edenhillspetcremation for bringing this to light! . Why bring this up now? Yesterday has been and gone and today marks the start of a new day... . The mission of World Animal Day is: To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force... to make the world a better place for all animals. Its celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare. . I think this is something we should support every day even if we only acknowledge it officially once a year. Happy world animal year!!! Photo credit: @photographymaker5
15.01.2022 Happy Monday folks, lets get this show on the road!! Photo credit: @animalproj
15.01.2022 Cold dark winter nights and COVID-19 couldnt keep me away from these guys...and they call it puppy love On a serious note: Your puppys first health check and vaccinations are one of the most important vet visits youll make. Make sure you get your pet off to the right start, come armed with a list of all your questions ...us vets are happy to help
15.01.2022 Allergic to your pet? Here are some tips that may help combat your symptoms : Make a pet free area in the home - an office or bedroom where you can have a break from allergens. Make the switch to hardwood floors - less likely to accumulate hair and dust. Buy and good quality air filter.... your pet regularly to remove the dead skin cells that commonly cause allergic reactions. Wash you hands after handling your pet. If you are thinking about getting a pet, select a non-shedding breed and spend time with them before committing. Its always worth seeking professional medical help particularly if these management strategies are ineffective. credit: @hamish.and.elle And @essentiallyrw @ Surrey Hills, Victoria
14.01.2022 Meet Scout, a 6 year old domestic short haired . We first met a year ago and boy have we come a LONG way! . Scouts owner, Alisa, called Dr. Suze after his last vet clinic visit ended with Scout in a crush cage for his routine vaccination, resulting in a very stress Scout, owner and Im sure vet! (N.B. Sometimes such devices are needed to help ensure the safety of the patient, owner and staff involved) . A year ago, during my home visit I was able give Scout his annual v...accination whilst he was hugged by his owner. This week Scout allowed me to perform a full clinical examination including checking in his mouth with out any dramas. Something that would not have been possible a year ago! Gradual desensitisation, time and patience have paid off . Scout can now enjoy the benefits of a thorough health check and care from the comfort of his with no need for travel and crash cage action, making life convenient for his owner and stress free for Scout @ Hawthorn, Victoria See more
13.01.2022 How much do you love sloths right now?!
13.01.2022 Dogs are not only mans best friend, but also may be the key to longevity! . A scientific review, spanning 70 years of research surrounding the health benefits of dog ownership, showed that having a dog can improve your life expectancy! The findings were published in the American Heart Associations Circulation journal. . Dog ownership was associated with a 24% reduction in risk of death compared to non-ownership.... Owning a dog also decreases the risk of: Cardiovascular disease Hypertension Depression and anxiety Loneliness . In fact, dog ownership addresses 4 of the 9 lessons from the blue zone communities (areas of the world with higher than average life expectancy) - relevant to dog ownership are: 1. Moderate, regular physical activity. 2. Life purpose. 3. Stress reduction. 4. Engagement in social life. Now thats what I call a best friend! How does your dog keeps you happy and healthy? Picture of @slip_houndawg and @charlesthebordercollie on a puppy play date... made me pretty happy that day
13.01.2022 Very grateful for this festive donation! . Happy Easter everyone staying home and safe . #facemask #easterweekend #stayinghomesaveslives #flattenthecurve
12.01.2022 Can cats be affected by COVID-19? - To date they have been only two pets cats who have tested positive for the COVID-19, one in Belgium and one in Hong Kong. Both had owners positive for the COVID-19 virus. One of the cats was reported to have vomiting, diarrhoea and respiratory signs whilst the cat from Hong Kong remained asymptomatic. . Human to animal transmission is still exceedingly rare. 4000 dogs and cats were tested from Canada, USA and EU including areas with hi...gh numbers of human COVID-19 cases and all samples have been negative to date. . Pet owners should be assured that at this stage there is no current evidence of infection of humans from domestic animals, in the SARS-CoV-1 outbreaks of 2003 or this current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. . As always it is good practice to maintain good hygiene practices after feeding or handling your pet. . credit: @pawtraiture and @princesshoneybelle See more
12.01.2022 Meet Fluffy the beautiful fur child of @cadwynclare who was due for her annual health check and vaccination today. . We wanted to make Fluffy was all up to date before @cadwynclare is blessed with her third child who is due on the 4th October. The 4th of October incidentally is the feast day of St. Francis Assisi aka the patron Saint of animals... talk about being born an animal lover . Fluffy is not a fan of the carry cage but was not averse to me checking her over whilst chowing down on her favourite food!! Win win @ Kew, Victoria
12.01.2022 My office is your office!! * Meet Jessie and Bella who we’re due their annual health check... aren’t they adorable * Dr. Suze will still be attending to house calls in the Eastern suburbs during the Stage 3 lockdown where tele-consultation computer is not an option. ... Personal Protective Equipment , consultation outside if possible and thorough disinfection between consults is all stand procedure. Stay physically distant (1.5 m to be precise ) and socially united over the next 6 weeks - Virtual and love - #drsuze
11.01.2022 My office is your office!! * Meet Jessie and Bella who were due their annual health check... arent they adorable * Dr. Suze will still be attending to house calls in the Eastern suburbs during the Stage 3 lockdown where tele-consultation computer is not an option. ... Personal Protective Equipment , consultation outside if possible and thorough disinfection between consults is all stand procedure. Stay physically distant (1.5 m to be precise ) and socially united over the next 6 weeks - Virtual and love - #drsuze
10.01.2022 Meet @lola_wigglebum a 11 year old (we guesstimate) Staffordshire Terrier. Lola may not have had the best start but with the help of @projectunderdogrescue and her amazing and dedicated owners, shes been given a second chance. Heres Lola proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks! If you are thinking of getting a new dog, why not consider adopting... I mean who could say not that that face ?! @ St Kilda, Victoria
09.01.2022 I all my pet peeps but I have a strict no tongues rule on a first visit, sorry @lukahhusky ... maybe next time . . Our pets are so special. How does your pet shows you love? Id love to hear from you . Sending out Friday loves
09.01.2022 Charles has some training to do!!!
07.01.2022 I encourage all my patients to take and active interest in their health and wellbeing
07.01.2022 Question: Does acupuncture hurt?! * This is what Cooper the blue heeler @amandatyson4 had to say If you would like to find out more give Dr. Suze a call 1300 88 25 24!
06.01.2022 Cold dark winter nights and COVID-19 couldn’t keep me away from these guys...and they call it puppy love On a serious note: Your puppy’s first health check and vaccinations are one of the most important vet visits you’ll make. Make sure you get your pet off to the right start, come armed with a list of all your questions ...us vets are happy to help
06.01.2022 The importance of giving blood... . Meet Mia, a beautiful 13 year old domestic long haired cat who I saw for her routine senior health check. Cats are considered to be elderly once they reach 11 years of age, with senior cats defined as those aged between 11-14 years and geriatric cats 15 years and upwards. It sometimes helps to appreciate their age in human terms. The commonly held belief that 1 cat year = 7 cat years is a bit misleading because cats mature faster. A one ...year old cat is physiologically similar to a 16 year old human, a two year old cat is a 21 year old human, thereafter each cat year is equivalent to 4 human years. This makes Mia is 65 in human years! . Age itself is not a disease but the aging process does makes out pets more prone to certain conditions. Some of these may be detected solely on physical examination such as dental disease but to detect other conditions such as kidney or hormonal disease we have to look a little deeper. This is where the importance of giving blood ties in. . Routine blood testing on senior and geriatric pets allows early detection of sub-clinical diseases (no external symptoms). This means as vets, we can implement early management strategies to ensure your feline friend stays in optimal health and around for longer. . Mia got the all clear but there were other geriatric felines last week that did not. If its been a while, book your senior/geriatric cat or dog in for a check up! Believe me there is MUCH to discuss: Diet Dental disease Weight Exercise Mental status Sensory deterioration Degenerative diseases Hormonal changes Heart disease Lumps and bumps Arthitis Behaviour All of which is much better when discussed over a cup of tea in the comfort of your own home . Call today to book your pet in for their senior health check! See more
05.01.2022 For all the people who have had its just a dog conversation...
04.01.2022 Meet @slip_houndawg the Border Collie Puppy! I met Slip last month for her 2nd puppy vaccination ... not that she noticed! #bravepup Your puppys 2nd vaccination is probably the first and most important vet appointment youll have with your new , discussion topics include: Behaviour Training... Diet Worming Flea prevention Grooming Desexing Vaccinations Oral Hygiene/ tooth brushing Exercise Findings of physical examination How cute your puppy is In other words... a lot! I always like to send email summaries so you can refer back to topics discussed. There is A LOT of information to take in when you have a new fur addition but you are not alone! Cant wait to see how much she has grown later this week for her final @charlesthebordercollie is coming along for a #puppyplaydate #wholetthedogsout
04.01.2022 Im excited to announce I will be working with @petlife_au as their resident veterinarian! Petlifeau.com is a website bring valuable pet resources and information to the Australian and loving community. This months Vets pick is an article I wrote on health, as part of #petdentalhealthmonth ... Id love to hear your thoughts ... https://petlifeau.com//basic-care//ask-a-vet-with-dr-suze/
04.01.2022 Did you know that yesterday (4th October) was World Animal Day?! I didn’t either... thanks to @edenhillspetcremation for bringing this to light! . Why bring this up now? Yesterday has been and gone and today marks the start of a new day... . The mission of World Animal Day is: To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force... to make the world a better place for all animals. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare. . I think this is something we should support every day even if we only acknowledge it officially once a year. Happy world animal year!!! Photo credit: @photographymaker5
03.01.2022 Clarification around the coronavirus outbreak in Greyhounds in On 28th February 2020 the Greyhound Racing Victoria (Australia) issued a press release about cases of canine coronavirus infections in greyhounds. Canine coronavirus is totally unrelated to the COVID-19 situation and poses no discernible risk to human health. credit: @dogart.bycarmen and @ginnpalme ... Fun fact: @ginnpalme is actually a whippet but I just loved this photo... and the pink collar
02.01.2022 The heart melts
01.01.2022 How much is that doggy in the window Meet Arlo, the cutest shop assistant in town. Hes not for sale but @anthos.houseofblooms has become my one stop shop for gifts , , and . If you do stop by to make some one you loves tail wag this weekend, sure you ask after him! Happy Friday
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