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Dr.Tim in Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia | Beauty

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Locality: Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 1300 037 846

Address: Suite 1, 8-14 Wharf Crescent, Pyrmont 2009 Pyrmont, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Thank you to my beautiful family for a wonderful lunch at The Rocks. I couldn't be prouder of the whole family and, of course, have to thank my better half Maria for arranging everything. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #family #fathersday

25.01.2022 No caption required! A beautiful gift from an equally beautiful post body contouring patient! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bodycontouring #bodylift #augmentationmastopexy #liposuction

24.01.2022 For anyone interested in lip anatomy/augmentation with fillers, I hope you will read my latest commentary in the ASJ. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #teaching #lipaugmentation #lipanatomy #lipfillersydney #lipfillerbeforeandafter #lipfillermelbourne #lipfillerbrisbane

23.01.2022 From Poor Richard's Almanack, 1748. Wise words indeed! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #benjaminfranklinquote #poorrichardsalmanack

23.01.2022 Can't help it...having too much fun #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #berniesanders #berniesandersmemes

22.01.2022 I have been a big fan of Elvis Presley since I can remember. I practiced his signature moves and his vocals (which I discovered were difficult to say the least- try singing "It's now or never" which was Presley's take on "O sole mio." What a powerful voice! When I was young some people even said I remotely looked like him. Hence, why I posted this video with my face exchanged with Presley's. What d'ya think? A little known fact was that Presley was a direct descendant of Abraham Lincoln’s great-grandfather, Isaiah Harrison, but was also a distant relative of US President Jimmy Carter. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #elvispresley

22.01.2022 Just a beautiful card from an even more beautiful person, both inside and out #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bodycontouring #mastopexy

21.01.2022 We have performed 10 body lifts in the last 4.5 weeks. Men and women, all different sizes and shapes. This amazing patient lost over 70 kg post bariatric surgery. Her body contouring surgery involved 360 degree liposuction, body lift and breast reduction. The skin excised from the abdomen measured 65 cm in length from the waist down. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #360lipo #bodylift #breastreduction #massiveweightloss

19.01.2022 This amazing weight loss male patient underwent 15 kg removal of tissue following a body lift and gynaecomastia repair. Swipe to see intraoperative photos now! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bodylift #liposuction #gynaecomastia #abdominoplasty #massiveweightloss #bodycontouring

18.01.2022 Another body transformation in a patient in their late 20s with massive weight loss. She had 360 degree liposuction, body lift with butt augmentation using a fat flap and breast reduction. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bodylift #breastreduction #liposuction #360lipo

18.01.2022 This lovely female patient had a large lipoma on the back of her neck. Video shows her face down, head to the right and the lipoma removed which weighed 270g. The pocket was then closed with quilting sutures with no drain. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #lipoma

18.01.2022 Co-Chaired a great session on the Lower face & Lip- injectables live demo and cadaver video presentation. Discussed interesting techniques and potential complications- very informative. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #lowerfaceanatomy #lipanatomy

18.01.2022 This is one of the reasons I love Sydney! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #sydney #barangaroo

17.01.2022 Some patients truly make our day! These T-shirts were courtesy of our wonderful patient Amanda #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bodycontouring

15.01.2022 It was a great pleasure to be the Chair of an Injectables session on vascular complications at the first virtual meeting for IMCAS Asia 2020. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to the talks. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #imcasasia2020

14.01.2022 Just wanted to say thank you and how appreciative I was to the Scientific Committee for inviting me to participate in the virtual ASAPS Aeathetic Breast Course II with a presentation entitled, "The MWL breast patient" and the panel discussion that followed. Thank you too to the amazing international speakers @drjahmad @drkenkel @wallcenter @malluccilondon who partook at the meeting and made it so much worthwhile. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #teaching #asapsaestheticbreastcourse

09.01.2022 I get asked a lot about face and neck lifts and how they look post-op the next day. Facial and neck swelling, and bruising are normally present after facelifts, but the degree of each varies widely from patient to patient. But our surgical techniques have been so refined recently that we generally get minimal bruising and swelling as seen in this lovely patient. Drains present just under the skin in her neck will be removed prior to discharge following an overnight stay. The pen marks barely faded and yet she’s already looking amazing! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #facelift #necklift #deeplanefacelift

09.01.2022 Had a great session talking about the Post-COVID19 Aesthetic Practice with colleagues from around the globe at IMCAS Asia over the weekend. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #imcasasia2020

08.01.2022 I love my patients. They are so thoughtful and kind. Thank you to our beautiful patient for knitting a beanie for my wife and I. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #beautifulpatients #beautifulpatientsbeautifulsmiles

07.01.2022 Me and my hair stylist... #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #bald #hairstylist

05.01.2022 This lovely patient is day 13 following deep plane face/neck lift and bilateral upper/lower blepharoplasties. Swelling takes at least 6 to 12 weeks to settle down. Looking forwards to the 6 week mark photos. #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #facelift #necklift #blepharoplasty #facialrejuvenation

04.01.2022 Last life hack for the day! #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #albertschweitzer

03.01.2022 Iconic Bernie moments through time ... #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #berniesanders

02.01.2022 Continuing on the philosophical rant... #asapsau #isaps #asaps #theaestheticsociety #aserf #plasticsurgery #aestheticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #aestheticsurgeryjournal #aestheticplasticsurgery #teaching #philosophy #stoicism #torah

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