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20.01.2022 ** SUPPORT GIVEAWAY ** My children recently received a gift from a close friend. The gift was to help reset their mindset and focus their attention on moving forward in a positive direction. I have a daughter in first-year university and a son and daughter both studying VCE. Like other Victorian students, 2020 has been a particularly challenging year and as we approach a return to school, exams,and assessments they are feeling a little anxious, but also excited about the pos...sible return to gatherings with friends. The Little Ball gifted to them was a reminder of the support network that surrounds them and provided them with a sense of focus that has encouraged them to approach their challenges with a positive mindset. The "Little Ball" is worn close to their heart and is a constant, tactile reminder that you’ve got this and you are surrounded by people who love and support you no matter what. As a way of paying forward this act of kindness, we would like to give away twenty Little Balls to inspire other young people to look forward with a positive mindset and to know they are surrounded by love and support. The "Little Ball" is a 10mm natural stone on pure cotton thread, it can be worn as a necklace or a bracelet and is adjustable. You can choose from 1 of 12 Little Balls to receive or pass on to someone. HOW TO ENTER 1. Like our page 2. Tag a friend in the comments below Please enter as many times as you like. Continue "paying it forward" & share this post. if kindness could be passed along, unrestrainedly, as forward messages, the world would be a better place. Joan Ambu T&C 20 winners selected at random. Will be announced & notified on 12/10/2020 via Facebook. #WyseDesign #MentalHealth #Giveaway #Support #YouthHealth #Wellbeing #VCE #VCEExams #ClassOf2020 #ClassOf2021 #BackToSchool #VCEParent

19.01.2022 Little Ball - Support Giveaway Thank you to all those who liked, commented, shared and tagged others in our Little Ball - Support giveaway. The following people are the recipients of a "Little Ball":... Josie Russo, Kathy Swadling, Mia Christie, Claire Morillian, Silvana Grasso Paris, Maria Cacciottolo, Susan Cater, Christine Royal, Amber Griffiths, Melissa White, Anne Bernadetta, Selena Senberg, Simone Corin, Julie Witte, Marianne Kirk, Lea Leon, Erica Har, Tetske Gordon, Cathy Batchelder, Sarah Jane Galea I will direct message those listed above with details of how to select and collect your "Little Ball". I hope the "Little Ball" is a small but significant reminder to someone in your circle that they are loved and supported. To purchase your own "Little Ball" be sure to check out

17.01.2022 Positive Choices is a online portal that gives parents, students and teacher access to accurate, up-to-date drug education resources and prevention programs. Starting the conversation about alcohol with your teenager can be challenging, for some great advice on how to approach this essential conversation check out Positive Choices Facebook premiere video with Dr Jacquie Bowden this afternoon at 3.

11.01.2022 LET’S HELP OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TO RECONNECT WITH FRIENDS SAFELY AS WE START TO EMERGE FROM COVID 19 LOCKDOWN. The Conversation recently published an article titled: Forget the stereotypes. Our survey shows many young people are drinking less alcohol in lockdown. The article highlighted amongst other trends that, many young people had reduced their drinking and drug use now festivals, nightclubs or parties are no longer an option. The article goes on to suggest that: It is also worth noting large proportions of the group that drank less reported improvements in aspects of their lives as a result. However, as we start to emerge from various levels of COVID-19 Lockdown, I fear that young people may launch themselves back into their social scene at risky levels. The natural sensation seeking, risk-taking behaviours, that are vital to the development of young people, have been subdued for such a long time. Many of them are feeling ripped off as they have missed opportunities like birthday parties, schoolies, festivals, school formals, and the after-parties, the list goes on. As stated in the article we need to be mindful to support young people when restrictions lift, to encourage people to return to their socialising and partying in a safe way. I encourage you all to take the time NOW to have important conversations with the young people in your life. Talk about: your boundaries and expectations around alcohol for those under 18. for those over 18, discuss how they can manage their alcohol intake so they can enjoy reconnecting. possible scenarios that could occur and how they could be managed. the network of trusted adults that they could contact if they found themselves or others in risky situations. the signs that may alert them to a possible risky or emergency situation. how you will support them. having fun, reconnecting, looking after each other and being safe.

10.01.2022 Today we have part two of Positive Choices Facebook Premiere videos. Prof Tim Slade and Prof Cath Chapman continue the conversation about teens, alcohol, and how parents can start a conversation which will help to set up clear expectations. Join them @ Positive Choices Facebook page at 3pm.

04.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. This day comes at a time when our daily lives have changed considerably as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The past months have brought many challenges for students, adapting to taking classes from home, with little contact with teachers and friends, and anxious about their futures. -World Mental Health Day Website Take the time today to check in with the young people in your life. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile..., a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of care, all of which have the potential to make a difference and even turn a life around. Today is your last opportunity to go into the draw for our Little Ball support giveaway. If you would like to gift a small reminder to a young person in your circle, that they are loved and supported enter via our Facebook page.

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