Dr Van Davy | Public figure
Dr Van Davy
Phone: +61 414 310 968
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25.01.2022 Yesterday our government announced its latest budgetary savings measure; to tighten the rules for those receiving social security payments; pensioners, the unem...ployed, low income families and others. This is expected to raise $2.2 billion, some of which we understand to include over-payments made to struggling families attempting to navigate a complex system. The recovery of such monies is also questionable. Australian Council of Social Service chief executive Cassandra Goldie said "Aggressive pursuit of debts against people who are on the lowest income is high risk." Again the poor and those who are most vulnerable in our communities are to be targeted. Meanwhile the major banks, political parties, politicians, lobbyists, and big business fail to come under scrutiny for suspect behaviour, and remain unaccountable. Youre playing us for mugs Mr Morrison. We demand a Federal ICAC or a Royal Commission, or both. It is not unreasonable to expect transparency and honesty from welfare recipients, nor is it unreasonable to expect this from the top end of town. Fr Rod http://www.smh.com.au//federal-election-2016-welfare-crack
25.01.2022 Van Davy talks about youth challenges, especially employment opportunities on the Central Coast.
23.01.2022 Video 3: Please SHARE this widely
23.01.2022 The Independent candidate for Robertson, Dr Van Davy, said today that his focus was on the 4 major groups of local people in the upcoming elections: pensioners,... youth, workers, and small business. Dr Davy said, "Our local economy works best when youth are engaged, pensioners and workers families have cash in their pockets and purses, and small businesses are blooming with health because of their youthful, pensioner and worker customers. In this system everyone pays their taxes". Dr Davy said, "The trouble is, right now, Australias mega-rich, too many big companies, and the multinational corporations are using Malcolm Turnbulls highway to tax evasion to NOT pay their taxes, to rob the national Treasury of the necessary taxes to properly fund Medicare, pensions, public schools and hospitals, the ABC, investment in renewables, investment in a fast internet, investment in youth policy especially here on the Coast ... and investment in a 10 Year road plan for here on the Central Coast." "Small business depends on cashed up pensioners and workers families and working youth. When Big Business, the mega-rich and multinationals fail to pay their taxes, then our economic system becomes rotten ... because it impoverishes already poor pensioners, drains cash from workers families, and leaves small businesses without the customers they need to do well, " Dr Davy said. Dr Davy listed his differences with the major parties as: 1. The criminalisation of the use of Tax Escapes ["havens" ] by the mega-rich and corporations, such as that used by the Prime Minister in the Cayman Islands, and thus to close the freeway [not accidental loopholes] of tax evasion robbing the Australian Treasury of the finances it needs. 2. Stop all tax evasion, especially by the already wealthy in areas such as superannuation, negative gearing and Capital gains tax. 3. Immediate establishment of an Independent Commission Against Corruption ... to stop the policy-mangling effects on Government of lobbyists within Parties, vested interests expecting policy advantages from close ties to political parties, factional bosses wielding power while de-powering party memberships, wildly over-generous schemes privileging politicians over the regular public. 4. Immediate introduction of a 0.1% Speculation Transaction Levy/Tax on all trades in shares, stocks, bonds, derivatives, futures, and currencies 5. I will seek to broker a bi-partisan agreement between Liberal and Labor for a Pensioners Manifesto of Essentials, the centre-piece being to move the pension from current 10% below the Poverty Line to 30% above by 2027. Dr Davy said,"I will preference the Liberals last ... because the Liberals have recent form as serial liars: 1. Liberals promised to maintain pensions but cut 97,000 pensioners, reduced pensions to another 200,000 and tried to dilute indexation 2. Liberals cut schools and hospitals despite promises not to do so 3. Liberals cut funding to the ABC/SBS despite promising not to do so 4. Liberals attempted to impose a $8 tax on Medicare, are currently privatising Medicare, and will destroy public Medicare as surely as they are now destroying public TAFE 5. Like Labor the Liberals refuse to establish a national ICAC ...I will shame both partiies into agreeing to this 6. Like Labor, the Liberals are soft on the highway of tax evasion which benefits Big Business and Multinationals and impoverishes the interdependent triumvirate of: pensioners, workers, and small business. Dr Davy said, "I will 2nd preference Labor because, despite Labors internal factional wrangles and refusal to address internally corrupted processes and a national ICAC, Labor is strong on matters of Medicare, dental care, penalty rates, schools, hospitals, fast internet and jobs generated by massive investments in renewables." Dr Davy said, "it is a pity that Australia is so locked into its adversarial 2 party political system because Australia would benefit from a 2 year "Unity of Purpose" Government, with an Independent as Prime Minister, Windsor, Xenophon and Member for Indi as important Ministers for [a] intro a national ICAC [b] criminalise overseas tax havens and expose all forms of tax evasion and close them [c] Royal Commission into the finance sector and banks, with special focus on the "social purposes & NATIONAL responsibility" of banking. Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten as key Ministers in the 2 year Cabinet with opportunity to sow their concern for the nation rather than the corrupted interests of their factions and party donors, would also be a good development for the nation" Dr Davy said, " I am 71 ... not a career politician" " I have a degree in Political Science and a 3 x top-boxes Ph D in the politics of Education" "I take zero money from any donor, and I am free of any influence from any party, faction, union, company, corporation, developer, spivs or urgers". " I am not in this election for the money or status. As a matter of highest priority, I want to clean the plumbing of government with a concentration on purifying the dirty pipes of factions and lobbyist control of the processes and thinking of Government. Corruption, massive tax evasion, and privileged politicians working only for lobbyists mega-rich and big corporations AND AT THE EXPENSE of job-generating small business, pensioners, workers, Social Wage, Family Wage, job-generating fast internet, and job-generating renewables industries..... is a form of capitalism gone wrong. Clean political representatives with everyone paying their taxes is a form of capitalism that works well ... for everyone, including the big battalions of: workers, pensioners, youth and small business," Dr Davy said. END.
23.01.2022 Privatising the Central Coast
22.01.2022 Van Davy will be one of the candidates addressing the audience. Vans PhD is in Education - so he should have some valuable insights!
20.01.2022 The majority of Australians support marriage equality. We do not understand why we must see our LGBTIQ sisters and brothers endure the despicable lies, propaga...nda and abuse that an expensive and hateful plebiscite will unleash against them. It is the job of the parliament to pass this legislation... so we say enough is enough... just do it! Fr Rod #marriageequality http://www.theage.com.au//australias-samesex-marriage-pleb
20.01.2022 I went to the Mingara forum tonight. What a farce... robbed of my Free Speech. Excluded from equal participation. Liberals had a Howling Team there to howl down... anyone who suggested that the Neo-Conservatives are gunning for Medicare. Disgusting performance. I shall write about the Lies Strategy tomorrow. In the meantime .... Express-Advocate has established itself as a discriminatory organisation NOT committed to public scrutiny of any candidates bar those IT picks ... and believes will give it best sensational coverage. Zero talk tonight, by ANY candidate, of CORRUPTION ... and only the Greens made a sliding reference to tax avoidance. No-one else sees the massive Budgetary implications of the huge tax highway for Big Businesss and multi-nationals and mega-rich like Turnbull.....to Tax "Havens"... Gone missing tonight = anti-corruption + anti-massive tax avoidance = Free Speech. A disgusting night reminiscent of the early 30s Germany ... restricted speakers + a howling mob of respectable hard-right drowning out opposition speakers..... See more
19.01.2022 Bowen went very well. He has really grown into this job over the last 12 months. I was really critical of him when he literally surrendered to Alan Jones on Q a...nd A last year ... but I have watched several of his speeches, especially at and since the NSW ALP Conference, and he has managed to get his head around most of the arguments. He will get tougher as his too-gentle leader begins to understand the enormity, the Budget-busting enormity of the mega-rich robbing the public treasury of taxes forgone in Tax Escapes [havens] like the Cayman Islands, Panama et al ... and the array of tax dodges disproportionately available to the mega-rich: superannuation gifting, negative gearing and CGT; family and business trusts, and the total absence of any transaction levy on stocks, shares, bonds, derivatives, futures, curencies. Bowen looked good up against a 3-word economic plan "Jobs and Growth" with no planning elements, leave alone a blue-print we can all critique. Morrison-Turnbull can cackle about "innovation" and "nimbleness" and "Science" but who will believe they understand ANYTHING about putting rubber-on-the-road when they: (I) rip the rug from under schools [Gonski] (ii) attack the citidels of Science & Innovation [CSIRO] (iii) entirely gut the renewables generator of jobs, and continue to deny the economics of Climate Change, (iv) entirely mangle a potentially MAJOR generator of innovation and jobs [a genuinely fast NBN ... Austalia is now 60th in the world!], (v) continue to press for University privatisation which will knock out our low SES students ... the mind boggles at the huge gap between the Neo-Cons words [jobs, growth, science, innovation] and their absence of PLAN. The reason for the absence of a plan is this: Turnbulls vision is not a plan ... it is an ideology of what he calls "small government" . This ideology has 2 tools: (i) de-regulate wages/Penalty Rates ... take away all the rules [regulations] that protect workers [b] privatise ... and so attack public initiatives such as: pensions, Medicare, fast NBN, investment in renewables, public universities, public schools, public TAFE, public hospitals, public roads ... Small government has 2 tools: de-regulation; privatisation. The Liberals have a plan to attack everything that is "public" such as pensions & Medicare and, and, and ... ... and everything that is regulated [such as Awards and Penalty Rates]. When they cannot fund their $50 billion tax cuts, $60 billion submarines, and myriad tax escapes for the Big End of Town , including outrageously immoral tax robbery in tax "havens", trusts, superannuation gifts and negative gearing ... what do they do? They say "we are not living within our means! We need more money....so we will introduce a 15% tax on food and "up" the GST on everything to 15%." A GST is a disproportionate tax on pensioners and workers ... while the mega-rich dodge, duck, weave on their way to disgustingly wasteful wealth. This is a DOUBLE DISSOLUTION election, used by governments that cannot get their bastard legislation through. They NEED both houses to implement their PLAN to [a] CUT & privatise everything important to us, starting with Medicare [b] De-regulate wages and Penalty rates [c] protect the immoral & massive tax robberies enjoyed by a bloated & rapacious Big End of Town. My name is Van Davy & I am the Independent candidate for Robertson ... independent of Party and factional bosses, no money donors of ANY kind, 71 yeas of age and thus not a career politician. Well done Chris Bowen!
19.01.2022 Chevron Australias US parent company paid income tax of only $248 last year despite earning an estimated $1.73 billion profit on interest charges to its Gorgon LNG development, documents filed with the Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance show. Chevron Australia Petroleum Company, incorporated in Delaware, charged its subsidiary Chevron Australia $1.8 billion in 2014, more than 25 times the interest cost it pays to external lenders, on $36.5 billion of debt. None of t...his profit appears to have been taxable in the US, with Chevron APC paying less than $US200 a year tax for the last decade, documents submitted to the tax inquiry by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) show. Chevron Australia has confirmed the Australian Tax Office is auditing its funding arrangements on the $US54 billion ($76 billion) Greater Gorgon LNG development, after the Federal Court last month confirmed penalty assessments on an earlier tax-free funding scheme by the group. Read more: http://www.afr.com//chevron-gorgon-company-paid-only-248-t Follow us: @FinancialReview on Twitter | financialreview on Facebook
18.01.2022 WHO IS THE LIAR? In 2013, the Liberal Party, Lucy Wicks Liberal Party, told us in paid advertisements, Leader announcements, huge truck-side advertising boa...rds, radio interviews ... in many different ways ... that they: 1. Would NOT touch Pensions BUT THEY DID! Can you remember this? Did they, or did they not, try to legislate to decrease indexation of all pensions? Did they, or did they not, eliminate 97,000 pensioners and severely cut pensions to another 200,000? Did they? YOU answer.... dont leave it to a political party to supply an answer .... YOU answer this question, quietly inside your own head ... because you KNOW the answer. You know this is what happened ... and it represents a heinous LIE. Knowing that this is a lie ... do you believe, Good People do you believe that WITH BOTH HOUSES of Parliament, the Liberals are finished with pensioners? Answer this question quietly inside your own head....free of the howling mob who want to make noise and confuse you and everyone else 2. Would not touch Medicare ... BUT THEY DID! Can you remember the $8 Medicare tax which the Liberals passed through the House of representatives with the support of Lucy Wicks? The lie is clear....everyone knows it ... but Murdochs media and the intimidated ABC dont remind us. Why is the $8 tax not there? Because in the Senate, Labor, Greens and some Independents BLOCKED it. Then, we also KNOW that the Liberals have changed the cost of blood tests and imaging, that it will costs $100s to get these items attended to. Then there is the extra costs to Doctors the Liberals have regulated ... a cost the Doctors say will end bulk-billing. So, in respect of Medicare, where we were told "no changes" and no cuts would be made ... have we been told lies? YOU can answer this. You dont need a howling mob to tell you. The truth is plain for all to see. We were promised "no changes" ... and they lied. Does ANYONE believe that WITH BOTH HOUSES of Parliament, the Liberals are finished with Medicare? How gullible would we be to believe THAT? 3. Would not cut Education BUT THEY ARE! The Liberals are driving a truck over education ... schools, TAFE, and Universities. The Liberals said "no changes to school funding" ... yet they now say they will not fund the 2 most important elements of Gonski ... the last 2 years 2017-18. The Liberals in both State and Federal are in the process of destroying TAFE, so vital to a future Youth Plan and the training of young people for job starts. And, in University, the only reason we dont have privatised Universities and $100,000 Uni degrees is because Labor, Greens and Independents clubbed together to stop it in the Senate. Is what I am saying accord with YOUR memory of what has occurred? Then, you are in a position to determine YOURSELF if the Liberals are lying. They said they wouldnt change these policies..... but they did, and they changed Big Time. So... what do you think the Liberals will do if they get BOTH Houses of parliament? Do you think the Liberals are finished with schools, TAFE and Universities? 4. And, so it goes on ABC/SBS, hospitals, child care and, while we are chatting about belief . does ANYONE BELIEVE that after months of trying to convince us of the ESSENTIAL nature of a GST that the Liberal Party, with BOTH HOUSES is finished with a 15% GST.including a new 15% tax on food? Is anyone that gullible? Friends! This is a DOUBLE DISSOLUTION election called especially so the Liberals can get control of BOTH Houses and get through THE EXTREME POLICIES THEY WERE UNABLE TO GET THROUGH LAST TIME. The Liberals are screaming "LIAR!" only because they MUST drown out the accurate accusation that they are SERIAL LIARS WITH RECENT FORM!!!! My recommendation . Vote 1 for a clear-headed, politically educated, anti-corruption Independent ... put Labor 2nd, because they are 2nd best, put Hillary Morris "3" because she is a wonderfully principled candidate with many good policies [I dont agree on them all] ... and PUT THE LIARS LAST! That is where they put you.... ____________________________________________
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY PLAN TO BE PRESENTED. This coming Sunday [7 May] the Community Environment Network [CEN] will be running its Annual Community Forum at Ourimbah Campus..., Lecture Theatre One at 9:00 to 15:15. Lots of speakers throughout the day. Yesterday CEN invited me to present the DRAFT Community Plan which I am happy to do in the 2:00 - 3:00 pm time-slot. You can easily get a copy of it here....get yourself a copy and give it to a friend ... and can you seek to have an organisation hear us speak about it? Here is the link ... go to policies.... See more
17.01.2022 Check Van's latest video on privatisation of public land while there's no elected council in charge.
16.01.2022 2015.6.8 - CHAMBER of COMMERCE speech. Yesterday I followed 3 x 15 minute speeches from Labor, Green and Liberal candidates with my own 5 minute speech. It was the Chamber of Commerce Meet the Candidates event. I was happy that they eventually allowed me to speak, but somewhat aggrieved that I was only permitted 5 minutes. So, what I actually said was a smaller version of this: CAPITALISM and SMALL BUSINESS Capitalism! When we talk of Capitalism we often generalise as if th...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Did you miss this post on Sunday? Never mind, with polling day rapidly approaching, take a few minutes to see a clean, anti-corruption independents policy for young people.
15.01.2022 In February the Liberals were boasting about their plans to privatise the payments section of Medicare. Now that the public have cottoned on, theyre trying to pretend it was never their plan. A good thing theres a record. You just cant trust the Liberals with Medicare.
14.01.2022 Anyone see any flaws in Malcs big economic "plan"?
13.01.2022 Check Vans latest video on privatisation of public land while theres no elected council in charge.
12.01.2022 The Gosford pre-poll centre is on the corner of Mann and Donnison....it is the OLD Commonwealth Bank, now called the DonnMann Business Centre. The address is Su...ite 1/Level 1, 91-99 Mann Street. The entrance is a few metres in Mann Street ... and we are supposed to be 6 metres from that entrance. I will not be printing 108465 How to Vote tickets. Tomorrow I will try out a small table with old flyers, stool for sitting. By Wednesday I hope to have the "A" frame to identify you/us as the Independent + "T" shirt .... also I have prepared 100 "How to Vote tickets" in a plastic envelope ... to give people and ask them to return it/them. We shall see how we go with them. The Woy Woy pre-poll does not begin till next Monday. It will be at the old RTA Office building. More to say about that later in the week. Everyone will vote, and should vote, according to their own considerations. We MUST number every square...every square. This is the way I will be voting. 4 . Lawrie Higgins 1 .......... VAN DAVY 7 . Lucy Wicks 3 . Hillary Morris 5 . Mathew Craig 6 . Robert Stoddart 2 ........ ANNE CHARLTON Van Davy Dr Van Davy www.vandavy.com THE ABOVE CAME FROM VANS POST BUT I WAS NOT ABLE TO SHARE - SO I COPIED & PASTED - the below is from me Prepoll starts today - 30% of us will be voting early - now I know who my local candidates are BUT I will still need to find out what/who they represent. The AEC website is NOT USER FRIENDLY - does anyone have a copy of the SENATE table cloth so I can think before I vote - or can you at least direct me to where on the above-mentioned SHITE WEBSITE I should be looking? Those who work at AEC should conduct an internal review on themselves - they have underwhelmed me at their (deliberate?) underpreparedness - they ONLY had 3 years to prepare - what have they been doing? certainly NOT preparing their really crap website where only 2 weeks ago they hadnt even got around to posting the location of the 2016 polling booths - last night I searched for ages to find out the locations of the Pre-polling sites - NO LUCK AGAIN. So if you are in Robertson & missed Van Davys post - 2 sites only NO ERINA FAIR - GOSFORD - Old Regal Theatre/Com Bank site - corner of Mann & Donnison. WOY WOY - Old RTA Office BUT not till next week? Logic?
12.01.2022 Chevron Australia's US parent company paid income tax of only $248 last year despite earning an estimated $1.73 billion profit on interest charges to its Gorgon LNG development, documents filed with the Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance show. Chevron Australia Petroleum Company, incorporated in Delaware, charged its subsidiary Chevron Australia $1.8 billion in 2014, more than 25 times the interest cost it pays to external lenders, on $36.5 billion of debt. None of t...his profit appears to have been taxable in the US, with Chevron APC paying less than $US200 a year tax for the last decade, documents submitted to the tax inquiry by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) show. Chevron Australia has confirmed the Australian Tax Office is auditing its funding arrangements on the $US54 billion ($76 billion) Greater Gorgon LNG development, after the Federal Court last month confirmed penalty assessments on an earlier tax-free funding scheme by the group. Read more: http://www.afr.com//chevron-gorgon-company-paid-only-248-t Follow us: @FinancialReview on Twitter | financialreview on Facebook
10.01.2022 EXCLUDED from equal participation!!! I CONTINUE TO PRESS MR MARK NOLAN of Express Advocate to provide me with equal participation rights at next Tuesdays Meet the Candidates Forum. My todays email to Mark follows FYI: Good morning Mark, Yesterday at 11:10, I emailed you for the 2nd time seeking your agreement to review the invitations to the Meet the Candidates Forum scheduled for next Tuesday night. I am seeking equal time to present my candidacy to the assembled elector...s. I believe this request of mine to be: 1. Fair and equitable ... and thus unbiased. 2. Consistent with principles of Democracy, especially within the context of an open public election ... and thus consistent with principles of Freedom, Liberty and Justice. 3. Consistent with the principle of freedom to speak ... and thus, aligned with liberal freedoms and not with repressive behaviours which exclude selected participants in the democratic process. Today I would again ask you to [a] acknowledge receipt of my emails, and [b] review your decision to exclude me from equal participation in the forum. And again, I offer to visit your office to discuss this matter at a time suitable to you. You will be aware that we only have 2 more working days in which to review your decision. I would much prefer to engage with you on this matter rather than see the matter slip into history simply by means of ignoring it. This would not be an honourable way to address my request ... and would, of course, leave unaddressed, the matters I have raised in 1. to 3. above. Best wishes.....Van [Davy]
10.01.2022 GUNS AND THE USA: Over the last couple of days there has been a bit of an exchange between me and some supporters of de-regulated guns. I will not go over the f...ritter-brain stuff vomited out by the racist and extreme authoritarians but I had an exchange with a person I know to be decent and well-motivated and it represents an exchange worth repeating, I think. I would value thoughtful reaction, for or against ... or even unconvinced and seeking further discussion. What follows is a [lightly] edited version of the exchange with no further comment. Bob is a fake name for a real and decent person. Following several posts that advocated de-regulated gun ownership, gun use and gun carry and referencing to the US Constitution, and baddies with guns need goodies with guns to shoot back the exchange went like this: Van: Doesnt it make you sick, I mean truly feeling sick, to read this flurry of reasons to continue to protect the rights of murderously intentioned people to pick up a gun, even on whim, and in a few seconds, reduce a mass of beautiful children or a crowd of happy dancers, to a mangled mess of butchery. We have the capacity to change this immorality. But it requires INTENTION. Those who run arguments that defend the interests of the murderous have no INTENTION to seek change so that the interests of the Common Good are established and defended. Bob: Be careful Van. If you can separate the discussion of disarming a nation, stricter gun laws that are enforced FROM the horror of mass killings it would be helpful. No one is defending mass slaughter. I for one am as sad and horrified as you are. Im a bit insulted that you claim we are running arguments to defend the interests of the murderous. Thats bloody outrageous of you mate. Van: Dont be insulted by argument. Engage with it. Or retire for a little while and think about it. I respect you Bob for a range of reasons, not least of which is your preparedness to think and engage. This is just another discussion mate...but it happens to be very raw because in USA, where gun ownership is unregulated, there are masses....yes masses....of kids and innocents mangled every year. We need to have INTENTION to stop this slaughter. Bob: What is happening in America and has happened already here is that we The People are defenceless. Thats dangerous Van. Ive read enough history to know that sometimes we The People need to overthrow evil governments. How do we do that now ? Because it looks to me we are heading down that road. Just look at what Mike Baird has just done and be afraid, Van. Be very afraid. Van: Gandhi didnt need muskets to defeat the British. The Czechs didnt need guns to defeat the Russians. The Phillipinos didnt need guns to get rid of the Marcos regime. There are many examples of The People rising up to rid themselves of tyrannical governments. This defence of unregulated ownership and carriage of guns is authoritarian extreme right-wing politics dressed up in talk of archaic interpretation of Constitutional "rights"...and disingenuous self-serving talk of "only the good people will be denied guns". Only those with no INTENTION to protect the rights of the Common Good can talk this. Intention, Bob. If we INTEND to protect the Common Good, then we can do it. Van: You ask Should I be afraid? Now? Yes. Afraid enough to stand for Parliament and take these corrupt bastards head on. Yes! Afraid, but not intent on killing the pricks! Bob: We can regulate drivers licences we can do it with guns too if were serious about it. Look at any prohibition Van it has never worked.....we still have drugs. In Australia only the bad guys have guns. Van: I am not arguing for prohibition! You flamin turkey! I ride the trail bikes with RFS. That takes us up to the shooting range out in a designated spot in the bush. There are dozens of decent people there using guns for sporting/pleasure purposes. The guns are kept in safes, the ammunition kept separate from the guns, the guns are recorded, licenced, and their owners checked out. No worries. Any guns on the streets? No. Any guns-to-hand in a domestic argument? No. Any guns for a kid to pick up? No. Any easy access to a mentally ill person fired up tonight with booze, or homophobia, or his Nazi fantasy? No. Only the dead-set criminal is left and even s/he has problems. INTENTION to change. THAT is the indicator in this debate. Do we INTEND to change the current de-regulated gun laws in USA, or continue to defend the rights of the murderous? Bob: Turkey ? Enough, Van . Have a nice day. Van: Turkey...a term of endearment, my friend. (I hope) Van: Ok. I am off too Bob: Thanks Van. Van: Like
09.01.2022 Yet another corrupt politician found guilty. How many federal members are getting away with the same or worse? Its a timely reminder of the need for a federal ICAC.
08.01.2022 FREE UNIVERSITY for those with merit: Today I have been told by a thoughtful woman working out how she will vote, that my policy of free university for those w...ith merit would be: too expensive; lead to too many students; result in many people getting useless degrees and remain unemployed. My answer follows: Thank you for your email, and your thoughtful views, Emily. Free University education, to those with merit [please acknowledge this important boundary], should be seen as a national investment, especially in a country which needs to transition to an economy built on renewables energy and tertiary and quaternary industries rather than on mining and light manufacturing. This is a wise move in my view. In the same way as all investment projects have teething problems, or side-issues [eg [a] the Snowy Mountains Scheme did not proceed without injuries, deaths and accidents [b] pensions are an essential provision, but there are a few who rort the system] , so too would a system of free Uni education. However, the national advantages will greatly outweigh the disadvantages. The disadvantages can be minimised, even overcome., One of the management systems we will need to introduce is wo/manpower planning. That is, with public Universities and TAFE, Governments are able to assign a certain amount of University places to areas of study where we will need expansion, with less incentive to other areas, although we need to be careful how we do this so that we do not squeeze the Arts and Humanities which, of course, is where we learn of the Great Debates in History concerning Right and Wrong. A free University will not necessarily result in too many students ... entry is ONLY by merit .... In respect of "cost" .... Australia is a rich country yet we have our pensioners at 10% below the poverty line, we are destroying the support system for youth [privatising schools, TAFE and universities], we are squeezing the life out of the carefully constructed and compassionate Social Wage. Have you thought why this is so? Why do the Neo-Conservatives call for an anti-pensioner, anti-worker, anti-small business GST to fill their Budget deficit? The answer to this is in the twin problems dominating the politics of this country, but addressed by neither major party because they are in it up to their eye-balls. 1. CORRUPTION....with both major parties riddled with lobbyists [Liberal ex-MHR for Lyndsay recently said this explicitly on ABC TV] and vested interest groups... both of them mortally divided by factional hatreds and ideological chasms ... both of them guilty of mangling public policy to suit the wishes of big money-donors and vested interests .... and, gallingly, the self-interested privileges the politicians shower upon themselves. Corruption of the political parties DOMINATES the politics of Australia, yet does not become an election issue: the lobbyist-controlled factional choice of candidates, the factional overthrow of Prime Ministers, the lobbyist-controlled shaping of public policy especially but not only "privatisation", the developer-controlled influence in local government; the conga-line of politicians facing charges of corruption and criminal charges to boot. This issue SHOULD be front-and-centre in election campaigns, but is not ... why? Because [a] both political parties are complicit [b] Rupert Murdoch, owner of 70% of Australias mass media is himself a participant [as only one example of many, it is Murdochs interests in Fox that is at the centre of the Liberals mangled management of the slow & unreliable NBN .... as Foxs infrastructure is slow , and a fast NBN would render his network redundant and allow his competitors into the race]. Murdoch controls most of Australias Daily Lesson ... a reinforced megaphone message that will stop at nothing ... Recent evidence? His relentless trumpeting of the Abbott lies in the 2013 election ... and his persistent and lop-sided attack on Labor. Corrupt Party practices, corrupted party processes, too many corrupt politicians ... and a corrupt mass media ... control the shape of Austr politics ... including THIS election!!!! Eg ... I have been refused equal participation in a Murdoch-newspaper Meet the Candidates" Forum next Tuesday night ... just a tiny LOCAL example of political shaping undertaken as normal and accepted behaviour. It is rotten because it denies democratic procedures and public scrutiny. 2. MASSIVE TAX EVASION: We are told that tax evasion is because of "loopholes". This is a straight con. We are conned by a combination of Murdoch, vested interests and the major parties, to think that tax loopholes are an accidental "oops" moment used by clever lawyers in clever companies to extract a little bit extra. The facts are quite different ... in Australia we have a thundering FREEWAY of tax evasion...a legal highway to offshore tax "havens". At the entry to this highway we have the Prime Minister heralding its legality and waving through all other companies, corporations, multinationals, and/or mega-rich persons to exploit. Oxfam, independent, has used LIMITED data to show that Australia is losing $7 billion every year from this sort of tax evasion in tax hide-outs. Hide-outs of stolen public monies. Secreted treasure robbed from the Australian Peoples Medicare, pensions, schools, hospitals, universities, TAFE, roads, and youth policies. Massive robberies of public funds!!!! You should know that the two characteristics of tax havens are: [a] Secret .... they do NOT report their activities to Aust Tax Office [b] Tax free ... these are immoral money fences. T Tax "havens" are Tax Escapes where secret dealings are producing secret profits kept from the Australian People. . Unpaid taxes....vast amounts of untaxed Australian-generated profits ... is legal [as the PM so often tells us] but it is immoral and should be CRIMINALISED. I do not know how big this immoral money fencing industry is because IT IS SECRET ... but I estimate Oxfams limited data, if complete, would show 10 times that amount ... huge. 3. Further to these twin elephants in the room, is the matter of UNTAXED SPECULATION: did you know that, while it costs you and me a large %age of our transaction at banks ... and it costs a large %age of our transaction to gamble at the TAB ... that there is NO TRANSACTION FEE for any transaction of stocks, shares, bongs, derivatives, futures, currencies .... ??? I would impose a 0.1% levy on all such transactions. How would I pay for free University education for those with merit? Please refer to 1. to 3. above. Thank you for your opinion. If more people engaged in discussion we would have a much healthier democracy. Best wishes ... Van
08.01.2022 Didnt see my Youth Policy on Youtube? Here it is again on Facebook. About 4 minutes and youve got the gist. Like it? Please share widely. Thanks!
08.01.2022 Do you have friends on the Central Coast? Think that they might be over the major parties but unwilling to back a fanatical single-issue party? Think a Federal ICAC is needed to root out corruption in public life? Heres the answer: Dr Van Davy for Robertson. [This has been an Unpaid political announcement by a committed advocate :-) ]
07.01.2022 Last call - PLEASE share this as widely as you can before the final polling day.
06.01.2022 My independence explained - spare a few minute to watch.
05.01.2022 Take a few minutes for Van Davy to explain what being truly independent means.
05.01.2022 Want to know what Van Davy stands for? Invest 48 seconds and watch this short clip.
02.01.2022 The way it is. Join the fight: www.tlcp.net
02.01.2022 Check me out at www.vandavy.com - I am an ENTIRELY SELF-FUNDED INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE.
01.01.2022 My youth policy, in four minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YPe5PoOBu4
01.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE: The Independent candidate for Robertson, Dr Van Davy, said today that his focus in this national election was on the 4 major groups of local people in the upcoming elections: local pensioners, local youth, local workers, and local small business. He said he was deliberately not allowing himself to be distracted by relatively minor issues, lollies in a toxic swamp as sweet as they may be, especially if they are being used to obscure a wider and contrary picture....Continue reading
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