Drylands Permaculture Nursery in Geraldton, Western Australia | Environmental conservation organisation
Drylands Permaculture Nursery
Locality: Geraldton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 458 381 628
Address: 333 David Road, Waggrakine 6530 Geraldton, WA, Australia
Website: http://drylands.org.au/plants
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25.01.2022 September specials on our large species of local gum seedlings.. 25% OFF these fast growing shady Eucalyptus seedlings: Billabong York Gums -://drylands.org.au/product/eucalyptus-loxophleba-ssp-supralaevis/ Red River Gums - https://drylands.org.au//eucalyptus-camaldulensis-var-ari/ Snow Queen Coolabahs -https://drylands.org.au/product/eucalyptus-victrix/... Tuarts -https://drylands.org.au/product/eucalyptus-gomphocephala/ Tall tubes were $4.40 each Now $3.30 while stock lasts. All sun and wind hardened ready to plant now. Local Pick Up Only * Eftpos Available Call Johnny 0458 38 1628 333 David Road, Waggrakine, open 10am - 5pm Thurs to Sunday. Local plants, local people, local wisdom See more
25.01.2022 Resources like this are few and far between..
25.01.2022 Live near the beach and looking for a unique spectacular garden specimen. These are rare and we have a few available now. Beard's Mallee. Native to the Shark bay area. A small very showy drought tolerant eucalyptus suited to Geraldton area. Here a few links on them that a worth a look at: https://www.bgpa.wa.gov.au//do/pn_eucalyptus_beardiana.pdf & https://www.sharkbay.org//upl/2017/04/beards-mallee-v2.pdf Seedlings $8.80 each. Open today Sunday 10am - 5.00pm 333 David... Road, Waggrakine. Mb 0458381628 Johnny Local plants, local people, local wisdom. See more
25.01.2022 Last SALE day Sunday... 27th September .. Featuring two exquisite Melaleucas in our sale - Melaleuca concreta, Yellow Broombrush and the white flowering bottlebrush. Melaleuca viminea. Both are around 2.5m x 2.5 m and put on this spectacular show in spring. They make wonderful windbreak hedges, long lived, they tolerate all soil types and saline water. Bees love them and best of all they are native to our area. The Yellow Broombrush is a species that is frequently used to cr...eate brush fences. Open Thursday -Sunday, 10.00- 5.00pm 333 David Road, Waggrakine, Mb: Johnny 0148381628 Local Plants, Local people, Local wisdom.
24.01.2022 Another under utilised local shrub that deserves a place in the garden. Believe it or not the Coastal or Chenille Honeymyrtle is native throughout the Cape Burney area (close to home). This plant is not only tolerant of salt spray, wind and drought, it has the ability to grow well on all soil types. So if you need a fenceline covered, a windbreak or a striking shrubs that looks like they are covered in a thousand lamb's tails when in flower, this is the one. Just before i...t flowers its buds are pink which is a show in its own right. This shrub will grow to 3m although can be hedged nicely to any lower height. Today we have tubestock of it available on special. 25% off, now $3.30 each. Look out for out tubestock sale coming up over the following weekends! Open Thursday to Sunday 10-5.00pm. 333 David road, Waggrakine Ph: Johnny 0458 381628 Local plants, local people, local wisdom See more
23.01.2022 Free on Sunday morning, come and join us, bring your flynet... 8.00-10.00am.
22.01.2022 One more SALE DAY in..... My feature plant for today is the Red Poker or Hakea bucculenta. If I had to recommend a reliable 2.5 m windbreak species for banksia sandplain areas around Geraldton this would be my pick. This magnificent showy shrub is native to the Geraldton region. We used these shrubs within our windbreak systems over 25 years ago and they have proven to be reliable, tough and fast growing. They love neutral sandplain areas where Banksias used to grow like t...he Geraldton suburbs of Waggrakine, Moresby, White peak and Strathalbyn. We have 10% off our last 50 plants, so be quick as they are in flower at the moment and selling fast. $5.00 each now. . Try this link for more images https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/2135 Our Sale ends Sunday 27th September. Open Thursday to Sunday 10am -5.00pm Other times call Johnny on Mb: 0458 381628 333 David Road, Waggrakine. Local plants, local people, local wisdom.
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone, We are changing our open hours for October to Sunday only, 10am - 5.00pm or by appointment other times. Mb: Johnny 0458 381628 333 David Road... Waggrakine. Local plants, local people, local wisdom See more
19.01.2022 Our local paperbark is one that naturally grow along the Chapman river with saltwater couch grass growing up to its trunk. This clue tells us that it will grow well around lawn edges without competition. This species was highly utilised in indigenous cultures way before the advent of paper. It occurs all up the southwest coast and Geraldton has the most drought tolerate forms of all being at the top of its native range. This species is also a great fast growing windbreak an...d can be easily under pruned to produce a shade canopy in a garden environment. This paperbark (Melaleuca rhaspiophylla) is tolerant of many soils, salty water, waterlogging and drought. Think about diversifying your garden habitats and include these in your plantings, birds love them for nesting and so do children discovering the iconic Australian "paperbark" trees. OUR SALE is on until 27th September .. and the paperbarks are on special.. Open Thursday to Sunday, 10.00- 5.00pm 333 David Road, Waggrakine, Mb: Johnny 0148381628 Local Plants, Local people, Local wisdom.
18.01.2022 200 Red River gums left. - Weekend special extended - 25% discount - selling this weekend for $3.30 each These fast growing trees are big and shady and are local to our region. The Red river gum is a long lived species and it is not unusual to find trees over 100 years old along creeklines with many hollows used for bird nests. As their trunks often have red gum oozing out, these orange-red scars are what I always thought initiated their common name. Suitable for rural proper...ties wanting to create habitats, shade or windbreaks. Once established these will grow without irrigation. Open Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5.00pm For week sales, phone Johnny on MB: 0458 381 628. 333 David Road, Waggrakine. Local people, local plants, local wisdom. See more
18.01.2022 Two SALE days to go... have a look at these small to medium flowering gums that grow exceptionally well in Geraldton. Suitable for gardens, or larger properties. They are wind, drought and heat tolerant. Three of these flower in summer, creating great habitat and a food source for birds and bees in the dry times. The coral gum flowers now. With a weekly watering of 5 litres they will grow like mad.. They DON'T need fertiliser, sprays, or any special soil mixes, they just lo...ve it in the natural soil. I get have frequent feedback from customers of these seedlings reaching more than 1 meter high in their first year. If you have the capacity to water seedlings through their first summer you will see spectacular results. OUR SALE is on until Sunday 27th September .. Open Thursday to Sunday, 10.00- 5.00pm 333 David Road, Waggrakine, Mb: Johnny 0148381628 Local Plants, Local people, Local wisdom.
18.01.2022 Awesome resources...
18.01.2022 Our Tubestock sale has officially began today. One of our highlight plants belongs to Calothamnus genus, these are commonly known as the 1/2 sided bottlebrushes or Clawflowers. It is quite unbelievable that plants that grow naturally on white sandplain can produce such vibrant displays of flowers with no water, fertiliser or any help from humans. If you look carefully at the stamens in the flower you can see why they are called clawflowers. It is so interesting how nature ...replicates patterns in both animal and plants. There are 41 species of Calothamus in WA of which only a few are commercially available. This "Witcherina form" of Calothamnus quadrifidus grows approximately 1.5 - 2m high and is one of the heaviest flowering forms I have seen. If you want to introduce a little uniqueness into your garden, here is a great species to try. The Murchison Clawflower. We have Clawflower tubestock on special. (normally $5.50.) Now with a 20% discount for individual plants or if you want a hedge of them "6 for the price of 4", our super deal) If you want to see them in flower at the moment, take a look along our road verge. Open 10.00am -5.00pm Thursday to Sunday. 333 David Road Waggrakine, Geraldton. Local people, Local Plants, Local Wisdom
17.01.2022 If you have an urban block and are looking for an attractive local hardy small tree that is not a gum, have a look at the Jam Tree. Said to smell like raspberry Jam when the wood is cut, this Acacia lives for around 40 years and has a beautiful hard timber. It is also the popular host tree used to grow Sandalwood and Quandong with. Another underutilised Acacia is Curara. This is prized bush food with its immature edible seeds resembling green peas. Curara is a prickly shrub ...which every bird lovers should have in their garden as it proves a great (cat) safe habitat for birds and is awesome at directing traffic (away from it) so if you have a security issue and no fence this makes a great living one. Seedlings available or both.. Just $4.40 each. We are open Sunday or by appointment other times. Mb Johnny 0458381628 333 David Road, Waggrakine Local people, local plants, local wisdom.
16.01.2022 Fast living wind protection in Geraldton. Lets get real about Geraldton and growing things. Buffering the wind is a priority, the hard part is finding living windbreaks that grow fast enough and last long enough to create a critical microclimate that we need to protect less hardy and more productive plants. Of all the plants we grow, if I was to start from scratch in an open exposed environment, I would be looking at a first-off strategy of hedging Oldman Saltbush and Vetive...r grass. Within 2 years, (with once a week watering through the dry times), we would have significant protection to set up for a vege garden or another edible landscape or ornamental garden without major root intrusion/competition of the windbreak species within the landscaped areas while waiting for slower growing plants to establish. Both these species are available now. The Oldman Saltbush is on SPECIAL in our SALE Share this to your friends starting up on new cleared properties, you will save them so time and many plant loses and heart breaks. SALE on until 27th September .. Open Thursday to Sunday, 10.00- 5.00pm 333 David Road, Waggrakine, Mb: Johnny 0148381628 Local Plants, Local people, Local wisdom. See more
15.01.2022 Clearing our flowering gums in 2 litre white bags before summer. These are smaller trees suited to urban native gardens or rural properties. Normally $16.50, this weekend - 50% off, now $8.25 each. A mix of Coral gums, Fuchsia gums. Long horned Mallees, Torwoods and Yellow long flowered Marlocks.. For those wanting to pot them on for next winter, we can sell you 6 litre white bags. They produce wonderful long straight root system which means your plants will establish faste...r when planted. Open 10am -5.00pm Sunday Mb: Johnny 0458 381628 Local people, local plants, local wisdom See more
13.01.2022 Our Honey is back on line.. available from the Nursery. 500g honey- $8.50 and yes, we have raw honey available. Open Saturday and Sunday 10am-5.00pm Phone Johnny on Mb: 0458381628 during the week.... 333 David road, Waggrakine. Local plants, local people, local wisdom. See more
13.01.2022 Open today.. MB 0458381628 $5.00 off Poincianas...
12.01.2022 Our two weekend sale is on... Thousands of plants to sell. Today I am featuring the stunning Cockie's Tongues. "Templetonia retusa". These naturally occur on our coastal sand dunes so are perfect for planting on properties along the Geraldton coastal strip. They love alkaline and limey soils, are tolerant of the Geraldton winds and are really tough. This year we have also grown a rare yellow form.. So if you are collector of rare flower colours.... come to the sale. Usually ...$4.40 now with 20% off or "6 for the price of 4." Open Thurs to Sunday 10am -5.00 pm 33 David Road, Waggrakine. MB: Johnny 0458 381628 See more
08.01.2022 Open tomorrow.. Long weekend Monday. 10am - 5.00pm 333 David Road, Waggrakine Mb 0458381628 Local plants, local people, local wisdom.
06.01.2022 Tubestock sale coming up (mainly natives) - We are doing it again, preparing for another end of season sale. Thursday to Sunday over the next two weekends. 17th - 20th and 24 - 27th September. 333 David Road, Waggrakine, WA 6530 MB: Johnny 0458381628. Local plants, local people, local wisdom
05.01.2022 Last day open this Sunday for the season, after this will be by appointment only. Big weather and BIG CLEARANCE of plants tomorrow. So bring your umbrella as it looks like rain all day. We want to clear the following plants, they look fantastic but it is not viable for us to grow them on throughout the summer while we are trying to build the education centre. They are all hardened up to the sun and can be planted directly or potted on to a larger white bags for next season.... We have these for sale. We will be letting these go below cost with 50% off. See photos. Trees include Red Flowering gums, Billabong york gums (with the lovely shiny limbs) Red river gums, Exmouth bloodwoods, Tuarts and Paperbarks. Shrubs include Chenille Honey murtles, Oldman saltbush and the black wattle (for those looking for animal fodder). Blanket price: $2.20 each to good homes. See you tomorrow! 333 David road, Waggrakine MB Johnny 0458 381628. Local people, local plants, local wisdom See more
04.01.2022 Robbed the bees again this week.. Fresh honey available from the nursery now.
04.01.2022 Red River Gums - Weekend special - 25% discount - selling this weekend for $3.30 each These fast growing trees are big and shady and are local to our region. The Red river gum is a long lived species and it is not unusual to find trees over 100 years old along creeklines with many hollows used for bird nests. As their trunks often have red gum oozing out, these orange-red scars are what I always thought initiated their common name. Suitable for rural properties wanting to c...reate habitats, shade or windbreaks. Once established these will grow without irrigation. Open Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5.00pm For week sales, phone Johnny on MB: 0458 381 628. 333 David Road, Waggrakine. Local people, local plants, local wisdom. See more
04.01.2022 Please bring us your empty six packs.. We have run out. Also after small boxes.. Thanks.. If we are not open, you can leave them at the gate.. Have a wonderful day! 333 David Road, Waggrakine.
03.01.2022 A blast from the past. We are now open by appointment. Phone Johnny on 0458 381628. 333 David Road, Waggrakine. Local people, local plants, local wisdom.
02.01.2022 Lots of preparation for the first day of our tubestock sale today. 17th September. Open Thursday to Sunday, 10.00 - 5.00pm. 333 David Road, Waggrakine Mb: 0458381628 Local plants, local people, local wisdom.
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