Dubbo fibromyalgia support group | Public figure
Dubbo fibromyalgia support group
Phone: +61 405 514 392
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23.01.2022 Saw this and thought it looked very comfy . Could possibly lay be of some assistance to som of our members ...
23.01.2022 https://themighty.com/2019/03/what-fibromyalgia-is-not/ So sick of being told that if I didn't nap , took more vitamins , did more exercise , lost weight , enhanced my metabolism that I'd feel better and it would also fix the depression.
22.01.2022 This is how fibromyalgia makes u feel... Definitely think I need charging ... lol...
21.01.2022 So hard when others refuse to listen , or even try to understand.
20.01.2022 ... Talking diet and exercise ... Can you please share stories of what diets and exercise you have done , if it has worked or failed , how long you managed to stick to it for , if you quit why ect ... There are so many diets and exercises out there but nothing really tailored for those of us with chronic health issues and for those of us whom take meds which cause us to put on weight . So please feel free to share stories as I'm sure many of us are in the same boat , wishing to loose weight but struggling . Thanks ...
20.01.2022 Good morning my lovelies, hope we all are managing well. Thought I’d pop in and check up on everyone , see how u all are going . What uve been up to , any new news ? I’m managing ok. Very tired and in flare . My feet are burning so much I’m struggling to walk the past few days . Legs and hips are sore which seams to be a longer thing these days ... Just in the proces of changing drs again . There is a new dr in Gil so I’ve gone to see him and he is happy to take me on. So I’ll let u all know how that goes over the next months ... I do have to go have a few scans done of my hips and stomach in two weeks , so that’s another thing for me to look forward too. Your turn...
20.01.2022 http://majosdailyscoop.com.au/ Hey there my lovelies . Here I have found a lovely little speciality store in Dubbo where you can buy herbs for tea , muesli, nuts and dried fruits , superfoods , natural soaps and shampoos , confectionery ect . Have a look at the list on the brochure provided . I have included there link . I actually bought some tea herbs which is new for me but needed something for stress and sleep and actually to my surprise they weren't too bad tasting . I'm not usually one for herb teas but but I thought I'd give it a go and these are wonderful... and the good thing about this is all the natural health benefits and u can make them to suit your taste too. So extra bonus... Anyhow check out the link and brochure provided . Love to all...
19.01.2022 https://blog.paleohacks.com/hip-stretches-you-can-do-in-b/# This was sent to me from a member to be shared in group. May be helpful to some of our group members ...
19.01.2022 Sure hate that feeling of fuzzy ness between the ears . brain fog think at this stage. Caused by nearly no sleep the past few days and having so much going on at home and family. Lack of sleep doesn’t help. Sure hope this goes away , have a big drive tomorrow and so much to do this coming week. So very overwhelmed. So if anyone can spare a min for some healing prayers please . I’m overloaded mentally , need some sleep and prayers for dad too please. Tia...
18.01.2022 https://health.chronicillness.co//lady-gaga-on-her-fight/
15.01.2022 Just saw the new ruematoidologist, He was great! Very happy! Have a plan! Dr Joel Riley! Got me doing chair chi then moving onto tai chi!Just saw the new ruematoidologist, He was great! Very happy! Have a plan! Dr Joel Riley! Got me doing chair chi then moving onto tai chi!
14.01.2022 A mention to our new members . Remembering we have a private chat group . If your interested please msg me or ring me . Thanks ... Tracey
14.01.2022 Finally had my cortisone injection in my shoulder today . Strangest thing happened when they did it, it popped...there was a huge pop sound. The radiographer and dr said see how much fluid clotting u had in there and see how the injection was clearing it up already anyway ... see how it goes... I’m feeling ok. Not anywhere as sore as I expected . Bit achy but otherwise very good and hoping it gets back to normal ASAP so I can get back into my crafts and things without all that darn pain...
13.01.2022 Me trying to make it through the week like...
12.01.2022 Good morning my lovelies , how are we all going ? Sure like to hear from you ... hugs ...
11.01.2022 Good evening my lovelies. Enjoying the much needed rainfall but not enjoying the darn cold... I'm frozen and winter has just started ... How is everyone managing ?
11.01.2022 Good morning my lovelies. Yeh I know it’s been a bit since I last posted , I’ve been so busy with Ben and helping everyone else . I haven’t had time to even sit and scratch myself lol... Well young Ben has seen his paediatric rheumatologist and now waiting for the details to get back to the gp so he can go back on his medication . Sure seams to be a long time waiting for this to happen , so not very impressed. Mean time I’m struggling to understand why now specialists refuse ...to write scripts??? Anyhow now for myself , I went finally to the fracture clinic and they are telling me that I need to have two cortisone injections in my shoulder . So that’s happening in three weeks . My back is absolutely killing , I have knots (lumps) the size of golf balls nearly . So trying to manage that atm as well... Fibro flare can be a bit of a bugger when u have so much to do and just can’t manage to rest to out... Sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going ...concentration and memory issues come and go so it is very frustrating sometimes I feel like I’m with it and other times feel totally lost ... Sure hope that everyone is doing well . Love to all... See more
10.01.2022 Lady Gaga suffers from a chronic pain that makes some days nearly unbareable...
10.01.2022 Good morning my lovelies , I’m back home . So back to usual duties if anyone needs me for anything.. phone is back on 24/7 ...
08.01.2022 https://www.healthrising.org//beginning-hunt-new-fibromya/
08.01.2022 I know that involuntary body movements are normal with fibromyalgia but damn , Don’t u hate it when your laying down and your body just jumps up out of the bed ... Bugga that hurts... Does anyone else have these this bad?
08.01.2022 Good morning my lovelies . How are we all coping with the weather changes this week ? Certainly a huge change from cold to hot which can cause fibro sufferers to flare ... So please take care ... https://www.disabled-world.com//fibromyal/weather-pain.php
07.01.2022 https://themighty.com//tips-for-helping-loved-ones-cope-w/
07.01.2022 AS GP’S CHANGE SO OFTEN ! WHO IS YOUR GP NOW????? Update ... Who is your local GP ? ... Does your GP understand fibromyalgia? ... What specialists do you see , and where are they , and how do you feel they relate to your health issues ?
06.01.2022 Longer-acting #paracetamol is being Up-Scheduled from the 1st June 2020! With close to 3.5 million Australians suffering from Chronic Pain, many of them turn to... longer-acting paracetamol to help them. This change affects Panadol Osteo, Osteomol and it's other generic equivalents. This video explains what you need to know and how you can still access this medication from next month! #healthnews
04.01.2022 https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com//fibromyalgia-neur
03.01.2022 https://www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au//Chronic-Fatigue.
01.01.2022 Hey there my lovelies . ATM I'm so bugged .. so tired to the point I have absolutely no energy at all ... Just been so over run with everything lately definitely over done it the past few months. Flare coming I think... even now my skin is acting up and that only happens when I'm overloaded ... shocking how the body tells u that your in Flare
01.01.2022 Good evening my lovelies . I'm wondering how may of us are getting worried about our memory ? I've notice lately that I'm struggling to remember things I've even been told a few hours ago unless I'm reminded , and even then takes a bit of explaining . I know that with fibro we have these issues but damn this is one they can take back... I don't want it Any suggestions on how to help memory issues with fibromyalgia?
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