Dubbo Hippos Triathlon Club | Amateur sports team
Dubbo Hippos Triathlon Club
Phone: +61 420 949 972
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24.01.2022 Tony Vernon and Paul Kennedy, from memory this race was a one off, won by Graeme Peadon, which annoyed me (Pete Christie) as the prize was a small frame Reynolds road Nike from wheelers which if tony won might have been mine, I was a Martial
23.01.2022 Some fun backyard transition training!!!
23.01.2022 Online ordering for club Tri Suits and shirts is open, for kids and adult sizes! If youre after a club polo shirt, let us know as we have sizes from XXS to 4XL available. We are doing a bulk order of kids club polos too. If youre a Triathlon NSW club member youll get a free club polo this season. Online ordering will close on Friday 4th September, so get orders in quick, for early October delivery! Orders will come with our order of club polos to save delivery costs.... Use Login code: DUBBOTC19 Website: https://ventou.com.au/custom/My-Custom-Garments~314
22.01.2022 A little motivational throwback for your Saturday afternoon
22.01.2022 We wish all of our members, sponsors, volunteers, family and friends a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you on our first event for 2021 on Sunday 24th January! We hope there are some new bikes, tri-suits or running shoes unwrapped this morning! @triathlonnsw @dubbocity @triaustralia #dubbo #christmas #trimas #family @ Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia
22.01.2022 Best of luck to all those competing in the first Central West Interclub event at Mudgee tomorrow! Plenty more spots available to race in a great course! If you haven’t registered yet, jump online NOW to do so!
21.01.2022 This week is National Volunteer Week and this is a HUGE shoutout to ALL the volunteers who help the club operate! From the Committee planning behind the scenes, setup & pack-up, race volunteers and BBQ Fundraiser volunteers, we thank YOU! Without people lending a hand, Dubbo Triathlon Club wouldnt operate! If youd like to TRI to help us out next season, send us a message! Big or small jobs, theres something for everybody! @dubbocity @dubboregionalcouncil @dubbochamber @triathlonnsw @worldtriathlon @triaustralia @dubbovolkswagen @pastoralhoteldubbo @hertz @atlex.stockyards @findexofficial @dubbophotonews @dailyliberal #dubbo #triathlon #volunteers #centralwest #reliancetechnology #chadsbakery #hattonpartnershipwarren @ Ollie Robins Oval
21.01.2022 If you dont want to run around some of the fantastic trails in the region, or do some specific running training, check out Barden Park Athletics Track this weekend!
17.01.2022 Congratulations to the 20 people that participated in the 2020 Christmas River swim challenge, Our professional and reliable Club President and Race director Jason Dearmer and the water safety efforts of Marc Foley and Kyah Hester. Hope you all had a great time and improved your confidence in open water swimming. Results attached. https://drive.google.com//1n5wdIidj3Hb_DAp3G8gWuRwnj/view... Next event will be the family fun day/Tristars at the river, on 23rd Jan 2021! And the Bathurst Interclub event on Australia Day 26th Jan 2021.
17.01.2022 Our FREE Group training swims likely to recommence week of 7th Sept at Dubbo Aquatic and Leisure Centre The club has spoken with Council and can get 2 lanes on a Monday morning and 1 on a Friday morning. Both 5:30-6:30am. This arrangement will facilitate anyone wanting to get in 100km over summer. The sessions can cater to any ability and suited to ages 14 and over.... Ben Orford will coach these morning ones but is unavailable in the afternoons due to family commitments, an afternoon could be arranged if someone is willing to lead it. Please comment your interest or feedback to attend in the comments below to be added to the messenger group.
17.01.2022 An update on the 2020 Club Champs event from Triathlon NSW.
17.01.2022 Do you have a favourite route or trail you like to ride? Is there a spot you just ride to for the view or scenery? Our region has some great places!
16.01.2022 Been getting in some cycling training for our upcoming season? Which one are you??
15.01.2022 A great little prize pack for Junior NSW Triathlon members renewing membership and signing up to join!
15.01.2022 If you are looking at getting some cycling training in, heres a great opportunity!
14.01.2022 Full disclosure: shaving of legs is not compulsory!
13.01.2022 The first interclub event in our Central West series kicks off this Sunday 22 Nov in Mudgee! Race Times: 8:00 Little Devils (kids 3-8years) 8:15 Big Devils (kids 9-13years)... 8:45 Super Sprint 9:25 Main Race Super Sprint Distance: Swim 200m, Ride 6km (4 laps of a closed street circuit) & Run 2km Main Race Grand Prix Format: Run 2km > Swim 250m > Ride 18.5km > Swim 250m > Run 2km Cost: Main Event & Super Sprint: TA Members Adults $20 TA Members under 18yrs $15 Non-Member Adults $30 Non-Members under 18years $25 Teams TA Members $15 per person Teams Non-Members $25 per person Little Devils and Big Devils: $5 (not timed) All Dubbo Tri Club members racing at Interclub events will be reimbursed entry fees at the end of the season! https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=41703
13.01.2022 Although we are starting to see that tiny glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, now is the time to for us to show what being a triathlete is really about... - and thats supporting our community when they need it most. Over the past few months weve witnessed this community band together to overcome some tough and unpredictable challenges. We caught up with a handful of coaches, athletes, club members and race directors from across Australia to reflect on the road weve travelled, and look ahead to the future (what an awesome bunch of people!!). Theres still a long road ahead of us and our sport still faces challenges to getting back on its feet , but we are here to support you and we know you have certainly been here to support us! Our annual memberships are soon to be released, so if this is something you are interested in or able to do, stay tuned next week as we will be dropping more info soon! : Freeway Studios | Triathlon Australia
13.01.2022 We are so excited for our 2020/2021 season! If you would like to become a club member, head to this website (not mobile friendly!) http://www.triathlon.org.au/Membership/Annual_Membership.htm
12.01.2022 Congratulations Miles! Fantastic achievement for Triathlon Australia!
12.01.2022 Discount for Triathlon NSW members!
12.01.2022 We want nothing more than for training, events and our sport in general to get back to normal, SAFELY (ahhh the dream). We also want to stop the spread of COVI...D-19 and we are pretty sure you do too...right?! Heres what we (yes, this is as a collective effort!) can do to help now. You can download the COVIDSafe app to help us to move more quickly to reduce restrictions than would otherwise be possible - including a safe return to sport (#goals) Search COVIDSafe in your relevant app store to download. #COVID19 #coronavirusaustralia #stayhomesavelives
11.01.2022 Update regarding Club Champs event:
11.01.2022 Most recent update from Triathlon NSW on the upcoming club champs!
10.01.2022 A big congratulations to Ben & Annabel Orford on the birth of Oliver William Orford and Nick & Kristy Hubbard on the birth of Albie Walter Hubbard! Both babies appear almost ready to compete in a triathlon event already with the rest of the family!!! #dubbo #triathlon #family #babiesofinstagram #cute @triathlonnsw @dailyliberal @dubbocity @triaustralia @dubbophotonews @ Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia
10.01.2022 REGISTER NOW to join one or both of our FREE Zoom sessions for the Winter Warrior Weekend! On Sunday morning, you can log in for the Winter Warrior Weekend: Fre...e Zoom Strength Workout! and work up a sweat. On Sunday afternoon, tune in to the Winter Warrior Weekend: Webinar with Mark Emerton & Garry Maddox to find out what COVID-safe racing will look like at Elite Energy Events this season, plus details on the 2020 Club Championships. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER https://forms.gle/6zdhNjca7CXTjMWQ8 Remember you must be a current TNSW member to join in the activities this weekend. #tnswwinterwarrior
09.01.2022 Body a bit sore after training for our upcoming triathlon season & dont want to risk driving? Need a good meal and cold drink to re-fuel? The Pastoral Hotel has a courtesy bus! Plan ahead and give them a call!
08.01.2022 Hands up if youre excited for the upcoming season??? We have our re-scheduled AGM on Tuesday 30th June at 6pm where well be working on finalising our season dates as well as new race procedures due to COVID-19!
08.01.2022 How good is this! Dubbo made it into the Top 10 for cycling routes in NSW! We love cycling just as much as swimming and running and we love DUBBO! Plenty of sites to see (maybe a sneaky coffee afterwards!) Dubbo City https://bicyclensw.org.au/10-top-bike-rides-in-nsw/
08.01.2022 COMMUNITY TRIATHLON IS BACK FROM JULY 1ST Top 3 reasons to be part of Dubbo Triathlon Club for 2020/2021: 1. Why be bad at 1 sport when you can be bad at 3? 2. Post-race fruit salad & ice cream... 3. River swimming! 4. Fun, encouraging & COVID-19 safe group of people! 5. Opportunities to create lists and learn to count! Read more HERE: https://bit.ly/3fmlylu @dubboregionalcouncil @dubbocity @mayorofdubbo @triathlonnsw @triaustralia #dubbo #mytriclub #triathlon #community #centralwest
08.01.2022 Please see below formal information from Triathlon NSW around current COVID-19 changes. As a club we are working towards some organised group training once facilities allow it, which well keep everyone informed about. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements to come for next season, due to kick off in September! The Premier of NSW recently announced that restrictions to the two person gathering rule will be eased, effective Friday 15 May. Based on... expert health advice, the two person limit on outdoor gatherings will be adjusted, with the limit rising to 10 people. Although these changes from the Government are small, they are welcomed by Triathlon NSW (TNSW) and the broader community. Clubs/coaches who wish to recommence group training sessions MUST do so in line with all Government Guidelines, including 1.5m social distancing. TNSW has recently suggested the following to clubs regarding group training to ensure the safety of all members; If members are unwell they should not attend training sessions At no time should the training session allow for more than 10 people (coach included) All members must be self-sufficient (water bottle, towel etc) Allow for extra space within the training area to ensure social distancing can be adhered too Group rides of up to 10 may occur but MUST adhere to the 1.5m social distancing rule. Please remember if you are out exercising please do not risk the safety of yourself or others. Stay COVIDSAFE and do not let your club or training group become a COVID cluster.
08.01.2022 Dubbo Triathlon Club held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 30th June via zoom (#covidsafe)! We are proud to announce our fantastic committee for the 2020/2021 season: President/Public Officer Jason Dearmer Junior President Nick Hubbard/Annabelle Orford Secretary Ben Orford Treasurer Daniel Roberts... Club Captain Katie Lyons Event Marketing/Social Media/Website Management- Lee Berryman Club Race Committee Members Catherine Fitzgerald, Melissa Mertens, Rose & Rob Wake TriStars Committee Members Tim and Camilla Cullenward, Andrew Lavelle, Marc Foley. Vacant positions - Club Sponsorship and School Communication We would like to sincerely thanks all volunteers during the 2019/2020 season who helped out on race days and behind the scenes, it was a very busy and successful season! The club would also like to thank our sponsors for the 2019/2020 and upcoming 2020/2021 season, who help us out not only financially but by being hands on during the season: Club Race Sponsor: Dubbo Volkswagen Tri Stars Race Sponsor: Hertz Dubbo Hospitality Sponsor: The Pastoral Hotel Team Charity Event Sponsor: F45 Training Dubbo Triathlon Suit Sponsors: Findex Lyons Advantage Atlex Stockyards Reliance Technology Club Shirt Sponsors: Hatton Partnership Chads Bakery Cafe Reliance Technology As well as great support from Dubbo Regional Council Dugald Saunders MP Darrell Wheeler Cycles and Triathlon NSW. Our first club event is scheduled for October with a full COVIDSAFE plan in place so stay tuned to our social media for details!
08.01.2022 Well done to the Dubbo team that raced last week Whilst still in 4th place we have improved as a club since 2019 and on an upward trajectory. Hopefully we can get a few more come along to Bathurst on Aust day. ... -Participation points 5/25 members 20%+ (9pts) -Bryce Foley 1st in super sprint (0pts) -Ben Orford 3rd 30-39 men (1.5pts) -Mel Merterns 3rd 40-49 women (1.5pts) -Daniel Roberts 4th 30-39 men (1pt) -Tim Howlett 8th 30-39 men (0pts) -Micheal Howlett 9th 30-39 men (0.5pt)
07.01.2022 Whos signing up to go in this fantastic local event, being held virtually this year!
06.01.2022 So who's taking up the challenge? 1300m, 500m or 125m? This coming Sunday 9am. https://www.123tix.com.au//dubbo-christmas-river-swim-chal... Register online please to get your start.(no on the day) -$5 for non members -free for members and <18's
06.01.2022 Great update from our hospitality sponsor The Pastoral Hotel! Pop in and grab a tasty meal!
05.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all of our Triathlon Mums and Grandmothers! Whether or not you cheer on from the finish line or compete beside us, we thank you for everything you do! Without you Triathlons wouldnt be the same! #mothersday #triathlon #family #dubbotriathlonclub #dubbo #centralwest @dubbocity @dubboregionalcouncil @triathlonnsw @triaustralia
05.01.2022 What a great event this morning, a big thanks to all our volunteers today and for everyone working with us with the changes in course operations to be COVIDSAFE. Apologies to anyone who missed out due to no registrations being able to be taken on the day. EDIT: Results now availible https://drive.google.com//1siK-ILiBH4TNUf4HjH4-mbIWw/view Congratulations to those who received awards and a club shirt today for the 2019/2020 club season:... Our 5 100% attendance winners: James peek, Charlie, Andy and Rachel Cullenward and Lily Orford. Female Champion: Elizabeth Butcherine Male Champion: Bryce Foley Volunteer Award: Rebecca Butcherine If you’d like to become a club/Tri NSW Member, with free entry to club events & free club shirt, head to: https://www.triathlon.org.au//M/Junior__Adult___Family.htm Thanks to our sponsor Hertz Dubbo and support from Dubbo Regional Council
04.01.2022 Our hospitality sponsor The Pastoral Hotel are looking for staff! Are you looking for work or know someone who is?
02.01.2022 Exciting news for The Pastoral Hotel! Weve missed you! Cant wait to be eating there again!
02.01.2022 Great story from WA!
02.01.2022 Please find the course map for Sunday and some FAQ's and additional information. FAQ's Can I wear Flippers? - Yes, any distance, we prefer you swim with flippers that not swim at all.... Can I wear a life jacket/flotation suit? Yes, Short only, if you feel safer or you want to guarantee your kids to be safe in open water Will there be water safety? Yes, as a minimum there will be two kayaks, and spotters on the river bank, but if anyone wants to kayak the race rather than swim we are happy to have more boats join us to help keep a close eye on the swimmers. (let us know if this interests you) Distances, start points, and minimum ages? Race 1: min 14yrs old | Long Swim 1300m (Start at Sandy Beach) Race 2: min 13yrs old | Medium Swim 500m (Start at "LH Ford Bridge" Steps) Race 3: min 8yrs old | Short 125m Swim (Start at "Super Sprint" Steps) Whats the river water like at the moment?Few of us had a group river swim on Wed afternoon, can confirm a medium level flow rate (which helps swimmers, makes the distances shorter, and prevents algae), spectacular temperature, and quite clean for Macquarie standards. It’s free for members and under 19's, and ONLY $5 for non member adults. Entries will be ONLINE ONLY (A COVID requirement), via this link.https://www.123tix.com.au//dubbo-christmas-river-swim-chal Please enter online before 6pm Sat 5th or you won't be able to race. 8:30am-8:45am = Timing Chip pick up from rego desk / Finish point at Ollie robbins oval 8:45am = quick briefing then start walking to your start location 9am = long start from Sandy Beach 9:15am medium start from LH ford as the first swimmers from the long pass by 9:25am Short race from the super sprint steps as the first swimmers from the long and medium pass by See you on Sunday, and if not have a Merry Christmas form Dubbo Tri Club and hopefully see you at one of our events in 2021.
02.01.2022 As a club, we are not just about the sport of Triathlon, we are about all the people part of the club, in any capacity. Members, volunteers, sponsors, past members and family, everyone is important to us. So if anyone ever needs to talk or help with anything, dont be afraid to reach out. Ill always Listen with an open mind, encourage action, check in from time to time and be ready to continue a conversation that could change a life. I can be reached on 0420949972, via e-ma...il: [email protected] or by messaging the page directly. I encourage all of us to ask Are you ok? and check in with those around us. A quick chat can make all the difference in someones life! #ruokday2020 #dubbotriathlonclub #triathlonnsw
02.01.2022 We previously highlighted strength training as a great area to focus on during the current isolation period in our alternatives to running outdoors feature as... part of #highperformanceathome Our Performance Health team have put together five exercises which will help build and maintain strength for your next run Athletics Australia Athletics NSW
02.01.2022 Join or renew your club & Tri NSW membership for our upcoming season, with our first club event kicking off in September!
01.01.2022 We would like to thank all our members and the wider triathlon community for doing their part over the last month to help flatten the curve in NSW. ... As announced on Sunday by the Premier of NSW, restrictions to the two-person gathering rule have been eased, coming into effect from tomorrow, Friday 15 May. We urge club and members to consider the following additions to their training to account for the safety of all members: If any member is unwell they should not attend training sessions At no time should the training session allow for more than 10 people (coach included) All members must be self-sufficient (water bottle, towel etc) Allow for extra space within the training area to ensure social distancing can be adhered too Group rides of up to 10 may occur but MUST adhere to the 1.5m social distancing rule. Although these changes from the government are small, they are welcomed by Triathlon NSW and the community. Group training is the glue that holds a lot of our clubs together, and it is a return to a new normal that our community has been craving. But please remember if you are out exercising, do not risk the safety of yourself or others. Read more HERE: https://bit.ly/2T4SbeN See more
01.01.2022 If you want to come party with Ben for his birthday (which is today!) he’ll be in Mudgee participating in the season’s first Interclub event this Sunday! Mudgee Triathlon Club get the party ready! Enter here, with courses for both juniors and adults! ==> https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=41703
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