Welcome to Dudley | Community organisation
Welcome to Dudley
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25.01.2022 Download the app "Fires Near Me", set up you watch zone, better to be safe than sorry.
25.01.2022 Local schools interested in planting native gardens, establishing a bush tucker area or hosting a planting activity should check out our Landcare in Schools pro...gram with Lake Macquarie Landcare. The program, supported by Greater Bank provides free plants for schools! To order plants and find other free resources and support for your school's environmental projects visit http://www.lakemacquarielandcare.org/a/landcare-in-schools/ #landcareinschools #letsgrowtogether #lakemac
24.01.2022 Images from the Bombala Track before asparagus fern. Ian Ladyman took the aerial view I guess in the mid nineties. The second is our first child in 1994.
24.01.2022 Anyone seen this lost cat? Lives around Thomas Street.
24.01.2022 Fern Creek Gully Landcare is having a Squirrel Glider Planting day this Saturday afternoon. Landcare Australia is a great way to connect the community and work positively towards the future of our local pockets of land. There are all sorts of blocks of land around Dudley that we have taken for granted and without coming together as a community or even just a few adjacent neighbours, we may see our green spaces disappear. Lake Macquarie City Council and NSW Department Of Pl...anning And Infrastructure may just decide to repurpose the land as they have with the block at the top of Frederick Street. Please watch the attached video DSNG made in conjunction with Fern Creek Gully Landcare group, remember - no experience needed. (Located between Reay Park and the Awabakal Bluff walk) https://www.facebook.com/groups/350807835725694/permalink/830594307747042/?extid=7KzTvTbYUGGWPMj8 See more
24.01.2022 Whilst Richard Flanagan was introducing his latest book he dissected the difference between hope and optimism. The former applies when one knows something is worth striving for but one is not confident of the outcome. For instance, I would apply hope to asparagus fern weeding. Yesterday afternoon, your humble secretary met in the Mayoral Office with Madam Mayor Kay Fraser and her manager of development, Mr David Antcliff. It was mentioned that while most households ...contain one or two people, 83 per cent of new homes have four or five bedrooms. Lake Mac has a higher per capita car ownership even than Los Angeles. Kay mentioned she had visited the site at 135 Ocean Street and opined that the view is spectacular. I offered that we also support quality compact sustainable infill development. Our concerns with dWell are that there was no prior community consultation and that though the competition is a great idea, the site is wrong. I suggested instead of two dwellings, Council consider building one on 137 and keep 135 for a scenic park and low gradient access from Frederick. My lead balloon hit the floor with a clunk. I think more to change the subject, Kay asked how the Charlestown to Coast Shared Path project was progressing. After a stunned silence I said I was about to ask her the same question. Kay said because of an unfavourable state government there was little money for shared paths. I enquired about the $100m of held developer contributions and David said this money has been allocated to other projects including the acquisition of a dozen houses in Cowper Street Charlestown. Developers would be outraged if their contributions were used for a path to link Charlestown to the coast. I happen to know a couple of prominent Charlestown developers and often wave to them as they speed past on bikes along the Fernleigh Track. I expect they would be thrilled to see their contributions go to such a worthwhile project as the C2C. Kay said she wants to make Lake Mac the best most sustainable LGA in Australia. I think she has been an excellent Mayor for Vallentine. Kay is the second Mayor that I have met to discuss the C2C. Perhaps after the next Mayoral election I will get to meet a new incumbent and it will be third time lucky. As Richard Flanagan might say, I still have hope but after yesterday, far less optimism. Phil Buckner
24.01.2022 https://www.lakemac.com.au//Native-plant-giveaways-schedul
23.01.2022 Georgia Halvorsen rescued these from Dudley Bluff. Message if they are familiar.
23.01.2022 https://fb.me/e/1JceXFQuM
23.01.2022 Check your boots and gardening gloves.
23.01.2022 Council Clean Up = Land Fill How do we lower our footprint of waste in a time of consumerism and built-in obsolescence?Council Clean Up = Land Fill How do we lower our footprint of waste in a time of consumerism and built-in obsolescence?
23.01.2022 "deliver a legacy of safe, quality public and open space." - we could do with that https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au//NSW-Public-Spaces-Legacy-
23.01.2022 DSNG been on a letter writing campaign, just finished this enquiry to a councillor: I am writing about the Informal Right of Way from Frederick Street to Ocean Street, Dudley (between 137 Ocean Street and 135 Ocean Street). It has come to the attention of the residents that the end of Frederick Street Dudley has been removed from the list of gazetted roads and has been rezoned residential by Lake Macquarie Council. The first that the residents knew of this rezoning was the a...nnouncement of the dWell competition. One of the concerns that has been raised with this rezoning is the lack of consideration of the informal public access way that has always been in existence from Frederick Street up to Ocean Street. We are a suburb that already has considerable lack of safe pedestrian access and a low rating of Walkability. This informal public access way is vitally important to the residents as the bus stop is now nearby on Ocean Street. None of the adjacent streets have footpaths, so it is vital we keep this public access way for the safety of locals, especially children keeping off busy roads and accessing both the local school, childcare and public transport. Could you please investigate how we can preserve (at the very least) a public access way through this rezoned land. With the variety of age of the population in mind (from pram to mobility aid inclusive) and as there is land available, we would ask this public access way to be disability friendly in the future. Even if the funds are not available now, preserving the land for this purpose is essential. Please see attached images. Regards Carmen Blanco President, Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group See more
22.01.2022 This is the most important movie you will ever see. At 94 David Attenborough gives witness to the damage man has wrought on an amazing natural world. Best to see it with your children on the big screen otherwise it’s on Netflix from 4 October. A truly extraordinary moving and intelligent presentation. https://www.nme.com//david-attenborough-a-life-on-our-plan
22.01.2022 What make our parks special? Only 5 people in the whole of Lake Macquarie have answered this question on Shape Lake Macq - so have your say https://shape.lakemac.com.au/parks-and-play
22.01.2022 The dWELL design challenge is for 8m high dwellings across 135 and 137 Ocean Street. They chose this spectacular community land to inspire budding architects. But what about us? Please let Mayor Kay Fraser know what you really think. [email protected]
21.01.2022 Last week to get as many lids for kids as you can collect! Dudley PS grade 6 students are doing an art workshop for Lake Mac Waste to Art competition starting next week. Their works will be hung in the school quad as a memory of their time in our school. Please collect lids, in workplaces, cafes etc and drop to school office or 30 Lyndhurst St Dudley in the tub in the front garden, or for big bulk pickups - send a PM. All done by Monday 14/9!
20.01.2022 Members of Dudley SNG have expressed their concerns about Council’s proposed privatisation of community land at 137 Ocean Street. The following letter to the Mayor received unanimous support from our active members. Please comment freely, Council officers including David Antcliff, Manager Property Development, follow our site. Mayor Kay Fraser Lake Macquarie City Council... Dear Ms Fraser I am writing on behalf of Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group to express our concerns around Council’s dWell house design competition. We support the stated aim to encourage emerging architects to rethink design from bigger is better towards sustainable, affordable housing in harmony and sympathy with location. Hopefully Universities are embracing this important teaching responsibility. Our concerns relate to the process of dWell and perhaps unintended consequences. As secretary to Dudley Sustainable Neighbours, the first I heard of dWell was when I happened to walk past during the competition launch. There was no prior community consultation. According to the press release the judging panel includes previous winners of The Block and other luminaries but no local community member, no one with any connection to Dudley. It sets a disturbing precedent for our Council, to whom we look for regulation of development, to take on the role of developer on the pretext of an architects’ education exercise. It says to Dudley people that none of our community open space is safe from opportunistic privatisation. The prize happens to be a section of community land that currently affords an iconic vista over all of Dudley towards Newcastle. It is also a frequently used pedestrian right of way out of Frog Hollow to Ocean Street and the rest of Dudley. The attached photograph gives some insight into the historical importance of this perspective on Dudley. It is the entry point to our village that provides a wow moment and the first breath of rejuvenating sea breeze in Summer. Dudley Sustainable neighbours fear dWell is essentially an unconventional mechanism to liquidate a valued community asset and a regrettable precedent. By all means hold your design competition but make it hypothetical. Please do not sell this precious irreplaceable community land! Yours sincerely Carmen Blanco and Phillip Buckner President and Secretary, Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group Image previously posted by Sue Ryan
19.01.2022 What’s your plan? Bushfire presentation and discussion with the experts this evening 5.30pm at Dudley Promary School Hall. All welcome!
19.01.2022 Dudley Fire Preparedness Talk (last night) - Thank You Tony Butterfield and guest speakers from the Fire Rescue NSW, National Parks and Lake Mac Council. Thank You also to Dudley PS Principal Mrs Carey.Dudley Fire Preparedness Talk (last night) - Thank You Tony Butterfield and guest speakers from the Fire Rescue NSW, National Parks and Lake Mac Council. Thank You also to Dudley PS Principal Mrs Carey.
19.01.2022 Early this morning I jogged past Frog Hollow Lookout and admired the simple wooden community bench that had been so carefully placed to appreciate a stunning sunrise. It had acquired red reflectors and solar light accoutrements added by gentle people who appreciate community. At 8.30am, on the return journey, Frog Hollow Lookout was empty apart from the soulless dWell sign of Council power and intimidation. I was shocked but not surprised. The important principle, consultation before monetising public land, remains.
18.01.2022 Any one had an encounter with an Antechinus in our area? https://www.abc.net.au//antechinus-mice-spotted-i/12897004
18.01.2022 Help Shape Lake Mac: please give our park a name! **edit: go to the link https://shape.lakemac.com.au/parks-and-play
16.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/225158094350206/posts/1464325057100164/
16.01.2022 For future communications to Council about the land atop Frederick Street I think it important we agree on a name. Like the seat, it may be a temporary name. Many hope for a permanent seat on Bill Disney Reserve but this can be decided later once the land is saved. In the comments below I have listed the suggestions so far. Please vote for any of these with a like or add a new suggestion as a further comment.
15.01.2022 Ms Kay Fraser Mayor, Lake Macquarie City Council Dear Kay Council projects, even the relocation of a Dudley bus stop, generally follow a process of community consultation. I trust you and your Council officers will welcome this open letter as constructive feedback. ... Firstly, congratulations for the way Council reacted when Dudley Sustainable Neighbours identified asbestos in the disused tennis court adjacent to a children’s playground. Susan Stewart in particular should be commended for her telephone and email communication, ensuring a transparent ongoing process of community consultation on the Reay Park redevelopment. Yesterday on Bombala Street I met a mum with two young children in tow. They had travelled from Cooks Hill by public transport. Her family does not own a car and her husband commutes to Charlestown on an e-bike. She asked where is a bicycle friendly backroad entry to Dudley? She believes in immersing her children in nature And their favourite expedition is down the Bombala Track to play in Cross’s Creek at the south end of Dudley Beach. This path has, by the way, been recreated into user friendly sandstone steps by DSNG members and the bushland continues to be regenerated by our volunteers. During COVID Dudley has been inundated with new visitors and our track improvements have accommodated this dramatic increase in foot traffic. State Government has responded to the need for more outdoor community spaces by offering grants to green corridors, pop up cycleways, and reduced residential speed limits. Not for Lake Mac however. There is a bit of community open space on the ridge line coming into Dudley. Just a fragment really, left over when the plan to join Frederick Street to Ocean Street was abandoned. The land is special to us because on a hot summer it always catches a breeze. As you can see from your dWell poster, the view is truly spectacular. You should come out some time and see it for yourself. For local families, this is the vantage for watching the New Year’s Eve Newcastle fireworks. All the land really needs is a seat and a bit of landscaping. To be frank, I am disappointed that your creative Council Officers have spent COVID just perfecting a novel mechanism for privatising this community land ostensibly in the pursuit of sustainable house design. Brilliant really. Repurposing community land, above all else, warrants proper public consultation. We have seen the consequences on morale of unbridled development imposed on the communities of Whitebridge and Catherine Hill Bay. I do hope we can all learn from this experience, move on and find a way to work together for Dudley. Best wishes Phil Buckner Secretary, Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group Sent from my iPhone edit ** if you want to send your own email to Lake Macquarie Council's Mayor Kay Fraser [email protected]
15.01.2022 Well-watered mulberry tree credited with saving home on NSW South Coast from summer bushfires http://www.abc.net.au//mulberry-tree-saves-home-f/12813892
15.01.2022 https://fb.me/e/1GtbFlYMt
15.01.2022 Be prepared for the heat this weekend and top up a dish of water for you wildlife. Don't forget to download the "Fires Near Me" app, set up your watch zone and turn on notifications. Getting early information can save lives.
15.01.2022 Welcome to ReLeaf Lake Mac. This is where we love and promote trees and green spaces in the City of Lake Macquarie.
15.01.2022 We've joined forces with City of Newcastle and local surf star Philippa Anderson to promote a #COVIDsafe summer. While this year may feel a little different it'...s important we remain aware of the necessary safety measures when planning a trip to the beach. #lakemac #lakemacbeaches #newcastlebeaches #huntercoastline #besafekeepspace See more
14.01.2022 The spirit of Dudley... Bill loved reading all your kind comments after his accident. Wild Bill is now Bionic Bill after his several operations but as you can see he is making a fine recovery! Photos: Bill and Val, the rescue, one of many messages
14.01.2022 15,000 TRIPS WEEKLY FOR SYDNEY’S POP-UPS OCT 9, 2020 Over 10km of pop-up bike lanes have been delivered around Sydney’s CBD in a partnership between Transport for NSW and the City of Sydney. Family riding on pop-up cycleway... Sydney’s Pop-Up Cycleways A key public health measure, COVID-19 pop-up cycleways are designed to make it easier and safer to ride. Transport for NSW has been implementing changes across the State’s roads and transport network to ensure customers and Transport staff can move around safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with Sydney’s existing bike network, pop-up bike lanes are designed to people ride to employment, shopping, and education hubs providing an alternative to catching public transport or driving. Excitingly, these pop-up cycleways are being well used with almost 15,000 weekly trips, according to Transport for NSW. Since 15 August, use of five pop-up bike lanes has increased approximately 7% week on week. Increased in bike riding In June 2020, the Sydney Harbour Bridge cycleway saw a 3% increase in bike riders from the same time last year despite significantly reduced numbers of people working in the CBD and North Sydney, while the M4 cycleway in Parramatta saw a 200% increase in riders. The Hawthorne Canal in Leichhardt saw a 170% increase and the Como Bridge in Oatley saw a 70% increase in riders compared to the same time last year. More Sydney pop-up bike lanes to come Transport for NSW has also announced plans for more pop-up bike lanes across Sydney, in locations such as the city’s North Shore, Inner West, and Eastern Suburbs. Bike Sales Even bike stores are benefiting from this uptake in riding. A recent survey by Bicycle Industries Australia found between January to June 2020 bike sales were more than double the same period the year before. E-bikes sales had more than tripled and bike servicing was up by 12%. It is fantastic to see more people using bikes to travel. Imagine if instead of parked cars we had a separate bike lane on the north side of Ocean Street to the Awabakal and down Bombala Street to the beach. 40kph speed limits all over Dudley.
13.01.2022 https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au//pets-in-national-par
13.01.2022 Sound like a move in the right direction, have your say, take the council's survey
13.01.2022 Thank you to the many who commented on Welcome to Dudley or sent emails to the Mayor about the dWell competition. There are aspects to be commended. A sustainable future must include radical change to house design and construction. Better use of space, insulation, heat capture, natural cooling with shade and ventilation, solar electricity generation, on site water reuse. It was regrettable however, that there was no prior public consultation and the site chosen for develop...ment is already an important community amenity. I think because of your persistence, Mayor Kay Fraser has kindly agreed to meet with me next week. I plan to suggest that having established this competition the guidelines be modified to encompass a single dwelling on 137 Ocean Street while maintaining 135 as a public area with a seat, shade trees and provision for a low gradient path suitable for a mobility scooter. Perhaps Dudley Sustainable Neighbours should submit an entry accordingly. I am inspired by a compact house in Goulburn Street on a remnant block but an amazing view. It was a small red brick dwelling from the fifties which had the backyard excised. Anyway, please post if there is something you wish me to pursue with the Mayor. Phil Buckner Secretary See more
12.01.2022 Residents of Dudley are concerned about the sell of Public Land by Lake Macquarie Counci - have a look at the petion and see what you think. It could be other parcels of land in the future that we all assumed is public. ** edit: 137 Ocean Street ** https://www.change.org/p/lake-macquarie-city-council-stop-d
11.01.2022 Once those cardboard Christmas cubbies are ready to be dismantled you can dispose of them, along with any polystyrene at the Awaba Community Recycling Centre.... The CRC will accept excess household recyclables free of charge, including cardboard and household glass bottles and jars, tin cans, and plastic bottles and containers. The centre will also accept gas cylinders, fluro light globes, batteries, eWaste and other household problem waste free of charge. It's important to remember polystyrene can only be recycled if dropped off at the CRC. More lm.city/crc #christmas #lakemac #wastewisechristmas
11.01.2022 Beautiful Dog found on Lyndhurst street, no collar. We have him. Have given him water . Please share & contact me.
10.01.2022 for welcoming us to your beautiful neighbourhood this year! It’s been an interesting year; but the local and plant based community have been ...beyond supportive We’re NOW on a little break till , and wish you all a safe + happy new year from the whole team at Folium We’ll be kicking the new year off with a fresh summer menu See more
10.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/releaflakemac/
09.01.2022 Squirrel Glider Project right here in Dudley https://facebook.com/events/s/september-work-session-for-the/361782338188894/?ti=cl
08.01.2022 https://www.lakemac.com.au//New-sensor-technology-puts-sha
08.01.2022 Fantastic resource on Hunter Shore Birds - by Hunter Landcare https://hunterlandcare.org.au/shorebirds/
08.01.2022 "Freeze Don't Squeeze" Tick Season and Mammalian Meat Allergy. Remember to "Freeze Don't Squeeze" unless you are planning suffering and then on taking red meat out of your diet. In addition to the usual repellent and change your cloths after playing in the bush, also add the essentials of a small can of Medi Freeze Tick Off and a tube of Scabies Cream to you home First Aid Kit and don't let anyone convince you pull ticks out. Mammalian Meat allergy has happened to people in our suburb. https://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/tick-allergy/11015590
08.01.2022 Our beautiful coast is home to beach-nesting birds, which need our help to survive. Here are a few easy tips to enjoy the beach and keep them safe this summer. #NSWParks #SavingourSpecies #sharetheshore
07.01.2022 With the skills from a bush regeneration short course, you can help big things to grow.
07.01.2022 Dudley PS is holding a community bushfire information evening. This will be hosted by Dudley community member, Tony Butterfield and include guest speakers from the RFS and Lake Mac Council. Dudley PS Principle Mrs Carey will also discuss our school bushfire planning. Please see flyer with all the relevant information. All are welcome to attend.
07.01.2022 Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group entry in the 2020 dWell competition. Built to last from recycled hardwood leftovers from the Bombala Track deck and lots of love.
07.01.2022 This week cars and garages in Bombala Street were again targeted in the early hours by thieves. If you happen to recognise these two gentlemen please contact police. https://ring.com/share/d32913c2-81ea-4601-8c95-4307f5dc1278
06.01.2022 In very exciting news the Dudley Public School Grade 6 Waste to Art Project is getting significant publicity in the Eco Advocate! The kids' amazing art work is now on display at the Swansea Centre in a lovely gallery open to the public. Pictured on the left (the whale) is one of four pieces submitted by Dudley Public School.
06.01.2022 Repair Cafe Lake Mac is a fantastic initiative which encourages locals to come together, upcycle or repair their posessions and have a little fun and meet new p...eople in the process. Their ultimate goal is to help people connect with their local community, reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill while empowering people by teaching them practical and valuable life skills. It is projects, ideas and initatives like our local Repair Cafe that can be successful recipients of our Community Environment Grants. If you have an idea, share it with us at: lm.city/envirogrants Sustainable Neighbourhoods Lake Macquarie #lakemac #envirogrants #communitygrants #repaircafe
06.01.2022 Dudley Sustainable Neighbourhood Group Annual General Meeting held 18 October 2020 1600h-1700h at Reay Park terrace. Attendees: Georgia Hanson, Theresa Taylor, Denise Jones, Rob McCallum, Graeme and Suzanne Smith, Sharyn Reid, Alanna Pike, Jonathan Mantel, Alanya van de Wiel, Don and Sue Owers, Indra Deamer, Mary Larkin, Greg Knott, Karen and Phil Buckner, Carmen Blanco via phone link. Welcome to new members Official positions declared vacant....Continue reading
05.01.2022 The end of Frederick Street, a local lookout and public access way is being sold off by Lake Macquarie Council as part of block 137 Ocean Street. Many in the neighbourhood are concerned about this as a precident in our area, but it has happened before with less iconic pieces of land, some of which make up the old Spurline. Make some noise now if you love what we have in our area - follow the link to this petition and write to council. https://www.change.org/p/lake-macquarie-city-council-stop-d
04.01.2022 ANY LOST DOGS? Black puppy, small with curly fur wandering around lower Bombala Street
03.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/144502575580066/posts/3857941317569488/?d=n
02.01.2022 Artist John Earle was so impressed by the view from Bill Disney Community Seat, he painted it!
01.01.2022 Dudley Sustainable Neighbours AGM will be held this Sunday 18 October at 4pm on the terrace at Reay Park. Meetings are informal, we simply like to allow everyone a say and finish within an hour. Children are welcome. Because of COVID please follow safe distancing, bring a small picnic rug or sit on the grass, sign in and use supplied hand sanitiser after sharing a pen. Annual Membership is $2.... Suggested agenda: Election of officers How often should we meet? Reay Park redevelopment dWell competition Fire preparedness session (thanks Tony Butterfield) Reflections on COVID 19 Active Transport update Community Garden and opportunities for a greener Dudley There are some exciting prospects for the coming year, please add your voice and engage with your Dudley Sustainable Neighbours. Phil Buckner Secretary
01.01.2022 https://fb.me/e/2ZkF9ik3U
01.01.2022 This is a great book for identifying the wildflowers in our area.
01.01.2022 Have your say. Share your experiences with living in Lake Mac by completing this third party survey. The Regional Wellbeing Survey aims to better understand how... liveable, safe and friendly regional communities are. We encourage all Lake Mac residents to complete the survey and help us gain a better understanding of life in Lake Mac: https://bit.ly/35BcOoa #lakemac #ourlakemac #regionalcities #regionalcommunities #liveablecities
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