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Duke Actors Management
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25.01.2022 The one and only ANNELIESE APPS at the Sydney premiere of Ride Like A Girl. Anneliese plays Brigid Payne, Michelles sister :) Amazing actress and wonderful human @anneliese_in_adventure @ridelikeagirlmovie #sydneypremiere #ridelikeagirl #lookouthereshecomes #dukeactors
24.01.2022 Catch Duke's amazing JAMIE ROGERS (Billy Elliot) perform tonight in "Lights Up On The Arts [Home Delivery] Concert". This will be one special show not to be missed. Tonight at 7pm on Facebook! xx (See link and GoFUNDMe link below)... Joshua Robson Productions : The Arts may have been knocked down, but we haven't been knocked out. Lights Up On The Arts: Home Delivery! is a special and important concert created by James Cutler and Joshua Robson Productions, which serves as a way to shine a light on our industry and support performers whose livelihoods have been impacted by the COVID-19 Arts shutdown. Over an incredible evening, we will take a live audience into the living rooms of performers from shows such as Shrek The Musical Australia, School of Rock the Musical, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Australia, Merrily We Roll Along (Luckiest Productions), Come From Away Australia, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, 9 to 5 the Musical Australia and The Melbourne International Comedy Festival, to name a few. We have had express permission from Mr Stephen Schwartz to have access to his catalogue of music. Stephen has an incredible and rich collection of songs that taps into so many important themes that will create the through-line of our concert: connection, togetherness, unity, a second chance, finding oneself, the joys of a simple life, and hope. It is our hope that the optimistic and uplifting nature of his music, together with our program, will remind Australia and beyond that the Arts matter, that we are a source of joy in the world, and, failing all else, the Arts will sustain our world even through the toughest of situations. We think thats worth celebrating! We look forward to having you tune in from the comfort of your couch on May 11th 2020 on Facebook live. For details, stay connected with this page: facebook.com/joshuarobsonproductions #stayin #butdontstayquiet https://www.gofundme.com/f/luota
24.01.2022 Congrats to the dashing and smashing ROB FLANAGAN for his role in TV series Les Norton. You can catch it on ABC and ABC Iview. Apart from being an actor Rob is also a stuntman and it was super cool he got to use all his skills in this role. Niiiice one Mr Flanagan xxx @mrrobflanagan @abctv #lesnorton #fightscenes #lovemyactors #sydneyactor #stuntman ... #funnyman See more
24.01.2022 Catch these sensational women in the Doctor Doctor Series now screening on Channel 9!! SUZANNE MAWER, CHANIKA DESILVA & SARA KHAN Xxx @suzmawer @silvascreens @sarakae @9doctordoctor @channel9 #lovedukeactors ... #doctordoctor #australiantv See more
24.01.2022 Chookas to the Truru TRUDI RANIK whose play opens tonight at The Butterfly Club !! Grab yourself a ticket and find your truruth! Xx @the_truru #melbournecomedy @thebutterflyclubmelb #peaceyourself #theguruoftruth #thetruru #chookas
23.01.2022 Congratulations to the effervescent BARBARA BINGHAM who stars in the horror anthology series Deadhouse Dark. The series is the only 2020 Canneseries Horror Short Form contender and will be the nations only entry in the globally recognised Short Form competition which takes place from March 27 to April 1. "Showrunner Enzo Tedeschi writes and directs Nicholas Hope and Barbara Bingham in A Tangled Web We Weave, an online dating encounter that turns a little dark with a roden...t twist." Watch this space as Barb has more to come!! xx So happy for you Barbara Bingham Bartee https://cinemaaustralia.com.au//a-frightening-new-trailer/
23.01.2022 Catch the effervescent GERARD ODWYER on Studio 10 tomorrow morning at 10.30am. He will be talking about his lead role in an upcoming feature film What About Sal with John Jarratt!! X @gerardodwyertheactor @realjohnjarratt @whataboutsal @studio10au ... #australianactor #australianfeaturefilm #studio10 #lovemyactors #whataboutsalmovie See more
23.01.2022 The beautiful SOPHIE HAWKSHAW at the premiere of her film Ellie and Abbie in which she has the lead role of Ellie! It is the first Australian film to open the Mardi Gras Film Festival in its 27 yr history! @sophhawkshaw #mardigrasfilmfestival2020 #ellieandabbiefilm #queerscreen @ Event Cinemas
23.01.2022 Catch this dashingly delightful Dukester DAN WATTERSON on just released Netflix feature film Falling Inn Love. Dan plays Chad, a big shot advertiser from New York. Yewww! Xxx @watterdani #watchthisspace #truechameleon #gothechad #lovemyactors #netflixmovies #sydneyactor #nzactor #lookoutherehecomes
22.01.2022 Huge congratulations to the divine LEE MCCLENAGHAN who won Best Actor at the Antenna Awards!! Woo! Xxx @youbizy #talentedwomen #channel31 #underthemilkyway #antennas19 @c31melbourne #sowelldeserved #thisgirlisonfire
22.01.2022 Check out this brilliant funny music video that dashing Dukester ANGUS HARDY is in! Australian Country music at its absolute finest!! Swoon away sheilas! xxx Angus James Hardy Mills Caitlin Harnett & The Pony Boys https://www.youtube.com/watch
22.01.2022 Congratulations to the amazing KATE LAXTON whose doco film The Witch of Kings Cross premiered at @monsterfestau last night!! Kate and this film are truly outstanding. @kateelizabethlaxton @witchofkingscross #monsterfest #witchofkingscross #leadrole #australianartist #rosaleennorton #amazingactor #kateisalegend #australiandocumentary
22.01.2022 Super thrilled to announce that the sensational ASHTON LASH is part of the Hamilton Australia cast!!! So excited for you Ashton - you soooo deserve this! Exciting times ahead! Bring on 2021! xxx @ashtonlash @hamiltonaustralia @michaelcasselgroup #hamiltonaustralia #sydneylyrictheatre #hamilton #hamiltonmusical @sydneylyrictheatre #hamfam #dukeactors
20.01.2022 Catch these fantastic actors SUZ MAWER and JEROME PRIDE in the series Frayed on ABC. !! Wednesdays at 9.10pm. @suzmawer @jacosan9 #frayed @abctv #newcastle #australiancomedy #australiandrama #abctv #solidgoldactors
19.01.2022 THE MAN. Need we say more :):) @akksheycaplash #aactasluncheon #aactas
19.01.2022 Out with these crazy cats!! Xxx #aactasluncheon #aactas @akksheycaplash @nell.nakkan @elizabethkmclean @mrrobflanagan
18.01.2022 Catch the ludicrously lovely and talented LIBBY MCLEAN on Home and Away tonight! @elizabethkmclean @homeandaway #homeandaway #ludicrouslylovely... #womenintv #sevennetwork #lovemyactors See more
17.01.2022 Super excited to announce that sensational SANA’A SHAIK has joined the cast of Network 10/Netflix’s teen mystery drama DIVE CLUB, playing the lead role of Stevie! Shooting in now underway in Port Douglas, the series follows four 16 yr olds who are skilled divers and enter a whole new world of adventure. It is set for worldwide release in 2021. Congrats Sana’a!! So happy for you!! Xxx @sanaamilkshaik @diveclubtv @thestevejaggicompany @channel10au @netflix #welovesunny #dive...club @screen_qld #sanaashaik #dukeactors #portdouglas #screenqld #netflixseries #leadactress See more
16.01.2022 Thrilled to announce that the extremely talented OLEG PUPOVAC will be performing his self penned play Me and My Mother, Singing at the Sydney Opera House in March! Get in quick for tickets for this heartfelt story. Xx @dos_peas @sydneyoperahouse A man searches for his father in paintings of freshly fallen snow. A man tries to ask questions his memory won't allow. A family keeps their home intact through WhatsApp voice messages. ... #sydneyoperahouse #griffintheatre #twopeasproduction #meandmymothersinging See more
16.01.2022 And.. Congrats also to these fab Dukesters who also appear over the episodes of TV Series The Unlisted on ABC. Xx @melissabrownlow @silvascreens #atlasadams #abc #theunlisted @abctv #abcme #globalconspiracy Thanks! @mcgregorcasting x
15.01.2022 The beautiful JESSIE LANCASTER at her end of year Poetry In Action Showcase! Such a tricky year for touring companies this year and I take my hat off to these actors and the resilience they have shown to keep doing what they love @miss.lancaster @poetryinaction #australiantheatre @bryceyoungman
14.01.2022 Check out the stupendously delightful MICHELLE LOTTERS in the role of Scarlett in the highly acclaimed feature film BABYTEETH!! In cinemas now! Congrats Michelle!! Xxx @slipperygypsies @babyteethfilm #babyteethfilm #australianfilm #australianactress #whatanatural #lovemyactors
13.01.2022 Congratulations to RICHARD JAMES ALLEN whose feature film Bloodshot Heart is now showing at the Revelation Perth International Film Festival! Not only is Richard the lead in this rich experience of a film but he produced it as well! Catch it until the 29th July. Xx @richardjamesallen @revfilmfest @bloodshotheart_ @bloodshotpictures #australianfeaturefilm #psychedelicsensorydelight... #aussiecultfilm #bloodshotheart #lovemyactors See more
12.01.2022 Wishing you all and your families a fabulous, fun and frivolous festive season from Duke Actors Management!! Thanks so much for your support and looking forward to a smashing 2020! Stay safe and sending love to all xx
12.01.2022 And Chookas to the wonderful JULIAN RAMUNDI who has the opening night of the Sydney premiere of the musical Little Miss Sunshine tonight!! xxx @julianramundi @newtheatresydney #littlemisssunshine #hooverfamily #pursueyourdreams
11.01.2022 Congratulations to JEROME PRIDE, JODINE MUIR and AKKSHEY CAPLASH who had the premiere of their feature film KAIROS in which they all have wonderful roles on Friday night. Do yourselves a favour and go and see this film!! XXX @jacosan9 @jodinemuir @akksheycaplash Missing from this pic as he couldnt make the premiere is actor Gerard ODwyer who is also in the film. . @gerardodwyertheactor #kairosfilm #kairos #dendynewtown #australiansinfilm #diversityandinclusion #australianfilm #featurefilm #greatreviews #boxing
11.01.2022 BARBARA BINGHAM’s fantastic short film @overtheedge2020 premiered @monsterfestau last weekend! Not only did she star in it, she also wrote and produced it! @barbarabinghamingitup Directed by @enzotedeschi #horrorfest #monsterfest #shortfilm #premiere
11.01.2022 Congrats to these dashing Dukesters SIMON WATTS and MICHAEL RODRIGUES who you may have already seen over the episodes of TV Series The Unlisted On ABC. Xx @simondavidwatts @mike_g_rodrigues #abc #theunlisted @abctv #abcme #globalconspiracy
11.01.2022 Catch the beautiful SOPHIE HAWKSHAW Sophie Persson Hawkshaw on Radio National The Drawing Room at 7pm tonight talking about her film in which she stars in Ellie And Abbie!! (coming to a cinema near you soon!! Woohoo!! ) xxx Ellie & Abbie ( & Ellie’s Dead Aunt) Premiere @ Randwick Ritz
10.01.2022 Adore this beautiful man!! Thanks for looking after me today Gerard xxx @gerardodwyertheactor #aactasluncheon #thismanknowshowtoworkaroom #aactas... #suchagentleman See more
08.01.2022 Congratulations to the multi talented ROSIE KEOGH whose short film Hollow premiered at Monsterfest last night! Not only did she star in this, she directed and produced it as well! @rosiekeogh_ @monsterfestau @chimerastormproductions #hollowshortfilm2020 #eventcinemas #multitalented #dukesterskickingass #australianshortfilm
07.01.2022 Catch this wonderful woman NELL NAKKAN at FringeHQ this week in the play Ginger.Black.Brunette.Blonde.!! Xx @nell.nakkan #independenttheatre #fringehq @companyofrogues #doublebill #worldpremiere
07.01.2022 The very dapper Dukester STAVROS PSORAS at the premiere of feature film Promised where he plays Pat, the heavy lifting Italian!! Xx @stavros_psoras #melbournefilmpremiere #promised #tinaarena #paulmercurio #dapper #lovemyactors #loveisneverperfectlyarranged
06.01.2022 Catch these wonderful Duke actors over the episodes of the TV series Total Control, Sunday evenings on ABC - ELENI SCHUMACHER, MILAN PULVERMACHER and ANDREA BORNSTEIN. Fantastic series with amazing actors! xx @milan.s.p @elenischumacher @andrea_bornstein @abctv #dukeactors #dukeactors #australiandrama #totalcontrol #abctv #deborahmailman #rachelgriffiths #rachelperkins
06.01.2022 Check out the wonderful SUZ MAWER and AKKSHEY CAPLASH in the thriller series The Secret She Keeps on 10Play! Xx @suzmawer @akksheycaplash #thesecretshekeeps #lingopictures @channel10au #beautifulpeeps
05.01.2022 Check out the amazing JAMIE ROGERS in this cool music video!! xxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7oO7MXH7YE @jamie.rogers_official Sonny Grin
05.01.2022 Such a great night last night seeing the cinema release premiere of the film Ellie and Abbie. We have 3 Dukesters in this film - Sophie Hawkshaw steals the show in her lead role of Ellie - a true delight. Chiara Gizzi also perfect in the role of Faith Underwood and Olga Markovic the trusted Detective Laura Denton. Congratulations to all for such a beautiful film full of heart . xxx @sophhawkshaw @chiara_gizzi @mrsolgamarkovic @ellieandabbiemovie @mon_zans_gram #ellieandabbie @chickenandchips_ #australianfilm #womeninfilm #ateam #dukeactors
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Rachel Kim Cross who had a lead role in the newly released Feature film How Do You Know Chris ! Do yourself a favour a go and see this film!! In cinemas now! @rachelkimcross @hdykcmovie #australianfilm
05.01.2022 That time Dukester JASON STEWART got soul sucked by Monica Bellucci in feature film Nekrotronic! Xx #jasonstewart @monicabellucciofficiel @nekrotronicmovie #aacta #aactaawardforbesthairandmakeup2019 #scificomedyhorror #demonhunters #finnegan #braveacting!
05.01.2022 Check out the wonderful article in FilmInk on dazzling Dukester BARBARA BINGHAM!! Barb has been kicking goals with roles in (soon to be released) feature film Romance on the Menu, horror series Deadhouse Dark and her own short film Over the Edge which she wrote and produced as well. Congrats Barb! xxx https://www.filmink.com.au/barbara-bingham-part-ii/
05.01.2022 Chookas to the very talented JODINE MUIR and JULIAN RAMUNDI for their opening and Australian premiere of Cats Talk Back at the New Theatre!! @jodinemuir @julianramundi #catstalkback #sydneyfringefestival2019 #comedy #andrewlloydwebber #cats #besswohl @newtheatresydney #lovedukeactors #chookas
04.01.2022 Congratulations to KATE BETCHER who plays Sally in CDP Theatres Magic Beach which opened in Tamworth this week, marking their first live performance since March! Their tour will continue through 2020/21 xx @kate_betcher @cdptheatreproducers #magicbeachliveaus #cdpkids #kidstheatre #childrenstheatre #liveonstage #australiantheatre #alisonlester #australianauthors
04.01.2022 Happy DUKEs Day!! Today marks what would have been Duke Kahanamokus 130th birthday. Duke was a big inspiration for our business name and his Aloha Creed is how we run things here at Duke, with Aloha, with love. Aloha to you all xxx
03.01.2022 Chookas to these 3 wonderous women who have their opening night for SheShakespeares Romeo and Juliet tonight!! Xxxooo @elenischumacher @sarahdepossesse @triciamorosin @sheshakespeare #williamshakespeare #romeoandjuliet #love #factorytheatresydney #lovemyactors
03.01.2022 Congrats to the wonderful CHANIKA DESILVA who has made it to the top 10 talented AACTA Pitch:Action finalists! @silvascreens @aacta #toptenfinalist #aacta #congratulations ... #devinedukester #hardworkpaysoff See more
01.01.2022 Chookas to this beautiful human MIRANDA PARKER for the opening of her play tonight Life of Galileo at The Belvoir Theatre! Xxx @mirandaaitken @belvoirst #lifeofgalileo #bertoltbrecht #lovemyactors #beautifulheart #sydneytheatre #smashit