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Duncan's Poultry

Phone: +61 474 069 689


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25.01.2022 Starter /Pullet Pullet Deliveries to The New England and Hunter valley Thursday 17/9/2020 Armidale:Norco Rural ... Friday 18/9/2020 Quirindi:Grain and Produce Scone:Rural CRT Muswellbrook:Pursehouse Rural Singleton:Kirkwoods Produce Maitland:Kirkwoods Produce Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses Fully Vaccinated and sexed $25 each including GST Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry 0474069689

22.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to Broken Hill Western NSW Tuesday 25/8/2020 Danns Produce ... Available 14/16weeks old Isa browns, Black Cross and White Cross $25each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

21.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to Riverina ,Southern slopes and Tablelands 4/8/2020 Narrandera contact Duncan's Poultry on 0474069689 Leeton Broso's Farmland ... Griffith Feed and grain 5/8/2020 Wagga Wagga contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Gundagai contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Boorowa Cork Hills Ag Goulburn Landmark Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns $25 each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

17.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to NSW Northern Slopes and Central West Thursday 3/9/2020 Barraba:Hart Rural Manilla:Hart Rural ... Friday 4/9/2020 Gunnedah:Gordon Barry CRT Coolah:Haynes CRT Coonabarabran: contact Duncan's Poultry 0474069689 Coonamble:Ag n Vet Saturday 5/9/2020 Grenfell: Aston and Joyce Cowra: Lachlan Fertilisers Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses Fully Vaccinated and sexed $25 each including GST Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

16.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to South Coast ,Monaro and Riverina of NSW Tuesday 22/9/2020 Woonona:Petfood and Produce Kembla Grange: Poplar Petfood and Produce ... Nowra: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Ulladulla: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Batemans Bay:Petstock Moruya: Harrison's Horse Pet Rural Wednesday 23/9/2020 Bombala: Landmark Cooma: Elders Yass: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Gundagai: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Thursday 24/9/2020 Wagga Wagga: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Narrandera: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Leeton: Broso's Farmland Griffith: feed and grain Friday 25/9/2020 Deniliquin: Brown's Rural Finley: Elders Jerilderie: Elders Lockhart: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Available 14/16weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses $25 each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's Poultry on 0474069689

15.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to New England and Northern Slopes of NSW Thursday 30/7/2020 Glen Innes Elders Inverell McGregor Gourlay ... Friday 31/7/2020 Warialda McGregor Gourlay Moore Landmark Narrabri Farm Center Quirindi Grain and Produce Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns $25 including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry 0474069689

11.01.2022 For Those Customers in Victoria unfortunately we will not be doing any trips into Victoria until the Covet19 virus has settled down we will review it in 4 weeks, Thanks for your understanding

09.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to The Illawarra and South Coast of NSW Tuesday 18/8/2020 Woonona:Pet food and Produce Kembla Grange: Poplar Petfood and Produce ... Nowra: contact Duncan's Poultry on 0474069689 Ulladulla: contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689 Batemans Bay: Petstock Moruya: Harrison's Horse Pet Rural Wednesday 19/8/2020 Bega: Candelo Stock Feeds Eden: Supply Central Cobargo: Co-op Braidwood: Landmark Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns, Black Cross and White Cross $25each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

08.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to Central West, Hunter valley and Newcastle area Monday 12/10/2020 Gulgong: CRT Merriwa: petroleum CRT ... Denman: rural Tuesday 12/10/2020 Cessnock: Goldman's Gateshead:G&V produce Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses $25each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

05.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to New England , Northern Slopes and Plans Thursday 8/10/2020 Tenterfield: Wilshire and co Deepwater: Wilshire and co ... Glen Innes: Elders Inverell: McGregor Gourlay Friday 9/10/2020 Warrialda: McGregor Gourlay Moore: Landmark Narrabri: The Farm Center Gunnedah: Gordon Barry CRT Saturday 10/10/2020 Ourimbah: Coastal rural trading CRT Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses Fully Vaccinated and sexed $25 each including GST Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

05.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries New England, Hunter valley, Newcastle and Central Coast Thursday 13/8/2020 Tenterfield Wilshire and co Deepwater Wilshire and co ... Friday 14/8/2020 Denman Rural Muswellbrook Pursehouse Rural Singleton Kirkwood Produce Maitland Kirkwood Produce Gateshead G & V Produce Saturday 15/8/2020 Ourimbah Coastal rural trading CRT Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns, blacks cross and white cross $25 each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

04.01.2022 Starter/Pullet Pullet Deliveries to North Coast and Newcastle area Tuesday 8/9/2020 Taree: Pet Barn Kempsey: Dee Amber Rural ... Macksville:G J Kennedy and co Bellingen: Norco Rural Wednesday 9/9/2020 Dungog: Norco Rural Raymond Terrace: Raymonds Warehouse CRT Cessnock: Goldman's Morisset:Mandalong stock feeds Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns, blacks and whites crosses Fully Vaccinated and sexed $25 each including GST Order in store before delivery date For any further information and enquiries contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

01.01.2022 Starter/Layer Pullet Deliveries to Macarthur and the woolondilly areas Saturday 12/9/2020 Available 14/16 weeks old Isa browns blacks and whites crosses $25each including GST Fully Vaccinated and sexed contact Duncan's poultry on 0474069689

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