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Durong Dingo Sanctuary Qld


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25.01.2022 Zorro and Angel have been upto no good. I think Zorro has been pestering Angel while she is trying to eat her dinner. It's a bit hard to see cos I feed them after 10pm, cos on a full tummy they sleep better. As I couldn't get Angel to the Vet, as she wont allow me to pick her up and I can't catch her , my Vet, Chris asked that I send him a video of her walking so he can see what is wrong with her.... His Vet Nurse Bree gave me some meds, Loxicom and Clavulox to help with the pain and inflammation. Then after 10 days to send him another video so he can notice any improvement. It's great to have trust in a Vet who can work with you because of distance, and advise you on the best form of treatment. So this is Angel now , and I feel her pain as I also have back and spinal damage so I have a pretty good idea of what she is going thru. When I go in to see her, most times she is hiding in the long grass keeping away from Zorro ( as she doesn't like him now ) she gets up and presents herself to me, indicating where the pain is. She will allow me to gently pass my hand over her body searching for the " spot ", but if Zorro wants to come over and have a look too, she begins to curl the lip and growl at him. So here is to the next 10 days and hopefully see the pain go away and Angel is back on her feet.

25.01.2022 Every wildlife rescue I do empties the coffers of my Charity. I keep saying , I cant afford to do any more rescues. Yet something happens, and I get called to do another one. My heart doesn't listen to my Bank Balance. Foolish? Probably, cos you cant run a Business/Charity like that.... So that is why I keep putting up this link. always on the look out for anyone who can help to keep the Charity and the Dingo Sanctuary running. And in this Covid-19 Time, nearly 50 % of Australians are unemployed. So I feel really embarrassed to ask for help. And we are nearly half way there. Isn't that awesome ????? I reckon it is. Well I have been unsuccessful in 2 Grant applications from WIRES and the Qld Govt. I told them I needed $8500 to quickly build 8 Bird aviaries and a 100m x 60m soft release macropod enclosure for the animals I have rescued due to the fires and drought. Apparently they don't think they are good enough reasons. So this is where you guys can come in if you can. If you can help me, then I will source anything I can, even if it means buying 2nd hand stuff. At least I will have work for when students and volunteers can come back here, otherwise I will just do it myself with the help of medication. so if you could please share this around, I will be very grateful.>> Thank you. I hope you all remain safe and Covid-19 free. I hope you have a Happy Easter and extended holiday break, even tho you cant go any where. Self isolation is not hard for me, as I only go into town 4 hrs once a week, the rest of the time I am here living in my sanctuary surrounded by a forest.

24.01.2022 Well 2 more female students will be arriving next week. With all this patchy rain over the last 2 weeks , everything has turned green out here and looks really nice. So we will be doing a bit of whipper snipping to tidy up all the dingo enclosures and rest of the grounds. Still more fencing and dingo interacting as well, so plenty to do, and hopefully will be much cooler, woohoo. Meanwhile I still have about 2 weeks of solid work to complete the aviaries for the birds ;) ;)

23.01.2022 Well I am exhausted. 2 more long aviaries have been completed today. So that is 4 so far , out of the 8, I am building> I am hoping to have the next 4 finished in 2 weeks time. Then I will be able to house all those birds I have been asked to rescue. Woohoo

23.01.2022 # Amber was my latest Uni Student from UQ. Every morning she had to spend 1 hr interacting with my wild dingoes. She had a special with connection Macca, one of my Fraser Island Dingoes. Here is that interaction that she filmed for me.

23.01.2022 Gidday Guys as the Covid restrictions are slowly being lifted the Sanctuary still needs support to keep all the animals fed and watered and upto date with medications. So we try and ask if people could support thru Chuff, which my friend Marilyn Nuske set up to keep the Sanctuary running at all times, As with more rescues, there are more mouths to feed and keep happy. I'd like to thank all the previous supporters for their continued support, because really we wouldn't be here... now without their generosity. I hope you are surviving our present restrictions. The animals are used to self isolating so they only thing they have noticed is the lack of visitors. all the best and look after yourselves.

23.01.2022 Since the Govt has told all us Zoo and Wildlife Sanctuaries to lock our gates due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and keep out all people including students, volunteers, tourists and friends the struggle to keep things above water are becoming much more difficult. All forms of incoming money has dried up except for those that donate monthly into the dingo Account, all 15 of them, and I am most grateful for their support. I seem to have less time on my hands trying to keep ahead of... all the work that still needs to be done here. Anyway tonight I came across this small Doco about my dingoes done by the ABC not so long ago. I was in an very extreme situation with the Banks at the time of this Doco. Thankfully things have changed and I am now allowed to stay here permanently. But I still need help. The last 2 Grant applications I applied for with the Qld Govt and also WIRES in NSW have been knocked back, which has shocked me, as we all know so many of our fellow Aussies donated so generously so that we Wildlife carers would be assisted financially in the work we do in saving wildlife. I think of all the people who have been told not to come into work by their employees and the Fed Govt so as to protect ourselves from contacting this deadly virus. It is a real scary situation, so we must all look out for one another. In time we will be able to get back to life as we know it. But the wildlife don't understand this. If you feel you could donate something for the dingoes so I can keep doing my job in protecting them and giving them a new home, we all would be very grateful. Be kind to yourselves, we will soon see the other side of this.

22.01.2022 Yesterday, I Rescued 17 Budgies and a Long Billed Corella that has anger issues, cos he has plucked out 70% of his feathers,. He wants to kill me, but he cracks me up, cos he has awesome personality. I think he is trying to swear, jabbers on abit, and now he almost does the wolf whistle. Poor fella is nearly half naked, so I will smother him with my attention, and it might take 12 mths to win him over> Well it did with my very 1st LBC, and it was a wild one, but in the end , ...<3 won over and I trained him to free fly and never put him on a cage again. I just need help to build those 6 large bird aviaries, as all the money you guys donated has now been spent on buying all the steel tube and mesh, so that is just so awesome. I hear a few people want statues and Golden Plaques put up in memory of them. Still working on that, ahhahah See more

22.01.2022 Well today was a good and a sad day here at the Sanctuary. Camille Scott and son Zhane came here to do their 2nd photo shoot, so it will be good to see what they got upto. Also I had to take AJ back to the Vet again, he was there 2 days ago cos he was limping and he wouldn't let me touch his paw. So I went to my long standing Vet, Chris Braithwaite of Sth. Burnett Vets to have a sticky beak.... After looking at the paw, and AJ didn't pull it away like he was doing with me he decided to put him on a course of Rilexine. I hadn't heard of this medication before. Well the next day, AJ was very lethargic, wobbled on his feet a bit, didn't eat dinner for 2 days. So I rang for an appt today and got in at 2.30pm> Chris and I had to lift AJ ( 25kg ) onto the table, temp was 39.5, so he took some bloods and did some pathology work and came back up and said AJ is really sick. His white blood cells went thru the roof, so high they didn't register. Chris said there are problems with his Liver and Pancreas. Strewth. I asked could it be Cancer, as both AJ's parents Leila and Red died of forms of cancer.?? Possible, maybe ?? So now he is on a course of other drugs, and is now inside beside my chair in a dog cage that was donated by a wildlife group in Melb. He really needs to be on a drip, but with the chances of him chewing it , I have to let him have about 3 licks of water every 30 mins to keep him hydrated. There is to be no food for at least 24 hrs. So the next 24hrs will be critical. AJ is 11.5 years old. He was born here and probably loves me more than any of the other dogs and dingoes. So I hope he will get over this illness soon. I haven't decided to light a fire yet as it isn't as cold has it has been for the last week.

22.01.2022 Is coming here any minute now. Won't the dingoes be surprised, ahhaah

21.01.2022 Well I just spoke to the Vet at the Aust Zoo Wildlife Hospital. They said the wing appeared to have been caught on barb wire and the eagle just kept pulling until it freed itself. So they put it down. I said why couldn't you amputate the wing and I could have kept the eagle here is a special raptor aviary.... The vet said it is illegal to amputate the wing of a bird and it has to be put down. Well what a load of crock. We have some very draconian laws here in Qld when it comes to saving wildlife. As I keep saying, the Red Tape in Qld is killing our wildlife. It is as simple as that.

21.01.2022 Sadly, the latest 2 students I have the pleasure of having here had to cut their time short and leave this morning, because one of their father's had to go back to hospital,. I found out he has one of my health conditions. They had done so much whipper snipping, dig out another trailer load of Prickly Pear, but the good news is the Burnett Today, a new weekly paper in Kingaroy, had sent their latest Journalist Cadet ( Neesha ) out here to discuss how to go about setting up a ...Joey Rescue Pack. Then yesterday , her boss Daniel, saw me in IGA, walks upto to me and starts chatting ( I had no idea who this friendly man was, hahahaah ). He has decided that the trip out here has now created 3 stories. Joey Rescue Pack. My Students. And of course, the Dingoes. As soon as the story goes to print I will put it up here. Sadly now, I will have to dig up the rest of the prickly pear, , continue working on completing the fencing for the miniature horses I need to rescue, and repair the boundary fence by myself. ahahhaahah Tomorrow is going to be a big day. A milestone actually. ;) ;) ;) I'll have to thank my parents for that.

21.01.2022 And so it was said " We must keep working" So the welding of the new bird aviaries starts today. I didn't have enough money to buy all the steel and mesh, so I robbed my Pension money to just get enough steel to build 2 aviaries. And isn't it beautiful weather outside now.... I am sure gonna get a tan ( burns from weld flash, ahhaah ) I have a welder mate today too. I am told she is very good, cos I am just a bush welder.

21.01.2022 Well this Chinaman and his village just keep coming after me. This week is going to be worse than last week. AJ is not getting better, still is not interested in food. Doesn't really like going into the cage but wants to keep going back to his enclosure.... Henrietta is once again afflicted with swollen kidneys which put pressure on the nerves going to her legs, which then paralyzes her. She will will have to go to Steve Upton Kingaroy Vets tomorrow. Poor Mabo has this swollen spongy ball of something right between the underside of the butt of his tail and the anus the size of a big marble. So he will have to go to long time serving vet, Chris Braithwaite Sth Burnett Vets, and hopefully get him booked in tomorrow. I might just have to buy a ticket in Tattslotto. Strewth.

21.01.2022 Just spent the past 3 weeks in Hospital. Had some very wonderful people looking after all my animals again. Only to get home and find out my phone landline is down. I am registered with Telstra regarding health issues, so that they repair the fault in 6 hours. Makes it hard to let them know when they keep giving you phone numbers to ring, when you cant ring.... Even trying to find an email to lodge a fault complaint is difficult. So when is it going to rain? This time last year I was in hospital and had to buy in 3 truck loads of water. Now once again all my tanks are empty, so will have to order some more. People seem to forget this drought has been going on for about 20 years. All my dams are empty and the dingoes water troughs only have 50mm in them. To rub salt into the problems, the pull cord on the fire fighters water pump has snapped.

20.01.2022 Gidday Guys, how are you all coping ? Well we are all feeling the squeeze really badly now. Most of us have been laid off, are struggling to find money to keep feeding our families, paying the mortgage and other bills. To those of us on Pensions, we also feel the squeeze as food prices keep going up, but our pensions cant keep up with it.... Then there are us Wildlife Sanctuary owners and Carers who are also struggling to keep the money coming in to cover the costs of our travel for rescues and to the Vet Hospital and back, food and medical costs. We are normally the forgotten people in times like this, so we are then pressured into seeking outside help thru support and donations. And this is the bit I always find embarrassing, always asking people to help support the job that I am doing. In my line of work, you have to be unemployed and on a Pension of any kind, because otherwise you would not have the time to be looking after all the wildlife that comes into your care. Twice in the past week my Grant applications were refused from 2 different groups. That was a kick in the stomach. So again I am reaching out there to anyone who feels they may be able to donate in any simple way. If we could get a 1100 people to donate say $2 a month that would just cover the running costs of Durong Dingo Sanctuary. So far over the past 2 years we have only about 15 people donating each month, and I really do appreciate their help. If your heart feels that you could help out in anyway, like even donating the cost of a cup of coffee , that would be so awesome. OK, I am off to feed the birds and do some building. I need to get 8 Bird Aviaries built as soon as possible, and also a 100m x 60m soft release macropod enclosure. Thanks guys.

20.01.2022 Strewth, has anyone ever seen a Koala with 2 babies ????

20.01.2022 On a positive note. From the end of Nov thru to Jan the sanctuary will be filled with hungry working students from JCU Townsville Campus and Gatton Uni College. So I hope I can keep up with their youthful energy and get some real work done around here. If it rains, there will be heap of whipper snipping. Woohoo

20.01.2022 Dingo of Jandowae

20.01.2022 Gidday fellow self isolaters. Actually I have been doing it for about 20 years out here, so I am lucky I guess. But work still needs to be done. As per Govt Qld Biosecurity, my gates had to be closed and no visitors or volunteers allowed. So that means more work for me, eh.... Angel is slowly improving. It seems it is pinched nerves along the spine somewhere. She is becoming more mobile, but still resting heaps laying in the sun and keeping away from Zorro. I feed them separately to give Angel a rest from him. I have just finished most of the slashing, so if a bush fire does come here again, there will be no long grass to burn. Now is also the time to clean up the chain saws and begin cutting firewood. Normally I have someone giving me a hand. I'd love to have one of those log splitters, as my hands keep slipping around the handle of the axe as I chop the logs, but unfortunately they are a bit expensive, so I will just have to find smaller logs to cut up. I had to do some welding on the slasher yesterday. It really has seen the end of it's days, but I just keep welding bits of steel onto it to hold it together. My welding is not the best, I am just a bush welder, but my hand shakes a bit these days , so that makes it a bit funny trying to strike a weld, ahhaah. I bought one of those super quick welding helmets a few years ago from Supercheap for about $100, well I think that is getting old too, as it takes about 3 secs for the lens to change instead of 0.04 secs , so the flash is not good for the eyes. So I found a good one online this morning, so hope to get it next week. Oh well I better go and sharpen the chain saws and get into it. The weather is super awesome today. I have always loved Autumn. I think it is the best season of the year. So tell me, what have you guys got up to?? Also thank you to those 5 people who donated last week. I will be sending out some certificates of appreciation soon.

19.01.2022 Well, the cherry picker works ok, even in the wind, ahhah. Then yesterday the Stihl chainsaw just stopped. I think it got scared when the chain was caught as the tree fell. JUst spent 2 hours pulling it all apart, cleaning everything so looked brand new ( well it is over 20 years old )> Pulled the cord about 20 times, ran out of breath, had to lie down.... Strewth, not as fit as I used to be. Must be something to do with Hospital visits, ahhah Then I thought that's it, send it back to the shop and see if I can afford to buy a new one. It must have heard my thoughts, as it struggled to start as I tried again. Tried all sorts of settings, got a splutter, kept nursing it along, and then YES she burst into life. So I guess that means I better go back to work.| Might have some photo's later from the cherry picker.

18.01.2022 Today? The sun goes up, and the sun goes down. The wind blows thru the leaves in the trees. Meat ants still walk their 100's meters foraging for food. The guinea fowl make their raucous call.... Parrots quickly swoop out of the sky for a feed on my verandah. Birds need to be fed. Dingoes need to be talked too. Acres of long green grass needs to be mowed and whipper snipped. It's hot. I am exhausted. The bird aviaries need to be completed. My world is within the boundaries of my vision of what I have to build to save the animals that need saving. Australia Day is every day to me. We all have our thoughts. And they maybe different. So we must show compassion to all people living in Australia. I am not a 1st Nations person. My ancestry comes from England, Ireland, Scotland. But I was born here. I call Australia home. I have been in some Aboriginal Communities and I feel the connection to the land, trees, water and the spirits in the air millions of years old that they do. I feel grateful to be able to connect. I feel it is a privilege to work with the animals I do.

18.01.2022 Don't leave your jugs of lemonade outside for too long

18.01.2022 The dingoes were telling me that no one has adopted any of them for 12 mths. Some people renew their adoption every 12 months. These adoptions help the Sanctuary with their continued caring , feeding and generally making them feel good. So for only $40 a year , you can adopt a dingo and you will receive a A4 size Adoption Certificate and and A4 size glossy photo of your chosen dingo.... It costs roughly about $10 a week to feed a dingo as I buy in bulk to keep the costs down. So if you want to help out, maybe consider a Adoption and get something for your efforts. Hoping you are surviving the self isolation, as we have been for the past 20 years , so it's all same ole same ole.

18.01.2022 hmmm, I am in need of a petrol 22 ton log splitter. The ones I am looking online are about $2000, which is out of my price range. I have looked at trying to hire one instead, cos I'll only need it for a day, but there are none available. I have even searched for 2nd hand ones, but they are like hens teeth. No one in Kingaroy sells them.... So if there is anyone out there who might be able to help me, just pm me. I have searched so many sites now, and to freight up something from Melb will cost about $500, so I need to get something locally.

17.01.2022 I hear barking in the dark. It's Zorro, strewth, what is bothering him? sounds like another Echinda. So I grab the torch, shuffle through the long dying grass.... Angel appears out of nowhere, smiling and shuffling too. Still cant see Zorro. Well he is black and the moon isn't up yet. Ah I see him, down by the end of his enclosure, I can see a hole being dug right next to the electric fence. Gee he is keen. i am waiting for him to lead me to the spot. I cant see any echinda digging under the fence, so what's bothering. He kept looking in a certain direction and I was getting some vibe from him saying " It'a right there you idiot, cant you see it ?" So I am waving the torch light thru the fence and then I see a dome circle of prickly spines. Ahhhhh, it's a baby one. So back to the house, grab the welding gloves, shovel,camera and the quad. Whiz aall the way around the enclosures and quickly find it. Well Zorro is standing right behind the fence, point with his head. " Can you see it this time??????" says the vibes ahahhahaha he is a smartalec. Well it was just resting there. It hadn't begun digging. Was it lost ? why do they always head butt the fence, then dig under it ??? Anyway, cos it was so small I gently scooped it up and wandered off in the dark towards the east and gently laid it on the ground. I got photo's ;) Now back to cooking up a storm in the kitchen for all these kids.

17.01.2022 Another cold day to be concreting. I am waiting for the twins En and Ken Done to arrive. We have another 3m x 3m concrete pad to pour, I better stoke up the fire inside so we can keep warm.... We'll be MIA for the next 4-5 hours. I just hope the concrete will set. brb.

16.01.2022 Until further Notice, due to the Covid-19 and it's quick contagious nature and my low Immune system, Durong Dingo Sanctuary will be closed to all visitors, Volunteers and Students. While this will make things extremely difficult for me as the work load has increased due to the rain and all this long grass, I cannot afford to get sick from involuntarily Virus transfer. My apologises to the students and volunteers.... But if you would like to help out in another way to help with my dingoes would you like to maybe donate here? Thank you.

16.01.2022 On Saturday, my mate Ray Revill drove all the way down here to drop off food for me, plus enough cooked meals to last me a fortnight. Awesome. But just before he got here he found a dead swampy wallaby on the road. He checked and found a small pinky female joey still attached to it's mother's teat. He removes the joey and teat. He then shows it to me. Wow, so vulnerable and small.... So I ask him to show me how to feed something so small. Wonderful, he managed to remove the mother's thin teat ( thinner than a piece of string) and gently insert the new teat and it began to suck. Oh the relief to know that it can do that. So I am told it will need 2 hourly feeds, am I prepared to take on the responsibility. ?? Oh of course, how else will I get the experience.? So Ray goes home and I prepare for the 2 hrly feeds. Well the 1st 2 times I had trouble getting the teat into this very small mouth, but I did and it slowly sucked for about 2 mins until full. So I toilet her , wrap her carefully and place her on a covered hot water bottle and I go back to sleep. Well at 3am I couldn't get the teat in her mouth. It really was too big, so I'll have to call for help in the morning. I reach out to Col and Kayleen from South Burnett Wildlife Rescue Inc and they get Robyn to call me, as she specialises only in pinkies. All I was wanting was a smaller teat, so I could carry on caring for the joey. Robyn makes a special trip out here says " Oh my gosh, she is so small, she will need to be intubated with a very thin tube." Well this is beyond my experience, so I release the joey into the care of Robyn, and if it survives I will get it back when it reaches the velvet stage, and then care for it here. If by a wonderful chance she survives, she can be a companion for the last wallaby joey I hand reared who is now in the outside enclosure.

16.01.2022 Happy New Year to all my supporters. I definitely wouldn't have made it thru this year without your help in support of me looking after dingoes and Aust Parrots and macropods. So a very BIG Thankyou. I will try to keep learning more and expanding my horizons and keep doing more training courses.... Once the aviaries are finished I will begin a massive Campaign to Build a Classroom and Animal Clinic. We will really need the help of some Philanthropists for this one and maybe someone who is good at finding Grants could help me also. Now tomorrow is a public Holiday for everyone. The dingoes have asked me to advise you, they too would also like a Holiday. Not me tho, I'll be out there welding steel frames together and keep working on the aviaries. Hooroo. Remember : Tomorrow is just another day, just like today. One step at a time.

16.01.2022 I have got 8 weeks to build 2/ 6m x 1.5m Bird Aviaries, so as to get those birds I have rescued. Jan 17/ 2021. I turn 65. So I have started today. It is a cool 32 deg C... En & Ken Done turned up in the nick of time, that is why we are starting today. Music is cranked up, birds are whistling or screaming. I have 2 batches of Year 1 & 2, Uni Students coming from JCU Townsville in a few days time , so I want to get these walls up pretty quickly. I don't think the girls can weld.???? Hooroo for now See more

16.01.2022 The way things are going with Student enquiries for work placement bookings in Nov / Dec, we might get booked out shortly> Woohoo so much work to do.

16.01.2022 Stella is saying, " Stop sleeping, there is still concrete in the bucket behind you."

13.01.2022 Coronavirus. It has been having severe problems in starting over the past 2 weeks. So I took it to the Mechanics in Toowoomba, who have been servicing it for 10 year before I bought it thru the Qld Govt Auctions. According to their Computer Scanner it said that the low pressure fuel sensor was the problem and had to be replaced, and also that it had the incorrect glow plugs. That came to about $2000.00 ... So I waited all day last Wed in their Customer service room for it to be repaired. About 5pm they said it was ready, so I paid the money, got the keys and went to start it. Same problem, the engine just kept turning over and after 10 secs the computer turns it off. STREWTH. As I go back to their office, one of the workers is running away, even before I could say something was wrong. They came back with 2 mechanics and a bigger scanner. I just watched and waited. They didn't know what was wrong. They told me after they repaired it , they took it for a road test and everything was good, but now they couldn't understand what was wrong now. So now it is about 6pm, everyone has gone except for 3, and I need to get home. So they offer me a loan vehicle, but after signing they said if I have an accident I will be up for $5000 excess fees. I said forget it, I have no more money left in the Charity account. Then the boss says ok, " we'll drop it down to $1500". I said , I still have no money to pay for that. So I take the vehicle and go home. They have just rung now ( Mon) and told me after spending 9.5 hrs with mechanics searching for the problem that the scanner wont bring up, finds out it has a faulty fuel Injector that has been leaking fuel back into the tank. The part will cost over $500. So again I said I have no money left, so can I pay it off.?? They said yes providing I pay a $200 deposit. So now they will order the part, and due to my situation they wont charge me for the 9.5 hrs labour. So that is a generous reprieve, I just cant believe that Mercedes Benz who build these Sprinter Vans purely for work as an Ambulance that are sold all over the world, have so many problems with them. Well I guess I'll have to use that money that ScoMo says we will all get deposited into our Banks. I have just checked and no money has been deposited to me , yet.

13.01.2022 Woohoo Just had my 1st visitors in like 4 mths. They are travelling around Aust in their Outback caravan. One of their daughters is a vet Nurse up in the Whitsunday's

12.01.2022 Pouring the last 6m x 2m concrete pad today, for the bird aviaries that I cant get Funding to build. I have been rejected twice. So cos you cant' help me physically , would you like to help me financially, by chipping in a few dollars a month??... These bird aviaries , just materials alone are going to cost $8500. so far I have bought 30 tonne of blue stone gravel and a pallet of cement. The river sand comes free from the creek only 200m away. I sourced a lot of 2nd hand corrugated roofing, but I still need to buy all the 25 x 25 mm steel tube to construct the frames. That will cost $3000.00 If you can please go to my Website and see where you can donate. Anything will be gratefully received. Please remember it is us Wildlife carers that do all we can with our Pensions to save the injured wildlife that comes into our care..

12.01.2022 Because I was advised by Qld Biosecurity that all Zoos and Sanctuaries had to close their gates to the Public, I had to do the same. So in the event of that changing soon here is some Drone Footage of my Sanctuary and dingoes taken by Dan Poole for those people I had to say no entry this time.

10.01.2022 Well Xmas and New year are all over and done with. I hope everyone caught up with family and loved ones. I did , on the Internet, ahhahaah Thank goodness for Skype.... Anyway, things have been quiet here funding wise. We have been extremely busy with the extra-ordinary help from students from JCU in Townsville and UQ in Gatton. Clearing Prickly Pear, repairing boundary fences, still working on fencing off 5 acres to rescue some miniature horses. The bird aviaries are coming along quite well and hopefully be finished in 2 weeks time, and that was only because there are some wonderful people out there who donated so I could buy materials. The costs of running the Sanctuary have now exceeded over $2500 a month. So if there is anyone out there that would like to keep the sanctuary running and could assist in some way, that would be awesome. We are slowly reaching our goal in this funding program that was begun over 3 years ago. But Rome was not built in a day. There are many projects in planning stages that I would like to begin this year. So if you feel you may be able to contribute as we move forward, still being mindful of the Covid restrictions, the dingoes and parrots will love you. Thanks once again.

09.01.2022 Holly Cormack, the new Journalist for the South Burnett Times, came here on Monday after she heard about the problems I am having with the gunman next door> There is no way this idiot can shoot safely from 100m from my home. reading

09.01.2022 Good news. The 1st of 2 truck loads of water has been delivered. I'll get a photo of the 2nd load. This has all been possible due to a very generous Vet donor and some others , who have saved the Sanctuary once again because of the on going struggle thru the drought.... It was this time last year I bought 4 truck loads of water. Each load is 13,000 lts. My tanks hold 25,000 lts. each. I have 3/ 25,000 tanks 1/ 16,000 tank 1/12,000 tank, and most are empty. Last year was the 1st time in 20 years I had to buy water. Usually I get buy from rainfall, but as the drought is getting worse and longer and no decent rain since 2013-14 things are getting tough. The dingoes water troughs are 600 lt I usually put in about 200 lts but most of that is evaporating off in 4 weeks. I have 14 dingo enclosures. So as you can see it is vital I have enough water to keep them alive. Photo;s of the 2nd truck load to follow later.

09.01.2022 As it is now the beginning of the dingo Breeding Season, here is a short video of my 1st Sanctuary bred Fraser Island Dingoes. I missed the immediate birth by 30 mins, bummer.

09.01.2022 Well after feeling super exhausted with having all those students here, I virtually did nothing for 5 days, But today I felt guilty, so it was back out in the sun and super mugginess to continue the work on building all those bird aviaries. And boy, was I glad I was alone, my sweat stinks today. So I virtually have another 4 to complete, and these are the shorter ones.... The 1 st 4 were 6m long, these other ones are 4.8m long. So I am hoping to have the last 3 walls standing before Xmas, then I can finish the roofing and the mesh before mid Jan, but once again I will be blessed to have more students, and there will be plenty of grass to whipper snipped. I was too tired to take photo's today, so hopefully tomorrow I will get more motivated. But looking at the BOM site now, it looks like so storms are on their way tonight.

08.01.2022 Sometime today 2 , 2nd Yr Vet Students from JCU in Townsville will make the Sanctuary their home as they learn about dingoes and how to run a Sanctuary. They are Ruby Donaldson and Jazelyn Brisbane. It will be interesting to find out why they want to become vets. Presently there is a shortage of about 200 Vets , needed between Brisbane and Bundaberg.

08.01.2022 Why does it take a swan to tell someone to put their mask back on ????

08.01.2022 Well the Drought is just getting longer and worse. Have not had much rain in the past 12 months. If you remember last Oct I had to buy in truck loads of water. Well now I have to do it again. If to make matters worse , a lot of the big trees have died around the sanctuary, especially along the dingo enclosures.... Large branches have snapped off and damaged the outside fencing. Fortunately no dingoes can escape due to the inside electric fence. So I am hiring a snorkel/cherry picker this week end to get up to the dead limbs and cut them down before more damage is done. At least I will be self isolating up in the trees

07.01.2022 Re Opening for Business on 8 Jun 2020, woohoo

07.01.2022 The bird aviaries Update. 3 walls are up, today putting on the roof netting and colorbond. But strewth it it hot, the sweat is pouring off me. I am ready for a wet T shirt competition ( well not really ) |... photo's up later, if I don't fall off the ladder

07.01.2022 All the concrete slabs for the bird aviaries have now been poured. Thank goodness. It has taken me over 12 months, strewth. Now I have to save up and buy 20 lengths of 25 x 25 mm x 6.1m long gal steel tubing, to make the frames.... And I bet it will take me ages to weld it all together. See more

07.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day everyone. Okay, I need your urgent help. For the 1st time since the subdivision of the land I live on was done in 1983, the property next to me has been sold and bought by someone thru Council Auction.... The new owner has now caused me great angst and fear for the safety of all the animals I have here and have rescued over the years.. He tells me he is ex military and can do what he wants on this property. I found out thru the Police that he purposely bought the property next to me for recreational shooting and that of the wildlife that passes thru there. He also has a macropod shooting Permit which makes it all the more sickening. What I am asking from you, is that can you write to all the Councillors on this link, expressing your disgust of having someone shooting wildlife right next door to a Dingo and Wildlife Sanctuary, and that the ramifications of the explosions made from shooting his high powered firearms is putting the lives and safety of all the wildlife I have rescued at great risk. If someone could also begin one of those online Petitions that I can take to Council showing how inappropriate it is for putting my Sanctuary at risk like this. My Sanctuary is also a Public place for people to come and visit in safety. As you know I have families, children and students come to visit and volunteer here. Having their lives put at risk from this inconsiderate neighbour just cannot happen. The link to the Council is here. My Councillor is the newly elected Scott Henschen. He is fully aware of my situation. Thank you for your support, because right now I need it more than anything.

06.01.2022 Got a call this morning about a farmer finding a wedge tailed eagle with a damaged wing, on his property. He was checking his fences and heard some flapping and saw the eagle in a melon hole full of water. He went back home, got his cast net and captured the eagle and took it home, wearing his welder gloves. So I drove 2 hrs out west, picked up the eagle then drove 5 hours back to Aust Zoo Wildlife Hospital, getting there after dark.... They wouldn't allow me past the front door, said to leave the cage there, fill out a form and wait for someone to come back. Well within minutes a Vet Nurse came back and asked me if I had looked at the wing , as it was broken and the joint was pretty bad.?? I said no, I just picked up the eagle from the farmer and drove straight here. I didn't want to be putting it in any more pain. But the feeling I got was , if it is too hard to fix, well then euthanise. So I jumped the gun and said I am not interested in the eagle being killed. So the next best thing to do is to take it down to Dr Howard Ralph in Braidwood, Camberra. He refuses to kill any animal. His motto is " Anything is Possible" Basically he can do surgery on anything and save it's life. But since my Charity bank Acct is empty due to the recent Ambulance engine expense, I'll need to raise money for the trip down and back. It is over 2500kms return, so I'll be up for over $1000 for the fuel. Would we be able to get a few people to chip in, make a donation to my charity South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group to cover that cost? If so, well then I'll make the effort to do the drive down and back. Let me know what you think. thank you. Simon

06.01.2022 Well Climate Change has paid a visit again. Never before in the past 30 years , have I had a dingo come into season in the middle of January. As many people would know, dingoes come into season once a year ( even tho I have had some that did so every month if they were not mated).... A few years ago, Kirra came into season on Jan 31, then for the next 2 years, all my female dingoes came into season at the End of Jan. Then it was back to normal and they came into season on April 25, for 4 years. Well this week, Zahra has definitely come into season, and yet over a week ago K'gari did too. So the crazy electric tension filled breeding season has begun. As I have been banned from breeding ever again by Qld Biosecurity, there will be no elements of breeding here. Personally I'd like to see a ban on breeding dingoes for a few years, as there are too many floating around in human family situations which could be quite catastrophic in years to come because people do not understand dingo behaviour and their changes in personality during our weather seasons.

05.01.2022 Strewth, I just don't know what is going on at the moment. People are finding wild dingo puppies everywhere. I have had calls from Universities, Vet Clinics, Park Ranger's, even a Zoo in Canberra just rang to ask CAN I HELP???? Qld Biosecurity refuse to allow me to rescue any more dingoes.... At the moment I know of about 30 dingoes and puppies that need rescuing from all over the east coast of Aust. RSPCA in Canberra are over loaded with dingo rescues and needing to find homes for them. Dingo Den, Sydney Dingo Rescue are all full. I feel really helpless that I cannot help anyone. The people /sanctuaries that I know have dingoes cannot take on any more, because they have maxed out too.

04.01.2022 The bludger next door neighbour departs very quickly after he fires off his high powered rifle , a 22.243 which scares the heck out of me and my animals. Police wont come here. Council wont come here. Volunteers too scared to come here now. I just feel so helpless.... The hypocrisy as I see it, is that it is legal for him to shoot because the land is bigger than 40 acres. But if I was to do the same thing , but in town, I would be locked up immediately. Yet the bullets can travel upto 2 kms. People and animals can still be killed by the bullets. Does the Law think the bullets will stop at the neighbours fence and not enter my property???????

03.01.2022 It pays to have a Vet that is always there for you. Last night as it was getting dark and I was collecting the food bowls to get the dingoes dinner ready, I noticed that Mahlee didn't greet me at the gate with Macca....Continue reading

02.01.2022 A very sad day today. I had to let AJ go. After further blood work this morning, his white cells were off the chart, his Liver was failing, his Pancreas was improving but his kidneys were failing big time. I felt so sad for AJ to have had to suffer like this. But like most forms of cancer it isn't noticed until it has taken a great hold.... The Vet knew as soon as he told me the results, what we needed to do. I quickly hugged AJ told he was a great boy and thanked him for his unquestionable love. Out of all my dogs and dingoes he has always loved me the most, and here I am searching thru my massive library of photo's and I have only a few of him. AJ was the last in the bloodline of red cattle dogs I have had for nearly 30 years. It only dawned on me as I was driving home. I buried him in a sunny spot but with an afternoon shade. With the drought still ongoing and the ground being so hard it was hard work with the tractor to dig a deep hole. AJ now rests in peace. No more pain. Just before he gave his last breath I was looking into his face and he didn't really know where he was. As there was no improvement over the weekend with all the medication he was fading pretty fast.

02.01.2022 Well that is the closest I have come to be within 150mm of the strike of a brown. It pays to see what your dingoes are looking at, when they are not looking at you approaching them. Lucky my reflexes to stand still for an old bloke are still good. After 30 secs of tongue flickering it accepted I meant it no harm.... There was no way I was going to lay down on the ground and talk to it like Steve Irwin did ;) ;)

01.01.2022 Well I'll be. I don't know how, but another lace monitor has entered Indi's enclosure. I think he has had enough, cos he killed a 1m long lace monitor. Those guys can put up an awesome fight and can rip your dogs face off. So I am wondering if Indi did this at night??... Anyway, I cant show photo's cos it is pretty gruesome and stinks to high heaven, and covered in blow flies. See more

01.01.2022 Wow , what a beautiful story and mateship

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