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Dying With Dignity Victoria in Kew, Victoria | Community organisation

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Dying With Dignity Victoria

Locality: Kew, Victoria


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25.01.2022 An interesting article describing how once, death was an accepted part of life. When death came to our homes in previous generations, it mingled where family meals were shared, stories were told, and babies were born. In the place where dead bodies were laid out, life had been lived. Death was never meant to leave our houses...


24.01.2022 Dying With Dignity Victoria board member, Dr. Cam McLaren authors a riposte to Odette Spuijt on behalf of the Victorian Assisted Dying Community of Practice. (article by Odette: (article by Dr. McLaren: )

24.01.2022 It is with great delight that we welcome Dr. Rodney Syme AM, back on to the Board of ‘Dying with Dignity Victoria’. His wise counsel, compassion and decades of experience in end-of-life matters is respected and admired throughout the world. We are so very fortunate to have him ‘on board’ again.


23.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL NEW ZEALANDERS LIVING IN AUSTRALIA! New Zealand goes to the polls on 19 September 2020 and will also include a referendum vote on Voluntary Assisted Dying. Kiwis, your vote is really important! Please share with Kiwi family and friends. Please see information in the link below on how to vote from Australia (and also your eligibility). Voting is open from Wednesday, 2 September 2020 through to Saturday, 19 September 2020....

23.01.2022 The Domino effect is certainly evident in Australia today. VERY EXCITING news from South Australia - Susan Close ALP has introduced the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill into the LOWER House of the South Australian Parliament & read for a second time & Kyam Maher will introduce it into the UPPER House this evening!!!!!! Image-Rick Guido

22.01.2022 Our MP’s can provide us with this choice, if they vote for Voluntary Assisted Dying - image

22.01.2022 For those who haven’t read it, this is the most beautiful and accurate description of grief from the perspective of an old man. It has provided great solace to many. Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can'...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Monash University are currently conducting a research project on Voluntary Asissted Dying [link below].

19.01.2022 Let another Australian state bite the VAD dust


18.01.2022 Watch out for further announcements regarding online presentation delivery as we pursue accessibility options for all those that are seeking assistance.

16.01.2022 A new drama to be screened in Australia next year looks at the issue of Voluntary Assisted Dying

16.01.2022 DWDV is keen to ensure everyone is fully informed of end-of-life choices. The prospect of dementia as one gets older is obviously of concern to many people. We urge anyone interested in informing themselves about this issue takes the opportunity to learn more about it by signing up for this free seminar.

14.01.2022 At DWDV we want to make sure we are answering the questions our community has surrounding Voluntary Assisted Dying. We have recently released a video post [pinned] on Facebook as well as our website in an endevour to answer some of the most commonly asked questions that we hear. If you have any other questions that we may have missed, we invite you to ask here in our comment section or message us directly & we will do our best to get the answers for you. ... Once again we extend thanks to all of our supporters & wish you a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe & warm on this rainy day!

14.01.2022 Queensland news- what is the personal view of the newly appointed LNP Opposition Leader David Crisafulli in regard to Voluntary Assisted Dying?

13.01.2022 Contrary to what many senior Religious leaders say, the majority of people of faith actually support Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation. Will you add your name to demonstrate this level of support?


12.01.2022 Dying With Dignity Victoria ' @DWDVic ' has reopened a Twitter page & we are asking any of our followers to help us reach a higher number of people who may have not heard of our services by following, liking, sharing & retweeting our content. @DWDVic want to be able to help as many people as we can with information, guidance & support and YOU can help us do just that!

11.01.2022 A wonderful and powerful article on a Canadian woman who volunteers as a witness for individuals completing the last stages of MAID- Medical Assistance in Dying, to honour her dear friend who died. Witnesses are required to verify that a patient is of sound mind, not being coerced and is understanding of the process. DWDV also run a volunteer witness program.

11.01.2022 Some great new from 'SAVES' (South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society Inc.) President, Frances Coomes this morning: Voluntary Euthanasia in SA - The Right to Choose


10.01.2022 When you help us reach more people by: Inviting people to follow our page Sharing our news & content Leaving a review on our page... Reacting & commenting to our posts Checking to ensure you have 'liked' the DWDV page instead of 'following' our page it helps us to reach more people who may benefit from the support we offer. For this we are so grateful . Thank you all for the efforts you go to in supporting our work here at Dying With Dignity Victoria.

10.01.2022 A recent study in the U.S shows that more Physicians are voicing their support for #PhysicianAssistedDying With public support up to 80% in #Australian States/Territories we hope that more of OUR Physicians will follow suit to respect the wishes of their patients in States/Territories In which #VAD has been & will be legislated for

10.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS Tasmania The End of Life Choices, Voluntary Assisted Dying, Bill 2020 has just passed the Legislative Council The vote was UNANIMOUS!!CONGRATULATIONS Tasmania The End of Life Choices, Voluntary Assisted Dying, Bill 2020 has just passed the Legislative Council The vote was UNANIMOUS!!

09.01.2022 DIGNITY IN DYING UK Dr. Arun Bhaskar - an expert in pain management - has seen first hand that not all pain can be controlled. He believes we need to face up to the limits of medicine.

06.01.2022 Such an amazing individual and so deserved of this recognition, Belinda Teh you united so many communities with your courageous, passionate & compassionate VAD advocacy work, an inspiration to so many - wishing you all the best!

06.01.2022 A long read but worthwhile. The harrowing story of an English woman who no longer deems her life worth living because of a multitude of comorbidities. I’ve lived for 82 years. I’m now dysfunctional in spine, feet, hips, peripheral nervous system, bowel, bladder, elbows and hands. All combine in pain and failure to work, She is met with strong resistance from medical & legal forces. Eventually she takes her own life. ...

05.01.2022 Mike Gaffney calls on politicians to listen to their constituents, the vast majority of whom want the option to access VOLUNTARY assisted dying if necessary. Watch just part of his emotional plea in the Tasmanian parliament ...

04.01.2022 HOW HAPPY WOULD HARRY BE TODAY! I had the privilege of meeting Harry in 2017. Harry was 91 and had suffered from terminal cancer for 13 years. He spent his last few years advocating for VAD and lobbying MP’s ALL OVER Victoria. He died after VAD was legislated for in Victoria but before it was implemented. He would be so happy that 2 (almost 3) States have passed VAD Legislation with hope that other States AND Territories will shortly follow. See our website for Harry’s interviews.

04.01.2022 Amongst the tragic stories that have emanated from overseas countries during the COVID19 crisis are those that describe how hospital medical staff are being forced to make decisions about who will live and who will die. Hospitals are being inundated with critically ill patients and yet limited amounts of life-saving resources necessitate that only a select number of patients be treated. Normally the process of Triage in our hospitals ensures that priority care is given to pa...Continue reading

04.01.2022 Anyone wishing to listen to the Tasmanian 2nd reading speeches in the Legislative Assembly regarding the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2020 you can watch live on webcam

03.01.2022 Above is a thoroughly well researched exposé responding to the below article from online magazine Mercatornet that purports to be about the ethics behind the headlines.

03.01.2022 THE Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" has nothing to do with voluntary assisted dying, where a person facing death with unbearable suffering requests and is given assistance to end that suffering as a final act of love and compassion. First, that Commandment correctly translated is "Thou shalt not murder" i.e. kill with malice. Second, the same Bible (OT) describes numerous mass killings, for example, the genocide of the Canaanite and Midianite nations by the Jews as they ...occupied their Promised Land. Third, the same Bible (OT) prescribes the death penalty (i.e. kill by stoning) for many offences including - for gathering sticks on the Sabbath, for children who overeat or answer back their parents, and for those who have sex with their mother-in-law. Ian Wood, Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Assisted Dying, NSW.

02.01.2022 All such worthy recipients of nomination. Their tireless and selfless commitment towards achieving VoluntaryAssistedDying in Victoria & Western Australia was inspirational and provided the momentum for other States & eventually Territories to progress towards passage of Legislation. Congratulations!!!!!

02.01.2022 Dying With Dignity Victoria's letter to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board - r.e. their 6 monthly report released 19 Feb 2020.

02.01.2022 Yet more great news from overseas. It appears that SPAIN will approve Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation early next year!!!!!

02.01.2022 WE NEED YOUR HELP! Dear DWDV members and supporters, Will you be visiting your GP in the next two weeks? ... Dr Rodney Syme is very supportive of an initiative by the Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigators - a webinar, to provide an opportunity for doctors to consider their level of involvement in the Voluntary Assisted Dying process, and find out how to support any patients who ask them about it. While some doctors have completed the online training required in order to support patients through the VAD process, we also encounter many doctors who are not familiar with the legislation, or how to support their patients who ask about VAD. This causes delays for patients seeking to access VAD. The impact is even greater in regional areas, where finding a doctor available locally is more difficult. The webinar, which will be held on Thursday 28 May 2020, is designed specifically for GPs, but any doctors can attend. If you are in contact with your doctor before this date, please give them a copy of the flyer (see image below). Alternatively, they can contact the Navigators at [email protected], or contact the DWDV office on 0491 718 632 for details. Many thanks, Dying With Dignity Victoria


01.01.2022 Healthcare Professionals - we need your help.... Are you a doctor, nurse, paramedic, psychologist, physio or other allied health professional? Are you a social worker or aged care worker? Add your name to the list of healthcare professionals who support assisted dying laws.... Please signup to this national list of health professionals who support VAD laws. You can choose not to have your name published.

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